Please give Specialization info this week

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


Arena Net please release some kind of information about specializations this week. It doesn’t even have to deal with one profession, just some more detail on what a profession gains and what they lose would be greatly appreciated.

I would even be happy if you lot just showed some of what you like so far with the rest still under heavy iteration (sorta like what was showcased of the Revenant so far).

I know this is a personal problem but I’m just having such a hard time sticking to Profession right now. I like to have one main character to spend the whole majority of my in-game time on and I’ve been making Warriors, Rangers, Thieves, Necros, Mesmers, Eles, Guardians over and over but I’m not sure which class to commit to because I want to be sure I will enjoy all aspects of said Profession (Sorry Engis I just can’t get into that Profession, aesthetic reasons).

It’s gotten so bad for me that all I do pretty much is just log on for the daily and that’s it (again I know, personal issue). Profession Specializations and the Revenant are what I look forward to the most because Class Progression is what I find most fun in MMOs.

I don’t mean to sound whiny, and I’m not trying to say “this is what I want so do as I say,” I just GREATLY HOPE more details on Specializations can be released really really really soon. Like this week, or next week. Please!

Sincerely (and wishfully),

Mar ~

(edited by Mar.4839)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


I’m better it’s going to be adventures to spite us. While I do want to eventually know about adventures, almost EVERYONE wants to know about specializations, so you know they will take the longest to talk about that.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Suspense to people who like to plan is horrible.

I agree, I do want to know, but doubt I will get to. I want to start putting together my build for the specialization on guard, though I think I already have it worked out if it is LB.

Two, also take in mind, they may want people starting these new features “fresh” and together to keep the challenge alive.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Pretty much what Ralanost said. They’ll probably run out of crap to talk about in like a month or two, and then they’ll have to speak about specializations (or revenants). :0

Suspense to people who like to plan is horrible

I don’t even think it’s good for hype. With anything that tries to keep me “in suspense” without any interesting info for over a month or so, my hype dies and I go follow something else that actually has something interesting to look at. I don’t feel like I’m alone in that either. So this marketing strategy seems like a lose-lose situation for ANet as well as the players.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


I know from another thread that they said most likely a post about their plans for the Personal Story fix will go up this coming Tuesday, barring any unforseen circumstances that causes them to delay it.

If that is supposed to be some kind of hint that this week will focus on Personal Story for HoT then I’ll be sorely disappointed. Or it could turn out to be like the announcement of camera changes and FOV which seemed to originate from nowhere.

I agree about them seemingly saving information that most people would like to know about for later (just like challenging group pve content). It sucks but they probably have a better idea on player activity than we do because I agree also that I feel like this isn’t great for hype. It causes me to lose interest too and move onto something else (though again if I just also could decide on what to play then I wouldn’t be focused on having to wait so much).

At least they are releasing blog posts every week until the launch of the expansion. So they have to run out of small stuff to talk about sometime!!! Then they will have dragged themselves into a corner with only big features to discuss in detail every week! >=D

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


You guys realise that probably the biggest reason specialisations haven’t been talked about or put in the beta is because the content isn’t anywhere near being completed right lol? That goes for most of the content in HoT. What people are failing to realize is that the majority of the content wasn’t being completed in secret all this time in some good-willed plan by anet but being created from scratch as we speak. People should weigh up whether the missing content from the usual updates is significantly less than what this expansion will give us.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


You guys realise that probably the biggest reason specialisations haven’t been talked about or put in the beta is because the content isn’t anywhere near being completed right lol? That goes for most of the content in HoT. What people are failing to realize is that the majority of the content wasn’t being completed in secret all this time in some good-willed plan by anet but being created from scratch as we speak. People should weigh up whether the missing content from the usual updates is significantly less than what this expansion will give us.

Conspiracy theory nonsense. None of us here has any real idea on their progress. You are assuming. We can just wait and see. In the meantime, do something more productive with your time then preaching this hairbrained garbage.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


You guys realise that probably the biggest reason specialisations haven’t been talked about or put in the beta is because the content isn’t anywhere near being completed right lol? That goes for most of the content in HoT. What people are failing to realize is that the majority of the content wasn’t being completed in secret all this time in some good-willed plan by anet but being created from scratch as we speak. People should weigh up whether the missing content from the usual updates is significantly less than what this expansion will give us.

Where did they say that they just started work on this expansion? If I remember correctly they said they’ve been working on the features for a while and they waited until they were content with what they were going to add in the expansion before talking about all of it.

Also with closed beta starting soon (and there being no NDA for the closed beta) means that HoT is feature complete already and just a lot of iterations/balances/fixes are left to do.

I’m surprised when people think news shared with the community is when the devs started the whole process. They are always working on future content, always. Just like with the story reveal for the Sylvari, it was something planned from the beginning of gw2. Yes they will iterate along the way, sometimes greatly sometimes less so, but the future is always being planned.

Arena Net definitely knows how to keep the hype train going, even when some of us feel like it’s been agonizing to wait. They’ve released a blog post every week since the expansion announcement so while it may not be news some of us are interested in, there is always news being shared.

I’ve said more than I needed but basically all of this has already been planned way in advance. Even their weekly blog releases. It would be naive of someone to think otherwise.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Like said, Specialization are probably the things that hype the most about this xpac. They will most likely wait untill the very end to give any tips about how they will work. There is 2 dangerous things that could potentially happen when they will release some accurate information about specialization :

First : players will be disappointed and most likely the hype train will stop. (not good for them ^^’ )
Second : players will be hyped and speculate even more accurately for each profession, which at the same time could lead to a prematurate death of the hype.

Beside, they still need to show the whole revenant class before talking about specialization. because you wan’t introduce specialization when you didn’t even show 2/5th of one of the profession that will have a specialization.

It’s not that I don’t wanna know but… It’s more realistic this way. Maybe they could at least tell us specialization name and weapon… Hu! I’m too greedy!…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


I don’t think they have a good enough product (or finished enough) to show off yet.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shiki.7148


Like said, Specialization are probably the things that hype the most about this xpac. They will most likely wait untill the very end to give any tips about how they will work. There is 2 dangerous things that could potentially happen when they will release some accurate information about specialization :

First : players will be disappointed and most likely the hype train will stop. (not good for them ^^’ )
Second : players will be hyped and speculate even more accurately for each profession, which at the same time could lead to a prematurate death of the hype.

Beside, they still need to show the whole revenant class before talking about specialization. because you wan’t introduce specialization when you didn’t even show 2/5th of one of the profession that will have a specialization.

It’s not that I don’t wanna know but… It’s more realistic this way. Maybe they could at least tell us specialization name and weapon… Hu! I’m too greedy!…

Actually the smartest plan would be to talk about ONE spec (Druid or Necro as the weapons are already known for those), then talk about small things for a few weeks, then talk about the next Spec etc. etc. Best way to keep the hype going, while also keeping a lot of “big stuff” hidden.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


clicked +1 for the opening post. Specializations are the single most important part of HoT for many of us, and I personally am getting fed up with being kept in the dark about just how big of a change it is vs base profession.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Since they are most likely one of the things that require most work and tweaking I would assume they would be some of the latest blog posts actually.

My bet is that we will see more info on Guild Halls and Challenging Group Content before we see more about the specializations.
Simply due to the fact that it is fully possible that specializations will changes quite a bit between now and release.
And we all know how well people on these forums takes changes….

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MaXi.3642


I would appreciate even overall information about specializations, not necessarily one whole specialization, but just examples of changes so we would know what to expect based on some real change or at least concept…

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


agreed with the OP just some rough outlines of the specs would be nice, I too am not doing much beside logging in and doing dailies

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dietzero.3514


I want to know what skins I should start collecting for the new weapons! Guessing what the ele, for example, will get is just plain lame.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lamu.8453


I want to know what skins I should start collecting for the new weapons! Guessing what the ele, for example, will get is just plain lame.

