QoL improvements for guild hall upgrades

QoL improvements for guild hall upgrades

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Macilien.3078


1. Queue next upgrade
Especially when an upgrade needs the maximum amount of Aetherium that you can store it would be really useful to select an upgrade so that it automatically happens when all requirements are met.

2. Highlight upgrades/materials
There are quite a lot of materials that you can donate to the treasury so it usually involves a lot of communication so that everyone knows what will be used for the next upgrade, for some future upgrade or not at all. It would be much easier if you could just highlight some upgrades or a specific material so that people can focus on donating this instead of something that won’t be used for a long time.

3. Enable/disable donations for an upgrade/materials
It would be great to have an option to disable donations for upgrades that your guild is not planning to make, e.g. War Room upgrades in a guild that doesn’t play WvW. Similarly it would be great to disable a material if you collect something else that requires the same resources, e.g. disable Green Wood Planks, Glass mugs and coarse paper if you collect extra-coarse sandpaper.
On the other hand if you collect materials for a line of upgrades, e.g. Objective Auras, you have to build one first to unlock the next so you can collect donations for it. It would be helpful if you could gather materials for the next upgrade you’re planning even before you unlocked it.

4. Loaning materials
I sometimes find myself in the position that I could donate most of the materials required for an upgrade, but don’t do it because this way I’d end up for paying for half of the guildhall just by myself. An option to loan materials so that I can start the upgrade right away and give my guild members a way to donate at their own pace would help very much. An even bigger advantage would be, if you could decide whether you want the material you loaned or its components back, this would help for example with paper where you need a scribe to produce it, this way you can get back the wood etc. you used to make it. It would also help with components that are not tradable, like the components for Ley-Line Infused Tools.

QoL improvements for guild hall upgrades

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kumion.7580


1. A queue would be nice. Then the whole guild would be able to see which upgrade has priority.

2. Highlight would be very helpful as well, for the same reason as the queue.

3. It would be super to disable/enable certain donations, or even re-arrange their prominence among the donations. As with your suggestion, my guild isn’t big on WvW and those donations aren’t important to us unless necessary for other unlocks.

I don’t feel it’s necessary to jump ahead to donations not-yet-unlocked. That could be overwhelming.

4. I think your “loaning” idea is unnecessarily complicated. You could always put “extras” in the guild bank or ask you guild to keep stacking up elder wood planks, even if the donations are temporarily full, because everyone knows you will continue to need more.

Scribe, on the other hand, is a different can of worms and donations entirely. Maybe a scribe-specific donation center at the workstation would be useful, but… scribe is in a terrible state currently. I scribe for my guild, but making a personal progression guild-fed isn’t going over well among the player base— even if all of your scribe crafts go directly to the guild. There are many concerns about the scribe craft not being guild-bound and until some of this settles out, I can’t agree with the guild feeding donations to a scribe the same way they donate to the guild, even if it’s cripplingly expensive for one person.

QoL improvements for guild hall upgrades

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Omne.4603


Agree with 1, 2, 3.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
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