Reaper = Farming Machine
They are rather intimidating. What’s the scythe used for after all if not for harvesting the wheat in the fields?
Also, this. Dhuumfire? :P
Oh someone please photoshop a Grim Reaper driving a moissonneuse plz.
Ahh reminds me of good ol’times where you could mutilate people in san andreas driving this beauty, yep reaper couldn’t have been a better name.
Well … guess what? Moissonneuse IS Reaper, if you google “Reaper machine” you’ll see the same farming machinery.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Content Marketing Manager, French
Hi there,
Reaper in French can be translated in many ways The French-speaking members at ArenaNet and NCSOFT went through a few discussions about which translation was more appropriate, but it was complicated by certain factors (e.g., terms that were already used). You can read a bit more about that on the French forums here:
A bientôt !
A bientôt !
omg i want to learn french
A bientôt !
omg i want to learn french
i wanted too but then i read alot how french are touchy on their lang and the proper accents and other shiets
A bientôt !
omg i want to learn french
i wanted too but then i read alot how french are touchy on their lang and the proper accents and other shiets
Imagine forum grammar police walking the streets of Paris…
A bientôt !
omg i want to learn french
i wanted too but then i read alot how french are touchy on their lang and the proper accents and other shiets
Not really. Some won’t ever speak english to you, but they have no problem with people making mistakes.
I someone makes a Reaper named CHOO CHOO at the french servers xD… It would be fun for a while.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Every class is a farming machine
What we need is
1. Pve and pvp group viability
2. The complete dev focus on necro and reapers to stop the class mechanic nerfs
Every class is a farming machine
What we need is
1. Pve and pvp group viability
2. The complete dev focus on necro and reapers to stop the class mechanic nerfs
Thanks for the thread derail bro.
Every class is a farming machine
What we need is
1. Pve and pvp group viability
2. The complete dev focus on necro and reapers to stop the class mechanic nerfs
Why so serious bro?
Oh someone please photoshop a Grim Reaper driving a moissonneuse plz.
Close, but no moissonneuse.
1900+ Hrs Played |
No Precursor |
So what I don’t understand is why are the French staff willing and able to change a spec name when you guys won’t change Dragonhunter despite the huge amount of negative feedback regarding the name?
In spanish we have the same issue, it has been translated as “Segador” which in spanish means:
1. Said of a machine: Which its been used to harvest
2. Person who harvest.
3. Little aracnid, with long legs, rounded body and ovate, compressed and rough belly.
As you can see, no definition of those 3 means what Reaper actually means in this context. You are using “Reaper” as “Death”, as that “spirit” who goes with an scythe and children use as costume in halloween.
That thing in spanish is “La Muerte” or “La Parca”. No “Segador”.
Spanish people is starting to call that specialization in a funny way as “secador” wich in english would mean “hair dryer”… spooky, right? :P
If you are considering taking actionts in french, please look into the spanish one as well, cause we have a similar issue, it has been poorly translated.
Of course it is not a life or death issue, but if you are trying to portray some “Fearness” and power into this specialization, its name in spanish its not working that purpose
(edited by Silicato.4603)
So what I don’t understand is why are the French staff willing and able to change a spec name when you guys won’t change Dragonhunter despite the huge amount of negative feedback regarding the name?
Because it’s a high concept name, you wouldn’t understand.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Hi there,
Reaper in French can be translated in many ways
The French-speaking members at ArenaNet and NCSOFT went through a few discussions about which translation was more appropriate, but it was complicated by certain factors (e.g., terms that were already used). You can read a bit more about that on the French forums here:
A bientôt !
That doesn’t bother you when you renamed the monster at Orr before the revenant class name was revealed.
Suddenly that isn’t an issue & it’s fine when it’s a specialisation.
Why don’t I believe you ?
So what I don’t understand is why are the French staff willing and able to change a spec name when you guys won’t change Dragonhunter despite the huge amount of negative feedback regarding the name?
