Sylvari are created by the jungle dragon! It’s awesome no matter which way you dice it, leading to lots of speculation over what it will mean to have a player race that is capable of being irredeemably evil (even if the players aren’t actually evil).
But rather than speculate on where the story might go with Mordremoth and his estranged creations, I’d like to speculate on what sort of things ArenaNet could build into the expansion to take advantage of the high-level narrative and make it more interesting for the player base to engage in.
NOTE: These are ordered from what I consider most likely to least likely.
Different NPC Reactions
NPC reactions are already confirmed to be a way that ArenaNet will highlight how sylvari are viewed now (see: this teaser trailer and Laranthir’s dialogue in the PAX demo). With a little help from some monstrously large vines, they just downed the entire Pact fleet. No non-sylvari is going to look at their resident salad without being suspicious. Sylvari players will have to deal with the justified suspicion, and maybe even racism, that their kindred’s actions has caused.
Seeing It from Outside
But I consider it just as likely that non-sylvari players will get similar approaches. They’ll get to see strained relations between sylvari and non-sylvari, perhaps even be prodded in dialogue to keep a close eye on “That minion over there.”
What’d be really cool, but I haven’t observed in the existing world, is if conversations were context-sensitive. If I, as an asura, approach with a sylvari in my party nearby, what if a Pact survivor eyes me with disdain and calls out my “untrustworthy ally?”
Proven Worth
Another way to distinguish sylvari could be incorporated into the mastery system, since that’s a clearly tracked total. Sylvari just starting without a wink of Heart of Maguuma mastery are scum of the earth, two steps away from betraying everyone.
Meanwhile, someone with a few dozen points is a proven ally to the cause of taking down Mordremoth, unaffected or able to resist the dragon’s siren call. NPCs might even defer to such a player, as she’s likely been to the darker side of the dragon’s will and survived.
Revisiting a System to Give It More Personality
Between the April and September 2014 Feature Packs, the personality system that used to be part of a character’s identity has been made invisible, outside of select NPC conversations. As best I can figure (I can’t find any developer statement), it was functionally removed because it had no point beyond personal story.
Being a captivating mountebank, or a daring scoundrel, or a noble knight had zero effect on 99% of the game. And the work required to build effects in, even if it’s pre-programmed NPC reaction lines when a player passes by, is immense.
That’s why I think it got quietly swept under the rug of UI updates and never mentioned again, like that embarrassing event at the family reunion seven years ago. For something that would still be minor in effect, tons of hours would have to be devoted to making it a reality.
Exploring Shades of the Spectrum
RPGs are built to encourage personality, even MMOs, a genre famous for either poor story, poor player agency, or both. And with the overall narrative of who sylvari are, I see a golden opportunity to build into Heart of Thorns the central tension of who a given sylvari really is, minion or friend.
It’s a given that no player is going to be allowed to be evil; it doesn’t fit the “you’re a hero, this is your story” meta-narrative that the game as a whole has. The same reasoning has been why the Inquest, Nightmare Court, and the like haven’t been options for players.
But what if a sylvari could shift among all points of the evil/good spectrum without actually being evil? What if during the personal story and other instances, a sylvari has the option to do some shadowy work, infiltrating among corrupted sylvari or Nightmare Court? What if they could listen to “the voice” just that little bit, but refuse the corruption?
On the other side, another sylvari can be bound and determined to clear his name against the scourge of Mordremoth’s name. He hates the accursed dragon and wants to take it down even more than his allies.
For non-sylvari, a similar spectrum is present: suspicion vs. sympathy. Either a charr doesn’t trust a salad as far as she can throw them, or she doesn’t believe her leafy friends are weak enough to fall to a dragon’s influence. Or anywhere in between.
The Tough Love Critic (
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi