Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Let’s face it, Arenta – most of this crowd sees anything other than standing up the nearest enemy bum in a giant heap and blasting fire fields all day erry day as a failure and a waste of time.

I am looking so freaking forward to watching the stack-and-burns crash and burn when they try that crud in Heart of Thorns. Just imagine the woe and rabble-rousery that will light these cursed lands when people find out that clumping together like morons and doing nothing but blasting Fire gets them knocked over like bowling pins and they actually need to spread out, watch their positions, and fight wherever they get a chance.

It will be glorious. Unlike the idiotic staff set we’re apparently getting on Thieves. Blegh.

Blasting fire is so early 2015. Now wariors do that with their mighty skill 2 on greatsword.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


Let’s face it, Arenta – most of this crowd sees anything other than standing up the nearest enemy bum in a giant heap and blasting fire fields all day erry day as a failure and a waste of time.

I am looking so freaking forward to watching the stack-and-burns crash and burn when they try that crud in Heart of Thorns. Just imagine the woe and rabble-rousery that will light these cursed lands when people find out that clumping together like morons and doing nothing but blasting Fire gets them knocked over like bowling pins and they actually need to spread out, watch their positions, and fight wherever they get a chance.

It will be glorious. Unlike the idiotic staff set we’re apparently getting on Thieves. Blegh.

The only reason I can see why people want rifle is for its 1200 range to make world bosses and WvW more ease right? What class actually uses their range option more then 20% of the time in pve besides eles?

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TeuthidPurveyor.1970


Melee staff isn’t even cool, or a thing that plugs a gaping hole in the Thief’s line-up.

What if Staff had block, AoE cripple, AoE protection, and confusion? That would be a very different kind of melee/control thief.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


Let’s face it, Arenta – most of this crowd sees anything other than standing up the nearest enemy bum in a giant heap and blasting fire fields all day erry day as a failure and a waste of time.

I am looking so freaking forward to watching the stack-and-burns crash and burn when they try that crud in Heart of Thorns. Just imagine the woe and rabble-rousery that will light these cursed lands when people find out that clumping together like morons and doing nothing but blasting Fire gets them knocked over like bowling pins and they actually need to spread out, watch their positions, and fight wherever they get a chance.

It will be glorious. Unlike the idiotic staff set we’re apparently getting on Thieves. Blegh.

The only reason I can see why people want rifle is for its 1200 range to make world bosses and WvW more ease right? What class actually uses their range option more then 20% of the time in pve besides eles?

yes but that adds something

what does staff offer that thief doesnt already have?

keep in mind thief has a pretty solid sword and epic dagger. both of which work well with dpm +some range on it that makes that dpm that much better

Melee staff isn’t even cool, or a thing that plugs a gaping hole in the Thief’s line-up.

What if Staff had block, AoE cripple, AoE protection, and confusion? That would be a very different kind of melee/control thief.

but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?
that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger.

thief doesnt need block when it has so much mobility, evasion, and shadowstep.
aoe cripple…ok but that would require you be in range to do that…and in the end you have dagger’s 4 skill which does that AND dmg AND from range.

AoE protection is the only thing that benefits thief……

confusion? why when dagger does so much dmg so fast.

thief has little armor
little hp (and they can’t change that, as doing so would change SO MUCH of the class, that it wouldnt be it anymore. imagine a dagger thief with armor and hp. that would not be good and would be to big a change)

it relies on massive dmg output and mobility to get in and do damage

its NOT a class that can stay in the fight constantly as a staff seems to be made for(aka constant damage)

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


The only reason I can see why people want rifle is for its 1200 range to make world bosses and WvW more ease right? What class actually uses their range option more then 20% of the time in pve besides eles?

People want rifle because it’s something freaking different. Staff offers absolutely nothing Sword/* doesn’t do in spades. Neither does mace, though at least mace doesn’t lock out offhand options. It might be salvageable with the Dual Skill system. I would honestly be intrigued by focus or torch. Focus would be worlds better as a Shadow Mage option than staff, as once again the Dual Skill system would be very interesting with combination focus skills. And frankly, historical duelists, rogues, ruffians and highwaymen were known to use mirrored, shuttered lanterns on dark nights or in dim back alleys to dazzle their victims prior to clubbing them upside the head and robbing them blind, so there’s some actual meat behind the potential notion of torch.

That’s the big thing for me – literally everything else would be a better choice for a Thief elite spec than staff. Everything else. Warhorn? I’d take that over staff. Focus? Yep. Mace, axe? Sure. Scepter? Li’l weird, but okay, show me what dual skills I get. Torch? Why not. Longbow? Okay, longbow doesn’t make any more sense than staff does, but the Dragonhunter’s getting longbow anyways, so we’re generally safe on that front.

Mace or axe wouldn’t really bring anything new worth having to the table either, but at least they don’t eliminate the excellent OH pistol or OH dagger from the Thief’s kitten nal Focus and scepter…well, I have no idea how ArenaNet would implement those, but hey. It’d at least be a thing to try. Torch could be entertaining, though it has stiff competition from OH dagger or pistol on the Thief.

But melee Staff? Pretty much the worst possible choice that could be made. Which is why I’m so mad they’re making it.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?
that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger.

People who wanna use staff maybe? With that mindset why give any option or variety? Why does…

Warrior need Greatsword and Axe, Hammer and Mace
Ranger need Sword and Greatsword
Necro need Greatsword and Dagger
Guardian need Sword and Greatsword
Thief need pistol/pistol and rifle

Could go on with other overlaps in play style between weapons but at the end of the day this overlaps are there to give more variety to a class. Also all this about thieves having no 1200 range option but we also do not have a two handed melee option does that make my argument for staff any better no because the lack of something in a kit does not guarantee it will be made for the class. You know what makes the argument for staff strong the datamined artwork with a staff, datamined staff from the artwork, and datamined kunai with artwork featuring a ninja.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?
that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger.