This. Releasing info about specs Will give many PPL a reason to play. Some want to plan the design of the character, some don’t know which race to choose for future spec. For example I want to play druid, but i don’t know his feeling. I want sylvari or human. And I can’t create This character until I learn more about druid.

If ArenaNET give info about specs earlier, then it will stimulate the movement in game – more active players, more info spread, more gems bought. Don’t w8 until 15 weeks before releasing, you will waste a lot of potential.

(edited by Lamu.8453)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


We’ll probably still have some “smaller” blog posts about the remaining topics for general world content:

  • “Challenging group content” in HoT,
  • Enermy AI changes,
  • Fractals masteries,

Before we get full blown information about specializations and guild halls.

But to be honest… I REALLY want to know more about specs. It might change completely how I plan to spend my time in the game before HoT comes.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Roe.3679


I would think that peppering in some specialization info would be a great way to maintain hype. We don’t even have a release date so it’s probably still months away, and we’re unlikely to get big balance changes before specializations come out, so I wish they would give us some info about it already, because it’s already been a decent wait, and we know there is plenty of time to go, so to me it feels like the HoT hype is losing steam and spec. info would help.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


Like said, Specialization are probably the things that hype the most about this xpac. They will most likely wait untill the very end to give any tips about how they will work. There is 2 dangerous things that could potentially happen when they will release some accurate information about specialization :

First : players will be disappointed and most likely the hype train will stop. (not good for them ^^’ )
Second : players will be hyped and speculate even more accurately for each profession, which at the same time could lead to a prematurate death of the hype.

Beside, they still need to show the whole revenant class before talking about specialization. because you wan’t introduce specialization when you didn’t even show 2/5th of one of the profession that will have a specialization.

It’s not that I don’t wanna know but… It’s more realistic this way. Maybe they could at least tell us specialization name and weapon… Hu! I’m too greedy!…

Actually the smartest plan would be to talk about ONE spec (Druid or Necro as the weapons are already known for those), then talk about small things for a few weeks, then talk about the next Spec etc. etc. Best way to keep the hype going, while also keeping a lot of “big stuff” hidden.

Yes exactly, I really don’t think we’re going to have just 9 straight weeks of revealing specializations. Usually Arena Net has a habit of “taking a break” after releasing some huge information, as in the next round of news is small and not so exciting, but news nonetheless.

It’s a much better strategy anyway as any big reveal will unleash a ton of discussion on the topic for a great while (just look at the amount of discussion brought forth from giving a look at the Revenant and even the Mastery System).

But while the WvW and Stronghold additions look nice for a change of pace, it’s not big enough news for me and others (as seen by replies in this thread).

People will always complain about something so I feel like expanding on the Druid or Necro is a really good idea since they seem to be set about the Ranger getting a Staff and becoming a Druid and the Necro getting a Greatsword.

Throw us a bone, Arena Net, please.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I would love this too they should finally begin with giving out more infos about the most interesting parts of HoT, which define the whole gameplay the most and that is Guild Halls and far more than that Specializations, as it affects naturally directly that thing, with that we play daily – our characters and I’m personally surely by the absolute most possible that person among everyone else here, whos the most exited about the “results”, because I’m basically the person, whos responsible therefore, that we even get Specializations at all with HoT due to the CDI about Character Progression, where I brought up that topic of that under the term of cough Sub Classes cough see Signature cough, which seem to have had a bif affect on anets dicision making on what they could work on from that point on as features to improve character progression for the expansion that got worked on in back ground for sure already at that time secretly and they just used the CDI’s to find out, what the players wanted the most, while fighting for my concept against a stream of people which kept suggesting to return that silly dual class system back of GW1 into GW2, where my concept there was like the fish that swam always against the dual class stream, because I always found that system would just only totally ruin GW2, where SubClasses, erm Specializations would not, but instead massively improve the Character Progression in ways, that dual class systems will never be able to do so.

