Part 1:
I have yesterday played the Beta for roughtly 2 hours.
Thats naturally not really much to get a really big impression on alot of things, cause therefore it simply takes too much time to explore all the stuff that the Beta offered to receive a full impression on everything.
Also don’t know really, what Anets expectations and goals were behind such a short Beta.
However, a first impression is naturally also very valuable surely for Anet to receive from us and oftenly a first impression is already more than enough.
So here are my own personal impressions that I received from my playtime in the Beta.
You don’t have to share these impressions, the sole purpose of this thread is to share my impresisons with ANet, not to make here now a huge discussion around it, but hoewver, feel free to add your opinions if you wan,t can’t forbid it anyways lol
So here we go:
1) Mastery System
For my personal taste I find the way how you get Masteries in HoT extremely uncreative and grindy, not to say boring. The whole design leads only to 2 points:
- A – You either grind your butt off to get all the Exp that you need to unlock your Masteries and so more you progress, so slower do you progress at the next step proportionally, which makes the grind behind the design more and more totally ABSURD, or
- B – You have the luck to be already a very long and active player with tons of stacks of Level UP Tomes and other Exp Givers to basically boost your Masteries at a matter of minutes up instantly to the Max, what makes the whole Mastery System instantly pointless, when Player can have this way everythign maxed directly after having started the HoT Client a few minutes later.
Suggestion: Please overthink and reiterate this System. Its bad, its uncreative.
You can do better! First off, there should be not only Masteries in HoT.
HoT (or Follow Up Feature Packs) should add more neutral Masteries shortly after Hot Release, that add also various Masteries that can be worked on all over Tyria and for which players don’t need to have HoT. Example Precursor and Fractal Masteries are such Masteries of such a neutral Category, which I wouldn’t link to HoT.
These two should be Masteries, which everyone should get, regardless if you buy HoT, or not.
Another thing that I would love to see gettign changed is the general way of how you do training for your Mastery Knowledge.
Thats the whole thign about the System, thats so boring, uninspired and uncreative so far about it at all, that is pure grind.
You train your Masteries by killing countless of enemies and doing Events.
I wish it would be more creative than that. Something, like having to find all over Tyria for all of the Masteries various kinds of MOVING AROUND Sages, that are NPCS that take you under certain circumstances you as their disciple to TEACH YOU the Masteries and from the point on when you are a disciple of such a Sage NPC, he gives you daily changing tasks, challenges and things to do, that have to do with the Mastery, which you want to learn, so that you learn over tiem from those NPCs first all of the basics, then when you are advanced, you learn more of the adept things, until they bring you to the point, where they are willing to teach you more expert knowlege, until you reached the point, where they have teached you everythign that you know and where you can try to challenge your Sage “Master” to try to surpass them in various “Tests” and if you beat them in all of their tests, then you master the Mastery, from where on you have access to ability.
After that, you gain experience by performing and using the new Mastery that you have gained and by reachign the maximum required amount of exp as a Master of that Mastery, then you become a Grand Master of that Mastery unlocking this way some kind of visual rewards, stuff like titles, skins, minis, whatever, just so that plalyers have some kind of motivation to keep on using their learned masteries, so that they can unlock with them some kind of unique rewards that are attached to each Mastery.
Thats the kind of Mastery System, that i personalyl would expect from a Game like GW2 and not some kind of boring generic Exp monster Kill/Event farm grindfest that you would mostly likely see in every silly 0815-MMORPG out there …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)