Please change Gliding functionality

Please change Gliding functionality

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashantara.8731



here is my problem: I am used to holding down the spacebar whenever I execute a longe-range jump. I have been used to doing so since the first 3D games that included jumping were introduced (so yeah, that’s a long time).

I can’t execute longe-range jumps appropriately in GW2 without doing so. Now you can imagine how annoyed I was when my character unlocked glinding and I realized it would always activate when I hold down the spacebar.

For instance, I constantly miss my target platform because glinding activates and fly past it. (argh!)

Could you please introduce an option to put the gliding function on another key or at least allow the player to deactivate gliding when not needed/wanted?

Please, this is huge for me as jumping is a vital part in this game.

Please change Gliding functionality

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lyriael.4375


Being able to disable the gliding function would be great.

I love gliding, but it can be a pain (and, admittingly a life saver) when doing JPs.

Please change Gliding functionality

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Alric.5078

Sir Alric.5078

I agree. Sometimes it gets really annoying when you miss your landing spot because you glide instead of just jumping. The JP in Verdant Brink for example was a nightmare for me because of that. I had to do it with my mesmer using portals, because it was impossible (for me) to do it with another character.

Please change Gliding functionality

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheMSR.7120


A simple checkbox in the Option Menu ‘Disable automatic glider deployment’ would be nice and helpful.