Questions you want Answered
To add to the other questions people have already asked:
Q: Will Chef and Jeweler be raised to 500 with HoT?
Q: Will HoT bring about any changes to the NPE, and in particular, the Personal Story? Large chunks of the Personal Story got removed in the NPE, especially from the Orrian chapters, and Leah Hoyer has stated that our concerns about the lost lore and the resultant plot holes it has created is on the agenda. Will we see the return of these missing chapters with the HoT release?
Q: How does the release of the expansion impact the living world story? Also will the schedule for the living world be affected upon the expansion release?
Can we request such that purchasing guild hall and its npc upgrades is made possible using guild influence? Thanks!
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Questions I want answered.
Given only one specialisation per character right now
Won’t this just make everyone get the same specialisation and we won’t see any diversity because everyone goes down the same route because there’s only one? Wouldn’t it be much more fun if the xpac went live with 2-3 specialisations per profession so that you might see each profession diversify?
You spend time in the jungle and learn to master new skills to use only in the jungle? If I climb to the top of the mountains in the Shiverpeaks; can I use my hanggliding skill there? Are there plans to include that?
Again; will all these masteries be possible to acquire or are some mutually exclusive? I.e. go down one route and you won’t get another?
New weapon types
It seems someone talked to Colin after the PAX South announcement and polearms were pretty much refuted and won’t come with the xpac… is that so?
Claim a guild hall
Will these be limited commodity or open to all guilds given they got enough resources? I just rode the trainwreck of a rollercoaster that was ArcheAge and it was done so messy with its housing situation, that a competitive mechanism for guild hall claims is seriously going to insense me. Please confirm whether guild halls can be claimed by any guild meeting the minimum requirements (enough influence, merits, etc. etc.)
Other than that, the hype is still very much alive and real in this one – can’t wait for HoT to launch!
Oh yeah… when?
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Oh, I forgot another one… what happens between now and the launch of HoT?
I mean, we were just on a long break and had one finale episode of Season 2… are we just floating adrift for X amount of months until we get the expansion?!
Do we get to see SAB return perhaps? It’s not February even yet, and the expansion is probably not due for at least another 3 months…
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I guess this the “official” thread now for questins, so here it goes:
1. Will LS continue after HoT?
2. Is Heart of Maguuma 1 giant map, or several maps?
3. Will there be content between the release of HoT and now? (SAB, Boss week, Southsun thing – you know, stand alone episodes)
4. Is HoT gonna be available for gems?
5. Is Stronghold mode 5 players or more (via Guild Halls)?
6. Are there some additional things for WvW?
I’m super excited and hyped about this, I keep throwing money at the screen but nothing happens, but now I got a few questions.
Is the new class dlc exclusive?
I know that the new area is dlc exclusive, that makes sense, but what about masteries and specializations?
Are Guild Halls dlc exclusive too? Do I need the expansion to hang around in our guild new place?
Could we use the glider thingie outside of maguuma jungle?
This was already asked sorta, but I will rephrase the question, since you have established a pretense.
For the Reverant.
Will WARRIORS that already exist on people’s accounts be able to switch over to being a Reverant?
You have Rytlock, a former warrior, now the “first” Reverant. Logic dictates that you should allow other warriors this same option.
They won’t. At presentation revenant was introduced as the character for people who are new and want an equal footing with old timers. So a character everyone will have to level from scratch. Also imagine the kittenstorm from guardians that are heavies too but would get jack.
So I don’t know if I am assuming too much but with the advent of a new class I assume that we will also be receiving at least a single additional character slot with the expansion as has been traditional with all the other expansions in Guild Wars 1 (which were totally amazing {{{drools on keyboard}}}).
Questions I want answered:
- Release date? When? It’s all vaporware and hypetrain until there’s a date.
- Will there be a different storyline for Sylvari characters, given what’s going on? How’s THAT gonna work if one of the player factions is now the enemy?
- Will there be a collector’s edition with the soundtrack?
- When will the music from Season 2 be unlocked for downloading on soundcloud?
- Can we expect Living Story Season 1 to be added for play in the story journal just like Season 2, with the drop of the expansion?
- We gonna get at least a new character slot with the expac to make a Revanant with? :P
- Ascended Cooking? Ascended Jewelcrafting? Fixing the Tonn bug?
(edited by Mitha.7039)
Questions I want answered:
[snipped a little]
- Can we expect Living Story Season 1 to be added for play in the story journal just like Season 2, with the drop of the expansion?
