Precursor Crafting Overpriced?
In addition to the gold cost, there’s the extra time and XP sink of precursor crafting to factor in as well.
ANet are in a bit of a bind with this.
They want people playing the game, but after the sign up fee (now the HoT expansion only) ANet’s revenue is almost exclusively from people buying through the TP ($ spent for gem or gem→gold purchases). With GW2 beign free to play, it’s simply in ANet’s best interest to encourage in game purchases. What better to do that with, than getting the best gear in the game?
There’s also the theory that the more people who play the TP, the better it will work as a market. It’s a small step from there to thinking that encouraging players to participate on the TP is good for the game.
Put these two together, and ANet’s reluctant moves towards make Legendary gear available away from the TP make a lot more sense.
Personally, I’d much prefer it if Legendaries genuinely reflected epic gameplay rather than grinding/RNG luck and trading – “Wow. They must have done some awesome stuff to get that” always seems far more inspiring than “See my amazing Sword of Trading.” (I feel sorry for the players who truly have earned their Legendaries, but those Legendaries are indistinguishable from the ones others just bought direct off the TP.)
p.s. Why the protectionism around precursor prices?
That doesn’t seem to help anyone except precursor speculators, TP farmers and the few random players who got a precursor drop by pure chance; and it disadvantages the rest of the GW2 player community.
p.s. Why the protectionism around precursor prices?
That doesn’t seem to help anyone except precursor speculators, TP farmers and the few random players who got a precursor drop by pure chance; and it disadvantages the rest of the GW2 player community.
So stop looking at it as a player and look at it as a designer. Because the two outlooks do NOT share goals.
If they wanted cheaper precursors in the game they’d have upped the drop rates taking a couple days tops to implement. Instead they spent two years working out complex multilayer tasks that required coding in dozens of new items and locations.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
You people have mistaken precursor crafting.
It’s not meant to be easier,cheaper and faster way. (…)
I think so as well. Crafting a precursor was not supposed to be easy or fast. I think the only reason for Anet to introduce it like that was to provide a way of acquiring them besides the “pure kitten luck” and “spent a ridiculous amount of money” options. And the option they provided consists of a lot of time and patience… Since you can actually farm the required materials, you do not need to buy them…
(edited by aikatara.3462)
Yes, they are overpriced. Nobody can rationally claim otherwise. They need to change this soon, but they might not because they have that troll streak going. “Oh, you want cheaper precursors? Trololololol.”
As usual you seem to have totally missed both the stated objective of precursor crafting (remove RNG) AND the economic and game related impacts of your “cost nothing” mantra. You have also reinforced my belief that you don’t want to actually play anything at all in GW2 and just want to log in and see shinies. I think this game is more your speed:
Its good news that 2nd gen are account bound. Lets hope that the gold sink does not get too massive, best is that the crafting of the 2nd gen legendary to just leave TP out of it.
Mesmer | Night
And yet, the TP is still far and away the most effective way of doing it.
Point ENTIRELY missed. If you just want to buy it you’ve ALWAYS had the option to do so. They are not unhappy with the prices of precursors. Universal player satisfaction is NOT one of ANet’s goals. Collections being cheaper than buying one is also not a goal.
They didn’t add collections so you could buy a precursor. They added them so there was a non-RNG way of introducing them into the system.
Pushback against pre-crafting is going to be massive as soon as people start publishing the requirements. Your statement about none RNG method isn’t true as each precursor has a different so called journey. The Legend for instance can be done solo while the Chaos Gun forces you to group up and hunt down all the Fractal Bosses which would be difficult with this new individual fractals system they have as pugs stick around for a single fractal they no longer stick together till the random boss fractal occurs. Those aside I’ve heard a number of Precursors have a great deal of RNG involved by collecting rare achievement specific items from mobs. There are even a couple posts in the Forums about people complaining about RNG in there Precrafting. Some are cheaper and yet some are more expensive to craft than the actual TP prices. The system is anything but uniform and one mans complaint doesn’t cover all pres while at the same time defenders of the method can be torn apart because what there saying is only true depending on the pre. For the record I believe they said Zap was one of the pres with RNG in which you had to collect rare drop from iron nodes or something.
People who say “you can just gather the mats instead of buying them from the TP” are completely missing the point. Materials have value too. They either take time to gather or cost gold to buy.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
People who say “you can just gather the mats instead of buying them from the TP” are completely missing the point. Materials have value too. They either take time to gather or cost gold to buy.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
What is your point?
Crafting the precursors is supposed to be an alternative method, not a replacement method. Is that so hard to understand? ANet considers the price of precursors to be healthy right now, clearly, so they made sure to not kill the market by making the crafted ones cheaper.
If you think its a waste to use the crafting method then save the gold and buy it from TP.
It can cost you around 430g, or a lot less if you plan to farm the materials yourself.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
People who say “you can just gather the mats instead of buying them from the TP” are completely missing the point. Materials have value too. They either take time to gather or cost gold to buy.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
What is your point?
Crafting the precursors is supposed to be an alternative method, not a replacement method. Is that so hard to understand? ANet considers the price of precursors to be healthy right now, clearly, so they made sure to not kill the market by making the crafted ones cheaper.
If you think its a waste to use the crafting method then save the gold and buy it from TP.
Crafting a precursor is more time-consuming AND more expensive than buying a pre from the TP, which makes it an NONVIABLE alternate method. Is that so hard to understand?
Unless you like to work more and pay more for the same pre, there is absolutely zero reason to bother with pre crafting. You’d be better off farming gold and/or selling your materials and using that gold to buy a pre from the TP, as I already explained and spelled out in my previous post.
For precursor crafting to be a VIABLE alternative method, 1 of these 2 requirements have to be met:
1) Precursor crafting should be a longer but cheaper process than farming gold to buy one from the TP.
2) Precursor crafting should be a faster but more expensive process than farming gold to buy one from the TP.
Right now, precursor crafting is a longer and more expensive process than simply farming gold to buy one from the TP, which makes it an nonviable alternative method and simply a waste of time and money.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
I got Storm the other day, and the price of it is pretty low (around 380 B.O and 490 B.I.N) and it actually works out CHEAPER to buy it off the TP than it would be to craft it. I don’t think the system was thought out very well, I can understand that to get a precursor you should have to put in a considerable amount of effort, but for the item to be cheaper to buy it does kind of defeat the object for some I would imagine.
Do people think the precursors on the trading post appear by accident?
There are three ways to get precursors in this game.
Random drops – SUPER rare and represent only a small amount of the precursors on the TP. If this was the only way to generate them they would be an order of magnitude more expensive.
Mystic Forge RNG – Gambling with 4 rares and hoping you hit one. This is consistent for the entire playerbase but as an individual you can lose thousands of gold and never get one. This is where the majority of precursors come from on the TP and what sets the market price. This RNG factor is also what ANET removed with the new method.
Precursor Collections – Completing events and gathering/buying mats. This method is 100% SURE THING to generate a precursor. That was ANets stated objective, NOT to cheapen them, NOT to be the most optimal. They wanted to remove RNG and sustain the value of the materials that go into both rares AND now into this new method.
Stop pretending like the precursors on the marketplace come from nowhere. If you think the new method is crap, feel free to RNG your way into a precursor or just buy one from the TP.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money.
Okay, let me just put it this way:
I absolutely despise farming for gold. Now with these legendary journeys, I can FINALLY make an honest attempt at getting a legendary.
Now leave me to enjoy my legendary journey PLEASE. If you want your legendary that much without working for it, go buy it off the TP.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money.
The last 6 lines of your post are something I cannot see how anyone can logically argue with.
Do people think the precursors on the trading post appear by accident?
There are three ways to get precursors in this game.
Random drops – SUPER rare and represent only a small amount of the precursors on the TP. If this was the only way to generate them they would be an order of magnitude more expensive.
Mystic Forge RNG – Gambling with 4 rares and hoping you hit one. This is consistent for the entire playerbase but as an individual you can lose thousands of gold and never get one. This is where the majority of precursors come from on the TP and what sets the market price. This RNG factor is also what ANET removed with the new method.
Precursor Collections – Completing events and gathering/buying mats. This method is 100% SURE THING to generate a precursor. That was ANets stated objective, NOT to cheapen them, NOT to be the most optimal. They wanted to remove RNG and sustain the value of the materials that go into both rares AND now into this new method.
Stop pretending like the precursors on the marketplace come from nowhere. If you think the new method is crap, feel free to RNG your way into a precursor or just buy one from the TP.
It doesn’t matter where precursors come from, they are there and they won’t be going anywhere. As long as precursors on the TP exist, crafting a precursor will always be a waste of time and money. You’d be better off using that time and/or money to farm for gold and buy that precursor from the TP. And that won’t change until Anet decides to bring the costs of crafting a precursor on par with the TP value.
But hey, if you want to waste your time and gold on the pointless endeavor of crafting a precursor then be my guest. If you like spending more time and more gold on crafting a precursor instead of buying one, I won’t be stopping you.
Me? I’ll be more careful with my mats and gold and not waste it on an expensive, time-consuming and ultimately pointless endeavor.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money.
The last 6 lines of your post are something I cannot see how anyone can logically argue with.
You mean the last 6 lines of my post don’t make sense? How so? What part doesn’t make sense to you? I explained it pretty clearly. But I’m willing to explain it once again if I have to. I’m a patient man.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money.
The last 6 lines of your post are something I cannot see how anyone can logically argue with.
You mean the last 6 lines of my post don’t make sense? How so? What part doesn’t make sense to you? I explained it pretty clearly. But I’m willing to explain it once again if I have to. I’m a patient man.
Haha you misread what I posted, I was actually saying that is an extremely sensible way to put it and I cannot see how anyone can present a logical argument against that statement.
When gathering the materials needed for precursor crafting takes a lot more time than farming for gold to buy one off the TP, then there is no reason to bother with the precursor crafting. Just farm gold and buy a pre from the TP.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
When the sum total of the materials’ value needed to craft a precursor is higher than the price of the precursor on the TP, then there is no reason to bother with precursor crafting. Just sell your mats and buy a pre from the TP.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
Precursor crafting as it is right now is literally a waste of time and money.
No. BUYING the mats is a waste of time. Being able to realistically produce a precursor without feeding coin to your economic pvp opponents is priceless. Literally.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money.
The last 6 lines of your post are something I cannot see how anyone can logically argue with.
You mean the last 6 lines of my post don’t make sense? How so? What part doesn’t make sense to you? I explained it pretty clearly. But I’m willing to explain it once again if I have to. I’m a patient man.
Haha you misread what I posted, I was actually saying that is an extremely sensible way to put it and I cannot see how anyone can present a logical argument against that statement.
Ah I see! I misunderstood what you said then!
Glad to see someone else in here sees how incredibly wack and out of touch the precursor crafting requirements are right now.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
And again your focus is on the TP as if its a place everyone WANTS to be.
What’s terrifying is how much people hate “those evil flippers”, and yet are so incredibly EAGER to give them 500g to screw you over with again in the future.
Utilizing 1,000g worth of mats to reach a goal while NOT give 500g to your economic pvp opponent is entirely worth it to some people.
Not feeding your enemy is hardly ‘stupid’. It’s fiercely gratifying in fact.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
And once again you’re completely missing the point.
Because of the insane amount of mats needed to craft a precursor, you’re literally better off buying a pre from the TP. I don’t get how you don’t understand this/ But let me spell it out once more:
Lets say I’d need 1000g worth of mats to craft The Chosen, and instead of buying the mats from the TP I’d farm and gather all of them myself.
So here I am, farmed and gathered my butt off. Now I have mats with a total value of 1000g in my bank and I didn’t spend a single dime for it. All is good right? Nope! Not all is good! Because here is the problem:
Why would I use those mats to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
And again your focus is on the TP as if its a place everyone WANTS to be.
What’s terrifying is how much people hate “those evil flippers”, and yet are so incredibly EAGER to give them 500g to screw you over with again in the future.
Utilizing 1,000g worth of mats to reach a goal while NOT give 500g to your economic pvp opponent is entirely worth it to some people.
Not feeding your enemy is hardly ‘stupid’. It’s fiercely gratifying in fact.
LMAO really? Your counter argument is that you rather waste 500g than giving it to “those evil flippers”?
Let me enlighten you:
The people currently generating precursors through the Mystic Toilet aren’t necessarily flippers. There is a variety of people who generate precursors through the MF and none of them are “evil” or doing anything unethical.
There are people who farm dungeons, use their dungeon tokens to get exotic weapons and throw those in the MF to generate precursors and other sell-able exotics.
There are people who gather materials to craft rare weapons, they throw those in the MF and generate precursors and other sell-able exotics with it.
Then there are people who realize that you can easily generate a precursor for ~600g if you place buy orders on the mats needed to craft rares, then use those mats you bought for cheap from the TP to craft those rares, then use those rares to generate precursors. The reason why not everyone does this to make mad profit is because it’s not a 100% guaranteed way that you’ll get that precursor after spending 600g on mats, but do this long and often enough and eventually you will average out to ~600g per precursor, which means on average you’ll make 400g profit per precursor generated and sold on the TP.
These 3 methods, these methods are where most of the precursors on the TP come from. I don’t see how any of these practices are unethical nor do I see why anyone would rather waste their hard-earned mats and gold on the overpriced precursor crafting as opposed to just buying one from the TP or using one of the above methods to get a pre from the MF yourself.
Let me enlighten you:
Let me enlighten you. I know perfectly well how precursor generation works. Been here for years. If there were a VENDOR offering precursors for 500 gold I’d buy in a heartbeat because that takes 100% of that mud coin out of the system.
Given the option to work a little harder (and I have level 500 crafters in all professions so I’m quite capable of fabricating the ascended mats from their basest, cheapest components) to NOT push 90% of that money into the hands of another player, I’m willing to pay a modest premium.
Frankly I’d sooner be the person dumping yellows/oranges into the mystic forge over buying a precursor. Because buying other people’s risk rarely is a good deal in the long run and I expect to be here a few years more.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So this has been said a lot, but precursor crafting never meant to lower the price of precursors. What it would allow you to do is create a quest of sorts where you have progression towards your precursor.
Let me enlighten you:
Let me enlighten you. I know perfectly well how precursor generation works. Been here for years. If there were a VENDOR offering precursors for 500 gold I’d buy in a heartbeat because that takes 100% of that mud coin out of the system.
Given the option to work a little harder (and I have level 500 crafters in all professions so I’m quite capable of fabricating the ascended mats from their basest, cheapest components) to NOT push 90% of that money into the hands of another player, I’m willing to pay a modest premium.
Frankly I’d sooner be the person dumping yellows/oranges into the mystic forge over buying a precursor. Because buying other people’s risk rarely is a good deal in the long run and I expect to be here a few years more.
I don’t understand that sentiment at all, but even so, why would you waste 1000g or more on precursor crafting (not to mention the time it takes to finish the masteries and collections) when it’s a lot easier and cheaper to generate a pre yourself through the MF (by using lvl 70 exotics, dungeon exotics or crafting your own rares)?
Let me enlighten you:
Let me enlighten you. I know perfectly well how precursor generation works. Been here for years. If there were a VENDOR offering precursors for 500 gold I’d buy in a heartbeat because that takes 100% of that mud coin out of the system.
Given the option to work a little harder (and I have level 500 crafters in all professions so I’m quite capable of fabricating the ascended mats from their basest, cheapest components) to NOT push 90% of that money into the hands of another player, I’m willing to pay a modest premium.
Frankly I’d sooner be the person dumping yellows/oranges into the mystic forge over buying a precursor. Because buying other people’s risk rarely is a good deal in the long run and I expect to be here a few years more.
I don’t understand that sentiment at all, but even so, why would you waste 1000g or more on precursor crafting (not to mention the time it takes to finish the masteries and collections) when it’s a lot easier and cheaper to generate a pre yourself through the MF (by using lvl 70 exotics, dungeon exotics or crafting your own rares)?
False sense of pride in not ‘feeding the evil flippers’.
