New Zones

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Frege.7683


… the new zones. It’s impossible to get around without grinding mastery first.

I hate that it’s so hard to get hero points and the fact that I have to grind several hundred just to play how I want.

After killing 2 veteran mushrooms only to have them respawn nigh instantly, oh and those stupid charging mushrooms, such that I can’t even get the hero points … I have officially reached my breaking point.

Screw this. This expansion has been nothing but frustration.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


The expansion is now bordering over 1.5 years out. There is a multitude of ressources available to read up on and get advice from.

Thousands upon thousands of players have managed to play and finish the content without issue and/or after adapting to the learning curve which is the step from core Tyria to HoT areas.

I understand the reason some might need to vent.

Now maybe make a cup of Tee, check the build you are running and maybe take some more defensive options or ideally ask someone from your guild and/or friends to duo in the beginning.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: zoomborg.9462


This post remings of a similar one where someone was dying in SW cause he was standing near poisoned outpost, then raged on the forums and quit the game.

Hot aint that hard, u just need to get used to actually not afking and spamming 111111.
Core tyria is way too easy and spoils the playerbase thus HoT seems hard. As for the new zones it takes some time to navigate them but after that u will realize they aren’t that complex (except TD).

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


Back in my days right after release the hot maps were HELL on earth and i loved them for that. They already patched them making them easier. That made me sad…

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: elrin.4750


I did not enjoy HoT maps as well as core Tyria, because:

- to get the waypoints and other maps, i watched videos on youtube
- to get masteries/hero points, i watched dulfy guide on getting to the communes/strongboxes
- to get masteries/hero points, i followed hp train
- to get to a successful meta map I use lfg
- I skipped the minigames since they are frustrating (not all)

Doing the above took the fun out of the game for me. Not doing those tho, HoT map is a frustrating experience.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


Well nobody really told you to look all this sites. But i see your point and agree with you, that doesn’t sound fun. The Hero points! That i need 5 people to get an hp is dumb. Like the golem in auric basin or the vampire in verdant. And the hp in DS are just silly. Back at release to get full élite spec you needed 400 hp. Luckly they changed it or new players once passed the release train moment could rage quited.. And for good reason

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

I’ve soloed the golem in Auric Basin.

There are definitely harder hero points, but they’re few and far between.

And you definitely don’t need to look at sites to find out how to get to waypoints. Source, I didn’t look at sites and I found all the waypoints.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


I too soloed them both. I was talking about a newcomer point of view

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VentiGlondi.9830


I did not enjoy HoT maps as well as core Tyria, because:

- to get the waypoints and other maps, i watched videos on youtube Really? That’s kind of sad.
- to get masteries/hero points, i watched dulfy guide on getting to the communes/strongboxes Well, I did that too, but only after running out of ideas on how to get the remaining few I couldn’t get
- to get masteries/hero points, i followed hp train HoT hero points were clearly not meant for soloing, and even then some of them were nerfed to a point where they’re just free 10 points. I don’t see a problem in organizing a group to get through group challenges
- to get to a successful meta map I use lfg Duh? That’s what lfg was made for.
- I skipped the minigames since they are frustrating (not all)

Doing the above took the fun out of the game for me. Not doing those tho, HoT map is a frustrating experience.

Honestly, your post just looks like “I didn’t enjoy it because I looked up guides without even trying anything on my own.”

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Honestly, your post just looks like “I didn’t enjoy it because I looked up guides without even trying anything on my own.”

To be fair, the guides are an inevitability. I did as much as I could while exploring and generally enjoyed the experience (except for Tangled Depths…), but HoT has way too many “You can’t get there from here” paths to its explorable areas.

So yeah, thank goodness for Dulfy, et al.

As for the rest of OP’s grr-rant.. Yeah, HoTness is a kick in the teeth. It takes a bit to grow into, but once you do, it’s …okay. It’s full of baffling/lazy design decisions, but it was also a rush job done by devs with an addiction to Nintendo-hard nostalgia.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


… the new zones. It’s impossible to get around without grinding mastery first.

I hate that it’s so hard to get hero points and the fact that I have to grind several hundred just to play how I want.

After killing 2 veteran mushrooms only to have them respawn nigh instantly, oh and those stupid charging mushrooms, such that I can’t even get the hero points … I have officially reached my breaking point.

