Propositions for endgame

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emik.7156


Hello, at first sorry for my english, he isn’t good.

Im old GW2 player and im dissapoint engame in this game cause this game have NO ENDGAME. Guild Wars 2 is best BASE game what i ever played but im dissapoint cause Guild Wars 2 with and wihout Heart of Thorns expansion dont have ANY endgame. Old players have nothing to do in this game.

I have some propose to change this game to be old players friendly.

1. Change WvWvW. I mean towers, keeps and castles are too easy to cap. This is like 5 people group can capture medieval Constantinopole alone. Upgrade castle dont have any sense when 5 people at night can capture fully upgraded stonemist wihout defenders in less than 30 min. Zerg can do this in 4 min…. Gates, walls, defenders should have 10x more hp and they should take 50% players hp in 1 hit. With this servers must really cooperate to capture and hold forts. No longer 1 party can capture bases on front back cause people want make big battles and no more party fights for camps and towers on WvW map. This should be real epic big battles. Anyway defenders should have little statistic buff, cause now 1 defender is like 1 attacker. Defenders dont have big help when they have fort or not…

2. Change new PvP mode with upgradable mobs. What is this?! 3-4 players fight for supply and upgrade mobs and 1-2 can backdoor base and solo kill lord? Are you kidding?! PvP Bosses should be hard to kill. They will have many hp and atack dmg for be able to kill only with half party or more AND upgraded units and not easy to kill for 1 person….

3. Guilds. What te f…. is guild wars?! Yup GUILD wars are only in game story, not in game….. We really want activities for guilds. Guild raids, events, good missions, dungeons. Many activities what can be do only with guilds. We really dont want MMORPG game where GUILD is needed to do NOTHING. Plaers dont want join guilds or long play cause game is too easy and be in guild give them nothing. They still can do this same with guild or not. This is sad. Guilds should open big new content for players, if they dont do this, they have nothig to do here and again many players dont want long play and pay for this game if they dont need “guild friends” for make any game content.

4. Living world seazon 2 for gems is bad move. This is not free to play game but players must buy this game (no monthly payments but still not free) so game should be open for players. If you close some game parts for make money you only lost people cause they dont want pay if they MUST to get acces to new story if they dont play some time.

5. For making money create big new game content in heart of thorns like in Guild Wars Factions. Guild Wars Factions are playable game wihout Guild Wars Prophercies, cause he have enough content for this. Now you try give players part of nothing with base game for 45-99 euro. Give us only game addon in this price. We want give this same money like for base game for addon with content like in base game!!!

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


2) I don’t want mobs in PvP. Players vs Players should be Players vs Players. I would like that they divide the PvP into 3 modes, each with a couple of new maps. Team Deathmatches, Conquest and Stronghold. The least amount of E there is in PvP, the better I feel.

3) OMG yes. We are a big guild of almost 500 people and we have a hard time to create activities for the guild. We need to use creative idea because there is not much stuff in the game to do in the game with your guild.

4) The post wasn’t about endgame?? I disagree with that, but whatever. I don’t care that much.

5) I have no idea of what you are writing. Someone can translate for me?

I’m an old player and have a lot of stuff to do. But yup, more stuff is always better.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Hello, at first sorry for my english, he isn’t good.

Im old GW2 player and im dissapoint engame in this game cause this game have NO ENDGAME.

I stopped reading here because there is end game. Anet considers Fractals end game for PVE….

From the Legendgary backpiece blog:

“The second is that—while we view fractals as our infinitely expandable, endgame version of 5-man dungeon content, and…”

So, since the OP is ill informed I stopped reading.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Im old GW2 player and im dissapoint

Hi dissapoint, i am dad.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


4. Living world seazon 2 for gems is bad move. This is not free to play game but players must buy this game (no monthly payments but still not free) so game should be open for players. If you close some game parts for make money you only lost people cause they dont want pay if they MUST to get acces to new story if they dont play some time.

kinda wrong.
You only need to buy it if you were not present during its release, if you are an old player as you say, you probably have it for free just like I have.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Hello, at first sorry for my english, he isn’t good.

Im old GW2 player and im dissapoint engame in this game cause this game have NO ENDGAME.

I stopped reading here because there is end game. Anet considers Fractals end game for PVE….

From the Legendgary backpiece blog:

“The second is that—while we view fractals as our infinitely expandable, endgame version of 5-man dungeon content, and…”

So, since the OP is ill informed I stopped reading.

fractals, for me, are like a painfully awkward date that just won’t end. they take forever and are by no means fun(for me)

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


OP, I won’t comment on most of what you said, but there’s a reason why HoT isn’t stand alone. The whole idea behind this is not dividing the playerbase. Even the last expansion in Guild Wars 1 wasn’t stand alone, because Anet learned their less from the first two exapansions.

Make this expansion standalone would be some people would have Guild Wars 1 and some people would have HoT, and they wouldn’t be able to play together.

Anet wants to avoid this situation as it caused problems in Guild Wars 1.

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Why do people always want to request insertion of PvE into PvP ?

How about we put some PvP into your PvE and see how happy that makes people.

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emik.7156


Yup, fractals and endgame…. I have played 3k + hours Guild Wars 2 and always this same fractals and only fractals in PvE endgame can be boring. When fractals come to game i get 60+ lvl, after his resets i get 50+ lvl. Now after last restart i leave fractals. There are no activities for skillfull party and guilds i dont like this and i hope HoT will change this, but at this moment all is this same, HoT give us not enough “endgame” content for calling this “endgame”.

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


End game is subjective, I consider WvW end game as it is the only constant that doesn’t have a cap.

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Emik.7156


Yes and no. Like i say before. WvW have too weak defences for keeps and castles. If somebody dont look at map all the time he can lost 1 of them in 5 min or less when 2 party attack….

Propositions for endgame

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


For more than a year dungeon were my eng game and i was happy. Making them faster and faster, building a team, then doing them solo. That last part took a lot of my time. Then fractal was pretty cool end-game (especially before the changed how it work). Collection are also end-game for me. I love to chase after collection, even now that most of them are done (except those Black Lion collection and that treasure one), I doing collection that don’t even exist just because I like it. Then I did WvW in a zerg bursting guild for almost a year, this was epic fun fighting and killing a zerg twice as big as us and everybody having a role of their own. For the last year, it’s PvP. Doing matches almost everyday, build a team, going after all the PvP achivement, etc.

So saying that their is no end-game is just stupid. It depend on everybody. But the game failed to create more end-game so we did the one that existed to the bones and there is nothing left. Hopefully, they gonna be able to rectify that with HoT.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD