Proposal: how to ease acquiring Elite Spec

Proposal: how to ease acquiring Elite Spec

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Halvorn.9831


So, rather than shedding oil into the fire I’d like to try and come up with a proposal.

I think that quite a few players feel that they do not want to trade in a fully blown spec with an elite spec that does not even have a complete trait line. The problem IMO is that the evolution of the elite spec is linear (or, rather, circular). Instead of having that circular display in the training window for the elite spec, there should be a way of developing the elite spec that allows for more different paths. Here is my idea.

The first thing to learn remains the new weapon proficiency. The second thing will be the tier 1 minor trait. From there you can choose:

  • any of the tier 1 major traits
  • the new heal skill
  • any of the new utility skills

Should you choose one of the tier 1 major traits, you unlock the tier 2 minor trait. This gives you access to any of the tier 2 major traits and so on. To unlock your elite skill, you need to unlock all utilities first.

This way players could concentrate on a single trait line with all tiers minor and major, but start with their preferred trait variant in that tier, leading to the fact that you only need 7 unlocks to complete a trait line rather than the 15 required now.

Combine that with a 20% redux in HP requirements and the systems looks way more acceptable to me.

What do you think?