Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I actually found the new content great. The problem was that the hero point grind needed to acquire the playstyle that I actually wanted to play made me rush through and hate it, things that I’d normally think of as fun puzzles turned into frustrating roadblocks, etc.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sylent.3165


The issue is to many people complained it’s not hard enough even though in any mmo open world pve isn’t supposed to be this insane.

Anet really messed up here. Raids and high level fractals were brought in to please these people. But the new maps feel like a giant raid with no one around.

If they decrease the difficulty these elite people with there 24 packs of mountain dew and hot pockets will complain like crazy instead of just staying in raids and fractals where they belong. Or in ff14 or wow

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


The issue is to many people complained it’s not hard enough even though in any mmo open world pve isn’t supposed to be this insane.

Anet really messed up here. Raids and high level fractals were brought in to please these people. But the new maps feel like a giant raid with no one around.

If they decrease the difficulty these elite people with there 24 packs of mountain dew and hot pockets will complain like crazy instead of just staying in raids and fractals where they belong. Or in ff14 or wow

The thing is, GW2 is very popular and I know many people who moved to this game because it’s known as the best, casual friendly MMO out there and HOT has destroyed that. The on thing GW2 had on every other MMO and it’s 1st patch invalidates this…

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


The issue is to many people complained it’s not hard enough even though in any mmo open world pve isn’t supposed to be this insane.

Anet really messed up here. Raids and high level fractals were brought in to please these people. But the new maps feel like a giant raid with no one around.

If they decrease the difficulty these elite people with there 24 packs of mountain dew and hot pockets will complain like crazy instead of just staying in raids and fractals where they belong. Or in ff14 or wow

Yes, but they want the esport, MtnDew crowd. I think that’s ANet’s intended audience. A lot of companies are going that way.

Those of us looking for a fun relaxing diversion are SOL.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Odyssey.6523


Honestly I dont think its that bad. One thing making it a bit harder, especially in the further maps, is lack of player density. Thats something that will increase over time. This crap will be an event train in a few weeks just watch.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


Honestly I dont think its that bad. One thing making it a bit harder, especially in the further maps, is lack of player density. Thats something that will increase over time. This crap will be an event train in a few weeks just watch.

God I hope so, because right now this feels more like a TERA map full of BAMs then GW2…

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Phy.2913


Anyone remember Orr on release?

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


The issue is to many people complained it’s not hard enough even though in any mmo open world pve isn’t supposed to be this insane.

Anet really messed up here. Raids and high level fractals were brought in to please these people. But the new maps feel like a giant raid with no one around.

If they decrease the difficulty these elite people with there 24 packs of mountain dew and hot pockets will complain like crazy instead of just staying in raids and fractals where they belong. Or in ff14 or wow

Hey!! Stop right there…. I for one am dissatisfied by the content but I STILL bought mt dew and hot pockets before launch. Oh and I didn’t buy a 24 pack… mainly because code red is only in 12 packs so I had to buy 2.

(edited by Zalavaaris.5329)

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Gw2s core gameplay was braindead, where you could auto attack your enemies to death without having to ever learn your classes basics even.

Hot is a ton more fun, and still not very hard. The only groups i see being needed are some meta events and a few hero points.

That being said i do see a lot of players dying, and i am fine with the idea of tuning down the content(to hopefully not quite as braindead as the base game.. i want to do more than just auto attack ) so open world is at least fine for the lower skill players.

But the sheer lazyness and inability to play that is rampant in gw2 is due to how easy content has been in general. I wonder if so much whining would be happening if people actually knew how to play, even a little bit.

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RedDeadFred.1256


To everyone who is having trouble just roaming the world:


I’m sure this isn’t the case for everyone, but I be the majority of the people having trouble are stuck in the glass cannon mentality. If you do this, you will get one-shot by a large variety of mobs. Take a couple defensive skills, maybe mix in some extra HP with your gear. I personally haven’t been having too much issue running around full Zerker, but I’m playing Revenant, a class with lots of evades and one that uses heavy armor.

