Please stop making jumping puzzles
I like jumping puzzles, but they shouldn’t be forced upon anyone. ANET made some very poor design decisions in HoT.
Go to play to Guild Wars 1, there is no jumping in it !
My thumbs curse the whole idea. Seriously, they are starting to really hurt.
Wait… you’re using both thumbs to jump..? How?!?
Wait… you’re using both thumbs to jump..? How?!?
He’s probably being dramatic, but I do actually make my mouse hand sore jumping because I squeeze my mouse too tight from the stress. Like that 3 minute long adventure in Tarir, I’ve never been able to finish it at all and wind up with a sore wrist. No idea how people can even finish it, let alone get gold or silver. I’m not whining and want it removed or anything, I just am unable to do it.
Most are easy and the ones maybe abit confusing like SW one can be looked up or watched on youtube
Only one i would say flat out sucks is the one in VB up on top that you got to do for that mastery point ..
Please stop making jumping puzzles
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
I like jumping puzzles, but they shouldn’t be forced upon anyone. ANET made some very poor design decisions in HoT.
Jumping Puzzles aren’t forced on anyone. However, since the game is 3D, jumping (and gliding for HoT) is now required. If that doesn’t appeal, maybe this isn’t the right sort of game.
Or, you could do like I did: I was terrible when GW2 launched. I couldn’t get to any vista that required any sort of careful waddling, never mind precision jumping. So I practiced by running JPs every day, as often as I could. I mostly stuck to the ones in LA, since the WP costs are free (if I fell and died, as I often did).
Even now, I’m not an expert (I never finished SAB as a result). However, I can manage all the parts of the game that require jumping, including all the JPs. I even teach my friends how to do some of the more interesting puzzles, which also helps me get better.
It’s your choice whether you want to adapt or move on instead. I like the game enough that it was worth the trouble; your mileage will certainly vary.
I totally agree. I am sick of jumping around every nook and cranny!
Leave the jumping crap alone. This is getting annoying to traverse the map. It shouldnt be a chore to get from one side of the map to the other. (Tangled Depths!!!)
Stop making everything about this awkward jumping….oooops fall off start over, or you shoulda brought a (cheat code) mesmer to portal you to the top of the jumping puzzle….all this is terrible.
I’d brace for more of the same. Imagine what they’ll do when they send players underground after Primordius.
As for me, I’m not fond of the verticality in HoT. The sad part for me is that since I didn’t buy HoT (and that was but one reason), I feel myself drifting away from what was the best game franchise. I still play vanilla once in a while,, but I’ve hit interest diminishing returns after 3+ years.
I would love for Anet to offer new stuff that’s aimed at demographics they’ve been ignoring off and on since late 2012. I’m primarily an explorer, and the vertical nature of HoT makes it actively uninteresting to me. Imo, Anet needs to return to their roots. Vanilla was the best game value I’ve seen since, well, GW. HoT, not so much.
I’m primarily an explorer, and the vertical nature of HoT makes it actively uninteresting to me.
HoT has a TON of exploration value. There are even quite a few visible and hidden achievement tracks for exploring. I have played almost nothing but the new maps since they came out, and I still have not found half the things I know are out there. Today on two different occasions I just wandered off in a direction I had unfogged and walked a bunch of times, but I hadn’t really looked before and found a bunch of cool new stuff, even APs dinging. (I found a chicken on the face of a massive cliff yesterday for 5 AP?)
If you enjoy wandering around finding things, I think you’d love HoT. Maybe wait till it goes on sale.
Please stop making jumping puzzles
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781
I just happened to see someone on YouTube doing the Tarir JP and I just cringed at how much torture I would have to put myself through to do that one. I HATE HATE HATE timed jumping. The VB Master Point JP was not that bad as I took my mesmer and put up a safety portal many places along the way, and I sure used them. Time was not a factor thankfully, but with Tarir your on a stupid timer, so just like Mad Kings all that pressure is sure to have me rage quitting.
I am actually not a bad jumper on a human/sylvari and I have done every JP but Mad Kings although there certainly has been some mesmering along the way to prevent the excessive starting over.
(edited by Elric Of Melnibone.4781)
I hope they make more Jumping Puzzles.
I enjoy the idea of vertical zones… So much fun.
Makes me feel like exploration is meaningful, dangerous and adventurous.
Sorry you dont feel that way OP.
