I love short and simple, so here we go!
Guild Trek:
Super easy, blob everyone participating on ONE of the targets. After that 1 player “Interacts”. This will give credit to all that stacked on the point, spread out and grab the other points!
Everyone who stood on the blob point will receive personal credit once trek completed. (worked with 30+ players on 1 point).
Guild Race / Rush
- Ghost Wolf Rush
Pretty simple, sometimes bugs out at final flags (just run trough, no jumping etc). If doesn’t deform instantly just run over it multiple times. Run as far as the old chest normally appeared!
- Quaggan Rush.
Bugged, none of us got rewards and neither did we get Guild Rewards for completing it. Also were able to “join in” on another guild rush :/ so failed without having our flag / tag on the rush.
Once everyone done, you can move away from the map BEFORE timer hits 0, when event timer hits 0 you’ll be rewarded with both Guild + Personal Credit
Guild Bounty
No problems, works as before.
Guild Challenge
Southsun Crab Toss works perfectly, however no ways to co-op with another guild. Probably after the Enhanced Squad UI
Guild Puzzle
Players seem randomly getting rewards, some do – others don’t. I think it might have to do something with players “Interacting” or not, as I lead – I didn’t complete any objectives and didn’t receive rewards.
Will test this on the next run. Guild Rewards are given!
WvW Capture
As megaserver guild, we managed to get 20 people to the same server, captured a camp and got credit. no other experiences about this.
PvP Stronghold
Was bugged in the first week, nobody got credit.
PvP Conquest
Only personal rewards to team that finished first, as that de-activated event. Multiple teams had to do it after each other to each get personal rewards.
That were basically my experiences, of a PvE guild that runs Missions twice a week.
Last Note:
Guild Portal isn’t really effective, still places parties across multiple maps. – Hope Squad UI will fix this.
Feel free to add comments, tips or tricks below! <3