Prediction regarding raids
Less than 1 month from HoT release the raid will boil down to a repetitive stack and spank tactic with a 100% success rate.
You mean just like Triple Trouble Wurm?
Oh wait..
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
this is a big issue inside gw2 dungeons, so i hope designer worked also on this
less speed clear, more tactics and role
for example some bosses who:
_will take double dmg if no one is on 600 radious of player (so player cant stack)
_need to be cc every few seconds or he doesent take dmg
_it take dmg only from ranged attack, and he come to you, so a tank can kite him away from party, and healer can hold him up, and another one can hold the rest of the party
i also think they should split pve from pvp, there is nothing wrong on it, really, we dont care to learn the same classes in pvp or pve playing differently, so you can balance all classes w/o freaking up a gamemode
the should rewrite how healing power works, because he have to scale better with the full hp gear, so everyone can play good this role
i’m curious how the raids will be, because is something i was lf since the game was released, i liked the vale guardian, also if i hope other encounters, will work differently, with more dmg over time, and less oneshot mechanics, so the healer will be more usefull, because the healer cant save anyone downed, so maybe more dmg over time should be nice for have someone who should really care only to mantain party alive
Troll mode on/
Oh really?? could you please lend me your Delorean? :p
Troll mode off/
Have you even tried to play these raids ? have you even watched streamers trying to kill these bosses? Not saying these raids are tuned perfectly but still it feels and looks as challenging as what people experienced in marionnette fight, the destruction of LA and the LV chapter 2 update content….
i lreally don’t see why you would compare this to any dungeon runs lol
I will bring this thread up within 1 month of release, see you then.
I will bring this thread up within 1 month of release, see you then.
You are aware that the raids might very well have been released just a few days before that, right?
They are not coming on Oct 23rd.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Less than 1 month from HoT release the raid will boil down to a repetitive stack and spank tactic with a 100% success rate.
Not sure about that, but yes eventually, it will be boiled down to its minimum parts. That happens with any content though. I’m not really sure how you get around that. Keep putting on new stuff I guess.
Less than 1 month from HoT release the raid will boil down to a repetitive stack and spank tactic with a 100% success rate.
Not sure about that, but yes eventually, it will be boiled down to its minimum parts. That happens with any content though. I’m not really sure how you get around that. Keep putting on new stuff I guess.
Except we’ve already seen one of the raids, if you stack on that you all die >.<
You need people running to the lightning, you need to rotate around the map, use CC on seekers, and then do an organized split on the guardians at phase. Will we get it to be a win every time, almost positive we will, but the idea of just stack and spank… sounds like people being overly dramatic.
I don’t see how this can happen without some type of stat creep you get like all other raids I’ve done in previous games. Most of the time what was tough got easier because not only were the mechanics more familiar, but everybody’s gear improved and kept improving. Thus, the fights got easier, and even to a point where mechanics can be ignored. Since our gear won’t be improving it would have to come from another power creep patch making all the classes more powerful and the fights dumbed down (see Silverwastes). You would think that would be a long ways after HoT release if it does come to be.
Also, if you’ve done the first fight you’d know it’ll never come down to a simple stack and tank strategy. I.E. you’ll never be able to ignore the blue circle or afford folks getting displaced over and over which leads to lost dps. Maybe somebody will come up with a way to bring the split mobs in phase 2 all together and cleave them down, but even then I think that will always be way harder.
Whether the rest of the bosses in each wing will have mechanics that eventually lead to just going in and doing it remains to be seen.
Less than 1 month from HoT release the raid will boil down to a repetitive stack and spank tactic with a 100% success rate.
Not sure about that, but yes eventually, it will be boiled down to its minimum parts. That happens with any content though. I’m not really sure how you get around that. Keep putting on new stuff I guess.
You get around that by giving bosses a list of 50 abilities to have 30 passive traits to have, and allow the game to pull from it what it needs at boss generation. The randomness of the boss can lead tot he ocassional nigh unkillable boss but it can also lead to bosses that need some amazing playstyles to emerge.
I will bring this thread up within 1 month of release, see you then.
When it’s shown that you are very wrong, and you don’t bring the thread back up, I will.