Seriously, killing the mobs faster isn’t worth it if you die before striking the finishing blow. I’m sure you’ll have more fun if you gear yourself more defensively.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


For once they have made PvE enjoyable, it’s a shame it’s over shadowed by the grind of getting elite specs, I just want the mechanics I paid for to be unlocked to enjoy the content to it’s full extent.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mitch.4781


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

This is rather amusing. I’ve been playing it all weekend on my Zerk Ranger without even unlocking Druid. The only thing that’s been killing me mainly is over stepping a spot to land with my glider and i end up plummeting to the vines. Other than Champ Mobs on Hero points, I really haven’t been troubled at all.

What class are you using, what utlilities? Not sure what to say really, but get better?

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


For once they have made PvE enjoyable, it’s a shame it’s over shadowed by the grind of getting elite specs, I just want the mechanics I paid for to be unlocked to enjoy the content to it’s full extent.

That’s the sad part, if I could get my elite specs without grinding the HOT zones I would just avoid these new “harder” zones.

And only tackle them when I feel to see the story, but I have to move away from the casual game to the hardcore one if I want access to what I was promised…

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


Honestly I dont think its that bad. One thing making it a bit harder, especially in the further maps, is lack of player density. Thats something that will increase over time. This crap will be an event train in a few weeks just watch.

God I hope so, because right now this feels more like a TERA map full of BAMs then GW2…

OR the new maps will end up like Southern Cove — ignored by most of the player base except a few boss fights.

It is already getting difficult to find groups for some HP mobs. The diehards who’ve done the content won’t be going back, and the casuals can’t do it solo.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SRoode.7318


I play a Mesmer with Celestial gear and I don’t think the fighting is too hard. I can’t do most of the Hero Points by myself, but I can do some. What is hard is trying to figure out the 3 dimension maze and how to get to where I want to go. I’m okay with the 400HP (I had map completion with my Mesmer, so I got about 50% Chronomancer from the start, and I don’t mind working for the rest). What I do not like is the XP requirement on the Tyria side. Since I have map completion on 3 of my characters, I feel I have more than done this. They gave me 30 points for everything I already did in Tyria, so I think it’s appropriate that they also account for all the XP I already completed. The other thing I’m not so happy about is having the Scribe in the Guild Halls only. I’m a Guild of 1, and I can accept that they have made the decision to limit this type of Guild (I Still have my Guild Bank, so that’s okay). But, having the Scribe in the Guild Hall prevents me from crafting pre’s if I choose to do so, unless I join another bigger guild, which I will not do.

Anyway, that’s my two cents.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


I play a Mesmer with Celestial gear and I don’t think the fighting is too hard. I can’t do most of the Hero Points by myself, but I can do some. What is hard is trying to figure out the 3 dimension maze and how to get to where I want to go. I’m okay with the 400HP (I had map completion with my Mesmer, so I got about 50% Chronomancer from the start, and I don’t mind working for the rest). What I do not like is the XP requirement on the Tyria side. Since I have map completion on 3 of my characters, I feel I have more than done this. They gave me 30 points for everything I already did in Tyria, so I think it’s appropriate that they also account for all the XP I already completed. The other thing I’m not so happy about is having the Scribe in the Guild Halls only. I’m a Guild of 1, and I can accept that they have made the decision to limit this type of Guild (I Still have my Guild Bank, so that’s okay). But, having the Scribe in the Guild Hall prevents me from crafting pre’s if I choose to do so, unless I join another bigger guild, which I will not do.

Anyway, that’s my two cents.

I’m part of a 3 men guild, we knew from the start we would have very little but we were getting there, the new Guild Hall system pretty much ended any chance at expanding our guild unlocks through slow progression.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Anyone remember Orr on release?

Yeah, you couldn’t take 2 steps without aggro’ing a mob and they followed you til they killed you.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Esonver.8470


Now I remember why Dark Souls was “revolutionary” in an age where all games have to be easy so that a baby could play it.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Puma.5461


Does anyone know how to get Ley-line infused tools for guild hall?

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DavidGX.7240


I love the new content and pretty much everything in HoT BUT the hero points I need a group for. That’s just frustrating and ridiculous.

“Those who go mad are merely thoughtful souls who failed to reach any conclusions.”

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Renim.6921


Now I remember why Dark Souls was “revolutionary” in an age where all games have to be easy so that a baby could play it.

Don’t tarnish FromSoft by comparing it to this garbage.

Dark Souls was hard, but you could beat it in a single day. GW2 HoT is about wasting as much of your time as possible with the most mindless activities possible. It’s not challenging, it’s a time sink. ArenaNET has managed to add a new acronym: B2G = Buy 2 Grind.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chrono.6928


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

Now if only they had brought in templates for builds, so I don’t have to write everything down on pieces of paper (then lose them, very annoying), so switching builds and equipment wasn’t such a complete pain…like, oh I remember, GUILD WARS had. It’s just a shame the only thing linking the two games is a shared name.

Changing traits becomes very tedious when you want to swap between builds as you have to either have a great memory or write them down every time, for multiple classes. After a while it just gets discouraging.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


actually the reason for why its 400 HP and very gated, is because Elite Specs are suppose to be a substitute for “Traditional Pre-Raid-Dungeon gearing up” that we have in other MMOs with raids.

the thing is, since GW2 doesnt have a heavy Gear Progression, this tradition was replaced by a equally time consuming process of collecting Hero Points and Masteries.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

“Git gud” is not a tip, it’s a veiled insult.

I don’t run zerk, never have. My problem is not a lack of skill, my problem is that a casual game has stopped being so in the span of a single expansion.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Drivrius.6159


actually the reason for why its 400 HP and very gated, is because Elite Specs are suppose to be a substitute for “Traditional Pre-Raid-Dungeon gearing up” that we have in other MMOs with raids.

the thing is, since GW2 doesnt have a heavy Gear Progression, this tradition was replaced by a equally time consuming process of collecting Hero Points and Masteries.

Yet Anet insists that Elite Specs are not superior to core game specs.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


oh noes i cant solo everything in an MMO

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Latorn.4209


Sorry you feel this way, but I’m loving the difficulty and challenge HoT provides.

Champ trains and the like will never end in old world Tyria, so you can always go back there if you feel the need for mindless zerging.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Labjax.2465


Yes, but they want the esport, MtnDew crowd. I think that’s ANet’s intended audience. A lot of companies are going that way.

Those of us looking for a fun relaxing diversion are SOL.

1) I don’t think they actually do. They are just trying to give us horizontal progression like we asked for and went a little crazy with it in one or two respects.

2) It wouldn’t make any sense if they did. See: Wildstar (tried to appeal to hardcore crowd and went F2P within months).

I don’t know where you are getting the idea that “a lot of companies are going this way.” MMOs that try to be hardcore consistently fall on their face and only succeed with niche hardcore markets, while supporting the bulk of the game through a casual crowd. I guess non-traditional MMOs like Eve Online might the exception, but I don’t think that’s really a traditional RPG.

Or words to that effect.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I really don’t understand. I’ve been running around for the past two days on multiple characters and I have only grouped once, and that group dissolved before even managing to do anything. Despite that I’m Mastery level 6, which is a weird way of saying I’ve spent 6 mastery points on 5 masteries.

It’s sufficiently solo friendly, but it’s still end game group content, which is what it was always meant to be and always advertised as. There is no such thing as endgame solo content. That doesn’t work in an open world MMO.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

…Now if only they had brought in templates for builds, so I don’t have to write everything down on pieces of paper (then lose them, very annoying), so switching builds and equipment wasn’t such a complete pain…like, oh I remember, GUILD WARS had. It’s just a shame the only thing linking the two games is a shared name…

It is absurd that they have not added this back to the game, seriously it should have been one of the 1st things they coded when they made builds.

However, why not just make a .txt file with a build editor link in it for each build you like to use? Cut and paste into browser and you can see exactly what you were using. Then you can swap it in-game. Pita because build saving should exist, but its an easy way to keep track of them and not lose them

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Good Tofu.9376

Good Tofu.9376

New content is great. I want challenging mobs – GW2 PvE literally bored me to sleep. You can literally press 1 your entire way through the GW2 core game.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


Anyone remember Orr on release?


sadly (to me) i see this totally nerfed in a few months……..but it shouldn’t be.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ski.4927


I find the difficulty of the new content to be refreshing.

Everything else in open-world PvE is so easy that you can run though 90% of it without even really paying attention or having a combat strategy.

I mean, isn’t this the first good step toward us getting rid of the current “everyone-just-wear-full-zerker” meta? I want to see people speccing defensively again and actually having to put some thought and effort into winning fights. Being able to wander mindlessly while watching tv may be great for some people, but it’s more fun if I actually have to pay attention to the game to win.

