Played now all Adventures, made like 40% of them now Gold, all others Silver and must say.. some are absolutely too hard to the point of absolutely ungodly impossible (Haywire Punch o Matic!! No clues how some got there to 193 or so, I hardly got yesterday just Silver in time wehich is 150 and Gold requires 230 killed Chak, where you can’t kill them with 1 hit, despite dealing ridiculous high damage with the Golem with each hit, what is totally senseless. Chaks in that adventure should all die on 1 hit, then it woudl be alot more likely to reach 230 kills in time..but maybe thats a Bug and its intended that they die on hit and the bug lets cause the killing blow first on 2nd hit???) to make Gold at all or are so super kitten unforgiving, that the slightest tiny bit of LAG in the game or a miscroscopic tiny mistake on the run causes you already to never see Gold at all, because you will always be too slow, or you need to rely on beign so super lucky, that RNGeesus loves you and gets you certain things so in the right order, that you don’t absurdly lose so much time, that you instantly can forget it to gold an Adventure… while on the other hand, certain other ones are too easy.
However, my first point of criticism is Accessibility of the Adventures!!
Yes, you changed some, but its absolutely a NO GO still, that Adventures get locked out from play completely due to the horrible Event Design of the Maps that make them not accessible, if players don’t do the Events.. and if you are alone on an nearly empty Map, you will never get to see certain Adventures being unlocked for play..
All adventures need to become INSTANCES. The Haywire Punch of Matic Adventure clearly shows, that they can do that!! So stop with the excuses Anet in regard of Map Event Design!
The next point of cricitism and also part of Adventure balance is the Reward System behind of them.
Mastery Points shouldn’t be giving out for Silver and Gold.
They should be given out for BRONZE AND SILVER. Mastery Points shouldn’t be locked behind Gold Adventure Results.
Gold needs to be the rewarding tier that rewards you with something map related USEFUL DAILY and that is also with a bit of training also achieveable by the casual gamer, while providing after that point enough BACK END SPACE for the people that like competion and challenge for some useful daily Extra Rewards.
This is how I think all of the Adventures should get changed in regard of Accessibility, Balance and Rewards:
Tendril Torchers
Daytime: Always Accessible
Nighttime: Puts you into a Daytime Map Instance
Bronze = No torched Tendrils required. Get it for playing it simply regardless of how many tendrils you torched.
Gives no Exp reward anymore, First Time Played = First Time Reward: 1 Mastery Point
Silver = 60 torched Tendrils required. Gives you daily after the First time reward of 1 Mastery Point then 20000 Exp and 5 units of the VB Currency
Gold = 90 torched Tendrils required. Gives you as First Time Reward a big Boost in the VB Currency and 2 Gold. Then daily 30000 Exp, 25 units of VB Currency and 25 Silver
The space from 90 to 110+ is the the space for competion for those that like the challenge to try to do the Adventure the best.
The Top 3 Persons who have done Adventures the best at the end of the day earn as Special Reward a Black Lion Key, 1-5 Mystic Clovers based on rank and starts gaining 1-3 Points based on rank towards a new Achievement that rewards the player when finishing it to obtain a unique new Title and a unique Glider Skin that is only this way obtainable, when completign that Achievement that has multiple ranks and provides on tope some good AP on each rank – +25AP per first 4 Ranks. 50AP on last Rank 5
And in a similar way should be rebalanced all other Adventures too.
Bronze should be on all Adventures just the beginner friendly reward for playing the Adventure the first time to reward players for finding and playing them the first time.
Silver and Gold need at the too hard Adventures to get reduced, while the too simple ones shoulg get slightly increased, while still Gold should have at the end enough space for the challening competition that likes to try to do the adventures the best for some extra rewards and the chance to gain points for a unique Glider/Title and some good AP, while in general the daily Exp Rewards should get slightly increased for Silver/Gold, thefore that Bronze provides no Exp anymore either on first time as also not daily anymore
With 15 Adventures currently in the game, 45 players maximum have daily a 1 in 15 chance to obtain per Adventure 1-3 points towards that new Achievement that should reward people that like the challenge to be the best adventure performers that rank place 1 at the end of a day with some extra rewards, that might or might not change from adventure to adventure.
This way its Win/Win for everyone.
Casual Players and those that don’t care for the challenge of being number 1 on the daily leaderboards of the adventures aren’t locked out from the Mastery points anymore and everyone can play adventures, whnever they want, while Competiotion Seekers and those that like the challenge of being the daily leaderboard’s best adventure performer get rewarded with something unique that not many players will have later, while its just something visual naturaly, that provides no player advantages or locks you out from character progression, which is why it is so more important, that the First time Mastery Points are all an absolute must to be setted on Bronze and Silver!!