@Nike: even if you view this as a better method for you – even though its extremely expensive – surely you must recognize that the general population will be using the TP if its cheaper than crafting.
The funny thing is… when HoT first released, Precursors were cheaper to craft than they were to buy. So the entire original argument is invalidated.
The only reason that its so high right now is that EVERYONE is trying to get their precursor as soon as possible, so its pushed the price of the mats up so much. Which, in turn, will push up the price of precursors on the TP. If you really wanted to craft it for less, you should have been one of the first ones to craft it. Now that you’re not, either wait for a few months till everyone finishes crafting theirs and the craze dies down and buy the materials for cheaper, or join the crowd and pay more.
There is no way for ANet to control the market (they can influence it, yes, but they can’t directly control it), so obviously they can’t adjust the recipe every time the cost of crafting a precursor goes higher than the cost to buy it outright.
Let me enlighten you:
Let me enlighten you. I know perfectly well how precursor generation works. Been here for years. If there were a VENDOR offering precursors for 500 gold I’d buy in a heartbeat because that takes 100% of that mud coin out of the system.
Given the option to work a little harder (and I have level 500 crafters in all professions so I’m quite capable of fabricating the ascended mats from their basest, cheapest components) to NOT push 90% of that money into the hands of another player, I’m willing to pay a modest premium.
Frankly I’d sooner be the person dumping yellows/oranges into the mystic forge over buying a precursor. Because buying other people’s risk rarely is a good deal in the long run and I expect to be here a few years more.
I don’t understand that sentiment at all, but even so, why would you waste 1000g or more on precursor crafting (not to mention the time it takes to finish the masteries and collections) when it’s a lot easier and cheaper to generate a pre yourself through the MF (by using lvl 70 exotics, dungeon exotics or crafting your own rares)?
Why would you play a video game and try and get any gold if you can just work for a few hours and buy gems?
Is the answer not because you want to have fun? Yes, straight up gold farming would be faster than crafting a precursor, but not everyone likes to do the same thing every day over and over again.
And thát’s who the precursor-crafting is for: the people who want to slowly work towards their precursor, without doing the same content over and over, and without being rng-dependant. It is for the people who enjoy questing, and for those that have no idea what to do in the game anymore as the thought of gold farming is not appealing to them, and for those who prefer the idea of getting it themselves rather than paying someone else for it, and for those who dislike the mystic toilet.
It is NOT meant to make precursors any cheaper: this was even stated by Anet when they first revealed precursor crafting.
Clearly you want a precursor, and you want it as cheap and fast as possible: that’s cool, no biggie, it seems precursor crafting is not for you, and the mystic forge and the tp are more your thing. But there are people who DO enjoy the questing and collecting: I hope you can understand that sentiment.
(tl;dr: just cut down to the chase and say you feel precursors in general are overpriced, which is a different discussion)
That’s not true. The point of being able to craft a precursor is to give another option to get one that people can gauge their progress against; that’s missing in the previous ways. NO ONE EVER said it would cost less to get one this way over any other way. In fact, anyone that thinks this way shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how the game works; there is no fixed cost to precursors in the first place.
But we already HAD an “option to get one that people can gauge their progress against;” it’s called “the wallet.” You look over there, “do I have enough gold to buy one on the TP? No? Keep farming.” Now, they’ve changed it to “have I completed all the listed quests? Yes. do I have enough gold make it? No? Keep farming.”
Huge improvement.
That doesn’t change anything I’ve said. Crafting a precursor is an option people were asking for and at no point did Anet indicate it would be ‘cheaper’ to get one this way than it would the already established ways. Therefore, you’re statement about what crafting should mean was wrong.
The funny thing is… when HoT first released, Precursors were cheaper to craft than they were to buy. So the entire original argument is invalidated.
The only reason that its so high right now is that EVERYONE is trying to get their precursor as soon as possible, so its pushed the price of the mats up so much. Which, in turn, will push up the price of precursors on the TP. If you really wanted to craft it for less, you should have been one of the first ones to craft it. Now that you’re not, either wait for a few months till everyone finishes crafting theirs and the craze dies down and buy the materials for cheaper, or join the crowd and pay more.
There is no way for ANet to control the market (they can influence it, yes, but they can’t directly control it), so obviously they can’t adjust the recipe every time the cost of crafting a precursor goes higher than the cost to buy it outright.
Precursors were never cheaper to craft. One of my guildies ragequit crafting his pre when he saw he had to craft 90 deldrimore steel ingots (on top of a whole bunch of other mats) for the final stage of his pre crafting.
90 frikkin deldrimore steel ingots! Even then it would have costed him 900g and 3 months to craft them himself or 1350g if he would buy them from the TP.
That alone is already more than the price of a complete precursor on the TP!
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Why would you play a video game and try and get any gold if you can just work for a few hours and buy gems?
Who says I don’t? With the extremely strong gems-to-gold conversion lately it’s actually quite appealing to just work 2 hours extra and buy myself 4000 gems to convert that to ~1000g.
That said, I don’t see how this is at all relevant to the discussion at hand. So let me return to you a question of my own, one I already asked but one you haven’t answered yet:
Why would you spend more time and gold on a precursor (through pre crafting) if you can also spend less time and gold on a precursor (through MF or TP)?
Is the answer not because you want to have fun? Yes, straight up gold farming would be faster than crafting a precursor, but not everyone likes to do the same thing every day over and over again.
Pre crafting hasn’t changed a thing in that regard. You’re still gonna have to farm for gold and do other chores on top of that to craft your pre.
That said, I do think pre crafting is a step in the right direction. It’s better than farming The Silverwastes all day long, that’s for sure. But as it is now, I have to ask: why would I waste my gold on crafting a pre if I can also sell my mats and by a cheaper pre from the TP?
I simply can’t justify wasting my gold on crafting a pre when buying one is cheaper. Having fun doing the “quest” and collections is not enough of a justification for me. I can do plenty of fun new quests and collections in HoT without wasting my hard-earned gold.
And thát’s who the precursor-crafting is for: the people who want to slowly work towards their precursor, without doing the same content over and over, and without being rng-dependant. It is for the people who enjoy questing, and for those that have no idea what to do in the game anymore as the thought of gold farming is not appealing to them, and for those who prefer the idea of getting it themselves rather than paying someone else for it, and for those who dislike the mystic toilet.
Questing is fun. Completing collections is fun (to some). But gathering 90 deldrimore steel ingots? Is that fun? Does anyone really think having to craft 90 frikkin deldrimore steel ingots or farming gold to buy them is fun?
With how pre-crafting is now, you’re not gonna get away from farming. You’ll only be questing and doing collections half the time, and you’re still gonna have to farm insane amounts of gold/mats the other half of the time. In fact, by the looks of it, you’re gonna have to farm MORE to finish your crafted pre.
It is NOT meant to make precursors any cheaper: this was even stated by Anet when they first revealed precursor crafting.
But it wasn’t meant to be more expensive than buying a precursor either. Anet said that too. They literally said that crafting a pre is gonna cost SOME gold but you’re not gonna have to farm insane amounts of gold just to get your pre. I guess they lied.
Clearly you want a precursor, and you want it as cheap and fast as possible: that’s cool, no biggie, it seems precursor crafting is not for you, and the mystic forge and the tp are more your thing. But there are people who DO enjoy the questing and collecting: I hope you can understand that sentiment.
No, you’re completely wrong.
I’ve already crafted 6 legendaries and I’m working on my 7th (already got the pre for it, bought it from the TP ofcourse). Obtaining precursors has never been an issue for me.
That said, I actually looked forward to precursor crafting, because surprise surprise, I love questing and collecting too!
But I can’t really justify spending twice as much gold on crafting a pre. I just can’t rationalize doing it. In my opinion spending twice as much on a precursor than necessary is just absolutely stupid. I’m not gonna pay 500g just to enjoy the precursor hunt. I have enough other stuff in HoT to entertain myself with.
(tl;dr: just cut down to the chase and say you feel precursors in general are overpriced, which is a different discussion)
But I DON’T think precursors in general are overpriced. I think precursor CRAFTING is overpriced.
Point ENTIRELY missed. If you just want to buy it you’ve ALWAYS had the option to do so. They are not unhappy with the prices of precursors. Universal player satisfaction is NOT one of ANet’s goals. Collections being cheaper than buying one is also not a goal.
Right, and that’s entirely my point, if you want to buy it, you’ve always had that option, so the alternative option should not involve gold or fungible currencies at all.
Crafting the precursors is supposed to be an alternative method, not a replacement method.
Lol, come on, just read that back once.
Oh for pitty’s sake. You CANNOT say “oh, just farm the gold” and then be kittened off about the price being asked by people who actually generated the mats!
Someone has to actually put the real goods with actual value into the system. People generating piles of trash gold need to recognize they are the ones causing the mudflation.
You cannot blame players for anything to do with the economy. Players are just reacting to their natural desires to “have things.” Any price issues are entirely due to ANet not properly balancing supply and demand. If an item is junk cheap on the TP, then it is because either A. ANet did not give enough reason for someone to want that thing, or B. ANet caused that thing to drop far too often, often both. If something is very expensive, it is because ANet A. made that item very desirable to players in some way, or B. made that item very hard to find, often both.
There is nothing in there that is the players’ fault, they are just behaving as anyone should expect them to. The tools to solve it are ALWAYS in ANet’s court, so any lasting imbalance is because they have failed to correct it.
…and watch the prices climb to equilibrium…
You seem to think that “equilibrium” is some innate positive outcome. Maybe from an economic standpoint it is. From a gameplay standpoint though, “equilibrium” only has value if it’s reached at a level where most players can acquire the thing they want. If equilibrium is reached at a level where either the item is too expensive for most, or the item is junk cheap, then it has failed.
What’s terrifying is how much people hate “those evil flippers”, and yet are so incredibly EAGER to give them 500g to screw you over with again in the future.
So you are suggesting I cut off my nose to spite my face? I don’t like the flippers, but that doesn’t mean that I will ignore when a deal is better for me. The solution to flippers is not for me to unilaterally abstain from the marketplace, it’s for ANet to implement changes to the game that make their activities less rewarding. For example, if ANet implemented a system in which Precursors could be earned at well BELOW their current market price, then that would certainly do the trick (for at least some markets).
The funny thing is… when HoT first released, Precursors were cheaper to craft than they were to buy. So the entire original argument is invalidated.
The only reason that its so high right now is that EVERYONE is trying to get their precursor as soon as possible, so its pushed the price of the mats up so much. Which, in turn, will push up the price of precursors on the TP. If you really wanted to craft it for less, you should have been one of the first ones to craft it. Now that you’re not, either wait for a few months till everyone finishes crafting theirs and the craze dies down and buy the materials for cheaper, or join the crowd and pay more.