People who wanna use staff maybe? With that mindset why give any option or variety? Why does…

Warrior need Greatsword and Axe, Hammer and Mace
Ranger need Sword and Greatsword
Necro need Greatsword and Dagger
Guardian need Sword and Greatsword
Thief need pistol/pistol and rifle

Could go on with other overlaps in play style between weapons but at the end of the day this overlaps are there to give more variety to a class. Also all this about thieves having no 1200 range option but we also do not have a two handed melee option does that make my argument for staff any better no because the lack of something in a kit does not guarantee it will be made for the class. You know what makes the argument for staff strong the datamined artwork with a staff, datamined staff from the artwork, and datamined kunai with artwork featuring a ninja.

but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?

that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger
thief doesnt need block when it has so much mobility, evasion, and shadowstep.

aoe cripple…ok but that would require you be in range to do that…and in the end you have dagger’s 4 skill which does that AND dmg AND from range.

AoE protection is the only thing that benefits thief……
confusion? why when dagger does so much dmg so fast.

thief has little armor
little hp (and they can’t change that, as doing so would change SO MUCH of the class, that it wouldnt be it anymore. imagine a dagger thief with armor and hp. that would not be good and would be to big a change)

it relies on massive dmg output and mobility to get in and do damage
its NOT a class that can stay in the fight constantly as a staff seems to be made for(aka constant damage)


pistol pistol is mobile range from medium range

rifle is stationary range from LONG RANGE

aka something new that benefits the low hp, low armor. high mobility class

a constant dmg staff doesnt benefit the low hp low armor class that relies on burst dmg

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


Melee staff isn’t even cool, or a thing that plugs a gaping hole in the Thief’s line-up.

What if Staff had block, AoE cripple, AoE protection, and confusion? That would be a very different kind of melee/control thief.

Blocks and Evades – such as the ones on Sword/*’s 3 skills – are functionally identical, and the Thief has several traits which reward evades but none which reward blocks. AoE cripple? Sword AA chain. Cripple on the third hit, and the whole chain cleaves. AoE Protection? How would a length of wood do that, precisely? AoE Confusion? You’d have problems with a weapon split between Power and Malice, a’la the permanently awful P/P set, and with only one damaging condition gearing up enough Malice to make the Confusion worth it would be counterproductive in the long run.

Just not happening, man. The only thing they can really do to even try and differentiate it would be knocks, and I GUARANTEE ArenaNet is not putting knocks on the initiative system. People thought quarterknocking in GW1 was bad?

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?

pistol pistol is mobile range from medium range

rifle is stationary range from LONG RANGE

aka something new that benefits the low hp, low armor. high mobility class


Dagger is a single target focused weapon like Necro dagger and Warrior axe.
Both greatsword for Reaper and Warrior are burst aoe specs.

Thieves lack a dedicated melee burst aoe weapon sword/pistol comes close but its more cc focused. When they revealed Rev staff they said that initially they had a more offensive minded kit how much you wanna bet that ended up on thief to give an aoe focused melee option.

Also by mobile short ranged you mean that you can use all the skills while moving right? Cause I wouldn’t really say P/P is mobile cause that is the reason no one plays it really. Also there is no way they would give rifle a movement skill unless it cost a hefty amount of initiative.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TeuthidPurveyor.1970


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?
that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger.

People who wanna use staff maybe? With that mindset why give any option or variety? Why does…

Warrior need Greatsword and Axe, Hammer and Mace
Ranger need Sword and Greatsword
Necro need Greatsword and Dagger
Guardian need Sword and Greatsword
Thief need pistol/pistol and rifle

Uh… Ranger needs sword and greatsword because sword is about evasion and escape, while greatsword is about gap closing and damage. Necro needs greatsword because they didn’t have an off-hand melee weapon and because non-initiative classes need 2 melee sets to play dedicated melee.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?
that sounds like it would benefit mesmer more or ranger.

People who wanna use staff maybe? With that mindset why give any option or variety? Why does…

Warrior need Greatsword and Axe, Hammer and Mace
Ranger need Sword and Greatsword
Necro need Greatsword and Dagger
Guardian need Sword and Greatsword
Thief need pistol/pistol and rifle

Uh… Ranger needs sword and greatsword because sword is about evasion and escape, while greatsword is about gap closing and damage. Necro needs greatsword because they didn’t have an off-hand melee weapon and because non-initiative classes need 2 melee sets to play dedicated melee.

That is exactly my point lol. I was simplifying it just like there argument is there is no room for another melee weapon because sword and dagger are there. Of course I know each weapon has its nuances and plays differently.

We cant have staff because all melee weapons play the same. /s

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?

pistol pistol is mobile range from medium range

rifle is stationary range from LONG RANGE

aka something new that benefits the low hp, low armor. high mobility class


Dagger is a single target focused weapon like Necro dagger and Warrior axe.
Both greatsword for Reaper and Warrior are burst aoe specs.

Thieves lack a dedicated melee burst aoe weapon sword/pistol comes close but its more cc focused. When they revealed Rev staff they said that initially they had a more offensive minded kit how much you wanna bet that ended up on thief to give an aoe focused melee option.

Also by mobile short ranged you mean that you can use all the skills while moving right? Cause I wouldn’t really say P/P is mobile cause that is the reason no one plays it really. Also there is no way they would give rifle a movement skill unless it cost a hefty amount of initiative.

theif isn’t supposed to be AoE. as AoE spreads dmg out and as such changes hte focus to constant dmg instead of burst.
and seriously? warrior greatsword for AoE? sure if you want to be stationary and enemy stays in range. (and if u ok with a pretty kittenty dpm compared to thief dagger)

so…..lets sum it up
low armor
low hp
focused on mobility
but squishy as hell

using AoE constant dmg that requires them to stay in combat for prolonged period of time.
…..squishy armor…squishy hp……

i guess you could do burst aoe dmg…but it would be inferior to dagger dmg.
and so your enemies would recover during the cooldown of the burst.


dpm = damage per minute btw.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?

pistol pistol is mobile range from medium range

rifle is stationary range from LONG RANGE

aka something new that benefits the low hp, low armor. high mobility class


Dagger is a single target focused weapon like Necro dagger and Warrior axe.
Both greatsword for Reaper and Warrior are burst aoe specs.

