Next 3 Legendary Weapons [Poll]
Everyone wants swords. I do too. Much as I want Bolt, I want a new legendary…
Hrm… hopefully the new shield will be beautiful, along with the new focus – I want it to scream LEGENDARY like the first gen. the 2nd gen is so far.. underwhelming at best – they look more like black lion weapons with glowy arms, no offense – i want them to be updated first personally
Focus, warhorn and torch obviously.
Longbow, Hammer, Shield.
Greatsword, greatsword, greatsword. 2 new ones that forges with eternity to make a new one.
I’m personally hoping for greatsword, otherwise I’m going to craft a few of the older legendaries.
Greatsword so I can decide if I want to work towards new or old.
Caladborg for the next great sword , calling it now
Maybe replace the bad/silly ones with cool ones. H.O.P.E. is a good example.
How about Shortbow… err we already got the pistol, shortbow is all that matters now for thieves Maybe a melee staff for daredevils.
I would like to see new sword and shield, maybe gs or hammer too.
Hrm… hopefully the new shield will be beautiful, along with the new focus – I want it to scream LEGENDARY like the first gen. the 2nd gen is so far.. underwhelming at best – they look more like black lion weapons with glowy arms, no offense – i want them to be updated first personally
It’s a matter of personal taste. For me, nevermore is far more legendary than bifrost. And HOPE than that rediculous quip too.
sword,dagger and shortbow basically thief, hell yeah.
I think 1h sword and shield should be the priorities in the next round. I can see great sword as needing an alternative too though. I would have worked on a legendary a long time ago if there was an alternative to bolt for 1h sword. I like the lighting effect, but dislike the actual sword graphic. I think this new round of legendaries needs to be a bit more varied than just adding a sleeve effect though. Maybe more auras like predator and juggernaut.
Caladborg for the next great sword , calling it now
resistance is futile
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Longbow, Rifle and Warhorn
Yeah, we totally need more legendary greatswords before anything else.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I’d guess that any set will include at least one usable weapon for each profession, or at least as long as that is possible. Engineer is the real constraint on this. I also guess that mainhands would be prioritized over offhands. I’m also hoping that GS is one of the last ones, considering that there are 3 already. My guess:
Sword, Scepter and Rifle.
Instructions unclear, voted for Harpoon gun & Spear!
They are bringing them out in 3’s? o kitten no we are going to be waiting years before they are all out
the original dab daddy
I’m for Dagger, Sword and Shortbow
I just want GW1 skins
Poll needs more Trident and Spear.
I’d guess that any set will include at least one usable weapon for each profession, or at least as long as that is possible. Engineer is the real constraint on this. I also guess that mainhands would be prioritized over offhands. I’m also hoping that GS is one of the last ones, considering that there are 3 already. My guess:
Sword, Scepter and Rifle.
I think the same, as long as possible there should be at least 1 useable weapon for each profession in the upcoming legendaries. It would be really unfair if engineer mains are waiting for new legis and didn’t get any with the next roll. Sword, Scepter and Rifle seems good for this.
I really hope that we get the legendary rifle next. Seems like anet is bonding the new legendaries to specific races (hope – hylek, nevermore – norn, astralaria – jotun), so a new skritt legendary rifle, which looks like made out of scrap and is some kind of gatling gun would be really cool.
I just want GW1 skins
I know I miss my 15^50 stormbow so much.
(edited by Twitch.4635)
Hammer, so I can decide which one I want to work towards and never achieve.
I hope they (Anet) see the poll and try to mix the popular weapons with the not so popular ones in the order that they will release them.
I would really like a new shortbow.
The Dreamer looks so silly. I even thought it’s some silly gem store skin at first glance. But no, it’s a Legendary shortbow.
I don’t need a wepon that shoot unicorn and rainbow…
focus because the current legendary focus is ugly asf, all weapons on my ele are legendary except focus
(warhorn never happend, that bs doenst exist, still waiting for sword for my ele)
I would really like a new shortbow.
The Dreamer looks so silly. I even thought it’s some silly gem store skin at first glance. But no, it’s a Legendary shortbow.
I don’t need a wepon that shoot unicorn and rainbow…
Like looks even matter when it makes the most annoying horse sounds ever :P
Looks like they gotta bring us sword first.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
They should add gs last so us who has eternity wont regret it as much (or make eternity the precursor for the new gs, and make crafting its precursor super exp!)
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I hope you guys dont seriously think these are coming any time soon xD
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
1. Stable Client Focus
2. Working Megaserver Map Hammer
3. Balanced Classes Dagger
This is under the assumption that we will EVER see more.
Crystal Desert
Thief stuff..
1H Sword, Dagger and Shortbow, in that order of most moisteningness to not as.
Hopefully something water themed. I like wet things.
I fall to my knees and beg baby Dwayna though for Thief sword buffs (as well as many ofhte teef buffage) to go along with the addition of these Legendmadairies so I can enjoy them being truely useful on my class.
I was hoping that we’d get Legendaries on some of the more popular weapons next.
Sword obviously.
Longbow and greatsword… Lol
I make PvP & WvW videos
afaik they’ve mentioned they are working for the Mace and Shortbow atm ??
correct me if im wrong..
shortbow and dagger
afaik they’ve mentioned they are working for the Mace and Shortbow atm ??
correct me if im wrong..
Yes they said those are the most developed. I’m hoping for a one handed sword as i dislike bolt.
Maybe replace the bad/silly ones with cool ones. H.O.P.E. is a good example.
How about Shortbow… err we already got the pistol, shortbow is all that matters now for thieves
Maybe a melee staff for daredevils.
A new staff isn’t going to hapen after the two ones already in existance (until a new expansión). Also, Mele staff users already have a Legendary: the berserker lightwhatever lance, which is both awesome and afordable (like 600 gold coins or so).
I would like to ser a new lb, hammer or mace. Anet said no combos this time so Eternity will keep being the top gs, also focus are hard due currently the unexpensive Anomaly is the best looking f by a mille.
I voted for dagger, sword and torch.
Just because those are the weapons I’d considered making legendaries of, but the current ones don’t suit my characters.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I am hoping for a good looking longbow, I do not like the look of kudzu. But as they said shortbow and mace are furthest along then I assume they will be next xD
I would love a more mecha-magical rifle, not so long and Charr themed as the predator.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I would love a more mecha-magical rifle, not so long and Charr themed as the predator.
That’s be fantastic for a rifle-wielding Elementalist elite specialization.
what happened to staff?
what happened to staff?
Staff is already out.
what happened to staff?
Staff is already out.
oh ok my bad not 80 yet so idk anything XD
Greatsword, greatsword, greatsword. 2 new ones that forges with eternity to make a new one.
I know you’re joking, but it could be cool if it were called “Cosmos” or something, and looked like Astralaria + Eternity on crack at a disco. Stars everywhere. The whole character is just enveloped in stars.
I wouldn’t mind some Heart of Thorns themed legendaries, like some Exalted themed items.
I was really hoping we would get some armor that looks very similar to Enchanted Armor, but I guess that won’t happen aside from the backpacks. (Speaking of which it would be great if the Luminate’s backpack had a stronger tail visual. Something similar to Tyrael from Diablo that would also serve as a glider that works like the Electromagnetic glider.