Precursors and the Map Completion

Precursors and the Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Hi, Just a question here about the previous requirements to use legendary weapons.

Since you added EotM and you are changing the way people get precursors will that mean that PVEers won’t have to worry about doing WvW just to be able to use their PVE acquired precursor?

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Precursors and the Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


They did say in one of the interviews, that besides precursor collections there will be no unmentioned yet changes to the crafting systems, so i’d assume the answer is no.

Actions, not words.
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Precursors and the Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


If I am forced to do PvE in order to then my WvW acquired precursor into a legendary than I find it only fair that you are forced to do WvW to turn your precursor into a legendary.

If Anet would remove WvW from the map completion gift then they should also remove all the PvE maps from the map completion gift, which means they should remove the complete Gift of Exploration.

Imo Anet should add more ways to acquire precursors in PvP/WvW. You PvE-ers already get preferential treatment. It’s about time us WvWers and PvPers get some.