Name a specialization for your profession

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trise.2865


We already have quite a bit of information about what’s coming in HoT, but that doesn’t mean more won’t come later, so… here goes:

Mesmer – Dual Daggers – Vodun (voodoo priest)
Condition-control. Uses daggers to damage and bleed/cripple/torment at mid range (somewhat similar to Necro Axe/Daggers), can push victims in specific, nonlinear directions or stop them completely (ranged Stun).

Warrior – Dual Shields – Phalanx
Supportive bully; high mobility and 1v1 denial. Uses a rushdown attack (similar to centaurs’ Charge or Flesh Golem’s Rush) and a leaping block to jump to a location and protect allies with shields.

Guardian – Longbow – Judge
Uses force walls/bubbles and arrows to control/deny enemy position at long range at the cost of short- or self-ranged defenses. Moderate AoE, possible scatter projectiles.

Engineer – Focus – Pilot (Spotter)
Heavy damage and zone control; Focus wired with comms device – calls in automated drones and Airstrikes.

Thief – Staff – Paroun (Duelist)
Uses combination of martial arts and shadow magic to damage and disrupt enemies and support allies; can “judo flip” nearby enemies, Launching them behind him.

Ranger – Hammer – Juggernaut
Evasive tank, relentless harass. Uses acrobatics and Pet “combo” attacks (pet attacks built into Hammer swings/moves) to knock down opponents and avoid taking damage. Sample skills: Strike as One: charge and knock down a target together with your Pet; Vault Smash: Three-stage attack (Plant Hammer>Flip Kick>Vault Smash), first hit Cripples and Blinds nearby enemies, second hit evades and flips forward, third hit deals heavy damage and KD. Adds [pet-specific Condition/Boon based on F2 skill] if Pet is adjacent to you when used.

Elementalist – Mace (Dual Mace?) – Battlemage
Close-range “not quite” melee weapon. Fire – Superheat the mace like a brand for Burning and Bleeding attacks and mild disruption; Water – Supercool the mace like liquid nitrogen for Chilling and Stunning attacks and sticky control options; Air – Supercharge the mace like a Tesla coil for static-based electrical/magnetic attacks and conjuring “natural” lightning for a Thunderclap; Earth – Superdense the mace like dark matter for abnormally hard smacks/knock-backs and gravity-based control moves.

Necromancer – Rifle – Infect
Long-range condition/damage. Fires heavy lead and death-infused rounds to create chaos within the victim’s body. Sample Skill: Chestburster: Conjure and fire a bullet-sized Minion into the victim’s body, slowing them [cripple + weakness?]; on second activation or after a few seconds, victim takes heavy bleeding [for each Boon on them?] and you create a Bone Minion at their location [sharing those Boons?].

Revenant -Rifle? – Specter
We don’t know what Rev does yet, so… Conjures the spirit of Space Butterfly to support allies and disrupt enemies at long range.

(edited by Trise.2865)

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


First 3 more detailed guesses, for what I hope for the Specializations to be per Class:

Warrior – > Partisan

  • adds Spear for Land Combat and rename Spears for Water Combat to Harpoons/Harpoon Guns > Bolt Guns/ Merge Tridents with Staffs)
  • Removes Banners and replaces them with “Air Assaults” which are Ground Target Jump Attacks with different environmental AoE effects, which give the Partisan some more aggressive Mobility/Control for lesser Support
  • Adrenaline changes to “Combat Styles” which are special Stances that change the Weapon Skills’s Side Efffects to either more defensive, offensive, or supportive, which affects also the Weapon Skill Recharge Times
  • Removes Stances and replaces them with “Rage Bursts”which are Burst Attacks that don’t require adrenaline anymore, but using them causes to the Partisan “Exhaustion”, which will remove all their Endurance, which can’t be used if the Player has not at least a half full Endurance Bar and when being exhausted, Condition Removals don’t work for the Player and Healing Power gets decreased.

Guardian – > Crusader

  • adds Longbows
  • Removes Spirit Weapons and replaces them with “Blessings”, which will work like permanent Boons, that the Crusader can keep as as logn as possible, for the cost of having decreased Endurance Regeneration, lesser Healing Power and decreased Condition Durations (Think on Permanent Enchantments in GW1, which decreased Energy Regeneration)
  • Removes Meditations and replaces them with “Wrath” Skills, which remove Boons and Blessings from you and therefore create powerful AoE Attacks with different Effects based on it, if just only Boons got removed, or if also Bleesings got removed and are also especially more punishing towards enemies with active Boons/Blessings
  • Virtues get expanded and the Crusader receives a new 4th Virtue, the Virtue of Faith.
    While the Virtue of Faith, also called Virtue of Trust maybe is passive, Crusaders will have the ability to see stealthed foes or layed traps, while they either have 1 Blessing, or more than 2 Boons on them and get a Buff towards Toughness and Vitality.
    When activated, a special the Stat Buff vanishes, and your nearby Allies will receive therefore temporarely a Stat Buff on all Stats (celestial style) and within that duration of 10s of the Stat Boost also Quickness for 5s

Mesmer – > Chronomancer

  • adds Shields
  • Removes Clones and replaces them with “Alterations”
    Alterations are Changes in the Timespace Continuum between the Present, the Past and the Future, which are Utility Skills that change their effects based in which Time Epoch the Chronomancer is using
  • Removes Phantasms and replaces them with “Chronicles”. Chronicles are mighty magical Tomes which include alot of ancient old Wisdom from the Past, with that the Chronomancer can change alot of things in the environment at their will with temporarely as Chronicles change the Weapon Skills of the Chronomancer completely out with Time Spells based of the Chronicle that was used. There is a Chronicle of the Past, the Present, the Future and Chaos
  • The Shatter mechanic gets exchanged with the Time Epoch System, which works for Chronmancers similar, like the Elementalists Attunement System, where the Chronomancer changes between the Past, Present, Future and Chaos.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rognik.2579


Engineer : Consultant (dual torches)
New mechanic : Works 60 hour weeks and lives in the city to be close to the bars

Let me guess: he’s burning the torches at both ends. Or maybe he’s just burning the midnight oil.

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


I still think Technophile for idea I had was instead of using buffs with drones was mabye some kind of battery charge thats generated per hit and removing the cd of our utilities instead each utility requires a certain amount of battery power to activate stronger abilities require more energy than others making it so you have to carefully manage your skills and combos as not to run out of battery power I have an entire idea for it if anyone would like me to list it.

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coffietire.2783


Necromancer w/ Greatsword
~The “please let me into the meta and do more than just well bomb”imancer

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Revenant Specialization


Because I just know it.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


The idea that an elementalist sacrifices the ability to attune in order to specialize

Fire attunement-Pyromancer
Air attunement -Tempest
Water attunement- Hydromancer
Earth attunement – Geomancer
Arcane – Enchanter

Name a specialization for your profession

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Megane.2103


I honestly believe Warrior is going to get a Gunslinger specialization.

So Gunslinger – Warrior