(edited by Rain.7543)
Ranger concerns
Thanks for your opinions guys.
I am not saying that HoT should be delayed, Hell no! it feels like forever already lol.
But there have been huge gaps in the releasing of the elite spec’s so all of them could have been released before BW2 allowing for the ranger and engi to be tested in BW2, revised and retested in BW3 and then worked on further if needed. All the other classes have benefited from 2 BW.
Instead we will get ranger and engi dumped on us last minute, feedback will be given and changes made and released into HoT without any idea if the changes made are fit for purpose. (maybe they could squeeze in 1 more BW?)
I am a little sad of this
I wouldn’t worry much about that, mate. The beta weekends are made, so players can get a taste of the upcoming content and share their opinions on their favourite classes and the content all together.
Just No.
I have beta tested over 2 hand fulls of games. While some people treat the testing period as “Early game access” it’s really not that. Because of the wonderful feedback many of us have given; things have changed and updated and gotten better. Anyone treating beta like early access is really missing out on what it should be about.
I have a bit of a bad feeling when it concerns the later released elites. We’ve gone through a lot of testing and reporting in with what was released to us to test in the first bwe. It’s crazy to think we are so close to HoT being live and there are still 2 untouched elites.
And anyone thinking they’d rather have a release on time vs a done product is just being impatient. I would much rather have a smooth release than something full of bugs and issues that make it lack luster. First impression is a lasting one.
For those of you who can recall Archeage going live. Or when they had Auroria going live. You might understand where I’m coming from when things need to be ready and complete or you lose 1000’s of players who will NOT come back.
If the druid still has to use a pet its gonna suffer the same problems as normal ranger.
If the druid still has to use a pet its gonna suffer the same problems as normal ranger.
And that’s the biggest issue of all. No matter how amazing the Druid is, if it uses a pet, it will inherit all of the Ranger’s problems.
If they don’t work some magic and remove the pet reliability with the Druid, I’ll not put myself through dealing with the class any longer. It’s a pain in the kitten enough as is, what happens to our pets in Raids? Our dps will drop tremendously. And it’s not like it’s impressive in the first place.
I have just seen that a load of the elite specialisations are having more changes made to them for BW3, this is great!
But… I am concerned about the ranger. I love my ranger and I am really looking forward to Druid. But Rangers have not had much love in the game and I am really worried that it’s going going to have enough time to be tested and improved upon as its being revealed last and will only have 1 BW test. I am worried it’s going to be released with HoT a bit unfinished.
Most of the beta changes were already designed far before the previous public beta. People need to understand how developers do testing. Most, if not None of the changes we see in the upcoming beta I directly from public beta feedback. They have inside testers who are playing a newer build than we, the public, plays in he BWE. Keep that in mind. The insider testers also play the Elite Specs in Raid content and all that good stuff, which we don’t get a chance to test the elite specs on.
This is mostly a public demo. Insider testers aren’t even playing the same build of beta as we are. We a build behind them. That should tell you something about these changes we been seeing.
Thanks for your opinions guys.
I am not saying that HoT should be delayed, Hell no! it feels like forever already lol.
But there have been huge gaps in the releasing of the elite spec’s so all of them could have been released before BW2 allowing for the ranger and engi to be tested in BW2, revised and retested in BW3 and then worked on further if needed. All the other classes have benefited from 2 BW.
Instead we will get ranger and engi dumped on us last minute, feedback will be given and changes made and released into HoT without any idea if the changes made are fit for purpose. (maybe they could squeeze in 1 more BW?)
I am a little sad of this
I wouldn’t worry much about that, mate. The beta weekends are made, so players can get a taste of the upcoming content and share their opinions on their favourite classes and the content all together. This in no way means that any of the new spec will come out untested. Most companies have a whole teams dedicated to that one specific area. You dont really believe Anet manage to do all the complicated coding, balancing and what not based on feedback from 1 or 2 beta weekends, do you?
There will be bugs, yes. There hasnt been a launch in the game history of new expansions without any bug, but they will get fixed eventually.
I guess only time will tell.
We’re worried because THREE YEARS LATER we are where we are now. So yes, we’re worried about what they can throw together in the space of a week.
Thanks for your opinions guys.
I am not saying that HoT should be delayed, Hell no! it feels like forever already lol.
But there have been huge gaps in the releasing of the elite spec’s so all of them could have been released before BW2 allowing for the ranger and engi to be tested in BW2, revised and retested in BW3 and then worked on further if needed. All the other classes have benefited from 2 BW.
Instead we will get ranger and engi dumped on us last minute, feedback will be given and changes made and released into HoT without any idea if the changes made are fit for purpose. (maybe they could squeeze in 1 more BW?)
I am a little sad of this
I wouldn’t worry much about that, mate. The beta weekends are made, so players can get a taste of the upcoming content and share their opinions on their favourite classes and the content all together. This in no way means that any of the new spec will come out untested. Most companies have a whole teams dedicated to that one specific area. You dont really believe Anet manage to do all the complicated coding, balancing and what not based on feedback from 1 or 2 beta weekends, do you?
There will be bugs, yes. There hasnt been a launch in the game history of new expansions without any bug, but they will get fixed eventually.
I guess only time will tell.
We’re worried because THREE YEARS LATER we are where we are now. So yes, we’re worried about what they can throw together in the space of a week.
I’m not worried for exactly that reason.
And yes, I main a ranger.
None of us owe ANYTHING to Anet. I have been with them since Prophecies, they literally have thousands of my dollars. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying we want something when we want it. The request is not unrealistic, as is Druid will be dropped, what two months after DH?
After Eye of the North killed my beloved GW1, I am wary of any expansion they talk up, and this sadly feels more like EOTN then Factions or NF.
Back on subject Rangers should complain, but that can’t fix that now. Don’t take preorders on an expansion 18% finished. That was their greed and their major mistake. After Druid drops is when they should have started taking orders, and started beta.
Crystal Desert
None of us owe ANYTHING to Anet. I have been with them since Prophecies, they literally have thousands of my dollars. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying we want something when we want it. The request is not unrealistic, as is Druid will be dropped, what two months after DH?
After Eye of the North killed my beloved GW1, I am wary of any expansion they talk up, and this sadly feels more like EOTN then Factions or NF.
Back on subject Rangers should complain, but that can’t fix that now. Don’t take preorders on an expansion 18% finished. That was their greed and their major mistake. After Druid drops is when they should have started taking orders, and started beta.
None of us owe anything to Anet, that’s true. And Anet doesn’t owe anything to you. That is to say you bought a product, you got a game, which you presumably played and might still be playing. All Anet really owes you is a server to play on. They don’t owe you release of any profession in any specific order.
If you think they do, I’m not sure what to tell you, but I don’t think this is reasonable at all.
If you’re that concerned, don’t preorder and you have nothing to worry about. You can see what comes when it comes.
I don’t get this. Are people saying they’re rather have the game launch delayed longer so that we can have more BWE’s to flesh out the elite specializatons.
Yes. Remember, when they were speaking about the release, back when HoT was first revealed, they said that the betas will last as long as necessary and a release will happen only when they’ll be satisfied that everything is tested thoroughly. I’d really have liked them to keep to that promise.
It’s rather obvious, by the amount of testing/balance fixes the already revealed specializations went through, that Druids will be really unlikely to be good enough for the release. And yet Anet has already set the release date, and, what’s more, allowed for only one beta event (at most) for that spec. Which (again, looking at the specs we have already seen) will not be enough.
So, i don’t have problem with some classes being released earlier. I have problems with the last classes in the queue having not enough development time dedicated to them.
The fact that it happens to rangers, which suffered through not well thought-out design since launch, is just an icing on the cake.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
I don’t get this. Are people saying they’re rather have the game launch delayed longer so that we can have more BWE’s to flesh out the elite specializatons.
Yes. Remember, when they were speaking about the release, back when HoT was first revealed, they said that the betas will last as long as necessary and a release will happen only when they’ll be satisfied that everything is tested thoroughly. I’d really have liked them to keep to that promise.
It’s rather obvious, by the amount of testing/balance fixes the already revealed specializations went through, that Druids will be really unlikely to be good enough for the release. And yet Anet has already set the release date, and, what’s more, allowed for only one beta event (at most) for that spec. Which (again, looking at the specs we have already seen) will not be enough.
So, i don’t have problem with some classes being released earlier. I have problems with the last classes in the queue having not enough development time dedicated to them.
You’re making the assumption tested thoroughly means tested by the user base of the game. That’s not what tested thoroughly means. And I know people think they’re more qualified than the people testing to test, but the reality is, nothing ever really gets tested until it goes live, even on games with test servers.
I’m sure there’s a team of people testing this stuff. If we wait until everything is perfect, no MMO would ever launch.
You’re kidding right? Anet already stated in one of their POI’s that the druid is exceptionally strong in pvp compared to the rest of the specializations. It was also one of the first revealed specs so to me, logically speaking, it’s their most polished one if they’re revealing the traits last.
Thanks for your opinions guys.
I am not saying that HoT should be delayed, Hell no! it feels like forever already lol.
But there have been huge gaps in the releasing of the elite spec’s so all of them could have been released before BW2 allowing for the ranger and engi to be tested in BW2, revised and retested in BW3 and then worked on further if needed. All the other classes have benefited from 2 BW.
Instead we will get ranger and engi dumped on us last minute, feedback will be given and changes made and released into HoT without any idea if the changes made are fit for purpose. (maybe they could squeeze in 1 more BW?)
I am a little sad of this
I wouldn’t worry much about that, mate. The beta weekends are made, so players can get a taste of the upcoming content and share their opinions on their favourite classes and the content all together.
Just No.
I have beta tested over 2 hand fulls of games. While some people treat the testing period as “Early game access” it’s really not that. Because of the wonderful feedback many of us have given; things have changed and updated and gotten better. Anyone treating beta like early access is really missing out on what it should be about.
I have a bit of a bad feeling when it concerns the later released elites. We’ve gone through a lot of testing and reporting in with what was released to us to test in the first bwe. It’s crazy to think we are so close to HoT being live and there are still 2 untouched elites.
And anyone thinking they’d rather have a release on time vs a done product is just being impatient. I would much rather have a smooth release than something full of bugs and issues that make it lack luster. First impression is a lasting one.
For those of you who can recall Archeage going live. Or when they had Auroria going live. You might understand where I’m coming from when things need to be ready and complete or you lose 1000’s of players who will NOT come back.
Yes, I agree. Beta weekends are for many players to test the game and give out their feedback to the developers. If you read again my post, carefully this time, you will see this is exactly what Im saying. If there is no more beta weekends, before HoT release, and you’re worried the ranger and the engi will come eventually “untested”, you have nothing to worry about on THAT front, because no elite spec will be untested, just because YOU didnt get the chance to test it. As I said, video games companies have teams dedicated on testing the different aspects of the games, and the beta weekends, are to collect feedback from the bigger player base of the game. Just don’t tell me honestly you believe that they manage to make all the complicated stuff involving the release of new expansion into an MMO game, based on our feedback alone, because that will mean you simply delude yourself.
If the ranger and engi elite specs got revealed on launch day, they will just polished them and make changes based on the feedback of the players IF they deemed them appropriate, along side the bugs, that will surely follow the release. There hasnt been a perfect game the 1st day of release, and never will be. As someone pointed out, if they wait to make the expansion perfect, and polished everything we won’t see it soon if at all.
(edited by Rain.7543)
Not to add more fuel to the fire but -https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/644904491263881216
Last POI today? What about Druid? O.o
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
Most people tend to think that always their favourite profession is getting the short stick out of the deal. As a fairly new pvp player myself, and an ranger at that, my experience so far, has been pretty much the same. Rangers like any other professions, can be very good if played right, and very bad if played wrong. I’ve played agains some very good rangers, and against some very bad. I also played many times very bad and got owned immediately by the more experience players, and also sometimes I do better against enemy players. I agree with your statement and couldn’t have said it better myself.
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
30% of damage that may or may not hit regardless of blocks/evades IF the pet manages to path correctly to the target is not a L2P issue. Yes there are superb players that make it seem viable but even they are fighting you AND the mechanic. Do some more research, or maybe have your skill drop 30% of their damage more often than having that 30% of damage and then come back and tell us you’re happy with Engi.
When the Dev’s have agreed that there are glaring issue’s it’s pretty safe to say that this isn’t some imaginary concern related to L2P.
But ya what would the Ranger diehards and dev’s know, the Engi has told us otherwise so it must be true.
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
30% of damage that may or may not hit regardless of blocks/evades IF the pet manages to path correctly to the target is not a L2P issue. Yes there are superb players that make it seem viable but even they are fighting you AND the mechanic. Do some more research, or maybe have your skill drop 30% of their damage more often than having that 30% of damage and then come back and tell us you’re happy with Engi.
When the Dev’s have agreed that there are glaring issue’s it’s pretty safe to say that this isn’t some imaginary concern related to L2P.
But ya what would the Ranger diehards and dev’s know, the Engi has told us otherwise so it must be true.
Agreeing with this. I’m no super pro player that knows the ins and outs of all classes, but the problem isn’t a pvp ranger like the posts above specify. It isn’t a l2p issue. What do we do with our pets in the raid that constantly die because they cannot jump or dodge, and then yes.. causes a 30% dps decrease? I pvp and pve as a main ranger. I find pvp a lot of fun and don’t feel like a “bad” class at all. But saying there are no issues with pve ranger, and that its all l2p, is just plain false.
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
I don’t get this. Are people saying they’re rather have the game launch delayed longer so that we can have more BWE’s to flesh out the elite specializatons.
Yes. Remember, when they were speaking about the release, back when HoT was first revealed, they said that the betas will last as long as necessary and a release will happen only when they’ll be satisfied that everything is tested thoroughly. I’d really have liked them to keep to that promise.
It’s rather obvious, by the amount of testing/balance fixes the already revealed specializations went through, that Druids will be really unlikely to be good enough for the release. And yet Anet has already set the release date, and, what’s more, allowed for only one beta event (at most) for that spec. Which (again, looking at the specs we have already seen) will not be enough.
So, i don’t have problem with some classes being released earlier. I have problems with the last classes in the queue having not enough development time dedicated to them.
You’re making the assumption tested thoroughly means tested by the user base of the game. That’s not what tested thoroughly means. And I know people think they’re more qualified than the people testing to test, but the reality is, nothing ever really gets tested until it goes live, even on games with test servers.
I’m sure there’s a team of people testing this stuff. If we wait until everything is perfect, no MMO would ever launch.
I’m not talking about it being perfect. I am talking about Anet not even bothering to test it in live environment. And as we have seen, almost all the previous elite specs did need several of those tests. I mean, okay, if we’re lucky druid will be the next chronomancer, and will require only minor tweaks. If we’re unlucky however it will end up as next Tempest (which is still in need of some major revamps, which he is not likely to get before launch).
Yes, we don’t know which will it be, but Anet doesn’t know either. And yet they are assuming the most optimistic option. That’s just irresponsible.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
30% of damage that may or may not hit regardless of blocks/evades IF the pet manages to path correctly to the target is not a L2P issue. Yes there are superb players that make it seem viable but even they are fighting you AND the mechanic. Do some more research, or maybe have your skill drop 30% of their damage more often than having that 30% of damage and then come back and tell us you’re happy with Engi.
When the Dev’s have agreed that there are glaring issue’s it’s pretty safe to say that this isn’t some imaginary concern related to L2P.
But ya what would the Ranger diehards and dev’s know, the Engi has told us otherwise so it must be true.
Agreeing with this. I’m no super pro player that knows the ins and outs of all classes, but the problem isn’t a pvp ranger like the posts above specify. It isn’t a l2p issue. What do we do with our pets in the raid that constantly die because they cannot jump or dodge, and then yes.. causes a 30% dps decrease? I pvp and pve as a main ranger. I find pvp a lot of fun and don’t feel like a “bad” class at all. But saying there are no issues with pve ranger, and that its all l2p, is just plain false.
I’ve beaten every dungeon path, and done every living story achievement, with a ranger in my party. We have level 50 fractal runners who are rangers.
Pets probably need some work. But you guys are focused way too much on how much DPS you do. Who cares?
Riiiiight, because DPS has nothing to do with how a class preforms.
