New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Timberclaw.7496


I am concerned about whether the new legendary weapons will include gifts such as Gift of Fortune or not. I really want to start working on a legendary weapon, putting aside mystic clovers for an example.

But it would be sad if I found a new legendary weapon to look better than what I would like to craft at the moment. Which would result in a lot of wasted resources and gold. Has Arena Net said anything about this?

If not, I would love if a dev would take a minute to respond.

Thanks in advance!

New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


They haven’t said yet. There is still supposed to be a blog post about the new legendary weapons before launch, but I doubt that will say either.

They want to prevent a huge shift in the economy before launch so they will likely not say what the new weapons/armor needs.

They did however say that they want it to be more of a journey and less of a grind, so at least some of it will be more activity based.

New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Timberclaw.7496


They haven’t said yet. There is still supposed to be a blog post about the new legendary weapons before launch, but I doubt that will say either.

They want to prevent a huge shift in the economy before launch so they will likely not say what the new weapons/armor needs.

They did however say that they want it to be more of a journey and less of a grind, so at least some of it will be more activity based.

Alright I see, it would be very nice if they did include fortune and mastery but a different weapon gift. Guess we will have to wait then, its frustrating when you’re saving up for something but barely cant see your progress as there are no middle steps to be done.

New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


They haven’t said yet. There is still supposed to be a blog post about the new legendary weapons before launch, but I doubt that will say either.

They want to prevent a huge shift in the economy before launch so they will likely not say what the new weapons/armor needs.

They did however say that they want it to be more of a journey and less of a grind, so at least some of it will be more activity based.

Alright I see, it would be very nice if they did include fortune and mastery but a different weapon gift. Guess we will have to wait then, its frustrating when you’re saving up for something but barely cant see your progress as there are no middle steps to be done.

I would recommend saving the materials in their base form and not the completed gifts. That way you have the gold invested, and can just sell it off if it ends up not needed the gifts. For example I currently have all the mats for gift of fortune in my bank, but if I end up not needing a gift of fortune I can sell them and use the gold for whatever I do need. If I do need a gift of fortune I can instantly make it at the mystic forge on patch day.

New legendary weapons to include old gifts?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Assuming the MF is still used for legendary crafting, I’d be kind of surprised if things like gifts of metal/wood weren’t necessary, but it’d be pretty much guaranteed that the legendary-specific gifts would be new and possibly require new, HoT-exclusive crafting materials.