There is no way for ANet to control the market (they can influence it, yes, but they can’t directly control it), so obviously they can’t adjust the recipe every time the cost of crafting a precursor goes higher than the cost to buy it outright.
The solution here is mindbogglingly simple, DON’T INVOLVE TP GOODS IN THE RECIPES.
Simple as that. Just don’t use Ascended mats, or anything like that, anywhere in the Precursor Crafting lines. I mean, use a little bit of mat, perhaps, because you are making a weapon after all, but it should not be any significant amount. I mean, right now, the precursors take enough metal to make a bus, and enough wood to build a caravel, why? If you want to make a Dawn, all you should need is a grand total of 6 Orichalcum ingots, the same as any other Exotic GS, all the other ingredients should be unique drops that you can only acquire as part of the quest line and cannot be bought or sold. The magic is in those ingredients, not in dropping hundreds of gold in Ascended mats onto the problem. If they did that, the price of Ori might go up slightly, but the amounts required and the general supply would absorb most of that.
That doesn’t change anything I’ve said. Crafting a precursor is an option people were asking for
People were asking for an alternative as a METHOD of making it cheaper, and everyone was very clear about that. An alternative that does not result in a cheaper price is a worthless alternative.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I can’t believe that I’m actually on the same side as Ohoni for once. In fact for once he’s making a ton of sense!
Who would have known this day would come?
(J/k dude, I have no hard feelings despite our rather heated debate on raids back then.)
A much expected misconception. Prec crafting is there so people can have guaranteed access to legend wpns. It opens up an option for people to farm and finds mats by themselves without having to go to the eternal bore fest of silver waste. The system was NOT there to make precursors cheaper.
A much expected misconception. Prec crafting is there so people can have guaranteed access to legend wpns. It opens up an option for people to farm and finds mats by themselves without having to go to the eternal bore fest of silver waste. The system was NOT there to make precursors cheaper.
Can people please STOP with this straw man argument? Nobody here is saying that precursors should be cheaper. We’re saying precursor CRAFTING should be cheaper than it is now, because as it stands now, you’re gonna have to pay twice as much to craft a pre as opposed to just buying one from the TP.
For pre crafting to be a viable alternative, the amount of investment it takes should be roughly equal to the amount of investment that it takes to farm gold to buy one from the TP. Right now, that is not the case. Which is a problem.
A much expected misconception. Prec crafting is there so people can have guaranteed access to legend wpns. It opens up an option for people to farm and finds mats by themselves without having to go to the eternal bore fest of silver waste. The system was NOT there to make precursors cheaper.
Can people please STOP with this straw man argument? Nobody here is saying that precursors should be cheaper. We’re saying precursor CRAFTING should be cheaper than it is now, because as it stands now, you’re gonna have to pay twice as much to craft a pre as opposed to just buying one from the TP.
For pre crafting to be a viable alternative, the amount of investment it takes should be roughly equal to the amount of investment that it takes to farm gold to buy one from the TP. Right now, that is not the case. Which is a problem.
You’re reiterating exactly what I was addressing in my reply. Do walk through your line of reasoning again.
“We’re not asking for precursors to be cheaper but we’re asking for precursor crafting to be cheaper”
You really can’t see what’s wrong with that sentence?
A much expected misconception. Prec crafting is there so people can have guaranteed access to legend wpns. It opens up an option for people to farm and finds mats by themselves without having to go to the eternal bore fest of silver waste. The system was NOT there to make precursors cheaper.
Can people please STOP with this straw man argument? Nobody here is saying that precursors should be cheaper. We’re saying precursor CRAFTING should be cheaper than it is now, because as it stands now, you’re gonna have to pay twice as much to craft a pre as opposed to just buying one from the TP.
For pre crafting to be a viable alternative, the amount of investment it takes should be roughly equal to the amount of investment that it takes to farm gold to buy one from the TP. Right now, that is not the case. Which is a problem.
You’re reiterating exactly what I was addressing in my reply. Do walk through your line of reasoning again.
“We’re not asking for precursors to be cheaper but we’re asking for precursor crafting to be cheaper”
You really can’t see what’s wrong with that sentence?
I knew you were gonna straw-man me, which is why I edited my post to make it absolutely clear what I meant, but it seems you already replied to it before the edit went through.
So I’ll say it again:
We’re not asking for precursors to be cheaper, we’re asking for precursor crafting to be cheaper than it is now.
I’d be perfectly fine if precursor crafting had roughly the same cost to it as buying one from the TP. But as it stands now, pre crafting is actually more expensive than buying one from the TP (almost twice as expensive in some cases!), which in my opinion is absolutely stupid and does not make me want to touch pre crafting at all.
I bought The Chosen yesterday for 470g. Saved myself ~500g that way, because crafting it would have costed me ~1000g.
You don’t see anything wrong with that? You don’t see how that’s incredibly dumb?
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
That doesn’t change anything I’ve said. Crafting a precursor is an option people were asking for
People were asking for an alternative as a METHOD of making it cheaper, and everyone was very clear about that. An alternative that does not result in a cheaper price is a worthless alternative.
I’ve already explained why that doesn’t make sense; here are a few of those reasons to refresh your memory; precursors don’t have fixed prices and they also have a wide range of prices among themselves. AGAIN, people asking for an alternate method to make cheaper precursors are being rather clueless … on purpose even. Good thing Anet didn’t listen to those people.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Question to all of you who defend the current prices of pre crafting:
If crafting a legendary yourself was more expensive than buying one from the TP, would you craft it yourself or just simply buy it from the TP?
