Ranger Staff
you’re not forced into using staff
you’re immobile while using hundred blades in melee range
you’re mobile while using rapid fire with 1,500+ range with the arc
i’m guessing you come from a pve point of view, but in that case, that has its own flaws, where MOST classes and different styles of play are rendered useless or otherwise completely unwanted in most groups
I’m gonna talk in strictly pve, ignoring the fact that all of the weapons are balanced for both other gametypes. For one, you can complete all of the pve content in this game with 5 rangers with longbows. You are complaining because this isn’t the fastest way to do it. The reason it isn’t fastest is because it has very very low risk. Longbow is at 1500(actually 2100, plz nerf) range, how do you think it is justifiable that someone that far away from mobs or bosses should deal as much damage as someone in melee range? You can’t because that wouldn’t make sense. As long as you can actually survive in melee range that will always be meta because melee range does more damage, which is exactly how it should be. Your effectively asking for Anet to make the game exactly how you want it so you can fulfill your ranger fantasies, ignoring all the design problems with that (maybe go learn how to actually be an archer irl). Also, rangers have wonderful access to stability and decent stun breaks. Final point, your pet shouldn’t be dieing that much in dungeons. If it is, learn to manage it better because mine doesn’t die often in dungeons.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Rentapest, perhaps you would feel better playing another profession. Ranger is one of the easiest, most fun professions in GW2 and enjoys top class ranged dps and ranged CC. It will be no surprise if ranger gets a medium or melee range weapon and elite trait line. This will only make Ranger better.
You don’t know what a Druid is huh. Or balance for that matter.
I think giving Ranger’s a staff is a stupid thing to do. And if this is the only specialisation available, I think I’ll have to either delete my Ranger and not play it or find another game to suit my needs.
I have enjoyed GW2, but have been outraged at how useless Ranger DPS is compared to other professions and how they still havven’t sorted out the many many issues with pets.
I specifically created a Ranger to play as RANGED DPS! But my Rapid Fire will never compete with a Warrior’s Hundred Blades, or the DPS that any of the other professions can do!
And instead of improving this, you’re gimping it and giving us a useless staff support spec. -.-
- Improved Ranged DPS
- Improve pets! Make the DPS pets survive long enough to actually DO any dps to champions etc.
- Give us some useful stun-break/stability skills. Rampge as One should be stun-breaker, instant cast.
- Ranged DPS is bothe very long range AND resonably powerfull, 3.6-4.5KJ per hit on max range is quite nice.
- Pets are as powerfull or squishy as you choose them to be, they’ll be upgraded by ~100 points in all 4 basic stats when HOT arrrives as the sttribute points of your pets is a vanishing stat.
- you have lightning reflexes, quickening zerphyr, protect me, signety of renewal as stunbreaks, which should be enough
And I’m loking forward to some healing or support for ranger. It would greatly improve the value of ranger in dungeons…
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
“useless staff support”
oh geez.. I think you just gave most wvw(and probably spvp) rangers an aneurysm..
firstly, I’d like to point out that we dont even know what the staff will provide. staffs for most classes are actually generally pretty good/the best ranged weapon for their class.
secondly, lb dps is pretty kitten good to begin with. the only place where it isn’t great is in say, dungeons where you’re not getting team support. but that’s a problem with the stacking-melee-range meta currently present in dungeons, not our dps.
thirdly, assuming staff is going to be a support weapon, this is what most rangers have been asking for, for ages! if it is that, I commend anet for actually listening to us!
as for your points
1. adressed above
2. they do decent dps, and if you micromanage them, they will last for a decent amount of time (i can make my pets last almost forever in dungeons by timing my pet-swaps and healthy amounts of recall) what we need is better AI and control over it.
on a side note, druid will be changing the class mechanic for rangers. possibly addressing some of our issues?
3.we have plenty of stunbreak skills (my spvp build has 3, on relatively low cooldowns) as for stability, I somewhat agree.
A ranger specializing into a druid isn’t just a ranger anymore. They are a druid. A staff is an iconic druid weapon.
Besides that, you aren’t being forced to use an elite specialization.
If all you want to do is use a longbow for damage you might consider rolling a guardian and taking the Dragonhunter elite specialization.
There will be more elite specializations in the future. It’s quite petty and shortsighted to be so upset about something so trivial before we even know about it, but clearly that’s the standard here.
You don’t have to use a staff. If you want maximum DPS, you’re not gonna find it on a low counterplay obscenely long range weapon with decent burst. Animal Companions are only bad at surviving if you don’t give them commands at all, the only issue is that they have a large area around you that they consider as returned to you. Ranger has more to offer than just being a dude with a cat/bird/bear and a bow y’know.
I personally look forward to having a real support weapon for the profession that never fights alone. Hopefully I’ll finally be able to actively support the Siege Carriers in Silverwastes like my Staff Zerker Ele can or at least my healing in full Cleric’s gear will trump a Zerker Ele with 4 points in water.
“There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words
It’s cute when people post qq threads threatening to stop playing the game like it’ll change anything.
This is the direction Anet has chosen, and they’ll continue on that path. Any other balance changes will come as they see fit, not as you see them.
1900+ Hrs Played | http://tinyurl.com/ppq4ksz
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I think giving Ranger’s a staff is a stupid thing to do. And if this is the only specialisation available, I think I’ll have to either delete my Ranger and not play it or find another game to suit my needs.
I have enjoyed GW2, but have been outraged at how useless Ranger DPS is compared to other professions and how they still havven’t sorted out the many many issues with pets.
I specifically created a Ranger to play as RANGED DPS! But my Rapid Fire will never compete with a Warrior’s Hundred Blades, or the DPS that any of the other professions can do!
And instead of improving this, you’re gimping it and giving us a useless staff support spec. -.-
- Improved Ranged DPS
- Improve pets! Make the DPS pets survive long enough to actually DO any dps to champions etc.
- Give us some useful stun-break/stability skills. Rampge as One should be stun-breaker, instant cast.
i think you completely misunderstand the concept of ranger.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Is it just me or does Ranger staff seem like it’s melee?
Is it just me or does Ranger staff seem like it’s melee?
It’s just you so far.
Is it just me or does Ranger staff seem like it’s melee?
Based on what exactly? The only things we know are that the specialization is called ‘druid’ and that one of the druid abilities is a ranged ability (from the trailer). If anything evidence points towards a ranged caster playstyle.
OP posts a single complain post based on totally unknown information then leaves without commenting further?
A bit too trolly for my taste.
I specifically created a Ranger to play as RANGED DPS! But my Rapid Fire will never compete with a Warrior’s Hundred Blades, or the DPS that any of the other professions can do!
Best dps from top to bottom.
What are you talking about is your L2P issue.
Also this is about PvE only. In PvP we have huge advantage if you involve 1.9k range, pet CC, your CC and positioning.
Cry more.
Ranged DPS will NEVER be higher or on par with melee DPS.
ANet designed that way, ranged fight is safer than melee, so they can’t make ranged as rewarding as melee, simple as that.
If you want to compare ranged DPS with other ranged DPS then it is fine, and imo we rangers have the best damage at long range and only elementalist can compete.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
- Ranged DPS is bothe very long range AND resonably powerfull, 3.6-4.5KJ per hit on max range is quite nice.
- Pets are as powerfull or squishy as you choose them to be, they’ll be upgraded by ~100 points in all 4 basic stats when HOT arrrives as the sttribute points of your pets is a vanishing stat.
I have to say you are wrong with the numbers and the pet, LB#1 AA does around 1k-2.5K without vuln applied. Still pretty good for the range having in mind that Guard does 1.5K-3K with GS. Both in Zerker gear.
RF does around 7k-10k againts other players, again without vuln more than RF applies.
Other classes may see the LB better than actually is, the thing is i ’ve seen too many glassy builds in WvW and that is feast for the RF + Piercing.
Pets right now are useless in PvP-WvW. They are usable, and that doesn’t mean good, in PvE.
Having said that i agree with you about the druid. We need a spec with more sustain/support that cold mix with the existing ranger. If the staff would be a melee/close range weapon much better, we don’t need another ranged.
Better usability for the pets would be a must as well. If they can’t improve the AI at least given other uses not only as “long range weapon”.
OP doesn’t understand ranged vs melee DPS. I stopped reading.
Is it just me or does Ranger staff seem like it’s melee?
Doesn’t look like it from the ONE skill we have seen used. However, from some datamining we can see that the Rev staff skills are melee.
OP doesn’t understand ranged vs melee DPS. I stopped reading.
Is it just me or does Ranger staff seem like it’s melee?
Doesn’t look like it from the ONE skill we have seen used. However, from some datamining we can see that the Rev staff skills are melee.
I meant more melee range instead of melee swings.
that vine attack we saw looks like a close range attack.
OP posts a single complain post based on totally unknown information then leaves without commenting further?
A bit too trolly for my taste.
nah, pretty standard mode of operation for children and, errrm, “adult children”.
that vine attack we saw looks like a close range attack.
I think you need to watch the trailer again, those vines travel very far.
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Gs was not enough of dps for a ranger.
Well, It is not a obligatory to play new elite specializations, and it will have more specializations in future, so it simple have no reason to stop playing your ranger. A lot of people dislike their main professions specializations (I’ll not change my guardian for trap things), but that don’t compromise anyone gameplay.
You can still play your ranger exactly how you do today, specialization its not the unique thing that HoT will bring on
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Gs was not enough of dps for a ranger.
Well, It is not a obligatory to play new elite specializations, and it will have more specializations in future, so it simple have no reason to stop playing your ranger. A lot of people dislike their main professions specializations (I’ll not change my guardian for trap things), but that don’t compromise anyone gameplay.
You can still play your ranger exactly how you do today, specialization its not the unique thing that HoT will bring on
But what new skill type fits the support role?
Stances? Tricks? Gadgets?
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Gs was not enough of dps for a ranger.
Well, It is not a obligatory to play new elite specializations, and it will have more specializations in future, so it simple have no reason to stop playing your ranger. A lot of people dislike their main professions specializations (I’ll not change my guardian for trap things), but that don’t compromise anyone gameplay.
You can still play your ranger exactly how you do today, specialization its not the unique thing that HoT will bring on
But what new skill type fits the support role?
Stances? Tricks? Gadgets?
Mantras, consecrations, meditations, glyphs or cantrips are more likely I think. Stances, tricks and gadgets are neither nature-y nor magic-y enough to fit the druid.
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Sword+WH was not enough of dps for a ranger.
For PvE/PvP Ranger is a lot of fun. Before I never used my longbow because it was so weak now it’s really nice since the buff. The only thing missing is the ability to put away your pet during a fight. Necro can have multiple pets out or none during a fight. If they can balance Necro like that they can do the same with Ranger.
The only thing missing is the ability to put away your pet during a fight. Necro can have multiple pets out or none during a fight. If they can balance Necro like that they can do the same with Ranger.
Except minions are healing/utility/elite skills of the necro. The ranger’s pet is his profession mechanic. Asking them to balance around not using the pet is like asking them to balance around not using death shroud or attunement changing or burst skills. It is not going to happen. Too many ranger traits, ranger weapon skills and ranger healing/utility/elite skills rely on using your pet.
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Sword+WH was not enough of dps for a ranger.
I dislike S/Wh, unless I am playing wxw ^^ .
As about what support roles, I think that mantras makes a lot of sense into “Druid” concept. Of course, not exactly the same mantras we have on mesmer, but some more “Nature” way of mantras.
I think ~3.5-4k dmg is possible.
I also think ppl are going to call this one fake or impossible, but I got some things to say:
Yes this was done under the influence of food & utility , in Orr, Cursed Shore (lvl 80), with an Exotic Zerk Longbow with sigil of force and sigil of Undead slaying.