Wait… you’re using both thumbs to jump..? How?!?
He’s probably being dramatic, but I do actually make my mouse hand sore jumping because I squeeze my mouse too tight from the stress. Like that 3 minute long adventure in Tarir, I’ve never been able to finish it at all and wind up with a sore wrist. No idea how people can even finish it, let alone get gold or silver. I’m not whining and want it removed or anything, I just am unable to do it.
Yeah, I know he was kidding. Although….. pressing both sides of the spacebar at the same time would ensure it doesn’t wear out on one side…..
But I know what you mean – much as I like jumping puzzles, I don’t like being rushed on them with time limits.
Wait… you’re using both thumbs to jump..? How?!?
He’s probably being dramatic, but I do actually make my mouse hand sore jumping because I squeeze my mouse too tight from the stress. Like that 3 minute long adventure in Tarir, I’ve never been able to finish it at all and wind up with a sore wrist. No idea how people can even finish it, let alone get gold or silver. I’m not whining and want it removed or anything, I just am unable to do it.
Yeah, I know he was kidding.
Although….. pressing both sides of the spacebar at the same time would ensure it doesn’t wear out on one side…..
But I know what you mean – much as I like jumping puzzles, I don’t like being rushed on them with time limits.
I play GW2 on xbox360 controller… I use my thumbs so it’s not like you can’t play using your thumbs. =) So maybe he was serious?
Though to be honest I never have issues with my tumbs doing jumping puzzles using a controller.
Lol, I don’t like platform games at all. Same with jumping. Currently I’m helping a friend of mine with a low level chr in the core game. She is fond of the vistas where you have to jump and keeps laughing that I -level 80- am unable to complete them. O well, its just not my thing. But since lots of people like it… Still I wish they only would be optional, not necessary for completing anything.
I love jumping puzzles.
Having to clear that last jump gets my blood pumping more than any boss fight.
I love jumping puzzles.
Having to clear that last jump gets my blood pumping more than any boss fight.
I agree they are fun!
I would like it if they added more Jumping Puzzles to get to epic boss fights and during boss fights platforming is necessary to kill boss. Makes it more challenging.
Wait… you’re using both thumbs to jump..? How?!?
He’s probably being dramatic, but I do actually make my mouse hand sore jumping because I squeeze my mouse too tight from the stress. Like that 3 minute long adventure in Tarir, I’ve never been able to finish it at all and wind up with a sore wrist. No idea how people can even finish it, let alone get gold or silver. I’m not whining and want it removed or anything, I just am unable to do it.
Yeah, I know he was kidding.
Although….. pressing both sides of the spacebar at the same time would ensure it doesn’t wear out on one side…..
But I know what you mean – much as I like jumping puzzles, I don’t like being rushed on them with time limits.
I play GW2 on xbox360 controller… I use my thumbs so it’s not like you can’t play using your thumbs. =) So maybe he was serious?
Though to be honest I never have issues with my tumbs doing jumping puzzles using a controller.
Not to hog this thread with a debate on whether the poster was serious about his thumbs (lol) but you raise a good point there – I didn’t know you could use an xbox360 controller. Lesson learned.
On the one hand, I love jumping puzzles, and so I hope they keep making them. On the other hand, I totally get the frustrations of those who aren’t great at them, and there are some I can’t be bothered with either. I definitely think that timed portions are a bad idea, and players should be able to work at their own pace (although short timed segments where failure results in only having to repeat that short segment are typically fine).
So while I would like to see them continue to add JPs to the game, I don’t think that they should put JPs in as a barrier to other things. A shortcut, perhaps, but there should always be alternate routes to anything important. Like maybe a jumping challenge would allow you to get to a given location without needing any masteries and in only 1 minute of hopping, while an alternate path might take five minutes of going around with monsters along the way, and/or require certain higher level masteries. You should always be able to get there though.
The only things that should be entirely locked behind JPs are the JP’s chest, and the achievement (which should never be part of a non-jumping meta goal like a collection or map meta achievement).
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I love jumping puzzles.
Having to clear that last jump gets my blood pumping more than any boss fight.
I agree they are fun!
I would like it if they added more Jumping Puzzles to get to epic boss fights and during boss fights platforming is necessary to kill boss. Makes it more challenging.
Maybe this isn’t the game for you. Try Super Marios 8, that has all the jumping and platforms you seem to crave.