Id be so exited to test them all out to the fullest degree and knowing, that Anet will implement in the future also more specializations step by step fullfill me with even more happiness than I can describe it feels like being just a small child again getting its year long most wanted wish for christmas granted by the very Santa Claus himself ^^

And if everyone receives now for the moment maybe a first set of Specializations, somebody maybe won’t lik,e maybe the next set will be far more of your personal taste Thats the awesome thign about Specializations, that they allow Anet to increase the Character progression in a much more depthful way, than dual classes would ever be able to, while staying alot more clear to watch over, that it stays balanced, compared to the chaotic dual class systems that generate only bad chain reactions of tons of unwanted unbalanced effetcs, that you would never be able to foresee all, if you can mix together just everythign with everything and it multiplicates the balance chaos just more and more with every added class, whats just what happned with GW1…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Electro.4173


Yah, I really want some specialization info. It doesn’t even need to be specific info on a particular spec right away, I just want in-depth general info on how the system works. What exactly do you gain (we know utilities, elites, weapon, probably traits, but in what numbers?)? What, if anything, do you lose? To what extent are the profession mechanics changing? How do you gain a specialization, is it just something you click on the UI or (hopefully) something that requires some sort of unique sidequest to “learn”?

I do think that they’re probably holding back spec info because its something a lot of people are interested in, but at the same time they’re going to have to give it to us eventually, before the “real” beta kicks in and people learn it all anyway. And we already know they plan on running down each specialization with their own blog post. So that’s at least 9 weeks (10 if they do an “overview” first). Unless beta is months out, I have to think they need to get going on that pretty soon if they want it all to be “new” and not already known.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


But I guess, before we get infos about specializations, they continue first with guild Halls, just to keep the hype about Specializations as long as possible, before they start to give us slowly one by one infos about the Specializations in the same way, how slowly they gave out infos about the Main Professions one by one before the game release.

I wouldn’t even be surprised, if they would make it again with the funny and extremely teasing method of adding a new site on the web page again with a big black pictue only to see full of shadows of all nine profession’s Specializations, where they make everytiem they remove one of the shadows a blog post about the shown Specialization.
If they do this for example bi weekly, that would be 18 weeks, or 4 months and 2 weeks with that they could buy themself time with this method, before they would have released all the infos about Specializations.

In 4 months and 2 weeks we have AUGUST and thats exactly the time of GAMESCOM here in germany again, where I personally think that Anets unleashes there the cat out of the bag and gives us the Release Date of HoT.

They gave us the Release Date of the Main Game on the very first Gamescom in Germany back in 2010, it wouldn’t surprise me, if they use the Gamescom for advertising’s profits to give out the release date of the games first expansion there too.
There platform would be just perfect for it to continue there, what has been begun there!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Electro.4173


I actually think specs need to come before guild halls, if only because guild halls are less likely to be tested in closed betas. Not only because less people and the time-limited nature makes it harder to test them in general, but also because there are less mechanics and balance they need to test anyway. I’d imagine open beta is when they’ll do most of their guild hall testing due to having a large pool of players, and that’s probably a ways out.

Specs will probably see testing in closed beta since there’s more mechanics and balance to be tested in terms of those. Which means we’ll likely be seeing those from beta before we see guild halls, and that in turn means they need to announce specs first if they want to keep them hidden until the official blog announcements. Heck, there have already been some datamining “leaks” of a handful of spec skills.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’m very eager to learn about specialization structure. The OP is right, just having an idea of how much it changes the base profession would be nice.

But right now my guild’s in the middle of a revamp, our roster has shrunk to near untenable levels, and yet it’s the guild we all share that has the most infrastructure, influence, and history. Guild Hall info could save us as it could give us focus, affect the thematic restructuring, and provide goals to work to that would attract our inactive members and let us recruit new ones.