- We gonna get at least a new character slot with the expac to make a Revanant with? :P
I’d like to know this as well, particularly the first point. Someone else asked about Ascended Jewelcrafting and Cooking, and I would really like to know about that too. Anyway, a few more:
- Is the Revenant going to have a Specialization as well? (I’m assuming it will; it would be strange if it didn’t.)
- Will additional Specializations for any/every profession be added in future patches/feature packs, or are they reserved only for expansions?
- Will Masteries be comparable to Agony Resistance in that a certain minimum level is necessary to complete some content, or will they just make said content more forgiving? (Basically I want to know where the line will be between my skill as a player vs. a stat telling me how ‘skilled’ I am.)
- Will Commanders get any new/updated features?
- Will any aspect of the Guild Hall system be tied to Gems? For that matter, what features will be tied to Gems in any capacity?
Hyperbole is the absolute worst thing in the universe.
Will we be able to change underwears?
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Any chance of us getting a free character slot added with this expansion? It did not take me long to max out the default limit on toons. I still have to make a guardian yet and now a new one is coming. Or, maybe adding a feature in the TP for selling back unwanted goods at half price for gems would work instead. I have a pile of transmutation thingies that will never get used but continue to pile up because I hoard stuff. All the free stuff that is worthless could be sold back to the TP and I can obtain things I could use then. Just create a special type of gem for this so it cannot be used to buy gold or something.
Either way, I am excited for this. I am curious to see how my mesmer can perform. It’s not easy being squishy but they sure are fun.
My biggest question is, will RNG be fixed. Or, more importantly, will they finally add alternative methods to get ascended and legendary gear other then crafting. Or will it be more of the same old crafting grind, and is there any intention to add a significant number of new items to the game, something to give the game a bit more variety, or can we expect more of the same “gem store” content.
Some of the questions i had in mind :
1) Are we getting new armor sets ? (I saw in the trailer that Rytlock was wearing an awesome set.) I feel like medium armor sets could use new sets.
2) Is there going to be new weapons for example crossbows , halberds, whips , fists, etc. ?
3) Is the hang glide available for the world map or just HoT exclusive ?
4) Finally, are we able to craft precursors for the new legendary weapons ?
Since professions are getting specializations…does that include the revenant as well? Will he come bundled with his specialization from get-go?
Will I be able to us a hang glider in WvW?
I think my main questions is:
Will we be told the price/method of acquiring a Guild Hall soon, so that we can all prepare for the costs?
My main question is: “Can we get a preview for how specializing works?” I guess out of all the features, my main concern is with how specializing will work. How much will change? How different will it feel between playing as a Ranger and playing as a Druid? And say if you decide to specialize in being a Druid, will this cause any major changes, like a change in what Ranger skills you can use or what Ranger traits you can use?
My secondary questions:
1: Can we get more armor variety for professions besides costumes? I’d especially like to see less robes for lights and less coats for mediums.
2: Will spears eventually get a land version? We see so many spears used on land in-game by enemies, yet no spears for us unless in the water.
3: Will former Black Lion weapons eventually be available as in-game rewards not involving Black Lion tickets? Since it has been confirmed that Black Lion weapons eventually get taken off of the BL weapon specialist, can they eventually come back as an in-game reward not involving Black Lion tickets? Like Fused weapons dropping from the Molten Fractals or Aetherblade weapons dropping from the Aetherblade Fractals?
Can we get this thread pinned?
Who let the dogs out?
Just pushing to get this back onto front page.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
3: Will former Black Lion weapons eventually be available as in-game rewards not involving Black Lion tickets? Since it has been confirmed that Black Lion weapons eventually get taken off of the BL weapon specialist, can they eventually come back as an in-game reward not involving Black Lion tickets? Like Fused weapons dropping from the Molten Fractals or Aetherblade weapons dropping from the Aetherblade Fractals?
Will Anet be moving towards encouraging more variety in PvE content by way of viable player roles than Pure DPS? I thought some good steps were made in Silverwastes where Zerkers were dying left and right while the Supports, Condis, and Hybrids were doing great.
A sylvari told me (in a non-direct way) that the black citadel will be under attack soon.
Q: Is it true that BC will be under attack?
He told me that he is a little upset with divinity’s reach but he mentioned that humans make effort.
Q: Will DR be safe ?
(edited by purecontact.1680)
Q: Stongholds: What party sizes are they considering and what kind of gameplay will it be? Will it be like the “battle of attrition” style of combat like GW1 GvG or more like structured?
Does HoT Requires base game?
I mean:
If I would like to buy a game at expac release for my friend with expac already included – do I have to buy both gw2 and HoT or HoT alone will do it?
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Q: Will the new HoT PvE content give a greater sense of value to those players who enjoy playing more support-based roles over the current zerker meta?
Does HoT Requires base game?
