People want to play in other languages

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rafael.6210


First, I’m sorry my poor English

I know people who do not play GW2. Because they do not know the words Tyrian speak.
Now, We can play English,French,German,Spanish. But They want to play in Japanese,Russian,Korean, & other lunguage.
I hope to incorporate other language for them with HoS.
I think GW2 become more prosperous if so.

What do you think about this thing?

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorean.5379


I don’t think they will do it.
It would be very expensive to hire all the voice actors needed for other languages.

And I think a big % of the people on the internet knows either,English,Spanish or French,so playing in any of these language isnt a problem.

Btw,I think there is a Chinese VO in the chinese client,I doubt they left it in english.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vpchelko.4261


First, I’m sorry my poor English

I know people who do not play GW2. Because they do not know the words Tyrian speak.
Now, We can play English,French,German,Spanish. But They want to play in Japanese,Russian,Korean, & other lunguage.
I hope to incorporate other language for them with HoS.
I think GW2 become more prosperous if so.

What do you think about this thing?

There are another problem – no ability to copy test from game chat.
There is no chance to try understood that write these lumps

All about ANET disability.

As the summary – I do not want to see the text from other languages except english – because I cannot understand it.

P.S. i am russian native speaker.

(edited by vpchelko.4261)

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vpchelko.4261


I don’t think they will do it.
It would be very expensive to hire all the voice actors needed for other languages.

And I think a big % of the people on the internet knows either,English,Spanish or French,so playing in any of these language isnt a problem.

Btw,I think there is a Chinese VO in the chinese client,I doubt they left it in english.

At least ability to customize game UI. Instead of “illegal” game mods.
Amateurs and enthusiasts can do this type of work. At least russian community do that.

Translations already exist but you can get ban if use one.

(edited by vpchelko.4261)

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


there’s only so many languages ANet can realistically support before all development is halted so that localization can be released in more languages.

it’s also expensive as hell.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


ArenaNet could allow fan translations. They just need to put in an override to load strings from a different file, then release a tool to edit that file. Someone could then translate it into whatever language and pass it around. This is assuming of course that the game can actually handle the other character sets.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


ArenaNet could allow fan translations. They just need to put in an override to load strings from a different file, then release a tool to edit that file. Someone could then translate it into whatever language and pass it around. This is assuming of course that the game can actually handle the other character sets.

They would still need to hire a translator to make sure the fans translated it properly and not putting in anything that they shouldn’t have.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorean.5379


I just think that if ArenaNet happened to translate the game to,lets say,Portuguese,I think they should choose the pros (voice actors) and not random people.

Ubisoft does invite random voice actors to make Portuguese voice overs in Assassins Creed IV (I don’t know about the new ones,I don’t even know if they are translated) and they are “Okay” (8/8)

But Warner Bros…dang it,Shadow of Mordor voice acting in portuguese is just…HNGGGGGGGGG,even Goku voice actor is there,they hired all the great voice actors to do it,awesome.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


ArenaNet could allow fan translations. They just need to put in an override to load strings from a different file, then release a tool to edit that file. Someone could then translate it into whatever language and pass it around. This is assuming of course that the game can actually handle the other character sets.

While that’s theoretically a nice, crowdsourced solution, it’s potentially a legal minefield. ANet makes money from GW2, if they implement fan translations into the game that’s taking someone else’s (free) work and making a profit on it.

It’s tricky enough if you’re taking one person’s volunteer work and monetizing it, imagine what it would be like if you have dozens of different contributors from different countries, each with their own laws regarding compensation for services rendered; any money you save from hiring a translator is going to be sunk into lawyers vetting the legality of each contributing volunteer’s work – and that doesn’t even guarantee you the same quality and consistency that hiring a translator would bring (volunteers aren’t legally bound to actually finish translating all the work, after all).

Also if we’ve learned anything from the modding community, it’s that people will steal works and claim it as their own. There’s a case of someone stealing weapon meshes from a Skyrim mod, claiming it as their own, and selling it on Second Life – imagine what kind of legal headaches ANet would get into if a translator took someone else’s work and offered it to ANet. The theft wouldn’t even be realized until after it’s been implemented into the game and someone noticed it, which would lead to ANet having to pull the translation until they contact the actual translator and work out a deal.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


And they would still need to hire GM’s and support members capable of conversing in said languages.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


It would have been nice if they had allowed custom language strings outside the data file, but to be blunt… learn English. If only so you can understand it. Its pretty much the universal language of the internet. The real world eqvivalent of “common” in fantasy. Common brings us all together and ignore stupid things like borders and nations which all old pre-internet kittens go on and on and on about.

Unfortunely we have the same situation in reverse. So many potentially great games in various asian languages that doesnt even share the same alphabet or structure as common. Takes years to get to the west and when they do, they are already obsolete, sigh…

Its not like people ever regret learning English. Well unless you visit certain sites. Mostly no regrets.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rym.1469


Could be more possible with steady expansion-only story progress.

Totally unrealistic when you want to do something like Living World.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Hunter.3416

White Hunter.3416

Dont need to tranlate. Just add Cyrillic alphabet and some another alphabets into the chat. I really cannot understand why they are restricted. Chat supports Unicode symbols. It looks like an intentional restriction.

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ArenaNet could allow fan translations. They just need to put in an override to load strings from a different file, then release a tool to edit that file. Someone could then translate it into whatever language and pass it around. This is assuming of course that the game can actually handle the other character sets.

They would still need to hire a translator to make sure the fans translated it properly and not putting in anything that they shouldn’t have.

not if it’s client based like addons

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


ArenaNet could allow fan translations. They just need to put in an override to load strings from a different file, then release a tool to edit that file. Someone could then translate it into whatever language and pass it around. This is assuming of course that the game can actually handle the other character sets.

They would still need to hire a translator to make sure the fans translated it properly and not putting in anything that they shouldn’t have.

not if it’s client based like addons

They don’t allow those, remember?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

People want to play in other languages

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I don’t think they will do it.
It would be very expensive to hire all the voice actors needed for other languages.

And I think a big % of the people on the internet knows either,English,Spanish or French,so playing in any of these language isnt a problem.

Btw,I think there is a Chinese VO in the chinese client,I doubt they left it in english.

At least ability to customize game UI. Instead of “illegal” game mods.
Amateurs and enthusiasts can do this type of work. At least russian community do that.

Translations already exist but you can get ban if use one.

Well this does seem like a perfectly reasonable request.