(edited by SpeedFiend.4521)
Name a Legend for your Revenant
Oink – invul tank http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Oink
Mallyx is kind of an evil guy and he got turned into a Legend.
Elder Dragons are also kinda evil and also kinda legendary…so how about having one or more Elder Dragon as a Legend?
Or modern day legends…
channel Rytlock maybe? Definitely an interesting twist.
or any member of Destiny’s Edge
Queen Jenna is supposed to be a big deal
Zommoros? You could inflict everyone with terrible RNG…
Scarlet has certainly made a name for herself.
Reva Tuner
Archeage = Farmville with PK
channeling me give each of your attack 999999999999 damage and my elite clears all enemy in the map
- Shiro Tagachi: high mobility, high burst damage, condition spreading, no defenses.
- Kilroy Stonekin: plenty of knockdowns, AoE taunts, high defenses, next to no offense.
What about Cobiah Marriner? Not that he had super powers, he was just a natural leader and the founder of the rebuilding of LA.
If they do use a human, then also a charr such as Kalla Scorchrazor might work, as she re-enfranchised female charr in her rise against the Flame Legion.
Not having played GW1 beyond quick chases after experienced guildies leading me to HoM points without time to read quest text or do side quests, I only know its lore through a bit of osmosis. So I can’t really suggest GW1 characters as Legends.
I’m all for Master Togo, he’s not just a GW1 hero but also ritualist, and I’d like skills like that (edit: like getting spirit of recuperation and vengeful weapon as utility skills). Guessing there’ll be 2 underwater legends – anyone has ideas? (I only see The Leviathan listed in this thread, unless pirates and margonites count as sufficiently sea-bound)
(edited by Adrian Guardian.9480)
I’m all for Master Togo, he’s not just a GW1 hero but also ritualist, and I’d like skills like that. Guessing there’ll be 2 underwater legends – anyone has ideas? (I only see The Leviathan listed in this thread, unless pirates and margonites count as sufficiently sea-bound)
If there is the possibility that Anet would choose a character that we may have never encountered before in the previous Gw1 game, and it being underwater or water based, I would have to say Lady Glaive: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lady_Glaive.
Who for some odd reason i keep thinking could be both Livia and Anise, although if this ever happened then likely not.
Then there is the possibility that that Archemorus: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Archemorus, but then you’d have to include Viktor and Vizu sooo maybe not…
However it doesn’t mean that later on Anet can’t make a new legend and state that its old so maybe a Largos legend for a later expansion?
With that said I’d have to say the Margonites are the most water related, while the Leviathan may hold’s credit of being the largest creature in Cantha there is the possibility of it still being alive.
Anyway here’s my question for everyone what do you think makes someone or something legendary and why would Anet choose that said Legend to be used by the Revenant?
(edited by Agile Sound.7516)
Ogden, be useless all the time and stand in every lava pool I can find on a map.
I’m all for Master Togo, he’s not just a GW1 hero but also ritualist, and I’d like skills like that. Guessing there’ll be 2 underwater legends – anyone has ideas? (I only see The Leviathan listed in this thread, unless pirates and margonites count as sufficiently sea-bound)
Master togo yes, get stuck behind every little thing on a map and fail the missions.
Anyway here’s my question for everyone what do you think makes someone or something legendary and why would Anet choose that said Legend to be used by the Revenant?
Connection to the original Guild Wars is the theme of the class. So familiarity among GW1 players would be one reason. The other reson would be to fill a gameplay role, e.g. they would’t pick another tanky legend when they have Jalis already or another condition damage one, but rather take a rogue (like Shiro or Vizu), support (like Togo or Mhenlo) or summons-based (like Oola or Kuunavang).
I’d assume that eventually they’d include Legends from each campaign, with an eye towards balancing heroes with villains. So here’s a barebones list with some basic ideas…
From Prophecies:
Prince Rurik – heavy single target melee, taunt
Vizier Khilbron – medium ranged AoE, CC, fearFrom Factions:
Master Togo – PBAoE, retaliation
Shiro – heavy melee AoE, resistanceFrom Nightfall:
Kormir – support, steals all boons on character and dies. Takes all XP and loot from kill
Mallyx – heavy ranged AoE CC (fear, taunt and slow included), heavy ranged AoE condition spamFrom Eye of the North:
Jalis Ironhammer – melee PBAoE, ranged single target CC (think hammer throws)
Glint (seems odd to channel the Great Destroyer) – heavy reflects, blocks
All this with only one edit.