So given a choice between learning more about what my alts will be able to do, and learning things that saves my circle of friends from disbanding, I’ll take the latter.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JaddynnStarr.5201


I just hope the reason for no NDA isnt because this is just living story 3.0 …

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Andred.1087


It seems what you all fail to understand is that they’re not going to release any info until it’s finalized. Can you take a guess why? …

ANet has a plan for releasing this information. Odds are they already have a time table for every blog post that they are trying very hard to meet. No amount of begging will cause them to deviate from that schedule. That’s the way things work in the business world.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I think when they release info on specs it won’t be for all of them at once. From datamining we have some info about Specs (like Elementalist Sword?) but it seems incomplete. It makes sense to release info on some of the specs at least, those that we already know something about, like the Necromancer one that will get a Greatsword.

But even more important than knowing what weapons/skills each specialization will bring, is to know what we will LOSE from using them. They keep saying “you can go back to being a Ranger with a click of a button”, they wouldn’t say this if a Druid just adds new mechanics, skills and weapons. It also makes sense for balance, if specs don’t remove anything, then it’s vertical progression and makes the expansion all the more important and those without it will be at a huge disadvantage.

So I’d like know what the Specs will REMOVE from the base class first and foremost and then they can tell us what those specs are going to be like…

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


So I’d like know what the Specs will REMOVE from the base class first and foremost and then they can tell us what those specs are going to be like…

Spec is supposed to change a bit our class mechanic which means new traitline to support “new mechanic”

I wont be surprised if ranger, mes and engi get f5 but generally i dont see anything special in that so called specializations. 1 new heal, 4 new utility, 1 new elite, 1 new weapon (2-5 skills) modified class mechanic (yet ranger still has a pet..) and new traits -thats about it.

Whats about current junk traits/abilities? Thats right, they will still remain as total junk.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


It seems what you all fail to understand is that they’re not going to release any info until it’s finalized. Can you take a guess why? …

ANet has a plan for releasing this information. Odds are they already have a time table for every blog post that they are trying very hard to meet. No amount of begging will cause them to deviate from that schedule. That’s the way things work in the business world.

Actually many of us already understand this, but it doesn’t make us less likely to wish for it haha :P .

Well they just revealed this Wallpaper I attached. It’s a landscape photo so I guess that means no Specialization info this week because when they released the Revenant blog they showed a concept art image of the Revenant.

Guess we’ll have to see for next week… v_v

EDIT: @Scoobaniec: We really can’t speculate for how much class mechanics will change, as Arena Net themselves said some Professions’ mechanics will be modified (as seen with the Ranger still utilizing the pet) and some mechanics will be changed entirely. Since we have only been hinted at a modified pet mechanic for the Ranger/Druid there is not much we can speculate on at the moment in terms of specifics.

This is why I would just like more detailed information in general about Specializations like someone said earlier about how much do we lose, or how do they become unlocked, etc. Things like those would be nice enough information to go on about and give more discussion topics on Specializations.

As for current traits/abilities, Colin said in the HoT interview with AngryJoe that they will be going back and revisiting base Professions and tweaking/modifying existing skills and traits. How well of a job they do on that remains to be seen but they definitely won’t exist in the same state they are in currently.


(edited by Mar.4839)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’m better it’s going to be adventures to spite us.

I can see it now: Challenging Content, Adventures! :P

You guys realise that probably the biggest reason specialisations haven’t been talked about or put in the beta is because the content isn’t anywhere near being completed right lol? That goes for most of the content in HoT.

This is a very much unsupported conclusion. Of course by the same merit this is also a not a contradicted conclusion. That’s the issue with absence of evidence.

Where did they say that they just started work on this expansion?

They’ve never explicitly stated they’ve not. Then again I seem to remember the big Sylvari are Mordrem reveal, in which ANet explicitly stated they’d been planning it from the start however a number of forum members went on to call them liars. So I guess whether they say something or not people are going to believe what they want to.

