Raid HC Mode, Gear & Dungeons
In order:
- What constitutes a hard core mode on raids to you? Are the challenge motes it? Should it be more difficult than the challenge motes? Similarly, why do you think GW2 needs a hard core raid mode? What do you think it will add to the game? Already only a small portion of the community raids, and on top of that, most of them would not be interested in hard core raids. So this would cater to a small portion of what is already a small portion of the community, you need to defend why this would be worth it. And what are these “better rewards”?
- Sure, new gear is always nice to have. Would love to have it like HoT did with a set of weapons (and hopefully armor) for each zone, and possibly even more than that.
- It could happen. I’d rather it didn’t, but it definitely could happen.
You’re asking for the one thing ArenaNet swore they would never implement into this game – a gear treadmill.
They have said many times that the current ascended power level is as strong as armor will ever be – and that was definitely the right decision.
Character progression will come from new masteries and elite specializations, not from adding a few points to power or crit rating every so often.
They’ve abandoned dungeons in favour of raids.
They should prioritise an easy mode over a hard mode because raids are very difficult at the moment, especially for more casual players who don’t have a group.
Hopefully they’ll make ascended gear easier to acquire. As it is, having played from launch, I still don’t have a full ascended set. So yes, more exotic and ascended gear.
No gear treadmill. Never. If you want a gear treadmill, there’s the entire friggin MMO market for you to enjoy, leave this one for people who don’t want a gear treadmill. As mentioned above, Anet have definitively stated that there will be NO gear treadmill, ever. So yeah.
If you want a feeling of progression, get all the masteries and the elite specs currently available and get the next set of masteries and elite specs when they’re released as well. If you’ve done all that, then you’ve hit the roof of progression for the moment. If the current trend is anything to go by, there will shortly be a new mastery released in the next living world episode so you can progress with that as well. Mastery progression is what makes this game different than every other mmo out there and it needs to stay that way.
If your only view of progression is a gear treadmill, then this is definitely not the game for you. I certainly feel progression every time I complete a mastery track and have the required number of mastery points for it as well on top of the progression of slowly obtaining the elite spec too.
They’ve abandoned dungeons in favour of raids.
Fractals. Fractals are dungeons, minus the attachment to personal story, and are where energy is focused. Raids are something different, the “next step harder” content some players asked for, and a partially overlapping subset enjoy, than 5 player instanced content.
Hopefully they’ll make ascended gear easier to acquire. As it is, having played from launch, I still don’t have a full ascended set. So yes, more exotic and ascended gear.
The most expensive Yassith’s (Vipers) ascended armor piece is 140g right now, using materials purchased directly from the trading post, including the daily cooldown items.
The most expensive weapon is 120g with the same constraints.
A full set of ascended, then, would cost us (140*6) + (120*2), or 1,080 gold if we take the most expensive possible path of buying everything for gold, not gathering anything ourselves, not doing daily crafts, and not already owning any materials.
Doing world bosses and dailies should net you between 10 and 15 gold a day without a hugely significant investment. Fractals are probably at least as rewarding — in both cases, assuming that you just sell everything you loot as inexpensively as possible.
That puts a fully kitted out character in the most expensive possible gear within reach of anyone who puts in six months of relatively mild effort. This isn’t dedicating hours a day to farming, it’s doing a couple world bosses, and running around doing three daily things, four days a week.
I think that’s a pretty reasonable assumption that someone who cares enough to want to get into T4 fractals, or thinks they might need the extra mechanical advantage when raiding, will be able to meet that bar in terms of gameplay time over six months.
(Assumption: some of that world stuff is done in Lake Doric, or Bitterfrost, or another zone that allows purchasing of ascended accessories, and has rewarding dailies, meaning between that and laurels you get ascended trinkets, rings, and back without too much headache.)
I don’t think it’s especially out of reach today, honestly, but even with that…
I two hundred percent agree that adding in a gear treadmill is a bad move. It’s pretty much the laziest form of “progression” developers can create: they can’t think of a way to challenge me other than reset me back to the equivalent of level zero, and let me grind up to max again? wow. that’s some quality game design right there!
to OP, the gear treadmill is not part of the GW world, if it was then the game would die a death – there are other games that do that, the market is full.
Re raids, agree an easier mode would be better value, more people would get to enjoy that content, including those that love complex dungeon fights but just cannot be bothered with the rote memorization of rotations and meta build or fail approach (perfectly fine to support that with the harder mode ofc for those that want it).
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
A few things to Note,
Dunegoens were abandoned when the whole Dungeon team left Anet, this happened years ago. Fractals are the path forward from Dungeons.
Raids don’t need a hard mode, they just need to have Challenge Motes with repeatable rewards, Raids don’t need an easy mode they are at an acceptable difficulty range per encounter, Casuals were never the target audience, the target audience has always been and has remained Organized Guild groups, they don’t need to be watered down for non target audience.
As pointed out by Blaeys and OriOri, Anet has been extremely adamant on not implementing a gear treadmill, and this I applaud them for adding a gear treadmill will alienate almost every player, all that is needed is to provide Ascended vendors in WvW and to have each gamemode access to its own Legendary Armor, New Stat combos should always be released but not have bigger stat totals than what is already in game.
End game progression in this game has been, cosmetic skins, Legendaries and story progression, not gear progression as such.
As pointed out by Blaeys and OriOri, Anet has been extremely adamant on not implementing a gear treadmill, and this I applaud them for adding a gear treadmill will alienate almost every player, all that is needed is to provide Ascended vendors in WvW and to have each gamemode access to its own Legendary Armor, New Stat combos should always be released but not have bigger stat totals than what is already in game.
