Question for whomever knows?
Disable Area of Effect Rings — Hides the area of effect rings normally shown on the ground?
Thanks but I ment the effect outlining AoE skills not the rings themselves. It looks like puzzle pieces rising made of smoke around the edges. looks terrible.
Thanks but I ment the effect outlining AoE skills not the rings themselves. It looks like puzzle pieces rising made of smoke around the edges. looks terrible.
Ah, those are probably meant to signalize usable combo fields. I don’t know if those puzzle pieces also appear on your enemies’ fields, but I’m pretty sure they do on all friendly ones.
Just tested it; “Disable Area of Effect Rings” gets rid of the puzzle pieces ring effect around my AoEs, I’m pretty sure it’s the option you want.
Just tested it; “Disable Area of Effect Rings” gets rid of the puzzle pieces ring effect around my AoEs, I’m pretty sure it’s the option you want.
Close but not really, its the annoying effects on guardian and rev skills, probably on other class’s to but for me its the guard mainly.
I tested it on a Guardian. Can you give an example of a specific ability that does this that “Disable Area of Effect Rings” doesn’t change for you?