TL;DR – If it’s too hard, rethink your character build. Adapt and overcome.


Turkish Krul – Druid

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


The issue is to many people complained it’s not hard enough even though in any mmo open world pve isn’t supposed to be this insane.

Anet really messed up here. Raids and high level fractals were brought in to please these people. But the new maps feel like a giant raid with no one around.

If they decrease the difficulty these elite people with there 24 packs of mountain dew and hot pockets will complain like crazy instead of just staying in raids and fractals where they belong. Or in ff14 or wow

Yes, but they want the esport, MtnDew crowd. I think that’s ANet’s intended audience. A lot of companies are going that way.

Those of us looking for a fun relaxing diversion are SOL.

Yeah that’s what they are aiming for or how else would you explain the $400,000 pvp champ prize. What’s funny is that the pvp community is tiny. What’s even funnier is that pvp people are cheap skates. They make all their money from casual pve folks.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I find the difficulty of the new content to be refreshing.

Everything else in open-world PvE is so easy that you can run though 90% of it without even really paying attention or having a combat strategy.

I mean, isn’t this the first good step toward us getting rid of the current “everyone-just-wear-full-zerker” meta? I want to see people speccing defensively again and actually having to put some thought and effort into winning fights. Being able to wander mindlessly while watching tv may be great for some people, but it’s more fun if I actually have to pay attention to the game to win.

TL;DR – If it’s too hard, rethink your character build. Adapt and overcome.


Totally agree here, making an area dangerous to even be in is just what I and many others wanted. There were places like that in GW1, where if you were solo, you would most likely die pretty quickly. Lots of places.

The only issue I see is that if it takes a lot longer to kill each mob and more challenging, then the loot should be better. Also, scaling needs to happen better and HP challenges should not have a timer on them.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valentine.4286


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

“Git gud” is not a tip, it’s a veiled insult.

I don’t run zerk, never have. My problem is not a lack of skill, my problem is that a casual game has stopped being so in the span of a single expansion.

It is a good tip tho, since many of your complaints is a sign of low skill not an insult, but I feel you might be too sensitive so you take it as an insult anyways so…
Mesmer in assassin myself, no problems except some hero points.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xecil.2798


Anyone remember Orr on release?

Which part? The stone wall until more people arrived? or getting pulled everywhere from the insane mob density and their “Get Over Here” pulls? I mostly remember the latter.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Unknown.3976


It’s so people would be forced to play the horrible new content.

GW2’s core game was a fun, casual friendly experience.

Were soloing your story quests was simple, with plenty of WPs and exp to get to cap.

HOT thou? It has mob density that all but forces a group just to get to the few and far inbetween WPs, HPs that spawns champions require masteries or are guarded by groups of vets, events that spawn all over the place with enough mobs to eat you alive in seconds.

The mobs in HOT exist in 3 forms: does large area damage, knocks downs, does large aoe damage and knocks down.

I tackled the new content with Cavalier armor on, I’ll try Sentinel next because Cavalier is simply not enough to survive in HOT, but then again I get the feeling HOT is not meant to be soloable since not only do the mobs hit hard enough to kill you very quickly they also have plenty of hit points and vets are plentiful.

Are mobs currently over tuned? Should I stop trying to solo my story line?

All in all HOT feels like an entirely different game from GW2, it’s more like a hardcore “die at the 1st mistake” kind of game then the casual friendly game I liked…

Very disappointed in the new content, I’ll do it once to know the story then never again.

Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

“Git gud” is not a tip, it’s a veiled insult.

I don’t run zerk, never have. My problem is not a lack of skill, my problem is that a casual game has stopped being so in the span of a single expansion.

It is a good tip tho, since many of your complaints is a sign of low skill not an insult, but I feel you might be too sensitive so you take it as an insult anyways so…
Mesmer in assassin myself, no problems except some hero points.

U could solo champs in that 4 mins time frame? Most of the hero points in Aurin Basin are not definitely solo-able.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tora.7214


To everyone who is having trouble just roaming the world:


I’m sure this isn’t the case for everyone, but I be the majority of the people having trouble are stuck in the glass cannon mentality. If you do this, you will get one-shot by a large variety of mobs. Take a couple defensive skills, maybe mix in some extra HP with your gear. I personally haven’t been having too much issue running around full Zerker, but I’m playing Revenant, a class with lots of evades and one that uses heavy armor.

Seriously, killing the mobs faster isn’t worth it if you die before striking the finishing blow. I’m sure you’ll have more fun if you gear yourself more defensively.

This. I tried to tackle maguma with my old meta zerker thief and I keep being slaughtered. Changed to a evasión style condition build with dire stats and d/d and now is me the one that slaughter every vet and elite that stands on my way. Cant wait to unlock impaling lotus to increase my condi stacking even more

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Anyone remember Orr on release?

sadly (to me) i see this totally nerfed in a few months……..but it shouldn’t be.

Orr was a miserable, tedious slog pre-nerf, and that on a good day.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Necromus.9276


So far, I think Heart of Thorns is about as perfect as you can get, especially right at launch. The challenges completing the events and maps are engaging and require a bit of thought. The story hits right in the heart with its emotional taunting. I think ArenaNet has hit this one out of the ballpark.

There are a lot of people complaining it’s too hard, or too easy. I think it’s just right.

“Building a wall is like fighting a war…”

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kylania.6924


To everyone who is having trouble just roaming the world:


This is truth. I’ve had to learn more about how to play my character than I ever had to in a year playing in the old world. It just didn’t matter, run in, spin around kill things. Now I have to understand how my gear and character works, how bad guys work and how I can best work with my friend’s classes. It’s been awesome so far even though I die more than ever!

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: WuLFy.2406


I wish I too could go back to the simpler times where all I had to do was press #1 and afk to get credit for every world event in the game. Or dodge roll into a wall to do a dungeon.

I don’t like 400 HPs, since I have 7 characters and hate map completion. Literally one character with anything above 25% completion and 7 80s

The difficulty is fine, though some events are just badly made. Such as Tarir Defense. A combination of Triple Trouble, and SW Vines? wat. Feels like you need 200 people in the zone for the event

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ananda.5946


I would have liked to stop and admire the areas sometimes, but there are so often groups of things trying to kill me that I just can’t stop and smell the roses. I’ve probably missed plenty of fun or pretty things because I just have to keep running. I will add that I am not sure I like the 180 degrees change in direction of the game. On the other hand, though, things were a bit too trivial to kill in the old areas.

I think my main problem is that you can’t do a lot of the hero points on your own and that the main source of mastery xp is from large group content.

(edited by ananda.5946)

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Faab.8049


Anyone remember Orr on release?

Which part? The stone wall until more people arrived? or getting pulled everywhere from the insane mob density and their “Get Over Here” pulls? I mostly remember the latter.

Yup. There is a difference between ’ challenging content’ and ‘stupidly overpowering’ . Orr was the latter. Just add more mobs with OP skills.
A-Net has also made some boss encounters ‘harder’ by doubling the Hit points. Thats also stupid design as it does not actually require skill, just hitting 1 a lot.

The HoT jungle so far also has some ‘High Hit Point’ bosses on HP that seem to have no other function than having high Hit points. THere is no gameplay mechanic that makes it interesting or challanging. Just dodge a lot and hit. But the overall mobs are quite distributed so you can run around without them. If you do run into them they can be nasty, but you can survive and beat them by getting to know them, how to fight them.
Its not OP stupid design, its actually pulled off quite well.

Now the Wyvern Patriach fight! That is something else! Not an extremly durable boss, but the mechanic of using the flyers to dive bomb him is awesome!
That is the sort of stuff that makes challanging content. Not ‘multiply hit points by 5 and increase damage by 4’.
Thats lazy design, and I have not seen many instances like that in HoT yet.

Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ghost.3208


Tip from a seasoned fractal player. Get better. Its not about armor its about knowing what to dodge and the encounter mechanics. Sorry you can’t breeze through it the first week with a greatsword and zerker armor lol. Anet said be prepared to try new armor, utility skills and change traits often. Its actually not kittence you learn.

but… I AM able to breeze through the new content with just my GS and zerker gear, vampiric reaper is so easy to faceroll content with The only thing I changed was adding the trait that auto-activates reaper shroud before receiving a death blow, just in case I get 1 shotted lol

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Now I get the 400 HPs thing...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


If I see a shadowscale vet I just run away, and that’s coming from someone with self confidence