Pocket Raptors
Allow me to set a scene here; I’m a level 80 revenant in exotic heavy armor.
Why do those little buggers kill me in 5-7 hits? It’s literally impossible to walk from point a to point b without being gang-racked by the little kittens and brought into downed state. Logically they should break their little teeth on my metal boots! =p
Please get rid of them. They’re nothing but an annoyance!
You have a hammer equipped? Hammer 5 before they aggro, followed by Hammer 2 as they approach, followed by hammer 3 when they get close (so you are evading damage while dealing it). You might need another hammer 2 or some auto-attacks to clean up the remnants.
What do you know? No more Pocket Raptors.
Ya, they’re not hard to kill; But honestly, I just want to get where I want to go — why does it have to be interrupted with having to do a groundstomp-combo every 10 steps? ><
One of the dwarf utility skills(the whirling hammers) could be usefull too.
Yep. Hammer. While still at a distance I hit them with hammer 5 and then hammer 3. Then a couple of autoattacks, and they’re dead (and I’m not). Or for a bit of variation I use sword skill 3 which bounces me around the group of them.
ANet may give it to you.
also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
They seem to do massive amounts of damage for their size.
And sometimes they run in packs of 15.
I used to be an Revenant like you, then I took a pocket raptor in the knee.
also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Indeed, seems the little swines don’t even carry any loot at all.
…and they give very little XP. A whole pack probably gives less XP than an ore node. Seems disproportionate.
Pocket raptors are zerglings basically; small, easy to kill, but deadly in massive numbers.
I hate them, too, but I doubt anet’s going to remove them. :P
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also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Nothing drops loot if you dont kill it.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Most people die from pocket raptors as they try to run through them and lose aggro rather than take the 5-10 secs to kill them.
I used to be an Revenant like you, then I took a pocket raptor in the knee.
also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Indeed, seems the little swines don’t even carry any loot at all.
They don’t have any pockets to carry loot in.
ANet may give it to you.
Pocket Raptor literally dies in 1 hit. My ele just shout them to death without stopping. And my ele is glass. I tried and they literally killed my ele in 2 hits. But my ele can wiped out 2 groups without using 1,2,3,4,5 of my skill bar. I only use shouts. fire and shock. I usually just run pass them though. Since they don’t drop loot.
They’re pretty blind little things. You pretty much have to trip over one to aggro the pack. At which point you dodge once and then aoe like heck.
Granted most of my HoT time is on my Reaper, so I’m very tanky plus shouting RISE at the pack gets me delightful results, but still I just watch for the little swarm of red “Pocket Raptor” names since I can’t see the beasts themselves at my usual zoom out and if they move towards me, I do preemptive strikes.
That isn’t to say they can’t utterly wreck you if you’re not prepared. Which I find part of their tiny, deadly charm. (And I am not hard core. I just adore the little things).
Allow me to set a scene here; I’m a level 80 revenant in exotic heavy armor.
Why do those little buggers kill me in 5-7 hits? It’s literally impossible to walk from point a to point b without being gang-racked by the little kittens and brought into downed state. Logically they should break their little teeth on my metal boots! =p
Please get rid of them. They’re nothing but an annoyance!
They are the one of the few fun critters in this game, perhaps you need to go back to the mists to hone your skills more and craft a set of ascended gear while you’re at it.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I don’t really find them much of a nuisance anymore. Usually a simple snare of some sort will work. Mind you, I generally also run more defensive stuff.
…and they give very little XP. A whole pack probably gives less XP than an ore node. Seems disproportionate.
Thankfully, they give stacks. Two packs pretty much mean full stack of bloodlust. =)
@Erindriel – Revenant can also outrun raptors pretty easily. Toggle Shiro superspeed and dodge their first strike, and you’ll be clear. Just watch out when using superspeed to evade rolling devils… they go about as fast as you at max speed, so you’ll cop the whole damage of their roll. That’s an insta-down.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
Can they at least be made to drop loot? Or put more diverse mobs in these zones instead of just kittenting out pocket raptors in every corner you’re not sure about, ArenaNet.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
they do too much damage period. the end. at least they could drop some loot.
1. because you don’t dodge when they rush you
2. because you aren’t using you’re toolset to kill them.
