New Players Feedback On HoT

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tmac.3871


Hiya People,
I came to GW2 when it went f2p. Enjoyed my time, progressed ect.
I eventually bought the full game / Heart Of Thorns.

I’m running A zerker warrior mastery level 30.
So I’m a bit behind most players and still learning maps, how to get around, enemies ect.

Things I Liked About HoT’s :
-The 1st /2nd map in the expansion were fun.
-Earning the mastery points & hero has been fun.
-The environments are top notch.
-Enemy mobs are very unique and offer different / interesting gameplay.
-The events are great. (when you find / get to them)
-The little bit of raiding I tried was fun.

The things I’m not liking:
-As a new player I have no sense of direction; where to go ; where to be at a given time. (To be getting chain events / good mastery xp / bosses ect)

-When I hit Tangled Depths I’ve just been getting my face pwnd. Dieing to everything even when food buffed / changing my build / hell even boosters sometimes.

-for example im having trouble finishing a part of my personal story..b/c i cant figure out how to get to the green star.. +sections of map are locked off sometimes & updrafts don’t catch you often if you’re just a little low. (grr)

-To many things require groups. WHEN NO GROUPS ARE AROUND.

-Using LFG for taxi’s is almost a requirement, but I’m new and don’t know all the names/titles of things people are running.

-I’m running out of CORE game mastery points, and don’t know where 2 find more.
(other than season 2? ($$)

-As a zerker warrior with decent gear (all ascended items except armor which is exotic) I expect to feel like a tank. not a squishy mage getting my face rolled by NORMAL MOBS.

As stated I’m pretty new, any tips / help would be accepted. I know what google is and the wiki. I’m still having trouble.

I’m here on the forums rather than playing b/c im sick of dieing and not being able to find my objectives + wasting xp boosters i BOUGHT going in circles.

I’m in a guild but not very if anyone has an active guild running these maps i would love an invite. Or good zerker builds I would appreciate that as well.

-Add some more visual direction in the game, or like objectives with time stamps…
-Ease the outgoing damage a bit on the open world hots maps… least look at tangled depths..
-Look at zerker warrior as a whole. (there was a 1-2 day period i was face rolling everything solo. Fast forward to now it’s opposite.) (??)

edit: I can’t tell you how many times I have logged out, out of frustration. Rather than being immersed in this beautiful mmo as i should be…

(edited by Tmac.3871)

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The HoT maps are definitely more challenging than the regular Central Tyria maps. You really have to pay extra attention to your surrounding and to what special abilities each mob has. As far as a Zerker Warrior goes, a Zerker is a type of character that makes themselves extra squishy for the benefit of dealing extra damage. Zerker gear is recommended for experienced players who have learned how to avoid damage altogether and do not need the extra armor to keep them alive. You could also try using ranged weapons if you’re not already. It’s not always an ideal DPS setup but you deal more damage going ranged than you do being dead. Once you learn a bit more about the mobs you can then choose when you want to wade into melee range.

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rsimoes.3851


Zerker Warrior shouldn’t be able to solo everything in fact shouldn’t be able to solo anything… people are spoiled with the easiness that was the core game.

The way they are going with HoT is the way to go, there are armors with toughness and vitality, healers and tanky classes for a reason, they finally added the content that actually makes you consider what build you should choose.

My advice is very simple, if you can’t survive solo on a Zerker Gear, get more defensive stats/build

People need to realize that they should be the ones building the character in a way to adapt to the type of content the game provides, not the other way around.

It’s mind blowing for me that people actually ask anet to nerf the game just cause they can’t solo play on a squishy armor in a tough environment.

(edited by rsimoes.3851)

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Try using a site like to tell you when things are happening. It’ll make your life a whole lot better.

Trying not soloing everything and joining a guild. Joining the right guild can make this game a much much better game.

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dresdoe.7503


I know this seems kinda out there, but try rerolling as another character class and experiment with them, I’d personally recommend mesmer or engineer because they are highly recommended overall, but they offer a more complex style of fighting to better train you for the harder maps, after you have played around with them a bit then try switching back over to your warrior and see if it feels more comfortable. I belive this “fresh air” strategy works wonders, but don’t feel too weighed down about how messed up HoT is because the vast majority of us “seasoned” players feel the same way, the expansion content is new so all the kinks have yet to be worked out, but on another note at least when you switch characters to try out a new skill set for a while you won’t be wasting your precious xp boosters. Try to keep your head up and I’m sure you will find a guild to really help you succeed, assuming GW2 doesn’t fall off the face of the earth after the way they have treated the casual players in the last month or so.

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


OP: When saying zerker warrior do you mean the Berserker specialty or Berserker gear? Or both?

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tmac.3871


Sorry it took so long to respond guys:
- As i read the comments.. I prob am running a glass build. . . #smh
(I’m new idk any better… )

So im going to list what im using. You tell me what im doing wrong and what to replace. #PLEASE

-Zerker spec paired with discipline and defense.
zerk- up down mid
discipline – up down down
defense – mid up up
- ive been changing this around a its all out of whack..

100% zerker gear (rings /accessories / neck & gear) + ascended weps.
(power/fero/ precision)

-Using 100% superior rune of the scholar on armor

Running Greatsword / Rifle (both ascended with power/fero/prec)
(i also have an ascended greatbow + harpoon gun.)
- i got 4 drops from teq in a week.. (ikr?)

I’ve cut my play time way down simply from frustration.

I think you guys helped me find my issue, that im running an all damage build.
can u please list a detailed build/gear replacements (if needed), rune replacements ect?

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tmac.3871


it’s 1:20am and i work tomorrow so i wont be able to reply until 3-4pm eastern.

but thanks in advance for any help. and not trolling me for not being a pro off the bat.