Question about music.

Question about music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Itchen.8754


Can we expect to see new music?

I really Love the "Dragon bash " theme as well as the Classic “Fear not this Night”

or maybe it’s just me?

But either way I would really love to hear some new music from you guys come HoT.

Does anyone else agree with me or have their own personal favorite Gw2 songs??

Question about music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Liewec.2896


heard this one while jumping around the branches in HoT beta, seemed really nifty and fitting

imho Fear Not This Night and the Norn theme are very hard song to beat though!

Question about music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Itchen.8754


that is a really playful song. Fitting for the jungle for sure

Question about music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kossage.9072


Yeah, in Heart of Thorns we can expect to hear anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of orchestral music Living World season 2 style (and the rest of the new music will be sampled like in GW2 core game) as confirmed by composer Maclaine Diemer in the Audio Team interview a while ago. Seems like the composers have lots of musical goodies waiting for us in the jungle.

The Heart of Thorns Main Theme is quite heroic and catchy (love the little references to the GW2 Main Theme throughout it). The other tracks from the Beta Weekend Events, while sampled, also have some nice things going for them, including references to Itzel and Mordremoth themes.

The two recent orchestral preview pieces by Lena Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer from one of the Points of Interest episodes also sound very promising. Chappelle’s preview piece (all those Chrono Trigger vibes I get from it are nice!) has some majestic joy to it and brings back memories of the equally sweet Golden Cave theme from LW Season 2 with which it’s thematically linked. Diemer’s preview piece is mysterious and sad, and if it plays in a location where I think it’s going to play, then it’ll be a very emotional experience for various lore reasons.

I hope we witness the return of Fear Not This Night in some form in HoT because the expansion’s story will be quite personal for sylvari for whom the song holds extra significance. This would be a good opportunity to musically link HoT to vanilla GW2 and to the overarching sylvari storyline.

Question about music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kite.2510


The JS music of Vanila GW2 kind of sounded as part of the same track.
I’m happy to see more distinct music here.

PLEASE A-net, fix this bug there the music doesn’t change when waypointing.

…and don’t be toxic!