Screw this. This expansion has been nothing but frustration.

Feel free to hate HoT. I’m not about to change your mind. But why the exaggeration?

4 mastery points is a “grind”? Really? Because that is all you need to reach the vast majority of areas in HoT: gliding, updrafts, and bounce mushrooms.

You have to grind “several hundred” hero points. I mean, yeah, except for that whole 10 points per challenge thing making “several hundred” into “25 or less”.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

You’re probably referring to the attack she uses when she reaches very low health. It connects a red beam between the boss and a player and causes her to heal rapidly. If you break her bar at this point it will simply refill as if nothing happened. Instead, anticipate the attack and get out of range until it’s over so she doesn’t heal so much. She also heals for a lesser amount with a debuff she applies, so try to kite her and avoid letting her hit you if possible.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I wish people would finish at least one Soulsborne Game before they start with HoT.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I wish people would finish at least one Soulsborne Game before they start with HoT.

Screw those games.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

You’re probably referring to the attack she uses when she reaches very low health. It connects a red beam between the boss and a player and causes her to heal rapidly. If you break her bar at this point it will simply refill as if nothing happened. Instead, anticipate the attack and get out of range until it’s over so she doesn’t heal so much. She also heals for a lesser amount with a debuff she applies, so try to kite her and avoid letting her hit you if possible.

I finished the fight earlier for the x-th time and the breakbar definately interupted the animation and the champion was stuned. life leached was from 25% to 35% instead of 25% to 65%.

It was me and 1 other person so we did not have the damage to burst her down too.

Running away also does not work. The enemy will catch up to you and the range on the channel is above 1,500.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: zealex.9410


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

then manage your cc properly :/

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

You’re probably referring to the attack she uses when she reaches very low health. It connects a red beam between the boss and a player and causes her to heal rapidly. If you break her bar at this point it will simply refill as if nothing happened. Instead, anticipate the attack and get out of range until it’s over so she doesn’t heal so much. She also heals for a lesser amount with a debuff she applies, so try to kite her and avoid letting her hit you if possible.

I finished the fight earlier for the x-th time and the breakbar definately interupted the animation and the champion was stuned. life leached was from 25% to 35% instead of 25% to 65%.

It was me and 1 other person so we did not have the damage to burst her down too.

Running away also does not work. The enemy will catch up to you and the range on the channel is above 1,500.

Yeah, I could be wrong about the range. Looking up videos on it, I believe you actually need to use line-of-sight to avoid healing the boss. I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening at 7:30 in this video of a thief defeating this boss solo:

The boss doesn’t heal but the thief isn’t attacking or breaking the bar. That raised bit of the damaged platform between them must be blocking the life drain.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Okay you don’t need five people to get the vampire. You can do it with two as long you both people have the ability to break the bar frequently. I know because I’ve done it. The bat guano hero point is all about breaking the bar.

The frustrating thing about the Guano hero point is the bar resets when it does its “BREAK THE BAR NOW! attack” – even if you had JUST broke it, and all your CC is on cooldown.

That’s why it’s better with two to three people. Again, I do this with other people quite frequently, since people do have problems with it. But it’s not a problem. And you certainly don’t need five people to do it.

In fact, if people don’t know how to do it, it’s often harder with five people. The more people that know how to do it, the easier it is.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nole.3017


… the new zones. It’s impossible to get around without grinding mastery first.

I hate that it’s so hard to get hero points and the fact that I have to grind several hundred just to play how I want.

After killing 2 veteran mushrooms only to have them respawn nigh instantly, oh and those stupid charging mushrooms, such that I can’t even get the hero points … I have officially reached my breaking point.

Screw this. This expansion has been nothing but frustration.

Took me 1 day to get basic masteries to move around zone and HP to max elite…

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


People complained about wanting Challenging Dangerous Open Maps before HoT and now we got it in HoT people complain they want Easier Not so Dangerous Open Maps.


New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


lol but I am pretty sure it isn’t the same people who asked for challenging open content that are complaining.

New Zones

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Despond.2174


I am hoping the next expansion still has challenging maps in terms of the actual mobs, events etc but not a layout that has navigation frustration. The new LW episode has a map that is like this.