Because it’s a high concept name, you wouldn’t understand.
Because the French word translated to “Death Reaper” (Fauchemort), which doesn’t make much sense on fundamental basis. The Dragonhunter isn’t even close to the level of wrong that Fauchemort was, and the biggest point for changing it is that there is a really big thread about it (even if a lot of arguments, on both sides, are not very good).
Honestly, Dragonhunter is meh, but it can work if one doesn’t refuse to acknowledge where it does make sense.
I would have liked the name different too, but I honestly don’t care much about the E.spec name; I’m gonna run around on my Guardian with a bow and do my thing regardless of what they call it.
I’ve read the topic title, and had think:
Serious? Necro is going to be good for farm mobs? Time to gear up my necro and…
Oh, no.. Its not related to mob farm… go back to end of queue necro, I ain’t using you.
I’ve read the topic title, and had think:
Serious? Necro is going to be good for farm mobs? Time to gear up my necro and…
Oh, no.. Its not related to mob farm… go back to end of queue necro, I ain’t using you.
Well, they will be good at farming mobs though. Their GS gets multiple 5-target strikes, the Reaper shroud gets a lot of AoE, and the Reaper shouts are all 5-enemy-target damaging/condi-based shouts. In fact, this will be the Necro’s first viability for consistent AoE damage.
I’ve read the topic title, and had think:
Serious? Necro is going to be good for farm mobs? Time to gear up my necro and…
Oh, no.. Its not related to mob farm… go back to end of queue necro, I ain’t using you.
Well, they will be good at farming mobs though. Their GS gets multiple 5-target strikes, the Reaper shroud gets a lot of AoE, and the Reaper shouts are all 5-enemy-target damaging/condi-based shouts. In fact, this will be the Necro’s first viability for consistent AoE damage.
Ah, so let the name be the equivalent of “Farming machine” :P , Makes sense in the end.
Reaper litterally means Moissonneuse yes, but that’s why the name wasn’t litterally translated ^^
At the beginning “Reaper” was supposed to be translated as “Fauchemort”…
The problem is that it doesn’t make any sense in french. It litteraly means “Deathreaper” but it’s not how french language works.
So the community yelled on various thread, and now the name is “Faucheur”.
“Faucheur” isn’t a farming machine. But yes, the first meaning is the name of the guy who cut wheat with a scythe xD
However, the second meaning is the same as the english one. In french, the translation of “The Grim Reaper” is “La Faucheuse” or “La Grande Faucheuse” (in french, Death is female… not sure what it is in english).
That’s why Faucheur is way better than Fauchemort.
Death is often depicted as either masculine or non-gendered in English, but typically always with “he” as the pronoun if one is used at all.
Moissonneuse really mean ‘harvester’, not reaper. Faucheur is the word for reaper, as in a guy with a scythe.
EDIT My French isn’t quite as good as I thought…
(edited by Naevius.3185)
You are using “Reaper” as “Death”, as that “spirit” who goes with an scythe and children use as costume in halloween.
That thing in spanish is “La Muerte” or “La Parca”. No “Segador”.
In Portuguese it is the same, but Reaper in english means exactly the same as Segador and in both cases the 2nd meaning of the word is referred to death, the person that go to the farm and use the scythe in the crops is a Reaper, the machinery that do the same but in large scale is a Reaper Machine.
What people is probably discussing is that the word Reaper in english just sounds cooler than in other languages, even though they all mean the same thing.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
So… instead of reaper in english. It could be called harvester.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Hi there,
Reaper in French can be translated in many ways
The French-speaking members at ArenaNet and NCSOFT went through a few discussions about which translation was more appropriate, but it was complicated by certain factors (e.g., terms that were already used). You can read a bit more about that on the French forums here:
A bientôt !
If only the dragonhunter could now get a rename in English…
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
The grim reaper (La Parca in spanish) has been linked to the scythe for a LOOOONG time. The scythe is NOT A WEAPON. It is a tool that is LITERALLY used to reap, to farm grains. That is the context, and within it, the use of the word “Segador” is CORRECT: La Muerte reaps lives as the scythe reaps wheat.
The mythical figure comes from the european middle age, so I think it must have more or less the same history for most westerners.
Please accept a little poetry on your life: Words like “Moissonneuse” and “Segador” are metaphors.
The case is WAY more inapropiate with the Revenant.
In spanish, Revenant is “Retornado/a” (He/she that return). It would be perfect, if were not the case the word “Retornado/a” is used primarily to describe those political exiles returning to their home country after the end of a dictatorship…
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Reaper translates better towards death himself as a reaper/harvester of souls.
A bientôt !
omg i want to learn french
i wanted too but then i read alot how french are touchy on their lang and the proper accents and other shiets
Imagine forum grammar police walking the streets of Paris…
You joke but …
Both Quebec and France have a sort of language police. They are extremely particular about controlling the development and use of the language.
TY ArchieD for that wonderful screenshot, i have a new desktop. What about Cathedral of Silence (story). We already have a reaper in the game (Seventh Reaper), do we need to remove him as well?
Please accept a little poetry on your life: Words like “Moissonneuse” and “Segador” are metaphors.
Sure, but metaphors… of what? I answer the question: metaphors of the Reaper. metaphors of La Parca or La Muerte.
The thing is that in english there is no metaphor at all.
The toon is a clear reaper, with scythe and all. 0 metaphor.
Why there is a metaphor (or a bad translation, imo) in the other languages? Why it is not named La Muerte?
As i said, the good part of all this, is that because its name is so poorly translated, the community is having fun with it, calling it “secador” (hair Dryier), “cortacesped” (mower)… etc etc.
They dont need to solve it (it is not important), but anet should know that, because of translation issues, they failed to portray their original idea, and what was portrayed was just a funny name that people use in funny ways. It is not taked seriously.
In fact in spanish we have that issue with 3 new words from HoT:
Reaper = Segador (and called secador, cortacesped, etc)
Wyvern = Guiverno (And called “Guillermo” by the community)
Revenant = Retornado (Called “Revenío”, “Reventado”, “Trastornado”, etc)
It must be terrible that you came out with a name, a lore, a reason for that name, and then others mistreat that name with a poor translation, making a whole community to just have fun with it.
Although I agree that Guiverno is a bad translation and Revenant could had use a better name than Retornado in spanish, i gotta disagree with the Reaper. La muerte sounds incredible childish to me just because it has been used too many times in too many humouristic games/movies/etc. La parca sounds like a wrestling fighter so I don’t like it either :\
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
This thread is hilarious.
Please accept a little poetry on your life: Words like “Moissonneuse” and “Segador” are metaphors.
Sure, but metaphors… of what? I answer the question: metaphors of the Reaper. metaphors of La Parca or La Muerte.
The thing is that in english there is no metaphor at all.
The toon is a clear reaper, with scythe and all. 0 metaphor.
You realize that using the term ‘reaper’ to refer to Death, the Grim Reaper, is 100% metaphor, right? That in English, we envision Death as a cutting down the living the same way harvesters reap grain? And so we refer to him as the Reaper of Men? It’s totally metaphor. The problem here is that the same metaphor doesn’t appear to have resonance in French or Spanish, or someone is using the wrong way of phrasing it, in the same way that the English version doesn’t call the spec “The Harvester,” because that would just sound silly. But it’s still a metaphor.
Reaper in French is moissonneuse..
Its a Farming Machine..
I am a Farming Machine!!.. I dont see what the problem is.
I think its a compliment!
In a game, a “farming machine” is more likely doing what a stupid bot software can do.
Meaning, you dont need any brain to do what.. you do.
I dont think its a compliment :p
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
The problem here is that the same metaphor doesn’t appear to have resonance in French or Spanish, or someone is using the wrong way of phrasing it, in the same way that the English version doesn’t call the spec “The Harvester,” because that would just sound silly. But it’s still a metaphor.