Jumping puzzles are awesome hard as heck sometimes but we like it plus it gives guildwars its own flavour not every game can be a WoW clone as much as people complain about WoW clones they moan just as much when something come out diffrent.
Anet, do not listen to these people. I enjoy Jumping Puzzles and want more of them!
If after 30+ years of video games evolution, most with basic jumping mechanics, people still can’t figure out platforming, then they need to call it a day on video gaming. This is basic stuff, people. Since Donkey Kong, as OP said. There’s no excuse for being bad at platforming, outside of a physical ailment.
Sure puzzles I could see not being mandatory, but you people complain if you have to do basic jumping. The kind of jumping a 10yr old would be able to do, simply because you don’t want to…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I really wish they’d catch a hint and make their platforming appropriate to their game’s physics. Climbing mountains in any MMO is bad because of weird slope detection, but ANet actively encourages that b.s. in order to find the few stray pixels that don’t look climbable but are.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
NOOOOOOOOOO. I like jumping puzzles.
I mean, GW2 is the only MMO I know where jumping actually has an point and is not just there to annoy other players!
If they stop making JPs I’m outta here. Best part of the game.
Please stop making jumping puzzles
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
I’m not a huge fan of jumping puzzles (as I demonstrated weekend before last, when I broke a freaking mechanical keyboard in my frustration with one of the many jumping related achievements in LS2). But that doesn’t mean I desire Anet to stop making them, since some people do enjoy that sort of thing.
I’d just prefer if the platforming wasn’t quite so, uh…what’s the phrase I’m looking for here…oh right, not optional. I don’t mind some platforming, but I don’t precisely enjoy it being shoved down my throat with few to no alternatives.
Jumping Jamboree is the new name for this game, I hate jumping puzzles even for the vistas. lol
I agree, stop making jumping puzzles. Most ppl do it once or park their toons. Why waste resources in developing that for a one time use?
Why waste resources in developing that for a one time use?
Raids say hi.
Some people like them, so I’m fine with them adding jumping puzzles, in theory. Problem is, they don’t try to work within their own physics, so many jumping puzzle interactions don’t match the visual cues of the terrain.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Anet, do not listen to these people. I enjoy Jumping Puzzles and want more of them!
If after 30+ years of video games evolution, most with basic jumping mechanics, people still can’t figure out platforming, then they need to call it a day on video gaming. This is basic stuff, people. Since Donkey Kong, as OP said. There’s no excuse for being bad at platforming, outside of a physical ailment.
Sure puzzles I could see not being mandatory, but you people complain if you have to do basic jumping. The kind of jumping a 10yr old would be able to do, simply because you don’t want to…
See there’s the problem. I stopped liking Jumping games at around 8 years old. Hence why I don’t play SM8. Gating mastery behind metas was bad enough, but having a double gate of meta AND gimmick JP mechanics that have timers that have nothing to do with the rest of game isn’t my kind of enjoyment.
But we are forced to do this garbage (you might like it and call them fun, if so, other games are for you- and how many times have you done them since you got gold? Oh yeah, it’s gated so you can’t half the time..) in order to get mastery points to complete the mastery lines.
They can add as many as they like- in fact, they should all be grouped together and they can release a separate game containing them all and sell it to those who like them. Just stop gating stuff that the rest of us need behind them.
Jumping puzzles are fine; some people love them, and enjoy them quite a bit.
It always bothers me, though, when they put something necessary for completion (Vistas, etc.) at the end of them. Even the diving goggles at the Not-So-Secret JP in Gendarran. I’d rather that all JP’s be completely optional, and not tied to any other completion goals.
Please make more jumping puzzles. Seriously, I love how so many things in this game require you to actually maneuver in 3 dimensions. Gliding is simply amazing gameplay, the jumping puzzles are extremely fun, and the whole platform aspect of the game forces you to think and judge instead of blindly runing forward.
Also, people, please stop keeping the space bar pressed when you jump. It doesn’t make you jump farther, and it makes the glider to pops out in the top of your jump. You have to press and release the space bar inmediately, then control your course with directional keys.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
But we are forced to do this garbage (you might like it and call them fun, if so, other games are for you
You don’t like jumping? Hitman is the game for you. See how silly that argument sounds?
and how many times have you done them since you got gold?
I do a couple every day for fun. They also improve your reactions for the rest of the game.
I second this!
Please stop forcing this jumping garbage on those who want nothing to do with it!