Thieves lack a dedicated melee burst aoe weapon sword/pistol comes close but its more cc focused. When they revealed Rev staff they said that initially they had a more offensive minded kit how much you wanna bet that ended up on thief to give an aoe focused melee option.

Also by mobile short ranged you mean that you can use all the skills while moving right? Cause I wouldn’t really say P/P is mobile cause that is the reason no one plays it really. Also there is no way they would give rifle a movement skill unless it cost a hefty amount of initiative.

theif isn’t supposed to be AoE. as AoE spreads dmg out and as such changes hte focus to constant dmg instead of burst.
and seriously? warrior greatsword for AoE? sure if you want to be stationary and enemy stays in range. (and if u ok with a pretty kittenty dpm compared to thief dagger)

so…..lets sum it up
low armor
low hp
focused on mobility
but squishy as hell

using AoE constant dmg that requires them to stay in combat for prolonged period of time.
…..squishy armor…squishy hp……

i guess you could do burst aoe dmg…but it would be inferior to dagger dmg.
and so your enemies would recover during the cooldown of the burst.


dpm = damage per minute btw.

Standing back and pew pewing is my subjective definition of lame when I play my thief/assassin class I want to be gibbing and evading people. When I play my ranger I want to be standing back and pew pewing.

Also yes greatsword for warrior is an aoe mobile focused spec what else would you consider it?

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


but who would use it? when Dagger already works so well?

pistol pistol is mobile range from medium range

rifle is stationary range from LONG RANGE

aka something new that benefits the low hp, low armor. high mobility class


Dagger is a single target focused weapon like Necro dagger and Warrior axe.
Both greatsword for Reaper and Warrior are burst aoe specs.

Thieves lack a dedicated melee burst aoe weapon sword/pistol comes close but its more cc focused. When they revealed Rev staff they said that initially they had a more offensive minded kit how much you wanna bet that ended up on thief to give an aoe focused melee option.

Also by mobile short ranged you mean that you can use all the skills while moving right? Cause I wouldn’t really say P/P is mobile cause that is the reason no one plays it really. Also there is no way they would give rifle a movement skill unless it cost a hefty amount of initiative.

theif isn’t supposed to be AoE. as AoE spreads dmg out and as such changes hte focus to constant dmg instead of burst.
and seriously? warrior greatsword for AoE? sure if you want to be stationary and enemy stays in range. (and if u ok with a pretty kittenty dpm compared to thief dagger)

so…..lets sum it up
low armor
low hp
focused on mobility
but squishy as hell

using AoE constant dmg that requires them to stay in combat for prolonged period of time.
…..squishy armor…squishy hp……

i guess you could do burst aoe dmg…but it would be inferior to dagger dmg.
and so your enemies would recover during the cooldown of the burst.


dpm = damage per minute btw.

Standing back and pew pewing is my subjective definition of lame when I play my thief/assassin class I want to be gibbing and evading people. When I play my ranger I want to be standing back and pew pewing.

Also yes greatsword for warrior is an aoe mobile focused spec what else would you consider it?

greatsword warrior…mobile?
looks at 2 skill "forces you to stay still use

sure the 5 and 3 skill are “mobile” but the 5 skill isn’t AoE. or dmg
the 3 skill is…but its one skill….and not your main skill
4 skill? don’t make me laugh. its single

add to this warrior has HIGH HP
aka it can build up the dpm by staying in combat.

if u want to be up close and dodging, use dagger. (or use ranger with its medium hp. medium armor value. evasion greatsword. or evasion sword)

but rifle is something that thief could use as it works for it
long range, alpha dmg burst.
low armor. low hp. but mobile enough to stay at range.

see how it works for the class?

while a constant dmg staff does not

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TeuthidPurveyor.1970


Standing back and pew pewing is my subjective definition of lame when I play my thief/assassin class I want to be gibbing and evading people. When I play my ranger I want to be standing back and pew pewing.

This is what you don’t get. The point of elite specs isn’t to give people already playing that profession a pile of all the goodies they’ve been wanting. It’s to make that profession appealing to people who weren’t previously interested. It’s supposed to encourage alts and keep people playing in the same way that new professions would, but with massively less development cost in animations and art assets. If the Sniper feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Ranger now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


greatsword warrior…mobile?
looks at 2 skill "forces you to stay still use

sure the 5 and 3 skill are “mobile” but the 5 skill isn’t AoE. or dmg
the 3 skill is…but its one skill….and not your main skill
4 skill? don’t make me laugh. its single

add to this warrior has HIGH HP
aka it can build up the dpm by staying in combat.

if u want to be up close and dodging, use dagger. (or use ranger with its medium hp. medium armor value. evasion greatsword. or evasion sword)

but rifle is something that thief could use as it works for it
long range, alpha dmg burst.
low armor. low hp. but mobile enough to stay at range.

see how it works for the class?

while a constant dmg staff does not

Just because hundred blades is stationary doesn’t mean warrior great sword inst mobile 3 and 5 give you 1650 range gap closer/escape 3 is only on a 10 second cooldown. Every single ability besides rush does dmg to multiple targets so yeah its aoe focused.

See the issue I have with the way your arguing that staff would be useless is you are assuming the kit anet creates for said staff requires you to stand still and take damage. Why in gods name would anet give staff no mobility when EVERY SINGLE THIEF SET IN THE GAME has some form of dash or teleport besides p/p.

Also any half descent thief player knows they need to avoid damage because you are low armor, low hp. Its not like when you use dagger or sword that you can just mindless stand there and do your dmage rotation without having to dodge. Also dagger has no dodge it has leaping death blossom a skill noone uses.

This is what you don’t get. The point of elite specs isn’t to give people already playing that profession a pile of all the goodies they’ve been wanting. It’s to make that profession appealing to people who weren’t previously interested. It’s supposed to encourage alts and keep people playing in the same way that new professions would, but with massively less development cost in animations and art assets. If the Sniper feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Ranger now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

When did anet say any of that? How do you know that is there design focus?

(edited by sebradle.7034)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


greatsword warrior…mobile?
looks at 2 skill "forces you to stay still use

sure the 5 and 3 skill are “mobile” but the 5 skill isn’t AoE. or dmg
the 3 skill is…but its one skill….and not your main skill
4 skill? don’t make me laugh. its single

add to this warrior has HIGH HP
aka it can build up the dpm by staying in combat.

if u want to be up close and dodging, use dagger. (or use ranger with its medium hp. medium armor value. evasion greatsword. or evasion sword)

but rifle is something that thief could use as it works for it
long range, alpha dmg burst.
low armor. low hp. but mobile enough to stay at range.

see how it works for the class?

while a constant dmg staff does not

Just because hundred blades is stationary doesn’t mean warrior great sword inst mobile 3 and 5 give you 1650 range gap closer/escape 3 is only on a 10 second cooldown. Every single ability besides rush does dmg to multiple targets so yeah its aoe focused.

See the issue I have with the way your arguing that staff would be useless is you are assuming the kit anet creates for said staff requires you to stand still and take damage. Why in gods name would anet give staff no mobility when EVERY SINGLE THIEF SET IN THE GAME has some form of dash or teleport besides p/p.

Also any half descent thief player knows they need to avoid damage because you are low armor, low hp. Its not like when you use dagger or sword that you can just mindless stand there and do your dmage rotation without having to dodge. Also dagger has no dodge it has leaping death blossom a skill noone uses.

This is what you don’t get. The point of elite specs isn’t to give people already playing that profession a pile of all the goodies they’ve been wanting. It’s to make that profession appealing to people who weren’t previously interested. It’s supposed to encourage alts and keep people playing in the same way that new professions would, but with massively less development cost in animations and art assets. If the Sniper feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Ranger now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

When did anet say any of that? How do you know that is there design focus?

if you don’t have to stay still, then the dmg would be constant dmg instead of burst.

aka, warrior with HIGH HP AND ARMOR works
thief with low hp and low armor would not.

you’ve failed to explain HOW staff would be a superior choice over dagger. WHEN YOU HAVE THE LOWEST HP OF ANY CLASS. TIED WITH ELE AND GUARDIAN. AND YOU DON’T HAVE GUARDIAN ARMOR.

SO EXPLAIN kitten .

aoe? HOW.
unless its ranged AoE….opps shortbow.

so melee AoE? why. what do we stand to gain in it

and i use death blossom.

here i am explaining all these ways stuff would work and how.
and how stuff DOES work in game

and your just saying “no cause lame”

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


if you don’t have to stay still, then the dmg would be constant dmg instead of burst.

aka, warrior with HIGH HP AND ARMOR works
thief with low hp and low armor would not.

you’ve failed to explain HOW staff would be a superior choice over dagger. WHEN YOU HAVE THE LOWEST HP OF ANY CLASS. TIED WITH ELE AND GUARDIAN. AND YOU DON’T HAVE GUARDIAN ARMOR.

SO EXPLAIN kitten .

aoe? HOW.
unless its ranged AoE….opps shortbow.

so melee AoE? why. what do we stand to gain in it

and i use death blossom.

here i am explaining all these ways stuff would work and how.
and how stuff DOES work in game
and your just saying “no cause lame”

Yes I have failed to explain how it would be better than dagger just like you have failed to explain how its inferior to dagger for one simple reason.


Your making a lot of assumption dude by saying staff would be worse then dagger how in the hell do you know that. I cant tell you how it would be better and you cant tell me how it would be worse.

Also you keep on bringing up thief hp why? Thieves have low hp yes ok great there is this thing called evades built into ever thief weapon and you get two for free. But you know don’t acknowledge that I said this in my last two posts again just keep saying thieves have low hp. You say that like no one should even play thief or any class besides warrior.

Also your the one that said staff sounds lame first and i responded with why I feel rifle is lame. But obviously you summed up everything ive said in all my posts to that one sentence and obviously cant respect that I and others might have a differing opinion lol. I have said plenty on why I think both rifle and staff could work go read it lol.

(edited by sebradle.7034)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


if you don’t have to stay still, then the dmg would be constant dmg instead of burst.

aka, warrior with HIGH HP AND ARMOR works
thief with low hp and low armor would not.

you’ve failed to explain HOW staff would be a superior choice over dagger. WHEN YOU HAVE THE LOWEST HP OF ANY CLASS. TIED WITH ELE AND GUARDIAN. AND YOU DON’T HAVE GUARDIAN ARMOR.

SO EXPLAIN kitten .

aoe? HOW.
unless its ranged AoE….opps shortbow.

so melee AoE? why. what do we stand to gain in it

and i use death blossom.

Yes I have failed to explain how it would be better than dagger just like you have failed to explain how its inferior to dagger for one simple reason.


Your making a lot of assumption dude by saying staff would be worse then dagger how in the hell do you know that. I cant tell you how it would be better and you cant tell me how it would be worse.

Also you keep on bringing up thief hp why? Thieves have low hp yes ok great there is this thing called evades built into ever thief weapon and you get two for free. But you know don’t acknowledge that I said this in my last two posts again just keep saying thieves have low hp. You say that like no one should even play thief or any class besides warrior.

we don’t know its kit

aka. we don’t know its staff.

all we see is a picture.
which could be for numerous things. not necessarily the class.

and here, in this thread. we’ve listed numerous ways it could be a rifle

but not one real way it could be a staff. and you just say “we don’t know what it could be”
why? cause you can’t think of a way?

the staff thats been described is basically Wukong the monkey king.
yeah….like THATS gonna appeal to players choosing a class.
“lets play a monkey”

either give us ideas for staff. or gtfo
stop giving excuses

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


we don’t know its kit

aka. we don’t know its staff.

all we see is a picture.
which could be for numerous things. not necessarily the class.

and here, in this thread. we’ve listed numerous ways it could be a rifle

but not one real way it could be a staff. and you just say “we don’t know what it could be”
why? cause you can’t think of a way?

the staff thats been described is basically Wukong the monkey king.
yeah….like THATS gonna appeal to players choosing a class.
“lets play a monkey”

either give us ideas for staff. or gtfo
stop giving excuses

All I needed to know right here. You honestly some how believe that datamined specialization artwork could be a rifle that just tells me how much in denial you are.