First Picture: Not using secondary stacking sigils (would be difficult using force and undead slaying…), just a plain 6/6/0/2/0 build…
Max dmg 4226 on long range shot
Second Picture: using max stacks of bloodlust (farmed them on my GS, just to show it can be more extreme yet)
Max dmg 4918 on long range shot
3rd Picture:
Not getting the perfect shot of but I did manage one with the signet buff:
7372 damage with 1 arrow from 1500 range.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
I think ~3.5-4k dmg is possible.
I also think ppl are going to call this one fake or impossible, but I got some things to say,
Yes, get to that kind of damage is possible but using 25 stacks of vuln + 25 stacks of might from other players and a light armour mob. I get crits of 7.5K with the guardian, 30k RF in SW with the ranger.
But those aren’t the real number, you are using a lot of help from others, and other classes outperform the ranger in damage when in the same conditions.
I used point blank shot, the auto attack.
Rapidfire does half the damage of a point blank shot per arrow , even though it does it fire 10 arrows not 1 in quick succession.
These numbers were all made:
- without vulnerability from others. (own 15-20 vulnerability do apply)
- without might stacking above own level, (5 from pet and 2 or 3 from Roa)
- without spotter (eagle eye/ piercing arrows (= normal trait for my ranger)
but WITH:
- appropriate slaying food
- appropriate slaying sigil
- full 25 stacks of bloodlust
- fury
- 5-8 might (Cannot bring myself to the patience to build up every mioght then activate signets…)
- signet buff(s)
- Exotic Armor (runes of the scholar) and an Exotic Longbow (see pictures for LB)
SO this number could be buffed more by:
- stacking full 25 stacks of might (should add ~1250-1700 additional dmg)
- having a target with full 25 vulnerability (+5-10% more damage) (opening strike gives 15-20 vulnerability (depending if your pet can close the gap fast enough)
- lucking out of a decent crit while fully stacked and buffed
- ascneded armor and an ascneded longbow (+8,5% dmg)
I expect a 8.5k or maybe even a 10k crit should be possible. -with 1 arrow-
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
That’s because from 3k power you break the game and begins to calculate crazy damage.
that’s not true either 20 might should add 600 power on the 3000 I have so It would add 20% damage.
for the normal fired shots this would mean (i’ve taken 4500, it will do)
4500 * 1.2 =5400 (max might)
5400 * 1.05 =5670 (+5 added vulnerability)
5670 * 1.085 = 6151 (ascended armor and weapon)
yes ~6.1k dmg / shot while buffed (AND AT RANGE! ).
for the spike shot this would mean
7372 * 1.2 =8846 ( max might)
8846 * 1.05 = 9288 (+5 added vulnerability)
9288 * 1.085 = 10078 (ascended armor and weapon)
I think that’s about the max.
For 1 arrow.
Which is way better then GS auto and at 1500 range instead of 140.
(well at least in single hit comparison due to the low rate of fire.)
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Well, actually support is exaclt the thing ranger is missing. So, I think that it fits perfectly on ranger. DPS you say? as if Longbow/Sword+WH was not enough of dps for a ranger.
I dislike S/Wh, unless I am playing wxw ^^ .
Well, heh, regardless, GS is not as good as S+WH for DPS…
The only thing missing is the ability to put away your pet during a fight. Necro can have multiple pets out or none during a fight. If they can balance Necro like that they can do the same with Ranger.
Except minions are healing/utility/elite skills of the necro. The ranger’s pet is his profession mechanic. Asking them to balance around not using the pet is like asking them to balance around not using death shroud or attunement changing or burst skills. It is not going to happen. Too many ranger traits, ranger weapon skills and ranger healing/utility/elite skills rely on using your pet.
Necro minions are more like GW1 Ranger pet from what I’ve read.
