Only feasible way to ascended = credit card?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634
A year ago with 800 gold, I can make three ascended sets with quite a lot to spare.
Now it’s barely enough for just one set.
A year ago I can religiously run dungeons and fractals for a week or more and I’ll have enough to start investing in one set.
Now what? If you wish to farm for ascended armor box, you will have to run high-level fractals. But in order to do that, you’ll need ascended armor for enough AR slots to begin with.
What other options are there for me? What kitten is in charge of this design?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981
yep, it sucks.
You´ll need to run in circles in the Silverwastes for 80+ hours just to be able to raid.
So much for no gear grind.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249
There is no grind with your credit card.
All of us should have had ascended for months now.
My issue, now with the raid dropped, not only do you have to have a raid specific character, some of us have to craft multiple sets for the same toon.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rodriguez.8106
All events at the hot maps bring high rewards if ur map can finish it 1 auric basin can bring u alot of diamonds which 4g each. Hot events are the way to earn alot and have fun by doing it (only my thoughts)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Hakuryuu.8634
There is no grind with your credit card.
All of us should have had ascended for months now.
My issue, now with the raid dropped, not only do you have to have a raid specific character, some of us have to craft multiple sets for the same toon.
Because it’s not like there was a huge influx of new players after the introduction of F2P and HoT which will be seemingly locked out of higher-level fractals and to a further extent, PUG-raids forever?
Not to start another discussion about skill > gear level but you know, even your guild mates will only begrudgingly accept you in the raid team if you bring just exotic gears only.
One and half year ago i farmed wvw, eotm and cursed shore. Now thinking i really didnt need ascended gear set i just wanted. As wvw player i wanted be more tanky so i started leveling armorsmit 500 it did take some time. Then i made one pie one all pieces. I thinked i never gonna get full set but i did.
Later i made ascended blade back item infused and volcanus. Also i got all ascended weapons for warrior and guard. 2 axe, 2 sword, mace, hammer, gs, bow, staff, shield, scepter.
Maybe i forgot something.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
Eight of my nine character don’t have full ascended. The one that does crafted 4 pieces a year ago and had 2 drop from rank chests (3k ranks btw so not a good ratio). I am not good at jumping so fractals are out, I don’t enjoy PvP as the language there is off-putting to say the least. So I am stuck with WvW or PvE. Needless to say I have never seen an ascended drop in open world ever. I have tried the raid, but I will not open my CC in order to make the build of the month to complete it, so no chance of getting a drop there either. I could convert my currently equipped character to suit the raid, but then what, convert back for WvW?!?
My Point being, yes in most cases you will not see an ascended drop in most game modes and crafting them is a nightmare, so I just don’t bother with them. As a matter of fact since they basically toasted WvW, I hardly ever log in anyways, so I guess I don’t need it and hence I can save the CC bill.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Avigrus.2871
You don’t need ascended, however I agree that it is far too expensive. An ascended armour set should cost a couple of hundred gold maximum.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981
You don’t need ascended, however I agree that it is far too expensive. An ascended armour set should cost a couple of hundred gold maximum.
good luck finding a raid group if you don´t have full ascended armor with the right stats + trinkets.
Even if you are in a guild they won´t want to take you if there is another player with full asc.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shivan.9438
You don’t need ascended, the elitists need ascended. Everything in this game can be done in exotics as ascended gear only offers a 5% increase. Number crunchers and hardcore players will argue the gap, but in the attempt preserve fun, why would you worry about content that requires such an increase? And why would you want to game with those kind of people?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981
You don’t need ascended, the elitists need ascended. Everything in this game can be done in exotics as ascended gear only offers a 5% increase. Number crunchers and hardcore players will argue the gap, but in the attempt preserve fun, why would you worry about content that requires such an increase? And why would you want to game with those kind of people?
Have you even tried to raid?
If you join a pug group first thing they ask you to do is ping your gear. If you don´t have full ascended you get kicked immediately. Anet themselves said ascended gear is strongly recommended.
Raiding is fun, but it costs over 700g+ just to start raiding. So much for no required gear grind.
Exotic weapons and trinkets are far easier and cheaper to get than armor. Armor gives you the smallest amount of stats, compared to everything else, though.
So if you can’t get a full set of armor (and you know, if you farm and take your time, anyone can do it), you can still have half your gear ascended without worrying about the armor.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nausicca.6038
You don’t need ascended, however I agree that it is far too expensive. An ascended armour set should cost a couple of hundred gold maximum.
good luck finding a raid group if you don´t have full ascended armor with the right stats + trinkets.
Even if you are in a guild they won´t want to take you if there is another player with full asc.
Because .5% makes a HUUUUUUUUUUGEEE difference. Lol @ those stubborn el33tists. For many of them apparently, having the credit card to buy ascended gear > skill.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291
Hmmm…. I havent bought mats for a single Ascended armor piece I have and still I have crafted most of them. Now I have all Ascended I need so instead now I sell all ascended mats that I craft and earn alot of dough And you know what!? I do not grind or farm, I only enjoy playing different content of the game.
You should try it, GW2 actually gives you alot of entertainment if you try to enjoy it instead of grinding and farming gold to buy stuff from TP where players have set the prize.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Anet needs finalyl to remove all the time gates from ascended crafting.
if they would finalyl do that, then those ascended materials to craft stuff would fijally sink in their prices to a normal level, so that in fact craftign all kinds of ascended stuff would finally become again for affordable for everyone, thus the game would finalyl become again more alt character friendly like how it weas before they added ascende stuff.
Anet has also finally to completely rework the WvW reward system, its from asll game mostzs the most ridiculpous one that is absolutely in every aspect underwhelming compared to PvE and PvP rewards.
the whole game needs to receive much better ways in how you can more constantly receive as rewards either ascended materials for crafting, or ascended items as rewards, other than playing just only high level fractals, which are in themself gated behind a massive gear gate system due to the stupid agony system requiring of you first to grind you butt of to get the equipment first that lets you survive in the high level fractals until you are able to work on more efficiently on ascended equipment for your alt characters.
anet should add finalyl for dungeon tokens also ascended weapons and equipment to give back dungeons a unique thing for them, that you can earn only just with dungeons and not through PvP reward tracks like all the other normal dungeon rewards. PvP reward tracks are already the reason why anet desteoyed a huge part of the dungeon community, because with those tracks you can earn alot faster all the dungeon skinss and make now also more gold with them, than with playing dungeons self. Pre HoT was just the making of better gold the only reason why to still play dungeons, if not for the skins, then for the better making of gold …
Shiftign over the gold making from dungeons over to frsactas is all fine, but dungeons need direly again a reason for why you want to play them constantly. ascended weapons and armors you can earn only with unique dungeon tokens you can obtain only from actualyl playing dungeons would be the right way and would add to the game a direly added new option of obtaining ascended equipment, other than only through high level fractals.
In regard of the wvw rank system that needs to be improved. players should receive retroactively for all 100 or maximum for all 200 WvW Ranks a GUARANTEED ascended weapon or armor box of choice!! WvW ranks need alot more of continuity for reward with sonme kind of guaranteed rewards for either specific rank numbers, or automaticalyl after every 200 ranks, so that you dont end up like 99% of all times only with a ridicuklous low amount of gold, a blue and a green and maybe a few badges of hour which are in themself a still after 3 years complete WORTHLESS currency whose sole only worth they have for the wvw gift if you go for legendary weapons, or for wvw bluescreens and for a quick unlocking of a few skins, but afte that badges are completely useless most of the time still.
if you could buy also for badges of honor ascended weapons and equipment, then this currency would finally be very valuable for a player, like you can buy with them partwise with a reduced gold cost also exotic equipment, that should also exist for ascneded stuff.
This way the player could decide then, if he/she chooses to craft it for example with increased gold cold and materials needed.. or if he wants to get them with reduced gold cost and large badges of honor costs so that long tiem wvw player finalyl get somethign for what they can spent their tons of badges of honor for….
So more ascended stuff becomes finalyl accessible for the players, the more alt friendly this game will become and im sure it would lead also to the popint, that alot of players would return to GW2 that quitted soem years ago with the mass exodus the game after anet implemented ascended gear, cause they felt being betrayed by Anet that they wouldn’t add any kind of gear threatmill to the game and that exotic equipment would always be the best and only be required for fractals (which is by now not anymore the case really when you look at enemies like Gorseval, where every tiny DPS difference from gear of your party members can make up for a serious difference of raid fail or success and where devs self clearly said, that there should be everyone best in complete ascended gear, because the whole battle agaisnt that boss is from the first second to its end a constant DPS check where you just egocentrically risk for your whole party with your exotic gear, that your party will get wiped and fail. And 5% DPS difference among 10 people can make up for a significant difference, especialyl when the enemy uses also skills that can decrease your dps significantly or increase its own dps massively, where those 5% more toughness could make the difference in barely surviving an attack and quickly healing up again on reflex, or laying downed on the ground abd dieing a few seconds later, again being then a massive dps loss for your group and lettign them fail most likely eventually if they cant compensate your loss)
The game made in thre last years some design decisions, where I personalyl can shake only my head in complete disagreement with the path that Anet went with the game in regard of alt character friendliness of the game and turned the game more and more so far into a play only with a main character, or you just waste time-game, where it would be alot better, if Anet would change the game to the point, that they actually reward the player for playing with alot of different characters, what should be in my opinion always be more rewarding for the player on the long end, than just always playing only with one and the same character.
That state was practially what we had, before Anet added ascended equipment and where we had only exotic equipment that is compared to ascended equipment easier to get, thus enabling you to participate with more characters in max equipment everywhere in the game, without being for anyone a burden, because your stats are too weak or because you have no defense against something like agony high enough, which creates for the other players only frustration and especially for all players, which get then due to something like this kicked by their elitist team members that they joined, because a player which keeps dieing due to too less AR is nothing but a burden for all others which needs to get carried through the content of the game. So the resuklt is simple – kick an reinvite somebody else that has enough AR, what could be solved, if Ascended equipment would just become finalyl more affordable or easier earnable throughout the whole game and not just only through fractals mostly or super rarely through defeating word bosses or even much more super rarely through wvw rank chests .
Brief said.. ascended equipment is too rare, it needs to be made a bit more common.
It would be only very healthy in the end for the whole game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shadelang.3012
Im kind of curious how its so hard to get ascended gear for those of you here. I have had a full set on each of my chars for a few months now. I just did them slowly over time. I think I maybe bought 8 golds worth of mats and that was just to speed the process a bit.
If you craft them yourselves its only a time investment. If you buy it its a gold investment. You can do it either way for whats convenient for you. Or even a mix of the two.
If you weren’t prepairing in advance for raids when you knew you were gonna want to raids. You probably shafted yourself and don’t really have any ground to stand on with the complaints. If you only just decided you wanna raid but you never leveled your crafting or anything like that then its kind of the same deal.
The methods for getting the stuff is there. Youd probably be better served doing it instead of making posts in the forums hoping theyl make it easier for you. Alot of other people have gotten there gear. I can’t see how its expressly more difficult for you.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Misguided.5139
A year ago? Armor box drops?
Why wouldn’t you just make your own? As of yesterday, I have full ascended on my Revenant and I started playing in April. Admittedly, I did buy some tier 2-5 materials to finish making the damask patches, because I didn’t feel like spending a couple of hours throwing karma items into the forge.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
You didnt understand anything shadelang, or ?
The problem lies not in it that theres no way in obtaining ascended materials (Crafting/Fractals/super rare Loot Drops from Bosses)
The problem is, that the options that currently exist alone are too boring/grindy to make GW2 the alt friendly experience that the game used to be, before ANet implmeented ascended equipment.
Thats why I say that Anet shouldn’t make it at all “easier” to obtain them (WTF do people always immediately think about it, that things need to get easier.. such a plain superficial kind of thinking…)
They should just increases our options in how we can obtain them and make the game in regard of the increased obtaining variants again more alt character friendly as like also again like it should be more rewarding, because the reward system of WvW is compared to the rest of the game completely ridiculous and absolutely underwhelming and that since 2012!!
Anet basically destroyed the complete reward system for playing Dungeons, because there is mostly nothing at all left thats worth it for to play Dungeons now, other than some items needed for legendary crafting.
Would it be so freakign game breaking for you or anyone else who crafted ascedned items, if players who don’t like craftign at all could receive also the option in the game to earn the equipment through playing dungeons (and no, not with PvP cause as like said, PvP reward tracks ruined already alot for the Dungeon Community, Dungeons need more unique rewards, than just those legendary crafting items and it would give ANet the chance to add some new interesting looking dungeon specific weapon and armor skins and soem new collection achievements to them for some kind of improved dungeoneer title unlocking those new rewards for you, once you obtained dungeoneer to obtain a true dungeoneer title that you can earn only if you played also the dungeons and not through pvp reward track farming never setting a single foot into a dungeon at all /facepalm rolleyes)
The more options the game offers to earn and obtain ascended equipment, the better.
This doesn’t have to mean automatically, that everything in the game has to become “easier”, only because the game would offer now more options and among those options also one, that makes WvW finally a rewarding game mode that it should be on an equal level of the rest of the game!!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Serophous.9085
If you understood supply and demand, you would understand why ascended mats are expensive
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: skeeman.3140
If you have HoT, gold shouldn’t be an issue. When HoT dropped, I had 250G. I’m currently sitting at 520G. I was having fun in fractals, so I finally decided to start crafting ascended armor. I only have two pieces left to go. I collected all of the ore for the deldrimor myself, but buy all of the leather/cloth. I’ll drop a boatload on buy orders for the mats, but then by the end of my play session I’ll be right back where I started.
Just gather, gather, gather. Wood makes good money these days. Just from picking up and refining the soft wood I see when doing a rich iron run, I make a few gold in like twenty minutes. Even green wood is worth chopping these days if you see it. And as mentioned earlier, HoT = expensive mats. Also, just look through your material collection and see if you have things you don’t need. If you aren’t going to craft a particular stat combo, sell it. You might be amazed the number of expensive mats you have deposited that are just sitting around making you nothing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
If you understood supply and demand, you would understand why ascended mats are expensive
I do, and TBH I would like to demand that they up the supply but it won’t help. As for either crafting (major time gate) or buying the mats (major gold cost) I will opt out of it and just ignore that raids exist.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Obtena.7952
You don’t need ascended, however I agree that it is far too expensive. An ascended armour set should cost a couple of hundred gold maximum.
good luck finding a raid group if you don´t have full ascended armor with the right stats + trinkets.
Even if you are in a guild they won´t want to take you if there is another player with full asc.
Here is my problem with this level of thinking … Raids are designed to be hard and appeal to a certain level of player … the kind of player would already has their ascended gear, not struggling to make it just to do raids. The premise that it should be EASY for you to find a group with scrub gear is flawed in the first place.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Serophous.9085
If you understood supply and demand, you would understand why ascended mats are expensive
I do, and TBH I would like to demand that they up the supply but it won’t help. As for either crafting (major time gate) or buying the mats (major gold cost) I will opt out of it and just ignore that raids exist.
Then be like me and realize “huh, everyone is paying a lot of gold for this stuff….time to cash in!”
I already made over 400g between playing HoT and selling stuff on the tp
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
If you understood supply and demand, you would understand why ascended mats are expensive
I do, and TBH I would like to demand that they up the supply but it won’t help. As for either crafting (major time gate) or buying the mats (major gold cost) I will opt out of it and just ignore that raids exist.
Then be like me and realize “huh, everyone is paying a lot of gold for this stuff….time to cash in!”
I already made over 400g between playing HoT and selling stuff on the tp
Yea, I farm the lower level areas when I can too, and yep it does make some good coin; not that any of it will go towards ascended. It would be nice if ANet could see the disconnect though but I’m happy with my exotics for now.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
A year ago with 800 gold, I can make three ascended sets with quite a lot to spare.
Now it’s barely enough for just one set.
A year ago I can religiously run dungeons and fractals for a week or more and I’ll have enough to start investing in one set.
Now what? If you wish to farm for ascended armor box, you will have to run high-level fractals. But in order to do that, you’ll need ascended armor for enough AR slots to begin with.
What other options are there for me? What kitten is in charge of this design?
Ascended gear is overpriced today because the demand for the materials to make it skyrocketed due to changes in the demand patterns. Wait for the guilds to finish their accelerated push towards upgrades. Wait for the I-want-it-now crowd to finish their legendary and precursor collections. Wait for farmers to figure out (again) how to efficiently farm the relevant mats. Wait for the HoT disequilibrium to calm down.
As a parallel example: look at flax. 35s at launch, 10s a week later, down to 3-4s now.
This is exactly what happened when Ascended was first introduced, when the Wardrobe was added, and what happens in every game that has an efficient player-to-player market.
tl;dr wait it out; prices will drop
I guess everyone views things different. I’m over here salvaging ascended armor left and right for the mats
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
Well, you can still grind out the materials for it. It’ll just feel like it’s taking forever with the higher prices and increased material requirements.
Main thing I dislike about Ascended are the time gates attached to it. New players will have a pretty horrid experience if they have their eyes set on doing the raid and then realize, after leveling to 80, they need to grind out the mats and then make 1 a day for 30 or so days.
I also dislike how raids went to requiring it without more ways to obtain ascended by playing the game how you want to. WvW doesn’t give back much for ascended gear. Fractals don’t drop them that often unless you’re grinding fractals for a long time. Dungeons don’t drop them. PvP Reward tracks don’t have a decent chance at dropping them. There were no new dungeons introduced with an expansion to help close the gap and gear players for the next tier of content.
Ascended isn’t something fun to grind out, it’s a drag to grind it out, a drag to craft 1 item needed to craft them per day, and puts a lock on when you can have fun in the game.
I’ve ran the event trains in HoT and made, since it’s launch, maybe 50g worth of stuff. Of course, I’m also helping my guild with the guild hall, I’m saving a lot of drops for crafting myself, but otherwise… it doesn’t give much back for time invested in it. Silverwastes tends to make me a lot more money in a shorter amount of time. Neither option are that much fun, to be honest.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: velmeister.4187
The problem now is not as big as it will be in next one year.
1. Attrition
2. Less creation of alts and lesser inflow of new players because of perceived grind
2. Total chaos as there won’t be enough supply to meet demands for items from low level maps
The difference ascended armor makes (not weapon + trinkets) is less than missing a few autoattacks. Of course pug raids will want full ascended. Pugs are also known to want full ascended + 10k AP to run dungeons.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759
The gear grind in WoW pales in comparison to this mess, at least there you can get what you need by doing content not opening your wallet. They have turned this game into a shadow of its former self and if you’re really honest with yourself there isn’t much of the old mentality left. There is no reason for all this gating except for the fact that they know how shallow the content of this expansion was and how long it will take to create the next one. The monetization crew need to go and priorities need to be realigned before they rip apart one of the best MMO’s created. Nothing new here just a bunch of money making ploys disguised as content, gated to drag it on while they scramble to try and build real content. They bit off more than they could chew with LS, then when they realized it was a failure they scrambled to put together a expansion which was completely inundated with grind to stretch things out.
I applaud the original team and only hope that the ones directly responsible for making this a greedy grind fest move on, that would be the only saving grace for Anet and this game long term.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854
Its only super expensive now,
1, because everyone is crafting
2, you are buying all the mats
In a month it will start to settle down, as supply catches up with the demand.
Its only super expensive now,
1, because everyone is crafting
2, you are buying all the matsIn a month it will start to settle down, as supply catches up with the demand.
And then the next raid wing and 3 more legendaries are introduced, increasing demand even further.
First, there’s NOTHING you can get with a credit card you can’t get in game. The credit card will always be faster. That’s been designed into the game day one and IT’S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE.
Second, what we’re seeing is just more people throwing themselves on the almighty altar of the Trade Post trying to buy mats they refuse to farm themselves because they think getting gold is a better use of time than putting actual goods into the system. Guess what? The Trading Post brutalizes sheep flocking to the same stuff as all the other sheep at that exact same time. That’s been designed into the game day one and IT’S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE.
Either wait for a better time or go grind mats instead of gold.
If you understood supply and demand, you would understand why ascended mats are expensive
But this presupposes that the TP is a Free Market, does it not? And that Anet has no influence over the supply? Or that Anet does not influence the drops of materials needed to craft Ascended items?
Sure, the demand is player driven, but if you are operating under the assumption that the prices on TP reflect nothing but player-driven “supply and demand”, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you….
I’m still not sure where the huge demand of acended armour comes from. Its a marginal stat increase and costs considerably more.
I’ve been paying around with Excotics since launch of GW2, even ran a set of Karma excotics for a long time, with it mixed and matched set of stats.
Never have I not been able to complete content because of my gear. Only because I didn’t dodge at the right time or because healing is on cooldown. Or the team lacked coordination.
You don’t need Acsended armour anywhere in the game, except two places: High level fractals and now Raids. The rest (about 99% of the game) can be done with exotic armour. The only parts where you could justify getting acsended is for trinkets (using laurels) or a weapon.
The weapon is the only thing that actually costs a lot of effort to procure, but also provides a significant stat incease. Yet it demands considerebly less investement in materials than armour set.
My advice: Don’t bother with acsended armour. Get Trinkets as they are easy to get and invest instead in a weapon. Sell the rest of the materials and use the gold to get weapons/runes/trinkets/skins etc.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
I’m still not sure where the huge demand of acended armour comes from. Its a marginal stat increase and costs considerably more.
I’ve been paying around with Excotics since launch of GW2, even ran a set of Karma excotics for a long time, with it mixed and matched set of stats.
Never have I not been able to complete content because of my gear. Only because I didn’t dodge at the right time or because healing is on cooldown. Or the team lacked coordination.
You don’t need Acsended armour anywhere in the game, except two places: High level fractals and now Raids. The rest (about 99% of the game) can be done with exotic armour. The only parts where you could justify getting acsended is for trinkets (using laurels) or a weapon.
The weapon is the only thing that actually costs a lot of effort to procure, but also provides a significant stat incease. Yet it demands considerebly less investement in materials than armour set.My advice: Don’t bother with acsended armour. Get Trinkets as they are easy to get and invest instead in a weapon. Sell the rest of the materials and use the gold to get weapons/runes/trinkets/skins etc.
But we want to do High level fractals and raids bro.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aeolus.3615
You don’t need ascended, however I agree that it is far too expensive. An ascended armour set should cost a couple of hundred gold maximum.
good luck finding a raid group if you don´t have full ascended armor with the right stats + trinkets.
Even if you are in a guild they won´t want to take you if there is another player with full asc.
Because .5% makes a HUUUUUUUUUUGEEE difference. Lol @ those stubborn el33tists. For many of them apparently, having the credit card to buy ascended gear > skill.
Ascended gear was about to be more 15% after HoT, but Anet went back and made it only 10% diference, but even so, i really doubt overall performance is that big of diference, most mobs look/feel that have a hard coded damage value….
meh… to expensive to get it either way, even lvl the craft to 500 it out of my book…
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I crafted my Heavy set back when ascended first came out and I was maining Warrior and had a Guardian alt.
Totally bought my way to 500 crafting in Tailor and Leather….and bought my ascended gear mats to make Light and Medium….except for the dust, frags, and ore.
No way was I going through that gold grind again, and since I am blessed with finally finding a decent paying job this year, i decided to splurge a bit.
I’m still not sure where the huge demand of acended armour comes from. Its a marginal stat increase and costs considerably more.
I’ve been paying around with Excotics since launch of GW2, even ran a set of Karma excotics for a long time, with it mixed and matched set of stats.
Never have I not been able to complete content because of my gear. Only because I didn’t dodge at the right time or because healing is on cooldown. Or the team lacked coordination.
You don’t need Acsended armour anywhere in the game, except two places: High level fractals and now Raids. The rest (about 99% of the game) can be done with exotic armour. The only parts where you could justify getting acsended is for trinkets (using laurels) or a weapon.
The weapon is the only thing that actually costs a lot of effort to procure, but also provides a significant stat incease. Yet it demands considerebly less investement in materials than armour set.My advice: Don’t bother with acsended armour. Get Trinkets as they are easy to get and invest instead in a weapon. Sell the rest of the materials and use the gold to get weapons/runes/trinkets/skins etc.
But we want to do High level fractals and raids bro.
That’s great! Good luck with them (sincerely). But you’ll need to go and get ascended armour then, as apparently exotic is not considered sufficient. like i said, 99% of the game can be done without ascended.
I guess i’ll not play raids then, or play lower level fractals that can be managed from trinkets. shame for missing out.
A bit off-topic, but while were on it, i find it an oversight not to scale raids according a similar concept as fractals. I can do the fractal content, but to get better rewards I will need to invest in ascended. So even with exotic gear, i can still play the content.
Raids however don’t provide this, excluding lots of people that would want to give it a try, but are blocked by the gear gate.
Which incedentally goes against the GW2 manifesto about “having fun, instead of preparing to have fun”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grim West.3194
HoT is a blatant and cynical cash grab. One of the worst expansions in the history of mmos. It destoyed a great game in GW2.
It’s so bad that the devs are hiding from us. Refusing to tell us what they are going to do to fix this garbage.
HoT is a blatant and cynical cash grab. One of the worst expansions in the history of mmos. It destoyed a great game in GW2.
It’s so bad that the devs are hiding from us. Refusing to tell us what they are going to do to fix this garbage.
I imagine they’re too busy laughing at the amount of money chumps are throwing at the screen.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dronzer.8392
HoT is a blatant and cynical cash grab. One of the worst expansions in the history of mmos. It destoyed a great game in GW2.
It’s so bad that the devs are hiding from us. Refusing to tell us what they are going to do to fix this garbage.
Gliding is great though! I sometimes just go into a HoT map just to glide… it soothes the mind and you get to look at pretty stuff
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grim West.3194
HoT is a blatant and cynical cash grab. One of the worst expansions in the history of mmos. It destoyed a great game in GW2.
It’s so bad that the devs are hiding from us. Refusing to tell us what they are going to do to fix this garbage.
Gliding is great though!
I sometimes just go into a HoT map just to glide… it soothes the mind and you get to look at pretty stuff
Yeah, I love gliding too. I also like the harder mobs and love the art. But that isn’t enough to get me to go back there because the rest is bleh.
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