Pocket Raptors, like most mobs, all have counters. AOE, dodge, block and they are harmless. I find them adorable! Just like snipers and smokescale that I 1 or 2 shot while gathering flax and other goodies in the jungle.
It’s ok to die sometimes. Just realize it can be avoided most of the time.
Chronomancer shield 4. I don’t have a problem. Well sucks to be you :P
^OMG Smokescales are stupid.
I blink away and guess what? It’s still attacking me with the mist/smoky attack thing that they do.
I love pocket raptors so hard. They’re the perfect way to get an instant 25 stacks of BL or corruption. Just lure a few groups to gather and explode them. I honestly think that may be their intended purpose.
Why do those little buggers kill me in 5-7 hits? It’s literally impossible to walk from point a to point b without being gang-racked by the little kittens and brought into downed state.
I don’t think that word means what you think it means. I do just that quite often without being “brought into a downed state”
They are poorly thought out mob packs for the simple fact that some classes like elementalist can stomp them with AoE and others like Rev have it rough as nuts.
…. and others like Rev have it rough as nuts.
I have never had an issue as a revenant against these enemies, they literally die in a couple of hits, even one hit.
I’m just waiting for Legendary Pocket Raptors at every waypoint.
Actually, why not legendary pocket rollers packs?
they do too much damage period. the end. at least they could drop some loot.
And ur not using ur abilities right to overcome them, as anyone else who kills them does. The end.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
They are poorly thought out mob packs for the simple fact that some classes like elementalist can stomp them with AoE and others like Rev have it rough as nuts.
My revenant didn’t even need to use any 1 to 5 attacks. Just use Legendary Dwarf that hammer turning around your body skill and see them fall. :P
Or Malyx skill that create something like a well, and you will also see them fall…..
Sorry, I am rarely on my Revenant, so I can’t remember the skill name, but I don’t have any problems with taking out the pocket raptors.
The other day, my 12-year-old on her fresh-to-80 mesmer, proudly told me: Mom, thanks to these pocket raptors, I have finally learned how to dodge well .
Personally, I’d love to have a miniature pack of pocket raptors . They’re adorable (and, as others said, easily counterable on every class).
Pocket Raptors – I love them the same as I hate them. One Pocket Raptor is cute and can’t do harm but 10-15 of them? If You don’t act You would end up like in Jurrasic Park encountering Velociraptors.
Leave Pocket Raptors as they are. I can’t stand world without these pesky cute lettle zerglings! Beauties and beasts in one. xD
Not only that, they’re highly portable.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
i notice if you turn and face them they run away from you.. little bugger…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Na, they are not so bad. If you see them coming it’s easy, if they surprise you, it’s a little more tricky. I’d vote for smokescale’s or rolling devils as the most annoying mob in HoT.
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also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Nothing drops loot if you dont kill it.
The Skritt Burglar in Maguuma
First time I saw them, and the swarmed me and killed me, all I could think of was this:
The pocket raptor are okay, it’s funny to see them die when you are playing a guardian with a damage reflecting shield. These rolling devils and smokescales and some frog foes are really annoying, it doesn’t matter how often you are dogded, they bring your HP under 25-50 % almost everytime within 2 seconds. Sometimes they will regret this, when I have enough. Really, I don’t want to harm them when I’m gathering these precious herbs, but they have forced me to kill them, it’s just self defense ^^.
Allow me to set a scene here; I’m a level 80 revenant in exotic heavy armor.
Why do those little buggers kill me in 5-7 hits? It’s literally impossible to walk from point a to point b without being gang-racked by the little kittens and brought into downed state. Logically they should break their little teeth on my metal boots! =p
Please get rid of them. They’re nothing but an annoyance!
I agree that their damage output is somewhat strange – especially if you happen to be the point of interest of two groups and their sync attacks makes for a huge spike. But as a Revenant … just use the facette that gives you the 33% movement speed and run – when you near them and you see that they will attack dodge roll, use staff 5 and you’re out of reach already and if another group is close use staff 3 after your dodge roll … will put you in combat speed most likely but I manage to run through raptor alley in AB without dying and there’s 4 or 5 groups of them in a row.
(edited by HtFde.3856)
I used to be an Revenant like you, then I took a pocket raptor in the knee.
also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Indeed, seems the little swines don’t even carry any loot at all.
They’re tiny! How could you expect the poor things to carry something big as a greatsword for some player to loot it from them?