Right now, crafting a legendary yourself is roughly ~1000g cheaper than buying one directly from the TP.
For example, crafting the Flameseeker Prophecies will cost you at most 1566g. Buying one from the TP would cost you 2990g. So crafting The Flameseeker Prophecies is 1424g cheaper than buying one directly from the TP. As it should be.
If you want a legendary, you can either go for the cheap but time-consuming method (crafting it yourself) or for the expensive method: buying it from the TP.
Why should it be any different for precursors?
A much expected misconception. Prec crafting is there so people can have guaranteed access to legend wpns. It opens up an option for people to farm and finds mats by themselves without having to go to the eternal bore fest of silver waste. The system was NOT there to make precursors cheaper.
Can people please STOP with this straw man argument? Nobody here is saying that precursors should be cheaper. We’re saying precursor CRAFTING should be cheaper than it is now, because as it stands now, you’re gonna have to pay twice as much to craft a pre as opposed to just buying one from the TP.
For pre crafting to be a viable alternative, the amount of investment it takes should be roughly equal to the amount of investment that it takes to farm gold to buy one from the TP. Right now, that is not the case. Which is a problem.
You’re reiterating exactly what I was addressing in my reply. Do walk through your line of reasoning again.
“We’re not asking for precursors to be cheaper but we’re asking for precursor crafting to be cheaper”
You really can’t see what’s wrong with that sentence?
I knew you would take it the wrong way, which is why I edited my post, but it seems you already replied to it before the edit went through.
So I’ll say it again:
We’re not asking for precursors to be cheaper, we’re asking for precursor crafting to be cheaper than it is now.
I’d be perfectly fine if precursor crafting had roughly the same cost to it as buying one from the TP. But as it stands now, pre crafting is actually more expensive than buying one from the TP (almost twice as expensive in some cases!), which in my opinion is absolutely stupid and does not make me want to touch pre crafting at all.
I bought The Chosen yesterday for 470g. Saved myself ~500g that way, because crafting it would have costed me ~1000g.
You don’t see anything wrong with that? You don’t see how that’s incredibly dumb?
Not one bit. The mastery option only promised to give guaranteed access to the precursors. Nothing less, nothing more. It is for the people who want to find mats along the way instead of farming raw golds to buy precursors. Plus, the mastery was designed for the whole system not a single buyer’s perspective. In the eye of the system, the RNG elements of the generation of precursors were removed at the cost of something, in this case gold if you want to cheese through it by purchasing mats or time if you want to farm them yourselves. The system compensates for the loss of RNG with increased needs for golds/time. It only makes sense.
The one 420g chosen you see on TP might come from 1000g worth of thrown rare shield from other 5 players. Do you get it now?
You only look at the golds you have to pay. That’s just one element of the whole equation.
(edited by DavyMcB.1603)
Not one bit. The mastery option only promised to give guaranteed access to the precursors. Nothing less, nothing more.
I don’t care what was promised. What I care about is that crafting a pre is more expensive than buying one from the TP, which is bad and nonsensical design.
Check my post above yours and answer my question:
Crafting a legendary is cheaper than buying one from the TP (which is good and sensible design), why should it be any different for precursors?
It is for the people who want to find mats along the way instead of farming raw golds to buy precursors.
You could always do that. You still can even without needing the masteries. The fact of the matter is that you’d be better off not bothering with the precursor crafting masteries and collections and instead sell all your mats that you’d otherwise use to craft your precursor, then use the gold from those sold mats to buy a cheaper pre from the TP.
I said it before and I’ll say it again:
Why would I use those mats I need to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money. You’re literally wasting time and gold if you’re crafting your own precursor: that is not an opinion, that is a fact. Which means precursor crafting as it is now is poorly designed.
Plus, the mastery was designed for the whole system not a single buyer’s perspective. In the eye of the system, the RNG elements of the generation of precursors were removed at the cost of something, in this case gold if you want to cheese through it by purchasing mats or time if you want to farm them yourselves. The system compensates for the loss of RNG with increased needs for golds/time. It only makes sense.
No, it doesn’t make sense. It would make sense if crafting the precursor took the amount of time or gold equivalent to getting one from the TP. It doesn’t make sense at all to make precursor crafting more time-consuming AND more expensive than getting one from the TP.
You only look at the golds you have to pay. That’s just one element of the whole equation.
And that one element of the equation is already more than the cost of getting a pre from the TP. The fact that you also have to do a lot of collections and chores on top of it only makes it worse.
If crafting a legendary yourself was more expensive than buying one from the TP, would you craft it yourself or just simply buy it from the TP?
Why should it be any different for precursors?
Because the implementation for crafted precursors was not about giving cheaper options. It was about a guaranteed approach to getting a precursor.
If crafting a legendary yourself was more expensive than buying one from the TP, would you craft it yourself or just simply buy it from the TP?
Why should it be any different for precursors?
Because the implementation for crafted precursors was not about giving cheaper options. It was about a guaranteed approach to getting a precursor.
You said that like 5 times already. But that doesn’t answer my question at all.
Crafting a legendary yourself is cheaper than buying one directly from the TP (which makes sense). Why should it be any different for precursors? How does it make sense that precursor crafting is twice as expensive as getting one from the TP? It doesn’t.
Not one bit. The mastery option only promised to give guaranteed access to the precursors. Nothing less, nothing more.