-DON’T put mastery points behind them.
-DON’T hide the fact there is very little content in HOT vs TYRIA
-DON’T place collection parts IN MINI GAMES (WTF where they thinking?)
Here what they where thinking…“Hmmmm, there isn’t really much to do after the events in H.O.T.” “The original players will feel cheated paying for this, since there is 200 times more things to enjoy for every player in Tyria.” "How do we make it “feel” like a lot of content?" "Oh, I know… let’s add timers to everything, add an actual point you have to get to even use your mastery experience. Then we’ll place mini games everywhere, that have nothing to do with the war going on. Except the Adventures, whoops I mean mini-game will have collections placed behind them. So there is no way anyone will be able to complete all this. SEE now it “feels” like an expansion not a short DLC (which it really is).
-Living story in tyria…amazing. so much dialouge you actually start to like the lore in this game.
-Living story H.O.T Short cutscenes, took only a couple hours. BUT WAIT THERES MORE. You can’t even do parts of the story without doing masterys!
Two totally different approaches…IN THE SAME GAME.
I like jumping puzzles, but they shouldn’t be forced upon anyone. ANET made some very poor design decisions in HoT.
I agree. I like them, but like anything else in life and games, I don’t like being forced into anything, even the best content. Choices are good.
I love puzzle jumps.
Something curious: when there are complaints about creature mechanics or meta events there’s usually a couple of “L2P” responses, but when there are complaints about jumping puzzles, that doesn’t seem to happen. Not saying it should or shouldn’t. Just curious.
I agree completely, same to raids. Raids are boring.
They need to stop copy WoW and make the game unique and fun through PvP/WvW like in the beginning.
Why waste resources in developing that for a one time use?
Raids say hi.
This is one of the main reasons why they should not focus on this resources, look at WoW, dead game.
Dungeons, PvP, WvW, were nice and repeatable, Anet needs to focus on revive those, and stop wasting resources on dying gameplay.
(edited by JPUlisses.8756)
I’m primarily an explorer, and the vertical nature of HoT makes it actively uninteresting to me.
HoT has a TON of exploration value. There are even quite a few visible and hidden achievement tracks for exploring. I have played almost nothing but the new maps since they came out, and I still have not found half the things I know are out there. Today on two different occasions I just wandered off in a direction I had unfogged and walked a bunch of times, but I hadn’t really looked before and found a bunch of cool new stuff, even APs dinging. (I found a chicken on the face of a massive cliff yesterday for 5 AP?)
If you enjoy wandering around finding things, I think you’d love HoT. Maybe wait till it goes on sale.
HoT is okay for exploration, but is generally uninspiring for that purpose. Most of the citizens you encounter are random frogs who swipe at flies with their tongues and mutter random indecipherable things (probably insults). The environment is kind of pretty but generally lacks scenery due to expansive leaf canopies (never can tell where the next updraft is, hah) and a lot of things being underground.
Personally, though, I was over the jungle scene before HoT even launched (whenever I created Asuran/Sylvari characters I immediately left the forest in favor of Ascalon/Kryta/The Shiverpeaks), so maybe it’s just me.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
wing not auto just hold spacebar for too long :/
Feel free to complain..but not told them to stop doing it.
Jumping Puzzles are fun.
I have neurological and joint disease that makes jp hard. I couldn’t believe how terrible they were at first. (I’d been playing games my whole life before I got sick and kicked butt at platformer games so this was a huge bummer.) When I first entered uncategorized fractal- which I realize is not a JP even- I could not see the platforms well enough or aim my mouse toward them properly (now practice and muscle memory means I do not have to even look). I’ve learned that careful movement and sometimes changing the key bindings can help. As one of the other posters said- I practice them. The timed ones are hard, but I am better at them for the practice, and consequently better at orienting my character spatially in this game in general.
If your glider is deploying, your spacebar/key you use for jumping may be sticking or you may be hitting it too hard from stress.
I never really thought about it before, but yes: there’s a huge amount of ‘jumping puzzle’ and gliding to get to point-of-interest, vistas, hero points, mastery points, etc.
I hope they make more Jumping Puzzles.
I enjoy the idea of vertical zones… So much fun.
Makes me feel like exploration is meaningful, dangerous and adventurous.Sorry you dont feel that way OP.