(Legendary Prince) Rurik is pretty much a given. After all, it was Sohothin and Adelbern’s crown that unlocked these powers. His soul is connected to Sohothin as Adelberns’s was/is to Magdaer, and is likely the source of Rytlock’s new prowess (incidentally… whatever happened to Eir’s plan to fix Magdaer? I guess she gave up on it, but still…). Chances are, Rurik would be hasty-support, emphasizing rushing forward and helping allies move more quickly – similar to old Paragon builds – with a subtheme of fire and flames. If not, then it probably should be… just sayin’.
I think we’re going to get Glint as our Legendary Dragon stance, though that has a dangerous precedent and implication. The spirit of Glint is inexorably connected to Kralkatorrik and may have the same corrupting influence Jormag has over the Sons of Svanir who channel it. On the other hand, Glint did have eggs (which were mercilessly slaughtered in the name of achievements back in the day); it’s possible Glint’s Egg may yet play a role. Personally, I’d much rather see Kuunavang or Shiny as our Legendary Dragon spirit. Both would likely specialize in prolonged encounters; sustained damage with focus on health regeneration, and maybe some star-themed skills if it is Kuun.
I think (Legendary Assassin) Shiro Tagatchi would be an excellent candidate. His skills translate nicely into GW2’s mechanics, plus Shiro kind of got a bad rap. He was tricked and corrupted, it’d be interesting to see what he would do without those influences, and if he has anything to say about it, UI-wise. Naturally, his skills would focus on extreme, Thief-like mobility and area damage.
As much fun as it might be to channel Jora or Olaf, I think if there’s going to be a Legendary Norn/Warrior, it has to be Aesgir Dragonrender. The name says it all… dude rent a dragon (tooth). We don’t know much about him personally, though, only that his connection to the Spirits of the Wild was unusually strong, and he was powerful enough to punch Jormag in the face. (slash, actually, but.. Norn do love to embellish, don’t they?)
Dhuum or Menzies would be kitten, but there’s no chance Rytlock would ever draw powers (directly) from a god, dead or otherwise. Who knows? maybe one of them reformed (or, not being one of The Six, fears the Dragons) enough to capsulize their powers and approach the Charr “invader”. Dhuum would obviously focus around ice and control, while Menzies would channel explosive flames and berserk rage.
Surprised no-one’s said Snaff, he is a legendary figure after all. And not all them need to be old heroes
Surprised no-one’s said Snaff, he is a legendary figure after all. And not all them need to be old heroes
Channel Snaff – Make Destiny’s Edge Burst into Tears and become Immobilized, Zoija gains Fury and Might.
Surprised no-one’s said Snaff, he is a legendary figure after all. And not all them need to be old heroes
actually people did say Snaff, and he’d make as much sense as tony stark. snaff himself isn’t a powerful being, he was just really smart and built really cool things that did the work for him.
Considering what we’ve seen with Jalis and Mallyx in terms of the elite skills, the possibility of Glint being a Legend in the roster, in my opinion, is quite high. Although do you think that it’s possible that Glint could be a legend solely exclusive to Rytlock?
Also do you think that it’s possible that a legend can be based upon multiple characters? For example the Luxons serve three demi goddesses, would it be possible that the skills could derive or be inspired to incorporate all three of their themes? another example would be Lyssa being two individuals rather than just one.
Not a good example but still, maybe Vizu, Viktor, and Archemorus could be considered as being one Legend rather then a division of three.
(edited by Agile Sound.7516)
While I was digging in the gw wiki page I came accross
and i thought to myself “that might be an interesting spirit for revenant”
Duncan the Black has a nice ring to it too,don’t you think?
Professor Yakkington
Nicholas the Traveler
Saint Viktor
The Leviathan
And most importantly, My player character from GW1.
Since Shiro Tagachi is a very popular character among players as well as he’s one of the characters that deserve the “legendary” title the most, combined with the fact that ANet keeps saying that they’re going to implement both “good” and “evil” legendary hero stances, I can definitely see them putting him as one of the remaining legends, most likely a direct damage oriented one. And since that’s the current PvE meta, that’s going to be my legend – Shiro. (Legendary Traitor Stance? :P)
(edited by Lurker.3609)
Master Togo ^.^
Kuunavang could be sweet tooo.
Since Shiro Tagachi is a very popular character among players as well as he’s one of the characters that deserve the “legendary” title the most, combined with the fact that ANet keeps saying that they’re going to implement both “good” and “evil” legendary hero stances, I can definitely see them putting him as one of the remaining legends, most likely a direct damage oriented one. And since that’s the current PvE meta, that’s going to be my legend – Shiro. (Legendary Traitor Stance? :P)
I would be more interested in seeing Kanaxai be the Legend that does that. But I’ve always loved Shiro’s Blades so it’s hard to pick.
Shiro would be awesome.
Shiro would be awesome with lots of gap closing ability’s . His Eliet should be “Battle Scars” and basically you should become invulnerable as long as you don’t move and have some energy . This ability makes you meditate in place and redirect all damaging affects onto your enemy’s as long as they are in the bubble. It shouldent be much larger than the shield block for the guardian, likewise it should sap your power away Extremely fast.
I think personally , Glint would be the easiest person to see becomeing a legend . Makeing you take on the form of a dragonoid like shape in a human stance, with wings and a tail sort of thing . Your abilitys would be aoe and crowd control such as: Dragons breath? Fire a huge torrent of flame from your maw and burn all enemys in a cone radius infront of you for (( insert distance)) . Deafening Screech; Roar with the might of a dragon and stone your foes . Dragon slam; Leap up into the air and then slam down with all your might knocking enemy’s down around you in a 360 degree radius . Or Gust ; Flap your wings and send enemy’s hurtling away from you with the same radius. Her eliet should be something like Crystalline radiance; Use the power of glints scales to make you and your party absorb damage for the next ten seconds((only able to affect five people at a time )) .
And for the sake of intrest; Mainly due to this sounding really beastly why not use Abbadon? Power wise im not sure what he would do, mainly because im not sure what would be totally alright with the dev’s considering they wanted to step away from gods. But since we did kill him, and he is a huge legend and has played a role like glint by shaping and affecting the world as we know it it seems legit. One power might be " Wrath of darkness" . Basically his eliet which is where he manifests a huge black orb of death; Which he then fires toward his enemy dealing massive damage but it is easily interrupted due to the need of concentration . Maybe it removes and lowers your stability to make this insanely powerful attack usable fairly? I mean truthfully you could just dodge roll it .
Verata, Shiro, Rotscale, yes saw ’m already
DHUUM… well him too, but:
Kilroy StoneKin?
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Ranger OP, Arachni
Duncan the black ( a bit too OP)
Fendi nin
Varesh ossa.
Name a Legend for your Revenant
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
Sjaak Trekhaak
~Sincerely, Scissors
Kilroy StoneKin?
How would be this skill called then, “Another Legendary Dwarf Stance”?
Legend name : Sogolon
Legend role : Support
Heal skill :
Shout – “There is nothing to fear” Heal yourself for [amount] and apply regeneration to allies in [radius]
Utility :
Shout – “Brace yourself” A spear descend to targeted area dealing [aoe damage] and grant protection to allies. Blast combo of course
Upkeep skill – “Enduring harmony” Boon received while under “Enduring harmony” last 20% longer for you and your allies. Enduring harmony cannot be stacked.
“Burning shield” Grant aegis for [duration] to allies around you and burn foes around you.
Elite :
Shout – “We shall return” revive up to 3 allies around you granting them protection and regeneration.
Shiro and Glint will make me happy enough as long as their build isn’t something useless you get kicked out of the party for xD
I have a whole list of things I would like to see have some sort of interaction even if it is just easter egg based for example gwen and logan getting to talk somehow or Rurik and Ritlock getting into it for a bit. I would even like to see some of the old henchmen crew (Devona, Cynn, Mhenlo, Aiden, Eve ect) just because of how much they showed up in the original game. I would absolutely love it if there was some interaction with our GW1 characters seeing as HoM has us tied to our accounts anyways. Xunlai agent interaction at the storage from time to time would make me smile.
