Need a little help please
come on i see people viewing and no one commenting on this . Please start commenting i am looking for peoples opinions
You’re looking for something that is highly subjective. The only answer is, bring what you enjoy.
I would also advise going through all the Point of Interest videos pertaining to the elite specs. That will give you a better idea of what you might enjoy.
Since “raid need” is your only requirement, I’ll say ranger/druid. In beta, every group that successfully completed the raid boss had at least one druid and most had two.
That said, those successful groups also had condi engis or necros and a tanky type along with more pure DPS types. Really, the raids require everyone — some condi, some DPS, some tanky, some support. So, I agree with Kal Spiro on the “play what you like”. You can probably find some videos easily to get an idea of what’s involved.