Me too. Lots of things I don’t like about HoT, the verticality is not one of these. JPs were one of the first things that made me fall in love with the game. I started out far below average and vary between average and pretty good now depending on the day.
80s: Necro x2, Ranger, Warr, Guardian x2, Ele x2, Mes, Thief
(edited by Gregori.5807)
I second this!
Please stop forcing this jumping garbage on those who want nothing to do with it!
-DON’T put mastery points behind them.
-DON’T hide the fact there is very little content in HOT vs TYRIA
-DON’T place collection parts IN MINI GAMES (WTF where they thinking?)
Totally agree .. and while Anet are at it stop locking masteries and achievements behind forced-group content and dungeons, some people hate doing those as well!
See how absurd things can get if you only allow what YOU like as being valid.
(edited by Kraggy.4169)
i always found jumping puzzles a pain and tried to avoid them, only doing them when necessary (like the one in silverwastes to reach map completion).
especially since the implementation of the megaservers my ping went down. looks like i always end up on US-servers now (instead of a European servers before). its now even harder to time the jumps right.
also some places that are only reachable by gliding are nearly impossible to reach as there is always a delay til the glider opens (even if i keep the space bar pressed) – and so i reach my destination a few inches below the edge (eg. the final reward chest in DS).
nearly everything in HoT includes some jumping puzzles – even the story had a jumping episode (with glint’s egg) which i couldnt master and had to abandon the story.
I find Jumping puzzles fun depending on my mood … some are cool and its a nice gw2 feature … but please ANET Fix those new maps, the fps on them is sad (memory management + animations/particles), that makes jumping puzzles near to impossible
Hmm, thread kinda took off.
I should clarify: I am not in favor of eliminating jumping puzzles. I am asking that they stop making EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW have a jumping puzzle feel to it. What makes it so frustrating is that a majority of the precision-pixilation path you must follow is laden with jumps that are at the outer limits of the jump animation. Then add all the not easily seen (if possible to see) pixels in the path that are designed specifically to knock you off the path, knock you down the z-axis. Finally, add that failure can leave you among a group of super frogs and, well, wp.
All that if fine for a jumping puzzle for people who want to do jumping puzzles. But when the open content becomes so saturated with the mechanic it just becomes completely annoying, not fun. Annoying leads to apathy, which leads to…
HoT requires everyone to become a master space bar pixel achiever if your interest is to achieve any of the new achievement content. . You have no choice. Well there is a choice: avoid the content. However, if you are avoiding more content than you are enjoying, well, …
Imagine finding your new favorite cake. Eating some cake is very satisfying. Eating all the cakes in the store leads to misery. Anet filled the entire mall with jumping cakes.
I have enjoyed GW2 since launch and I want to spend time each evening doing a little something in GW2. I was ok avoiding things in the original game. But as it stands right now, I am finding a whole lot of HoT that is not possible. Even simple exploration is off limits due to maps saturated with super mobs. LFG is not finding the people. I cannot stress how much of my time is sitting idle watching maps and working chat channels just to do basic game content.
There is something that just does not feel right in the new mob versus mob PVE universe.
It always bothers me, though, when they put something necessary for completion (Vistas, etc.) at the end of them. Even the diving goggles at the Not-So-Secret JP in Gendarran.
In my case, specifically this. Before HoT the diving challenges were a nice novelty add-on which didn’t really reward much and as such were fine being beyond the top of a very difficult jumping puzzle. You can opt out and not really miss anything. But now there is a mastery point behind it and we all need mastery points, especially those of us who do not have access to LS2. So now I am 37/38 in diving and utterly frustrated at that last one. I’m not a complete klutz at jumping but that one is really unforgiving and nearly every missed jump results in death and in having to go right back to the start. I get that masteries are supposed to be hard but I fail to see what nail-biting jumping and leaps of faith into an invisible pool of water have to do with earning the autoloot ability.
I need two more mastery points to max out the first Tyria mastery. One of those points will come from Teq when I eventually manage to dodge the tail. I don’t know where the other will come from. You won’t believe how many times I have failed Triple Trouble hehe.
So, I agree that Jumping Puzzles should not be used to gate other progress in other aspects of the game.
Where the hell are hard JPs in the expansion? There are hard ones in this game, yes, but not in HOT. Well maybe the one mastery point in VB in the dome is rather hard. But I have yet to find a really hard one like skipping stones or even Obsidian Sanctum.
‘would of been’ —> wrong