End game progression in this game has been, cosmetic skins, Legendaries and story progression, not gear progression as such.
correct me if i’m wrong, but I seem to remember a short time ago that Anet was talking about releasing Legendary Armor with higher stats than Ascended. The uproar on the forums was immense and they pulled it, but it is something they have considered in the recent past. And knowing Anet, i would wager we’ll see it at some point..
As pointed out by Blaeys and OriOri, Anet has been extremely adamant on not implementing a gear treadmill, and this I applaud them for adding a gear treadmill will alienate almost every player, all that is needed is to provide Ascended vendors in WvW and to have each gamemode access to its own Legendary Armor, New Stat combos should always be released but not have bigger stat totals than what is already in game.
End game progression in this game has been, cosmetic skins, Legendaries and story progression, not gear progression as such.
correct me if i’m wrong, but I seem to remember a short time ago that Anet was talking about releasing Legendary Armor with higher stats than Ascended. The uproar on the forums was immense and they pulled it, but it is something they have considered in the recent past. And knowing Anet, i would wager we’ll see it at some point..
Nope you remember wrong all they said was same stat as ascended with stat swap ability same as legendary weapons.
correct me if i’m wrong, but I seem to remember a short time ago that Anet was talking about releasing Legendary Armor with higher stats than Ascended.
No, that was a fake leak (or more precisely, someone posted a true leak, then added few completely false bits on it. Legendary armor part was one of those added bits). No official info ever mentioned that one.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
They should prioritise an easy mode over a hard mode because raids are very difficult at the moment, especially for more casual players who don’t have a group.
I agree with the rest of your post but this particular point that you made stuck out to me because in my opinion I’m pretty much obliged to disagree. Raids overall are not that difficult, it’s just the part of raiding that involves finding a group. Whether you’re going to find raids easy or difficult will actually depend largely on how good you already are at the game – to which I say yes, casual players might find it more difficult to grasp raid mechanics, but for seasoned raiders from other MMOs or people who are of a high skill calibre (compared to the average Joe in the game) the raids in GW2 should be a cakewalk.
In order:
- What constitutes a hard core mode on raids to you? Are the challenge motes it? Should it be more difficult than the challenge motes? Similarly, why do you think GW2 needs a hard core raid mode? What do you think it will add to the game? Already only a small portion of the community raids, and on top of that, most of them would not be interested in hard core raids. So this would cater to a small portion of what is already a small portion of the community, you need to defend why this would be worth it. And what are these “better rewards”?
- Sure, new gear is always nice to have. Would love to have it like HoT did with a set of weapons (and hopefully armor) for each zone, and possibly even more than that.
- It could happen. I’d rather it didn’t, but it definitely could happen.
you listen to me if we had at least 1 god kitten dungeon explaining in more depth the situation with the nightmare court during hot the exoac would be so much better.
They’ve abandoned dungeons in favour of raids.
They should prioritise an easy mode over a hard mode because raids are very difficult at the moment, especially for more casual players who don’t have a group.
Hopefully they’ll make ascended gear easier to acquire. As it is, having played from launch, I still don’t have a full ascended set. So yes, more exotic and ascended gear.
No gear treadmill. Never. If you want a gear treadmill, there’s the entire friggin MMO market for you to enjoy, leave this one for people who don’t want a gear treadmill. As mentioned above, Anet have definitively stated that there will be NO gear treadmill, ever. So yeah.
If you want a feeling of progression, get all the masteries and the elite specs currently available and get the next set of masteries and elite specs when they’re released as well. If you’ve done all that, then you’ve hit the roof of progression for the moment. If the current trend is anything to go by, there will shortly be a new mastery released in the next living world episode so you can progress with that as well. Mastery progression is what makes this game different than every other mmo out there and it needs to stay that way.
If your only view of progression is a gear treadmill, then this is definitely not the game for you. I certainly feel progression every time I complete a mastery track and have the required number of mastery points for it as well on top of the progression of slowly obtaining the elite spec too.
in favour of fractals* fixed it for ya buddy.
You’re asking for the one thing ArenaNet swore they would never implement into this game – a gear treadmill.
They have said many times that the current ascended power level is as strong as armor will ever be – and that was definitely the right decision.
Character progression will come from new masteries and elite specializations, not from adding a few points to power or crit rating every so often.
he asks for more stat type if he asked for better gear why would he ask for exotics?
You’re asking for the one thing ArenaNet swore they would never implement into this game – a gear treadmill.
They have said many times that the current ascended power level is as strong as armor will ever be – and that was definitely the right decision.
Character progression will come from new masteries and elite specializations, not from adding a few points to power or crit rating every so often.
he asks for more stat type if he asked for better gear why would he ask for exotics?
Yes but he also ask for them to have better stats, so level 81+ exotics, ascended next expac
I know that developers are working on the Legendary Gear but Gw2 should.. also release new Exotic and Ascended armor every Expansion with better statistics than the previous ones. /end quote
If you read that as better stat prefixes then please tell me what will be better then berserker/assassin for pure power specs?
idk maybe stat types that work even better for no zerk builds and classes like a commanders set without toughness and a set for power reaoer with power ferocity vitality.
idk maybe stat types that work even better for no zerk builds and classes like a commanders set without toughness and a set for power reaoer with power ferocity vitality.
That’s not “better statistics”. That’s “stat sets for niche roles”. And we can get those without any expac (as last LS chapter shown us).
Remember, remember, 15th of November