I don’t care what was promised. What I care about is that crafting a pre is more expensive than buying one from the TP, which is bad and nonsensical design.
Check my post above yours and answer my question:
Crafting a legendary is cheaper than buying one from the TP (which is good and sensible design), why should it be any different for precursors?
It is for the people who want to find mats along the way instead of farming raw golds to buy precursors.
You could always do that. You still can even without needing the masteries. The fact of the matter is that you’d be better off not bothering with the precursor crafting masteries and collections and instead sell all your mats that you’d otherwise use to craft your precursor, then use the gold from those sold mats to buy a cheaper pre from the TP.
I said it before and I’ll say it again:
Why would I use those mats I need to craft The Chosen, if I could also sell them, turn them into 1000g liquid gold, the buy The Chosen from the TP for 500g and actually have an additional 500g to spare? I’d be frikkin stupid to waste my 1000g worth of mats on crafting The Chosen if I could just sell my mats and get The Chosen cheaper!
So I’ll say it again: as it is now, precursor crafting is a complete waste of time and money. You’re literally wasting time and gold if you’re crafting your own precursor: that is not an opinion, that is a fact. Which means precursor crafting as it is now is poorly designed.
Plus, the mastery was designed for the whole system not a single buyer’s perspective. In the eye of the system, the RNG elements of the generation of precursors were removed at the cost of something, in this case gold if you want to cheese through it by purchasing mats or time if you want to farm them yourselves. The system compensates for the loss of RNG with increased needs for golds/time. It only makes sense.
No, it doesn’t make sense. It would make sense if crafting the precursor took the amount of time or gold equivalent to getting one from the TP. It doesn’t make sense at all to make precursor crafting more time-consuming AND more expensive than getting one from the TP.
You only look at the golds you have to pay. That’s just one element of the whole equation.
And that one element of the equation is already more than the cost of getting a pre from the TP. The fact that you also have to do a lot of collections and chores on top of it only makes it worse.
You don’t even understand how basic economics works and you refuse to lol Trying to explain to you is a waste of time.
I’ve already explained why that doesn’t make sense; here are a few of those reasons to refresh your memory; (1)precursors don’t have fixed prices and (2)they also have a wide range of prices among themselves. AGAIN, (3)people asking for an alternate method to make cheaper precursors are being rather clueless … on purpose even. Good thing Anet didn’t listen to those people.
(1) No, Precursors don’t have fixed prices, but who cares? The price on the market can fluctuate a bit, but it’s always too high, on most of the precursors at least. The gold cost of producing them should be significantly lower than they are in most cases. Their market prices are a factor of supply and demand, because ANet has not produced methods that allow the supply to keep up with demand.
(2) This is true, because demand for some is much higher than others, but again, not relevant. The cost of crafting Precursors should be in the TASKS involved, not in the materials, and yes, they can add some balance by making the higher demand Pres (like the GSs) require more difficult tasks than the less desirable ones (like the underwater ones), but the gold costs for each should be negligible.
(3) No, people asking for cheaper precursors understand the situation as well as anyone else, they just have a different opinion than you seem to.
Not one bit. The mastery option only promised to give guaranteed access to the precursors. Nothing less, nothing more.
And that might be enough to legally protect them from false advertising claims, not that anyone was suggesting otherwise, but it is still not honoring the SPIRIT of what the playerbase wanted, which was cheaper access to Precursors. Don’t spit in my soup and then tell me “well, nobody promised that we wouldn’t spit in your soup, it’s still technically ‘soup.’”
The one 420g chosen you see on TP might come from 1000g worth of thrown rare shield from other 5 players. Do you get it now?
Yes, but who cares how they got it? All that matters is that I’m able to buy it for 420g, so why shouldn’t I?
You only look at the golds you have to pay. That’s just one element of the whole equation.
But it’s the only element that matters. Any other element is someone else’s problem.
Because the implementation for crafted precursors was not about giving cheaper options. It was about a guaranteed approach to getting a precursor.
And again, if that was the path ANet took, then they took the wrong path. The goal should always have been to BOTH offer a guaranteed approach AND make it cheaper in gold to the end consumer. Again, if the goal was just to produce a “guaranteed path,” we’ve had that since launch. It’s called “farm some gold and buy it off the TP.”
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
If crafting a legendary yourself was more expensive than buying one from the TP, would you craft it yourself or just simply buy it from the TP?
Why should it be any different for precursors?
Because the implementation for crafted precursors was not about giving cheaper options. It was about a guaranteed approach to getting a precursor.
You said that like 5 times already. But that doesn’t answer my question at all.
Crafting a legendary yourself is cheaper than buying one directly from the TP (which makes sense). Why should it be any different for precursors? How does it make sense that precursor crafting is twice as expensive as getting one from the TP? It doesn’t.
You’re logic doesn’t work here. Even if you can show it shouldn’t be different, which you can’t, it would be irrelevant because the implementation isn’t about making it the same for precursors as it is to legendaries. That’s a false association.
Lucas: you want things as efficiently as possible, and that’s fine. However, precursor crafting was never meant to be equal to time/gold*rng chance to the other methods of obtaining it despite your claim that it was (list the source where Anet said precursor crafting was not going to be more expensive than MF/TP before you call them liars).
Some people like to do things for fun/a sense of accomplishment rather than doing it as efficiently as possible: it is for those people the collection is for. If you feel that the collection is not fun for you then just ignore it. And because it was/is meant to be a more expensive way of obtaining it you won’t ever find it fun.