Ranged condition weapon Revenant

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409



Does anyone know if Anet is going to implement a ranged condition weapon for Revenant? It seems that the only choices for a condition build for Revenant is mace/axe and that there really is no option for a ranged condition weapon for weapon swapping purposes. Will conditions be added to one of the other weapons or are we stuck with just one condition based weapon set? If so that would be extremely disappointing. I get that Revenant was originally not going to have the weapon swap ability but the lack of a ranged condition weapon or second condition based weapon set period is a huge oversight as it discourages people from experimenting with their builds and focusing mainly on physical damage. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

TL;DR Will there be a ranged condition weapon set for Revenant? And if not will there at least be a second condition based weapon set (besides mace/axe)?

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614



We likely won’t see anything added like that until the next round of elite specs, and we have no idea yet what each class will get when the time comes.
And no the current stuff isn’t likely to change either.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Additionally do you think given that hammer is the only current Revenant ranged weapon would incorporating traits that give it condition damage be viable? Just trying to brainstorm some ideas that could address the issue without adding a whole other weapon to the game as doing so may be impractical. The above suggestion is of course in addition to the torment on crit trait which I believe is not enough to make swapping out of mace/axe viable for condition focused builds worth it.

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


We likely won’t see anything added like that until the next round of elite specs, and we have no idea yet what each class will get when the time comes.
And no the current stuff isn’t likely to change either.

That is disappointing, although I think adding traits for conditions for some hammer moves would be within reason. Not necessarily auto attack but just something to give me incentive to weapon swap to make the combat more engaging and fun.