I mean:
If I would like to buy a game at expac release for my friend with expac already included – do I have to buy both gw2 and HoT or HoT alone will do it?
yes you need the base GW2 game for HoT to work.
I’m consumed by my desire to travel into FoW and UW in GW2.
Now, i know we can’t do that since the gods are absent.
But – who knows – maybe there’s something we don’t know yet.
So… will you give FoW and UW back to your veteran players?
– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi
How will the new WvW map be implemented to the server wide map rotation. As far as I understood now is that the map was told to be added to the server wide rotation.
question is: How will people that did not buy the expansion play on the WvW borderland map that got rotated for the new WvW map?
Will the team be revisiting the way they handle rewards and loot in the game to eliminate the TP centric nature of the gameplay as it stands now when HoT is released?
Will they be changing the options for the number of ways that players can get the same level of gear?
Will they be revitalizing the use of Karma in a major way in gear progression to bring it’s usefulness back in regards to Ascended gear?
Will they be improving how players have access to certain sigils and runes to eliminate the top tier monopoly going on with these enchants in the TP allowing new players the ability to build said gear up as they level?
Will future expansions continue to deal with singular dragons? How about a ‘double bill’ with, say, Jormag and Kralkatorrik? I think it would be cool if we could somehow contrive to get them into fighting each other. Ya know, like Godzilla and Ghidora. Also, do you think there’s any truth behind the rumor that Elly May Clampett was a Slayer and Milburn Drysdale was her Watcher?
Will you start running DLC like this each 4/6 months ?
Will we see any solid post-Zaitan changes to the rest of the known world? (Fewer Risen, new growth in Orr, that sort of thing…)
Will there be noticeable, worldwide impact to the Sylvari, including Sylvari PCs?
Household (as in real world mailing address) bulk discounts for the HoT expansion would be nice
Will we see more physical rewards for efforts as opposed to bonuses? (ie: statues showing off accomplishments for guilds instead of karma boosts…). I want there to be something tangible and visible I can be proud of and others can see.
The expansion certainly looks hot,
and i’m pleased to see they adopted my proposal of a profession that wields different kinds of spirits.
If I remember right I called it “Medium”,yet I see the necessity of a third heavy armor class and Revenant is sweet.
But I always had 1 big issue with guildwars2 ; The US/EU server separation
Whereas in guildwars 1 it was as easy as switching a channel.So I was in an American guild in gw1.
Initially at release of guildwars 2 I played on the US server Stormbluff Isle.
But then real friends started to play and so I switched to the EU server Piken Square.
Now that I have returned,only the American guild I used to play guildwars 1 with remains active.
Transfer is not cheap,but I wouldn’t mind paying it once if I’m absolutely sure the US side server is the place i want to be..but I’m really thorn,as chances are my irl friends return on EU side.And then I have to resume running the guild we have at EU side
But to keep it short,I was wondering if you would adress this to bring EU and US together like in guildwars 1.Because coming together,isn’t that what an mmo is all about?
Isn’t there something you can do about this?Like for example let us choose a home server on both EU and US side,then we can switch once(or limited times) a month between those 2 for free (or more for a small fee) For the rest it stays the same if you want to switch to different server on either sides it comes with the price according to how populated the server yo want to move to is.
At least consider removing this 1 thorn from guildwars’s heart, because its sad how we get separated in gw2,compared to gw1.
(edited by Tipsy.5802)
Q:Will there be big changes to PVE balance? There will probably be, with the new systems and class, but will there be measures to make more builds (condi, healing,…) viable?
Q: if so, how? Will the PVE and PVP balancing finally be done separatelly? Different boss mechanics to discourage stacking and reflecting?
Q: is there a plan in the making to deal with the bleeding cap?
Q:Will there be group content that requires you to change your build on the fly, since you implemented that (awesome) system already?
As you probably noticed, i’m mainly a pve player, and since they will be revealing everything content-wise anyway, might as well ask the less obvious questions
A little diddy about why I log into another AAA game right now (this is related to the topic I promise and it does have questions, bear with me). I log into this other title out there right now because there are non-combat things for me to do. It doesn’t exactly have housing but there is a base, it has fishing so I can appreciate the beauty of the world (I just found this afflorescent location today that reminds me of that glow in the dark forest scene in Avatar the movie), it has advanced crafting which allows me to go back and make the things I’ve always wanted to make but in previous expansions they were considered top tier pre-raid gear so I could never find the resources, and it has open world chests that drop useful items or resources that you can use like currency (gold in quantities that are very much generous).
Will the team be adding things like this in the expansion?
Will they have a lore related collections system like another title I didn’t mention above?