As for actual legends though I can’t say I really want anyone in particular, Urgoz/Ventari would fit the HoT theme well.
i’m not really into glint because he/she died not so long ago and we still got this glint’s egg issue that simply could be a way for glint to resurect ( a kind of back up for it’s spirit if you want)
Shiro and Glint will make me happy enough as long as their build isn’t something useless you get kicked out of the party for xD
if shiro is one of the options, you just know he’ll be the power DPS guy.
and you know he’ll have ripositing shadows as a utility (maybe it works like a root block and it does that “fake shadowstep” we saw with the hammer skill) and impossible odds as the elite
Kilroy StoneKin?
How would be this skill called then, “Another Legendary Dwarf Stance”?
“Legendary Drunkard Stance”
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Gah, I just got my Guardian “Jora Corrupted” to 80. She’s armed with Coldsnap and Jora’s Defender . If they make Jora OR Svanir I’ll have to re-roll her
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
The Owl Spirit
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Going to make two Revenants, one with a warrior/melee style, and the second with a conditions & dark magic style.
Kione Abysmfall- Kalla Scorchrazor, Jora, Pyre Fierceshot
Asynda the Harlot- Mallyx, Livia, Vatlaaw Doomtooth, Heirophant Burntsoul
For some reasons I want them to not even consider Shiro so bad…
The Dhuumfire thread
Ventari- Support healing
Adelbern (Imagine a skill that turns people into your spirit minions!)
M.O.X. (lol jk)
Verata the necromancer
A character from your GW1 account!
Kilroy Stonekin.
Mad King!!
Nicolas the Traveler.
Adelbern (Imagine a skill that turns people into your spirit minions!)
M.O.X. (lol jk)
Verata the necromancer
A character from your GW1 account!
Kilroy Stonekin.
Mad King!!
Nicolas the Traveler.
Yes clearly who you really want is G.O.X.
A character from your GW1 account!
I hadn’t even considered that, but it’s a fantastic idea.
Unfortunately, with 10 classes and no guarantee that every GW1 player had any given class I can’t see it happening, or if it did I can’t see it working in any way that’s more than just a name change on some skills.
Also, RIP Hall of Monuments. I’d at least hoped for a quest line or something.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
A character from your GW1 account!
I hadn’t even considered that, but it’s a fantastic idea.
Unfortunately, with 10 classes and no guarantee that every GW1 player had any given class I can’t see it happening, or if it did I can’t see it working in any way that’s more than just a name change on some skills.
Also, RIP Hall of Monuments. I’d at least hoped for a quest line or something.
it would be kinda funny if i could channel my GW1 main, seeing as my GW2 main has the same name and similar look (and went from assassin to thief).
/length of 15
/length of 15
That would be cool. I’d love to have a bunch of Asura tech type tricks. And it could really make sense from a story perspective.
Legendary Quaggan Stance
Invoke the powers of awsome and wreck ppl with water aoes
These are ideas I’ve come up with of dead people we can channel as legends.
Old allies:
- Glint
- Gwen
- Pyre Fierceshot
- Master Togo
- Ventari
- Talon Silverwing (would be a cool little hint at future Tengu playable race)
- Koss
- Jora
- The Lost
- Oola
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw (cries)
- Wynne
- Kormir (she’s not literally dead, but she’s dead to me)
- Miku, queen of the fishnet
Old enemies:
- Shiro Tagachi
- Dagnar Stonepate
- Varesh Ossa
- Mercia the Smug or Optimus Caliph
- Svanir
- Undead Lich/ Vizier Khilbron
- The Great Destroyer
- Riannoc
- King Doric
- The Khan-Ur
- Elder Thruln, giant-king of the Jotun
- Turai Ossa
- Saint Viktor
- Archemorus
- Owl, spirit of the wild
- Jadoth
- Arachnia, dead spider god (can’t blame me for trying)
I also have an interesting idea that we could channel multiple people at once who are connected in some way. A random example being let’s say the Three Queens Alua, Elora and Ione (demi-goddesses of the Luxons) are dead. Then we could have a skill to channel not just one, but all 3 at once, as a legend. And interesting things could be done with something like that.
(edited by Gandalf.3516)