I am not giving excuses I’m making logical statements based on the given information not saying kitten like. Well obviously dagger will be better then staff or who would take dagger over staff. Again you dont know that I dont know that but somehow that is the entire basis of your argument against us getting staff in favor of rifle.

Hur Dur we are getting rifle because staff wouldnt feel what i see as a void.

Your entire argument is bs based on your subjective want for a rifle for thief. Your only argument against staff is that rifle makes more sense great but you have zero actual evidence. Also dont bring up the oh that medium armor guy with a rifle in the HoT trailer that is not evidence because engineers exist in gw2.

again the level of denial is ridiculous here

datamined thief with staff
same color palette as current thief artwork ingame
datamined staff
datamined kunai

Wait we might have the makings of a ninjaesque class. Of course this is still speculation but it carries some weight.

oh look similar thing for reaper, oh look it has a greatsword in it

Maybe just maybe the elite spec artwork has its weapon in it? Wait lets check on that Johnny.

So don’t tell me to stop making excuses you need to stop making excuses and pony up some concrete evidence that we are getting rifle for thief.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


we don’t know its kit

aka. we don’t know its staff.

all we see is a picture.
which could be for numerous things. not necessarily the class.

and here, in this thread. we’ve listed numerous ways it could be a rifle

but not one real way it could be a staff. and you just say “we don’t know what it could be”
why? cause you can’t think of a way?

the staff thats been described is basically Wukong the monkey king.
yeah….like THATS gonna appeal to players choosing a class.
“lets play a monkey”

either give us ideas for staff. or gtfo
stop giving excuses

All I needed to know right here. You honestly some how believe that datamined specialization artwork could be a rifle that just tells me how much in denial you are.

I am not giving excuses I’m making logical statements based on the given information not saying kitten like. Well obviously dagger will be better then staff or who would take dagger over staff. Again you dont know that I dont know that but somehow that is the entire basis of your argument against us getting staff in favor of rifle.

Hur Dur we are getting rifle because staff wouldnt feel what i see as a void.

Your entire argument is bs based on your subjective want for a rifle for thief. Your only argument against staff is that rifle makes more sense great but you have zero actual evidence. Also dont bring up the oh that medium armor guy with a rifle in the HoT trailer that is not evidence because engineers exist in gw2.

again the level of denial is ridiculous here

datamined thief with staff
same color palette as current thief artwork ingame
datamined staff
datamined kunai

Wait we might have the makings of a ninjaesque class. Of course this is still speculation but it carries some weight.

oh look similar thing for reaper, oh look it has a greatsword in it

Maybe just maybe the elite spec artwork has its weapon in it? Wait lets check on that Johnny.

So don’t tell me to stop making excuses you need to stop making excuses and pony up some concrete evidence that we are getting rifle for thief.

ok lets use your logic


see how dumb that sounds?
the animation shows a scythe in game yes, but we don’t get the scythe from gw1 now do we?
no. we get a skill

how do we know that picture isn’t representign a skill of the elite thief.
for example, thief throws spear when coming out of stealth.

could be. we don’t know

what do we know? the only time u have scythe is through skills.
or a skin for staff users. who can’t swing it. (all staff users. guardian, mesmer, ele, and necro. and yes. druid)

we don’t actually get a scythe to swing.

and btw…martial artist with a bo staff….is not that picture. why would a martial artist be “dark themed”

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sebradle.7034


we don’t know its kit

aka. we don’t know its staff.

all we see is a picture.
which could be for numerous things. not necessarily the class.

and here, in this thread. we’ve listed numerous ways it could be a rifle

but not one real way it could be a staff. and you just say “we don’t know what it could be”
why? cause you can’t think of a way?

the staff thats been described is basically Wukong the monkey king.
yeah….like THATS gonna appeal to players choosing a class.
“lets play a monkey”

either give us ideas for staff. or gtfo
stop giving excuses

All I needed to know right here. You honestly some how believe that datamined specialization artwork could be a rifle that just tells me how much in denial you are.

I am not giving excuses I’m making logical statements based on the given information not saying kitten like. Well obviously dagger will be better then staff or who would take dagger over staff. Again you dont know that I dont know that but somehow that is the entire basis of your argument against us getting staff in favor of rifle.

Hur Dur we are getting rifle because staff wouldnt feel what i see as a void.

Your entire argument is bs based on your subjective want for a rifle for thief. Your only argument against staff is that rifle makes more sense great but you have zero actual evidence. Also dont bring up the oh that medium armor guy with a rifle in the HoT trailer that is not evidence because engineers exist in gw2.

again the level of denial is ridiculous here

datamined thief with staff
same color palette as current thief artwork ingame
datamined staff
datamined kunai

Wait we might have the makings of a ninjaesque class. Of course this is still speculation but it carries some weight.

oh look similar thing for reaper, oh look it has a greatsword in it

Maybe just maybe the elite spec artwork has its weapon in it? Wait lets check on that Johnny.

So don’t tell me to stop making excuses you need to stop making excuses and pony up some concrete evidence that we are getting rifle for thief.

ok lets use your logic


see how dumb that sounds?
the animation shows a scythe in game yes, but we don’t get the scythe from gw1 now do we?
no. we get a skill

how do we know that picture isn’t representign a skill of the elite thief.
for example, thief throws spear when coming out of stealth.

could be. we don’t know

what do we know? the only time u have scythe is through skills.
or a skin for staff users. who can’t swing it.

we don’t actually get a scythe to swing.

and btw…martial artist with a bo staff….is not that picture. why would a martial artist be “dark themed”

Yeah im done with you your definitely in denial. You made no effort even to talk about the string of evidence that supports that artwork as our elite spec.

The fact that it was datamined in a patch with every other elite spec art piece means zero to you.

The fact that there is an exact copy of that staff datamined as a weapon means nothing to you.

The fact that it is in the same style and color palette as other thief specialization backdrops means nothing to you.

The fact that other elite spec backdrops that have already been release (reaper, dragonhunter, chronomancer) all have a similar setup of showing their release weapons in the backdrops mean nothing to you.

That fact that a kunai kit was datamined giving the over all ninja trope seen in the art piece more weight means nothing to you (the character in the artwork is in sneakthief the token ninja armor).

Instead you say I am throwing excuses then construct a weak argument by showing a picture of lich form clearly and saying guys guys we are getting sycthes. In order to demonstrate what oh one piece of evidence doesn’t stand on its own or could be false well clearly genius. Again you shown nothing to support your own claim that we are getting rifles but tell me I am making excuses ok lol.

You are clearly thickheaded and any thing I put forward to you isnt gonna change your opinion because your opinion clearly doesn’t want to be changed. Instead you attack what I put forward with weak strawmans and put nothing forward yourself always demanding I produce something. Thanks for the discussion later.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


Yeah im done with you your definitely in denial. You made no effort even to talk about the string of evidence that supports that artwork as our elite spec.

The fact that it was datamined in a patch with every other elite spec art piece means zero to you.

The fact that there is an exact copy of that staff datamined as a weapon means nothing to you.

The fact that it is in the same style and color palette as other thief specialization backdrops means nothing to you.

The fact that other elite spec backdrops that have already been release (reaper, dragonhunter, chronomancer) all have a similar setup of showing their release weapons in the backdrops mean nothing to you.

That fact that a kunai kit was datamined giving the over all ninja trope seen in the art piece more weight means nothing to you (the character in the artwork is in sneakthief the token ninja armor).

Instead you say I am throwing excuses then construct a weak argument by showing a picture of lich form clearly and saying guys guys we are getting sycthes. In order to demonstrate what oh one piece of evidence doesn’t stand on its own or could be false well clearly genius. Again you shown nothing to support your own claim that we are getting rifles but tell me I am making excuses ok lol.

You are clearly thickheaded and any thing I put forward to you isnt gonna change your opinion because your opinion clearly doesn’t want to be changed. Instead you attack what I put forward with weak strawmans and put nothing forward yourself always demanding I produce something. Thanks for the discussion later.

evidence? a picture with no text. no indication of where it goes. or even if its the new elite skill or an actual weapon.

the fact the kunai was datamined isn’t proof of your theory. it goes AGAINST it.

why have kunai(which isn’t a kit btw, its just a belt pouch. for all we know its something that is going to be put in scenery like wrecked golem eyes or golem arms) if the staff is the weapon

wouldn’t a weapon kit mean that thief wouldnt get a new weapon? but instead the new skills would act as kits (look at engineer, theres a reason it only has 2 main hand weapons. cause of the kits)

if we got a weapon AND weapon kits, that would be a pretty significant bonus to thief when other classes only get 1 new weapon.

lets say the staff is a kit like kunai.
ok? look at guardian’s Bow of Truth. is that not also a skin in addition to a skill?

up until now, guardian has had the bow of truth, but hasn’t been able to equip it. but all bow users have been able to.

in the end, we’ve given reasons for rifle being appealing
possible skills for rifle
and the reason rifle would work with the class.

you’ve posted a picture.
but no reason for staff being appealing over the current melee weapons that thief has.
or possible skills the staff would has
or how the staff would work with the class at all.

you’ve posted a kunai which brings the question why theres a kunai pouch in the files. nothing linking it to thief other than what you want. (i could point out kunai’s historical reason. but as you said thats “lame”)

so unless Anet is planning on adding appeal to other classes and leaving the thief with a profession thats worse than the base profession. i’m going to assume the picture is a skill at best, or not related at all.

lot of theories. look into them.

also. kunai could be a new dagger skin for all we know.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gern.2978


Since when are thieves Ninjas? last I checked, they are called thieves, they have an ability called “steal,” they can summon more thieves and it’s called “Thieves guild.” Stop acting like rifle doesn’t fit the thief because you think it doesn’t fit the Ninja motif. Thieves aren’t ninjas.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


Since when are thieves Ninjas? last I checked, they are called thieves, they have an ability called “steal,” they can summon more thieves and it’s called “Thieves guild.” Stop acting like rifle doesn’t fit the thief because you think it doesn’t fit the Ninja motif. Thieves aren’t ninjas.

well….ninjas did use rifles =/
little known fact…..

and now we at least know what elite skill is being replaced. theives guild.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fixit.7189


Hope new thief weapon isnt a mace or axe…

WTB more reveals pls, it’s been so long. Does this mean they haven’t even got around to programming it then? lol.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ringsound.7806


Ninjutsu actually were heavily influenced ancient China martial art especially the fighting monk
and Ninja is not limited to spy or assassination only
concealment is not the only skillset
karate, spear, martial art, staff fight, even poison
so a bo/kun/kon what ever you call the fighting staff is perfectly reasonable for thief class

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.

I think thief spec should be shaolin monk style, all about ascesy and meditation so he can work for compensation for crimes he commited as a thief. Wow that would be so immersive.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


evidence? a picture with no text. no indication of where it goes. or even if its the new elite skill or an actual weapon.

I think you’re onto something…. it must be …
A rifle shooting staves!

you’ve posted a picture.
but no reason for staff being appealing over the current melee weapons that thief has.
or possible skills the staff would has
or how the staff would work with the class at all.

Because he doesn’t need to. There’s only a picture that points towards thief with a staff. Which is MORE evidence than thief with a rifle which is nothing more than conceptual idea by some forum posters.
Sure, like you said, it could be a kit or anything else with rifle still being the main weapon. Though the likelyhood it’s a staff going just from that picture is obviously higher than rifle because of the simple reason, there’s no such picture of a thief with a rifle.

so unless Anet is planning on adding appeal to other classes and leaving the thief with a profession thats worse than the base profession.

There’s no proof that rifle nor staff will be more amazing than the other, other than some wild imaginations made by forum posts. It’s all just speculation. You can argue all day that staff is less amazing just because you can’t think of a way where it would be, or merely because you’re more a fan of rifle. You can look into history, fiction and other works for proof, but in the end it is still speculation. It doesn’t make one or the other better or worse.

I just randomly googled for thief and staff, and it seems DDO has a Theif acrobat which works with quarterstaves. For example only ofcourse. Because that doesn’t mean GW2 will get something similar. Just that it’s been done before. It’s not weird at all.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taellan.3654


I also use Death Blossom. It’s just fun. Always reminded me of the GW1 Monk dance.

I think thief spec should be shaolin monk style, all about ascesy and meditation so he can work for compensation for crimes he commited as a thief. Wow that would be so immersive.

I would totally love this. Yes, please.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gern.2978


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.


How do you play this game then? You know that something around 90% of the game involves “killing” things, right?

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.


How do you play this game then? You know that something around 90% of the game involves “killing” things, right?

It’s not killing and you can notice this in pvp. People get “defeated” not dead. In GW1 players were killed so we got resurrection skills. Have you noticed there is no resurrection in this game? This is because we are not killing in this game, only defeating our opponents. Like batman. this is awesome and I feel better person finally playing a game where killing is not a goal. I also play healers and tanks because as a good person I should not kill anybody, no matter if this is real life or a game. I am a doctor in real life so playing healer is natural choice for me in a game.

This is why I like the change from rifle, which is an instrument of war, to staff for a thief. This weapon looks less harmful and I feel secure I won’t harm anybody with it but only disarm and defeat, but not kill.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slapinator.4196


Is it confirmed that thief gets staff haven’t read any of the posts above so i don’t really know the sources of the ones that say this.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


Is it confirmed that thief gets staff haven’t read any of the posts above so i don’t really know the sources of the ones that say this.

thief getting staff is as much confirmed as ele getting warhorn – datamined picture

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Slapinator.4196


Aha I see, though I find it kind hard that thief gets staff, that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics lots of work, rifle on the other hand is more simple and other classes use it as well.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: arenta.2953


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.

I think thief spec should be shaolin monk style, all about ascesy and meditation so he can work for compensation for crimes he commited as a thief. Wow that would be so immersive.

not true

actually, in the Feudal States Era
ninja (aka the backstabby traitors) were actually the ones that remained LOYAL to their lord, even when it would have benefitted them more to betray. They really weren’t bad people. They were loyal.

Samurai (aka the honor before death) were actually the ones betraying and backstabbing during this era. While a low class samurai probably filled the role of a loyal samurai, high rank ones were hardly loyal (as shown during the dead of Oda Nobunaga)

monks (aka the “peaceful people”) were actually pretty violent. overthrowing the samurai of a province and taking it over, going to war multiple times (even resulting in the samurai burning a mountain fortress and killing ALL people who fled it) for little reason other than greed. Time and time again the monks would rebel and have to be put down.

all 3 of these killed people
but while monks did it for greed
high class samurai did it for greed
low class samurai did it for loyalty to their lord (or some did for greed)
ninja mostly did it for loyalty, time and time again (when when its just your lord and 5 men vs an army of several thousand, the ninja stayed loyal……kidna odd when that lord throws open the castle gates….but it worked…)

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taellan.3654


It’s not killing and you can notice this in pvp. People get “defeated” not dead. In GW1 players were killed so we got resurrection skills. Have you noticed there is no resurrection in this game? This is because we are not killing in this game, only defeating our opponents. Like batman. this is awesome and I feel better person finally playing a game where killing is not a goal. I also play healers and tanks because as a good person I should not kill anybody, no matter if this is real life or a game. I am a doctor in real life so playing healer is natural choice for me in a game.

This is why I like the change from rifle, which is an instrument of war, to staff for a thief. This weapon looks less harmful and I feel secure I won’t harm anybody with it but only disarm and defeat, but not kill.

Never considered that before. I like it. Thieves don’t have to be assassins or pirates. They can be heroes. Like Robin Hood.

And I agree. Thieves already have decent “deadly” skills. I’d like to see a bit more close range AoE support, maybe medium dmg with wider ranged melee (+100 vs sword or dagger, maybe?). The staff looks like it could bring some of that.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taellan.3654


Aha I see, though I find it kind hard that thief gets staff, that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics lots of work, rifle on the other hand is more simple and other classes use it as well.

Rifle thief sounds boring enough.

But recycle animations/mechanics from the engi? Lazy. I’d rather just play the engi.

Give me something new on the thief. Melee staff would be fresh and interesting. If they do give thief the rifle, I sincerely hope they change the mechanics enough to feel different from the other professions with rifle. (Even then, it still sounds boring.)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


Aha I see, though I find it kind hard that thief gets staff, that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics lots of work, rifle on the other hand is more simple and other classes use it as well.

We are already getting melee staff animations with revenant so I think there is virtually no problem to apply them to thieves.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics
lots of work

For a 50 dollar expansion I expect nothing less.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics
lots of work

For a 50 dollar expansion I expect nothing less.

I think it’s not my quote

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

that would require new animations (as far as melee staff is concerned ) new mechanics
lots of work

For a 50 dollar expansion I expect nothing less.

I think it’s not my quote


Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gern.2978


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.


How do you play this game then? You know that something around 90% of the game involves “killing” things, right?

It’s not killing and you can notice this in pvp. People get “defeated” not dead. In GW1 players were killed so we got resurrection skills. Have you noticed there is no resurrection in this game? This is because we are not killing in this game, only defeating our opponents. Like batman. this is awesome and I feel better person finally playing a game where killing is not a goal. I also play healers and tanks because as a good person I should not kill anybody, no matter if this is real life or a game. I am a doctor in real life so playing healer is natural choice for me in a game.

This is why I like the change from rifle, which is an instrument of war, to staff for a thief. This weapon looks less harmful and I feel secure I won’t harm anybody with it but only disarm and defeat, but not kill.

I don’t mean to critisize how you enjoy the game, but the huge spike I drive through the hearts of the people I down says that I have killed them. Also the fact that I stab them with knives, swords, cut them with axes, burn them with fire, explode them with bombs, grenades and mortar rounds, and shoot them with pistols and rifles. None of those things are anywhere close to non-lethal.

Also, I wasn’t just talking about PvP. The stuff you kill in the open world and dungeons is most definately dead, it doesn’t even go into a downed state.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


I think ninjitsu is bad because ninjas were bad ppl killing others. Making whole spec around killing others is bad, because people are good and shouldn’t kill anyone. No matter in game or in real life.