Well I’m convinced you’re a reliable source of information.
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m very confident on my engineer. I win two thirds of the matches I play.
This has been my experience fighting rangers:
Most rangers I fight against: Pewpew with the longbow and never weapon swap. Ever. I just sit there and shake my head while I watch rangers kill themselves with rapid fire off my reflect wall. Obvious use of the wrong pet. Poor management of pets.
Some rangers I fight against: Weapon swap and often use greatsword or double axe, sometimes sword/warhorn. Clear knowledge of what pets to use in pvp. Lock down with pets or other immobilize and then attack from range. And when I go up against these guys, it’s a clear fight to the death and I’ve been absolutely destroyed at times by people who clearly know their class inside and out.
I can say this for every class really. There are those that understand their class and those that don’t. And while there are some classes that are a bit over on the power edge at the moment and allow for more sloppy play, the rest are pretty kitten equal.
i.e. this is a learn to play issue and nothing more.
30% of damage that may or may not hit regardless of blocks/evades IF the pet manages to path correctly to the target is not a L2P issue. Yes there are superb players that make it seem viable but even they are fighting you AND the mechanic. Do some more research, or maybe have your skill drop 30% of their damage more often than having that 30% of damage and then come back and tell us you’re happy with Engi.
When the Dev’s have agreed that there are glaring issue’s it’s pretty safe to say that this isn’t some imaginary concern related to L2P.
But ya what would the Ranger diehards and dev’s know, the Engi has told us otherwise so it must be true.
Agreeing with this. I’m no super pro player that knows the ins and outs of all classes, but the problem isn’t a pvp ranger like the posts above specify. It isn’t a l2p issue. What do we do with our pets in the raid that constantly die because they cannot jump or dodge, and then yes.. causes a 30% dps decrease? I pvp and pve as a main ranger. I find pvp a lot of fun and don’t feel like a “bad” class at all. But saying there are no issues with pve ranger, and that its all l2p, is just plain false.
I’ve beaten every dungeon path, and done every living story achievement, with a ranger in my party. We have level 50 fractal runners who are rangers.
Pets probably need some work. But you guys are focused way too much on how much DPS you do. Who cares?
You’re absolutely right. A ranger is totally capable of completing a 50 fractal and all of the dungeons. That doesn’t mean that there are no mechanic problems though, and especially what with (hopefully) much harder pve content. Specifically, mechanic problems that other groups would rather just bypass completely by not inviting your class (GWEM only pls). Just the day before yesterday I was doing cliffside fractal when the thief accidently killed the target mob that we needed to keep alive, then proceeded to leave the group. Our filler guardian came in and then said, “oh 2 rangers and an engi, no wonder.” And then also left. We were FINE up until that point. The kitten is getting old.
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
The problem ranger face is why the party should accept a ranger when there are other classes(GWEM specially) available assuming players dont know each other. There is no roll in current contents that ranger can fits in among the best. This comes back to the “Jack of all traits”(master of none) designing concept, but now when you have classes like Ele and guard basically being Queen/King of all traits master of all, the surviving space of rangers on highly demanding groups just become tightened. In addition, these demanding groups are very likely to create what we call META. Large amount of player base follow meta builds like bible which make the community attitude towards rangers even worse than it should be. On the other hand, other players do not care the reasons behind you bring a ranger to the party, it is simply that bring a GWEM is more promising to have a good play experience than having a ranger they do not know.
Brace yourself rangers. The true Winter is coming. for us
I’m tired of the ranger complaints. I really am.
I’m also tired of this – and I actually Main ranger :P
I always chose me pet swap carefully, weight their strenghts and weaknesses against what task I’ll have them to perform although I do that on the level of creating a build not just before encounter – and usually I don’t have much issues with keeping them alive during boss encounters with exception to big huge events of world boss smashing but then to be honest – world bosses are just not ranger piece of cake (actually any zerged content is just not within our area of specialisations) I haven’t run fractals with a ranger as all of my agony resistance landed on guardian alt so I can’t tell about issues there.
and yes I see issues, one issue for example is what ArenaNet have done to nature spirits. But thats only issue that is actually bugging me in ranger – although improvements to pet AI, giving them ability to evade telegraphed atack etc. would be always nice to see
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I don’t get this. Are people saying they’re rather have the game launch delayed longer so that we can have more BWE’s to flesh out the elite specializatons.