Regardless, they could still change the pet mechanic significantly in a future elite spec. If there are enough trait changes in the Ranger and future Elite Spec we could have builds that are void of pet traits and instead focus on the Ranger. There could be a future elite spec that changes the pet mechanic in a buffer like Guardian’s F1-F3. You could apply each pet family a certain set of buffs/boons to each of the Function keys. For instance: bear family could grant aegis+protection to you and allies. Anything is possible. And of course, since it would be done through an elite spec you wouldn’t have to play that elite spec if you wanted to keep your pet. You would still have Ranger or Druid specs to use if you wanted to keep your pet. It would literally be a win-win situation.
Your suggestions are terrible and you should feel terrible.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Your suggestions are terrible and you should feel terrible.
Whose suggestions? Which suggestions? And Why? And why should we or they or he feel bad?
If you are going to take time to write something please make it contribute to the thread.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I think ~3.5-4k dmg is possible.
I also think ppl are going to call this one fake or impossible, but I got some things to say,
Yes, get to that kind of damage is possible but using 25 stacks of vuln + 25 stacks of might from other players and a light armour mob. I get crits of 7.5K with the guardian, 30k RF in SW with the ranger.
But those aren’t the real number, you are using a lot of help from others, and other classes outperform the ranger in damage when in the same conditions.
And I guess I now showed 7200 dmage is attainable, and I guess 10k for one arrow should be possible as well… though the circumstances would need to be very controlled to do so. understand this is no continued DPS, but 5k/shot, or maybe even 6k is not to difficult.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Your suggestions are terrible and you should feel terrible.
Whose suggestions? Which suggestions? And Why? And why should we or they or he feel bad?
If you are going to take time to write something please make it contribute to the thread.
1st: That is a Futurama reference when Zoidberg say “Your joke is bad and you should feel bad”
2nd: He is referring to the OP and probably to all his suggestions, the “why” I hae no idea
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I completely agree with you!! Thank you for standing up and saying something about this nonsense! I love Guild Wars 2, but I agree that Ranger DPS is very low (and lower than it was before all the changes) compared to other professions sadly.
I too think it is plain logic that one chooses to create a Ranger because they want to attack FAR AWAY from the enemies and have just as good DPS. We don’t want melee weapons or traps that can only drop where you are standing cuz that is pointless haha (I was disappointed in anet’s unintelligent decision to take the “placeable target” away and we can no longer place traps on an enemy far away from us and pretty much anywhere on the map from us). So now, not only do we not have insane damage but we also are taking more damage being up close.
And yeah, instead of improving this, anet is making us a support class? What the heck – we should have a choice to be bad kitten roles too like the other professions!
Rentapest.6503, forget what these other guys are saying. Anet should consider PvE players as well. It’s not all about PvP and WvW.
But I’m hoping I can find a solution to this if anet doesn’t fix this (meaning find a new build or something that I can be at least be content with), because I just play for fun. I don’t like playing competitively cuz games are meant to me enjoyed and I’d like to actually be able to have fun with my ranger and enjoy playing as her and not die so much and suck specifically with her And right now I can’t enjoy playing as her…sigh
But! All is well. These problems can’t have any power over us and cannot bother us or annoy us, so I believe we can find a way or something good will come about in the end Either way we’ll make due and be awesome! Good luck Rentapest.6503
If all you want to do is use a longbow for damage you might consider rolling a guardian and taking the Dragonhunter elite specialization.
Also, the point of a Ranger is to use BOWS, long and short! We shouldn’t have to go to another class to use them!
(I know you were simply giving advice and trying to help him, but you provided a great opposite point to the logic I was trying to make so I used what you said.)
Happy playing <3
I think giving Ranger’s a staff is a stupid thing to do. And if this is the only specialisation available, I think I’ll have to either delete my Ranger and not play it or find another game to suit my needs.
I have enjoyed GW2, but have been outraged at how useless Ranger DPS is compared to other professions and how they still havven’t sorted out the many many issues with pets.
I specifically created a Ranger to play as RANGED DPS! But my Rapid Fire will never compete with a Warrior’s Hundred Blades, or the DPS that any of the other professions can do!
And instead of improving this, you’re gimping it and giving us a useless staff support spec. -.-
- Improved Ranged DPS
- Improve pets! Make the DPS pets survive long enough to actually DO any dps to champions etc.
- Give us some useful stun-break/stability skills. Rampge as One should be stun-breaker, instant cast.
I already commented on this a couple comments above this one (agreeing with the necessity to at least have a choice of having high DPS with bows…seeing that we are in fact “the” profession known for using bows/aka master of the bow), but I just wanted to add that I also agree about the pets!! Forgot to include that in my comment before I would love for my pets to take a bigger part…cuz I mean really, if they are going to give us pets in the first place, they might as well make em more useful and be able to do more damage and be an asset to rangers and a primary benefit, right? I believe that. Plus, I like my pets and having a “mini army,” so I agree it’d be nice if they could have more endurance on the battlefield.
Ranger is actually one of the top picks for dps atm…Spotter + Frost Spirit + Glyph of Empowerment = win.
The only problem with ranger is 1v1 battles, especially against those enemies who can invis.
Otherwise they are fine, put a ranger in a group in WvW and it will do a horrific amount of damage.
By adding support staff they can only be more welcome there.
I used the staff as secondary weapon during this beta and found it to be quite useful. Also most of the new pets are just what I have been waiting for…especially the fire wyvern.
My Ranger was very close to being deleted, until I tried out Druid in Beta. Love my druid! Cannot wait to really see what she can do when HoT launches.
If all you want to do is use a longbow for damage you might consider rolling a guardian and taking the Dragonhunter elite specialization.
Heh, my baby Guardian is racing to 80 to be a DH. In fact, that is who my Ranger is going to give her bow to when she picks up a staff!
I have been concentrating on learning the Druid for the past several weeks. I finally got some of my points so that I could unlock it and start trying the staff out.
I am really enjoying the staff. Currently I run LB/Staff, carrying extra weapons to switch to in my bag if I want to or see the need to (sw/axe + wh for speed).
Last night I ran my ranger on staff in two separate Toxic events, one in Gendarran Fields and the other in Brisban Wildlands. We succeeded clearing both and my staff was my main weapon for both.
I was impressed with the healing abilities to help out those melee folks and then used the Ancestral Grace to become a wisp rushing into the middle of it all to heal my allis up, dodge rolling out without getting downed. I did not die once in those, downed but able to rally off lower health enemies I targeted when they died.
I have to admit I had my concerns before trying this out. My gear is still only Exotic as are my weapons and most of my accessories. I think I have maybe 1 or 2 ascended pieces but most were exotic.
Using Knight’s Sneakthief armor with superior runes of the Ranger was a great decision as it gave me a lot power, precision and toughness. I shall be revisiting my gear, runes and sigil selections now that I see how this is working for me.
Hmm i do play range with longbow and because of the range even running glass canon with e raven as a dps tanking traits pet.
No your are not pulling out the 18K plus a warrior can pull with undred blades but you are out immediate danger with your range, you can stack your skill5 AoE with your skill 2 rapid fire for a very honorable amount of damage and if the mobs get too close or your pet loses aggro you can ninja your way out with skill 3.
Seriously the only i would complain about would be the pet clunky controls and maybe if we could affects the stats a tad more but apart from that i murder my way into HoT with ease. Ranger is covered on the damage department if you ask me.
Druid elite spec is a support one so dont expect to do damage however running glass canon + a tanky specs pet and the natural healing on your auto attacks allowed me to sustain my pets just enough to solo champions with use only the auto attack… While the druid dps is lacking compared to a longbow one i have to say i make things much easier if you focus on your pet to soak all incoming damage.
I do hate the stance on the staff auto attack tho….
Ranged DPS will NEVER be higher or on par with melee DPS.
ANet designed that way, ranged fight is safer than melee, so they can’t make ranged as rewarding as melee, simple as that.
If you want to compare ranged DPS with other ranged DPS then it is fine, and imo we rangers have the best damage at long range and only elementalist can compete.
I’d like them to take a look at gap closers and movement speed in game, ranged isn’t quite as safe as you’d think.