How do you play this game then? You know that something around 90% of the game involves “killing” things, right?

It’s not killing and you can notice this in pvp. People get “defeated” not dead. In GW1 players were killed so we got resurrection skills. Have you noticed there is no resurrection in this game? This is because we are not killing in this game, only defeating our opponents. Like batman. this is awesome and I feel better person finally playing a game where killing is not a goal. I also play healers and tanks because as a good person I should not kill anybody, no matter if this is real life or a game. I am a doctor in real life so playing healer is natural choice for me in a game.

This is why I like the change from rifle, which is an instrument of war, to staff for a thief. This weapon looks less harmful and I feel secure I won’t harm anybody with it but only disarm and defeat, but not kill.

I don’t mean to critisize how you enjoy the game, but the huge spike I drive through the hearts of the people I down says that I have killed them. Also the fact that I stab them with knives, swords, cut them with axes, burn them with fire, explode them with bombs, grenades and mortar rounds, and shoot them with pistols and rifles. None of those things are anywhere close to non-lethal.

Also, I wasn’t just talking about PvP. The stuff you kill in the open world and dungeons is most definately dead, it doesn’t even go into a downed state.

It’s like playing paintball. You are shooting but bullets are with pain only. The same goes with fighting in gw2. You swing weapons but not hitting really, at the end wins the one who makes his opponent exhausted to defeat.

Some mobs have downed state and some mobs don’t, it doesn’t mean they are dead. They respawn in the same spots after some time, just like respawns in pvp.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


Gern, your sarcasm meter needs recalibration. Either that or Krzy’s much better than we are at being a good person.

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

It’s like playing paintball. You are shooting but bullets are with pain only. The same goes with fighting in gw2. You swing weapons but not hitting really, at the end wins the one who makes his opponent exhausted to defeat.

Some mobs have downed state and some mobs don’t, it doesn’t mean they are dead. They respawn in the same spots after some time, just like respawns in pvp.


Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


there is alot of talk of “Ninja” in this thread. “Ninja” is part of our world history, not GW world history. GW world has “Assassin” as a legitimate comparison

“assassins” can share characteristics of various asian cultures, as did cantha. So any historical proof that "ninjas"used “x” weapon, should not be used as a primary source of support that, whatever the theif spec will be, should or could get “x” weapon

Ninjas are popular, famous, known. anime and japanese culture carries significant weight in western audiences these days. so when people think of assassin-esque asian warrior, they think ninja, but news-flash, there are other types of asians besides japanese.

If you played factions, you know that cantha was an amalgamation of asian generalizations. So if in fact theif spec is martial arts based, martial staff is far from being a stretch. Rifle is less consistent with canthan flavor, but that doesnt mean much.

is staff what theif needs? who knows, but if theif does become a martial staff “assassin” and gets kits, how does that not sound awesome? do you guys know what kits are? a full set of kits gives and engineer access to up to 25 weapon skills. 2 being long range, (mortar and to the lesser extent, nades)

Theives want range, well guess what, you can easily achieve that through kits.

As far as the datamined artwork, thats not a rifle dumb dumbs. but that also doesnt technically proove anything, but evidence does suggest.

if teef wants a long range sniper with medium armor, i suggest you role a power ranger. long range single target, vulnerability, stealth, cc. Yeah, that role already exists.

(edited by Zatoichi.1049)

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I am looking so freaking forward to watching the stack-and-burns crash and burn when they try that crud in Heart of Thorns.

And i am looking forward to watching all the people thinking that HoT is going to significantly affect the way pve encounters play out when they realize that nothing in truth has changed.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Standing back and pew pewing is my subjective definition of lame when I play my thief/assassin class I want to be gibbing and evading people. When I play my ranger I want to be standing back and pew pewing.

This is what you don’t get. The point of elite specs isn’t to give people already playing that profession a pile of all the goodies they’ve been wanting. It’s to make that profession appealing to people who weren’t previously interested. It’s supposed to encourage alts and keep people playing in the same way that new professions would, but with massively less development cost in animations and art assets. If the Sniper feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Ranger now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

What you don’t seem to be getting is your entire argument is subjective. Say exactly what you just said except insert ANY weapon or ANY class.

Example: If the Monk feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Guardian now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

Maybe there are players out there that want to play thief and are hoping for a weapon that will make them not so fragile while keeping their utilities, better defence less dmg.

I’ll point this out once again too, 1200 sniper that can stealth, evade, shadow step (multiple time) and every other get out of jail free card a thief has is completely and utterly broken. Yes lets give people an unkillable, uncatchable, 1200 range class because I’m sure that’s healthy for the game …….

Ranger gets staff, thief gets rifle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: krzygum.4028


Standing back and pew pewing is my subjective definition of lame when I play my thief/assassin class I want to be gibbing and evading people. When I play my ranger I want to be standing back and pew pewing.

This is what you don’t get. The point of elite specs isn’t to give people already playing that profession a pile of all the goodies they’ve been wanting. It’s to make that profession appealing to people who weren’t previously interested. It’s supposed to encourage alts and keep people playing in the same way that new professions would, but with massively less development cost in animations and art assets. If the Sniper feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Ranger now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

What you don’t seem to be getting is your entire argument is subjective. Say exactly what you just said except insert ANY weapon or ANY class.

Example: If the Monk feels nothing like a Thief, that’s totally fine. If someone who previously only played Guardian now makes a Thief, then that’s a win for the devs.

Maybe there are players out there that want to play thief and are hoping for a weapon that will make them not so fragile while keeping their utilities, better defence less dmg.

I’ll point this out once again too, 1200 sniper that can stealth, evade, shadow step (multiple time) and every other get out of jail free card a thief has is completely and utterly broken. Yes lets give people an unkillable, uncatchable, 1200 range class because I’m sure that’s healthy for the game …….

However his assumptions may be close to correct. For exampla I can’t get into necromancer. I don’t like daggers, axe or staff on this class. I don’t like how his skills work, not my story. However, after Reaper reveal I’m more exctided for this spec than for revenant.