Pocket Raptor literally dies in 1 hit. My ele just shout them to death without stopping. And my ele is glass. I tried and they literally killed my ele in 2 hits. But my ele can wiped out 2 groups without using 1,2,3,4,5 of my skill bar. I only use shouts. fire and shock. I usually just run pass them though. Since they don’t drop loot.
Well, that works for one group – in AB you have 4 or 5 groups in a row and I wonder how the timer ratio between cooldown and respawn is
^OMG Smokescales are stupid.
I blink away and guess what? It’s still attacking me with the mist/smoky attack thing that they do.
Well, anything with a channel attack will do so. Those claw attacks from the guys in Orr do the same – follow you into invisibility and a blink as well. So when I approach one of those channelers I usually have scepter 2 ready for the block (+ a nice condition to reward their effort) and then (!) blink away.
The other day, my 12-year-old on her fresh-to-80 mesmer, proudly told me: Mom, thanks to these pocket raptors, I have finally learned how to dodge well
Personally, I’d love to have a miniature pack of pocket raptors
. They’re adorable (and, as others said, easily counterable on every class).
Ponders … whould it actually make sense to create a mini that might be 3 pixel high?
Pocket Raptor literally dies in 1 hit. My ele just shout them to death without stopping. And my ele is glass. I tried and they literally killed my ele in 2 hits. But my ele can wiped out 2 groups without using 1,2,3,4,5 of my skill bar. I only use shouts. fire and shock. I usually just run pass them though. Since they don’t drop loot.
Well, that works for one group – in AB you have 4 or 5 groups in a row and I wonder how the timer ratio between cooldown and respawn is
If you are spec like my Ele, first hit will get a flameburst or something. It’s a rune thing. Then that fire shout and the shock shout. And at least 80% of 2 groups will be dead. Then that evasive arcana dodge in fire attunement, and you get another group that is on fire. And my ele is using runes that prolong fire duration, so, most of them will die from the fire…….
As a rev/herald, just run through them. Dodge 1-2 times mid of the pocket raptors, or use Glint Heal skill, while running through, since it heals instead of damaging you.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
You people would like to suck out the fun out of everything. First time I got swarmed when entering HoT areas I was kinda shocked, but also positively pleased they put stuff like that in game. I learned my lesson very fast and now I know how to deal with them without putting much effort into it.
You can literally just ignore them and do 2 well timed evades and they will stop following.
It’s a jungle, people! If you’re not careful and you accidentally walk into them, well… natural selection happens.
The other day, my 12-year-old on her fresh-to-80 mesmer, proudly told me: Mom, thanks to these pocket raptors, I have finally learned how to dodge well
Personally, I’d love to have a miniature pack of pocket raptors
. They’re adorable (and, as others said, easily counterable on every class).
Ponders … whould it actually make sense to create a mini that might be 3 pixel high?
Well, they should at least be larger than my mini mosquito … which, admittedly, you hardly ever see because it’s so tiny .
Pocket Raptor literally dies in 1 hit. My ele just shout them to death without stopping. And my ele is glass. I tried and they literally killed my ele in 2 hits. But my ele can wiped out 2 groups without using 1,2,3,4,5 of my skill bar. I only use shouts. fire and shock. I usually just run pass them though. Since they don’t drop loot.
Well, that works for one group – in AB you have 4 or 5 groups in a row and I wonder how the timer ratio between cooldown and respawn is
If you are spec like my Ele, first hit will get a flameburst or something. It’s a rune thing. Then that fire shout and the shock shout. And at least 80% of 2 groups will be dead. Then that evasive arcana dodge in fire attunement, and you get another group that is on fire. And my ele is using runes that prolong fire duration, so, most of them will die from the fire…….
Since my Ele is struggling a bit in HoT (I played her in WvW most of the time as a D/D bunker but there have been a few changes (especially so might) that this build is no longer working really well … could you perhaps link your build? I’m trying air/water + tempest but you seem to running a different spec.
I used to be an Revenant like you, then I took a pocket raptor in the knee.
also, are they hardcoded to not drop loot?
Indeed, seems the little swines don’t even carry any loot at all.
I wonder if that could be a subtle reference to raptor farming outside of Rata Sum in GW1.
love the raptors cute little squishy things…. yes I am an ele xD