Q/Do I get a new account for the expansion?

Q/Do I get a new account for the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BloodyPanda.6789



I already have a account so does this expansion give me a new account code and a upgrade expansion code to upgrade my current account? Basically i am asking is if i apply the expansion to my current account do i still get a basic account with no expansion? So i will have 2 account total.

Q/Do I get a new account for the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elia.7193



No , if you already have the game you will only get the HoT, you not getting a second account. Only the new players will get both games but we all will pay the same

Q/Do I get a new account for the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BloodyPanda.6789


No , if you already have the game you will only get the HoT, you not getting a second account. Only the new players will get both games but we all will pay the same

OK I see, so current players who have supported the game for years will have to pay same $50 price as new player but will not receive this so call “BONUS”… some how i gotta feeling like i am getting rip-off by ANET.

Q/Do I get a new account for the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elia.7193


I think a lot of people feeling the same way, myself included. As I said in another post in my opinion the 50$ is so they can make up the loss for giving the “free” game to new players. I would be happy to give the money as long as i receive the second base game as the new players will