Will they add meaningful rewards to chests found out in the field like currency (gold)?
Will the team be putting non-combat activities in the game like fishing (complete with props, special fishing rods, costumes, mini pets)?
Will engineers finally be able to get rid of our hobo sacks? (AKA kit backpacks covering back items)
Will engineers finally be able to get rid of our hobo sacks? (AKA kit backpacks covering back items)
Excellent question!
Will mines finally fall with some kind of sensible useful pattern to them?
Will mobs no longer be able to dance all over the top of them without setting them off?
Will engineers finally be able to get rid of our hobo sacks? (AKA kit backpacks covering back items)
that better gets fixed.. its 2 years that we ask for it.
Also… might aswell ask a few of my questions.
-Will we get more armors\pieces that are tailored for a specific class in design visuals?
-Will those said armors\pieces respect ALL races and genders in quality and anatomy?
-Will we have access to NPC clothes as armor skins finally?
-Will there be more (new) exotics dropping about on the new enemies?
-Will the account wallet store new currencies like bandit crests finally?
-Will we be able to colour hairdo accessories without using hairdo kits finally?
-Will there be more guild related armor pieces, backpieces and overall visual stuff?
-How about a release date?
-Will our char speak again? Cutscenes like in the personal story again?
-Will there be more mobs that use tactics and work as “teams” against you?
-Will there be bosses\enemies that will beat the crap out of you if you arent epic?
-Will there be “town hubs” in the jungle where you can relax, loot out and stuff?
-Peacefull places in general in the jungle or all out war zone?
-When we will get some video footage of the new specializations?
-Mastery system, how will that work? What will need to be done to master it?
-Crafting, unique styles for armors that can only be obtained with crafting?
-Dungeon style content?
-World bosses\raids?
-Build templates to switch between specializations without re-traiting all the time?
- Why do children like cinnamon toast crunch?
Will engineers finally be able to get rid of our hobo sacks? (AKA kit backpacks covering back items)
-will we get cosmetics for profession specific things, like kits, summons, banners etc.?
-will anet finally make pve/dungeons that encourage other specs/stats than kittening full zerker glasscannon? as in: content you just cant survive as a group of 5 glass cannons and requires some sort of defensive stats?
-will you bring some kittening consistency to your dozens of currencies and what you can buy with it? the vendors for ascended trinkets are still missing a lot of combinations, karma is almost useless etc.
-will we just once get some armor that is actually made for charr instead of awfully stretched human armor? (armor that is actually goodlooking, especially leggings and shoes)
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by RashanDale.3609)
1. Will we be able to buy HoT through the Gem Store?
I know you probably won’t be able to answer this one yet, but it’s been bugging me:
2. How do my Sylvari characters not get corrupted when entering the jungle/ how does corruption work (ie is it specific to Soundless and/or Nightmare? Are Dreamers immune? Why wasn’t Malyck a minion?)? OK, maybe that’s more than one question, but I am BAFFLED.
Specializations. How will be obtain them ingame. Well duh i know “You but the x-pac, stupid” but once it’s purchased and installed.
Will they available from get go? Or will I be slowly unlocking access to my specialization, it’s profession mechanics, skills, traits etc?
And if so, then when does my quest to unlock my specialization begin? From level 1 pararell to the main profession? Max level only? And where? Anyplace? Only in expansion zones (i mean unlocking it’s compononents, not using it)?
A few questions.
How many specializations will be coming per class with HoT to start?
Can you change how you get gift of exploration? I mean maybe unlock a vendor that takes skill points or karma or something after you complete the map the first time.
I’m all for doing some work for the equipment but I don’t want to have to delete a character go through the process of clearing the map for two and then delete and repeat just to make more items. To me that is not me enjoying the game. Is a lot of grinding. What type of changes are we looking at for crafting legendary weapons?
Will I be able to give my engineer a more tech look? I mean asura light armor has a nice arm tech look that did not get passed to the medium armor. Always wondered why that was. Or why other races of engineers didn’t get something similar.
When can we expect to see a schedule of reveals? A lot of people getting antsy, myself included, and would feel a lot better if could see a firm date of when to expect some sort of information.
Those are my questions at the moment.
Q: When will the first deep dive be?
Does HoT Requires base game?
I mean:
If I would like to buy a game at expac release for my friend with expac already included – do I have to buy both gw2 and HoT or HoT alone will do it?yes you need the base GW2 game for HoT to work.
source pls
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
source pls
Q: Do I have to own Guild Wars 2 to play the expansion?
A: Yes. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is an expansion to Guild Wars 2 and not a stand-alone campaign, and therefore it requires the base game to play.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)