We’ll probably still have some “smaller” blog posts about the remaining topics for general world content:

  • “Challenging group content” in HoT,
  • Enermy AI changes,
  • Fractals masteries,

Ah but they also said they’ll still talk more about legendaries. So that could be a thing as well.

I just hope the reason for no NDA isnt because this is just living story 3.0 …

Actually one would expect the opposite though, that they’d try to hide as much detail as possible if this was just going to be LS 3.0

ANet has a plan for releasing this information. Odds are they already have a time table for every blog post that they are trying very hard to meet. No amount of begging will cause them to deviate from that schedule. That’s the way things work in the business world.

Yeah but they could release the schedule like they did with the Feature Packs.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Riiiiiight….3 years mark coming in 4.5 months and expansion still in works. I can see it now how they’ll bolster about 3rd aniiversary, when out of nowhere few million voices will say:

“Collin…that’s nice and all, but there’s a huge kitten mammoth on your room – it’s called new content should be here

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


Riiiiiight….3 years mark coming in 4.5 months and expansion still in works. I can see it now how they’ll bolster about 3rd aniiversary, when out of nowhere few million voices will say:

“Collin…that’s nice and all, but there’s a huge kitten mammoth on your room – it’s called new content should be here

Idk I really think this expansion will release this year, barring some unexpected radical iteration that needs to happen. I was looking at the previous Closed Betas here on the GW2wiki and CBTs and BWEs occurred either one or two months apart, but never much further in between.

Along with the fact that when these Closed Betas begin there is no NDA, which makes me believe they are much more confident about showcasing the content they have worked on so far.

It would just feel strange to begin Closed Betas without at least some specializations being revealed as I imagine they want to reveal them before making them playable. Maybe next week will be the week for a Profession’s Specialization reveal as my earlier linked Screen doesn’t seem to have a thing to do with Specializations and Arena Net as always teased upcoming blogs with a photo at the beginning of the week.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


We shall see. RIght now all players had is a stress test of small demo that was available at PAX. I hardly call that beta testing. Still waiting for those to happen.

And I’m not saying if it’ll launch this year, but am wondering if it’ll make it before 3rd anniversary. Technically it can take 4 months longer after august and still launch this year. But the stigma “It’s that game without any serious content updates for 3 years” will be on many tongues.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


Well true and I’m not expecting it before the 3rd Anniversary. Just that when they keep saying CBT will start “really really soon” then it must be starting “really really soon” and I don’t know how 4.5 months away for first beta would equal “really really soon”.

Thus the first CBT must be happening within April, May at the latest. June seems way to late to use the phrase “really really soon”. I’m going to assume it’ll be a new build and thus probably include a Specialization or two.

If it doesn’t I’ll be sorely disappointed. :T

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


“real soon” – longest unit of time known to mankind after eternity;)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Whats about current junk traits/abilities? Thats right, they will still remain as total junk.

Actually I think a dev said that they were gonna do additional balancing on non-specialized professions along with the expansion, exactly how much balancing they’re gonna do was vague though.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

They’re going to release info about specializations on April 1st. Just a couple days to go!

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Well they just revealed this Wallpaper I attached. It’s a landscape photo so I guess that means no Specialization info this week because when they released the Revenant blog they showed a concept art image of the Revenant.

That’s … actually intriguing. It’s a landscape but not like any I recall seeing in trailers and demos. Maybe they’ll be giving more details of the scope of the new maps?

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Indeed!! It’s all I care about atm really. For me it’s the main addition of this expansion.

Suspense to people who like to plan is horrible.

So much this. I would very much like to prepare and get the right gear/skins for them.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cranos.5913


I stopped caring about specialisations as soon as I learned guardian will get a bow. Anyway, I doubt we’ll be seeing any information about them in the next month. I have a feeling they wanna keep this info for last.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Levetty.1279


They either need to release specialization info or release info about how they are bringing revenant down so that it doesn’t make every other class obsolete.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dietzero.3514


It is pretty ridiculous that necros and rangers can go and collect their new specialisation skins, while other professions have to wait.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I have a feeling specialisations won’t give us that much variety/difference when I really think about it – maybe 1 new trait line (which replaces the profession’s main trait line – like arcana for ele, or soul reap for necro etc.) and a different weapon type I assume, so not really looking forward to specialisations anymore.

Instead, I’d rather fancy a sneak peak at some of the new legendary weapons. I realise most don’t want rainbow themed weapons this time – completely understandable. We have the bifrost and the dreamer, and I do think with the new legendaries we need some more serious/fierce looking weapons with unique effects.

In fact I’m thinking about going for the juggernaut legendary for my future revenant, but then today I was thinking – wait, what if there’s a new legendary hammer that I like even more? So I’m kind of on the edge on what to do at the moment.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


I have a feeling specialisations won’t give us that much variety/difference when I really think about it – maybe 1 new trait line (which replaces the profession’s main trait line – like arcana for ele, or soul reap for necro etc.) and a different weapon type I assume, so not really looking forward to specialisations anymore.

Instead, I’d rather fancy a sneak peak at some of the new legendary weapons. I realise most don’t want rainbow themed weapons this time – completely understandable. We have the bifrost and the dreamer, and I do think with the new legendaries we need some more serious/fierce looking weapons with unique effects.

In fact I’m thinking about going for the juggernaut legendary for my future revenant, but then today I was thinking – wait, what if there’s a new legendary hammer that I like even more? So I’m kind of on the edge on what to do at the moment.

Just because you lack imagination and creativity doesn’t mean the developers do. Could you have come up with the Revenant in the state that we currently know it? No? They did.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mar.4839


@Donari: Yeah it seems likely either more information on the new maps or something to do with Personal Story of HoT because Bobby Stein said in another thread that a blog about what they plan to do about fixing the current Personal Story (and presumably Personal Story in general) should be going up this Tuesday if all goes as planned.

Looks like we will have some kind of blog post to look forward to tomorrow (if it isn’t already Tuesday for some xD)

@Zaoda: Yeah Ralanost is right. We can’t really say much about Specializations at all because other than a couple names and weapons have been given.

This was the purpose of the thread, to hopefully get some Specialization information soon because there is literally nothing to speculate on. I understand that this is the same for “Challenging Group Content” and “Guild Halls” but as Colin said in the AngryJoe interview “minute-to-minute gameplay is really important” and that’s the #1 thing the majority of players do in GW2: Play around with their professions in combat.

Out of all the big topics that haven’t been revealed so far, Specializations will most affect how we play with our Professions.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Myrden.2456


I stopped caring about specialisations as soon as I learned guardian will get a bow. Anyway, I doubt we’ll be seeing any information about them in the next month. I have a feeling they wanna keep this info for last.

This hasn’t been confirmed yet. it MAY be the case, but ANET hasn’t released it, so why dismiss it already. Also, who’s to say the longbow may not have great attacks that really add to the profession?

There’s just too much dismissal and complaining about stuff we don’t have any confirmation of yet.

That being said, yes, ANET, please release info about specializations today.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: witcher.3197


Like said, Specialization are probably the things that hype the most about this xpac. They will most likely wait untill the very end to give any tips about how they will work.

So only after people had the chance to test all the specializations in future closed betas, they’ll start the blogposts? Unlikely. At least some of the specializations must be revealed even before the 1st closed beta, and they want to dedicate a week to each spec, so they better hurry up.

And basically we got no new info for weeks now.. all the blogposts were about stuff we already knew from interviews.

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Plz let today be the day

Please give Specialization info this week

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Plz let today be the day

“We want to announce that class specialization have been a lead up to April fools day. There are no specializations!”

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