Yes. Remember, when they were speaking about the release, back when HoT was first revealed, they said that the betas will last as long as necessary and a release will happen only when they’ll be satisfied that everything is tested thoroughly. I’d really have liked them to keep to that promise.
It’s rather obvious, by the amount of testing/balance fixes the already revealed specializations went through, that Druids will be really unlikely to be good enough for the release. And yet Anet has already set the release date, and, what’s more, allowed for only one beta event (at most) for that spec. Which (again, looking at the specs we have already seen) will not be enough.
So, i don’t have problem with some classes being released earlier. I have problems with the last classes in the queue having not enough development time dedicated to them.
You’re making the assumption tested thoroughly means tested by the user base of the game. That’s not what tested thoroughly means. And I know people think they’re more qualified than the people testing to test, but the reality is, nothing ever really gets tested until it goes live, even on games with test servers.
I’m sure there’s a team of people testing this stuff. If we wait until everything is perfect, no MMO would ever launch.
I’m not talking about it being perfect. I am talking about Anet not even bothering to test it in live environment. And as we have seen, almost all the previous elite specs did need several of those tests. I mean, okay, if we’re lucky druid will be the next chronomancer, and will require only minor tweaks. If we’re unlucky however it will end up as next Tempest (which is still in need of some major revamps, which he is not likely to get before launch).
Yes, we don’t know which will it be, but Anet doesn’t know either. And yet they are assuming the most optimistic option. That’s just irresponsible.
And if it gets adjusted 30 days after HoT launches?
Just remember, metas take weeks to form, sometimes months. An extra beta weekend doesn’t make anything immune from needing more tuning anyway.
An MMO is never finished. It’s always changing. It’s always going to change. So if the poor rangers don’t get there month one and they get there month two?
People need to have some patience, because they only real option otherwise is to delay release. And I’m relatively sure more people would be annoyed about that, than would be annoyed by perceived irritation in the ranger community.
Well a month left and no ranger beta testing so…. you know it’s going to bad lol
Hm, do they really need us to beta test, though? I think the “beta testing” is more of a sneak peak for us, than anything else. They can test their own stuff.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
After 3.5k hrs. playing ranger, it is beyond wonderful that an actual Game Designer, Irenio Calmon-Huang, plays my 2 fave classes Ranger and Engie, and is leading the development of both the Scrapper and the Druid. Prior to this there wasn’t a single dev who played Ranger consistently and they were unfamiliar with the problems within the class, despite all the threads in Ranger forum. Perhaps we will no longer be the red-headed step-child.
And if it gets adjusted 30 days after HoT launches?
Possible, if only minor fixes will be necessary. Major fixes in this game can take years, and if they messed up on the fundamentals adjusting this after it will get into the game will be highly unlikely.
Just remember, metas take weeks to form, sometimes months. An extra beta weekend doesn’t make anything immune from needing more tuning anyway.
But it gives us more time and feedback to point to devs something, that, even if it looks good to them, didn’t end up that well when offered to players (Rebound…).
An MMO is never finished. It’s always changing. It’s always going to change. So if the poor rangers don’t get there month one and they get there month two?
You are really optimistic. Looking at the Ranger balance and fix history i’d say that optimism is completely unsupported.
Let me put it that way. If Revenant went into game the way it was designed originally, it would have taken the players years (if ever) to persuade devs to add weapon swap.
So, at this moment we can only hope that the Druid will not require any major redesigns – because after the launch it’s highly unlikely to get those no matter how much they might be needed.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I have just seen that a load of the elite specialisations are having more changes made to them for BW3, this is great!
But… I am concerned about the ranger. I love my ranger and I am really looking forward to Druid. But Rangers have not had much love in the game and I am really worried that it’s going going to have enough time to be tested and improved upon as its being revealed last and will only have 1 BW test. I am worried it’s going to be released with HoT a bit unfinished.
These are Rangers we’re talking about, friend.
We’re in an awful position now and have been for three years.