This is exactly right.
The idea of a being that comes for the souls of the dead is widespread.
The problem is that the metaphors used by different cultures are wildly different.
In American culture it is fairly secular, all you have to do is hit the right themes. In Mexico and South American countries, some may consider this being to be a saint. The Catholic Church views the Angels Michael (and/or Samael) as taking this role. Several other cultures similarly tie Death into their religions and mythologies.
It’d be nice to translate this concept by translating the underlying metaphor, but this is a recipe for disaster, and possibly severe offence if the translators misappropriate religious beliefs for this class.
A better solution, the solution Arenanet might be trying to take, is to export the metaphor: find and use the profession name for a person who literally reaps ripe grain in the fields, and rebuild the American personification of death in that player’s culture.
traslation is complicated. the same images aren’t used for the same phaenomenon in every language. In German it kind of fits, the “Schnitter” or “Sensenmann” (scythe man) is basically the same metaphora as the “Reaper”, but i suppose it is more difficult with the romanic languages.
the translation of “Revenant” had more people scratching their head though…because the translation of “wider” is “against” not “again” (which would be “wieder”).
So the translation of “Widergänger” would be “counterwalker” or “Contravenant”, which is in my opinion not a very fitting decription of what the class is about gameplaywise. With the other classes you know roughly what the class is about, when you just log on the first time and see their name (engineer->uses machines and tech, elementalist->using elements to attack, thief->using stealth attacks, guardian->protects, supports and guards, Necromancer-> uses necromancy etc.).
I know the German translation team did it, to add a play of words there…you know the Revenant going against all obstacles and stuff…buuuut it is kind of cheesy, in my opinion, and doesn’t do much to show the difference between the Revenant and the other classes…because the other classes go against all obstacles as well…so generally every class should be called “Widergänger”.
I wish they’d have sticked to the literal translation. I like puns but it’s not always the time to make one.
I don’t get this thread.
Isn’t it the same in english?
Or any other language?
I don’t get this thread.
Isn’t it the same in english?
Or any other language?
obviously not.
I don’t get this thread.
Isn’t it the same in english?
Or any other language?
obviously not.
After reading through the thread multiple times, I realized that it is about: there is no word for reaper in french or spanish. That’s … interesting.
We here in Hungary have “Kaszás” for it, which literally translates back to “Scyther”, which makes all the sense.
I don’t get this thread.
Isn’t it the same in english?
Or any other language?
obviously not.
After reading through the thread multiple times, I realized that it is about: there is no word for reaper in french or spanish. That’s … interesting.
We here in Hungary have “Kaszás” for it, which literally translates back to “Scyther”, which makes all the sense.
Actually in spanish there is a word (actually 2) for reaper (at least in this context): Muerte and Parca.
You have to understand that calling it “segador” in spanish is like calling it harvester or farmer in english.
It is like translating a metaphor into a literal thing that doesnt make sense.
Imagine that because i say that a tear is like a raindrop (metaphor), you translate “eye” as “cloud”…
I understand that an spirit who harvest souls is a metaphor of Death, but it is not the same as a farmer. thats why the metaphor is not “the farmer” in english, but “the reaper”. The farmer is just silly, as it is calling it “segador” in spanish.
I support that if a translation is not going to make sense or is going to be bad, it is better to not translate it.
We live in a global world and we are used to use words from another languages in our day by day convesationts. If Revenant, Wyvern and Reaper would have remain in english in the spanish version it would have been better, imo.
Another funny moment was when kashmeer was treated like a boy instead of a girl in the beach of southsun (when she was clearly a girl on that bikini), or when they put on gemshop that little white cat with a bow (and it was traslated first as if the cat had a ranger weapon, then bow, as is it had an special reverence, and finally bow as that little red accesory…).
Spanish translationts are always… funny, to say it in a polite way…
The FAQ of HoT and several blogs from anet had been lacking of a proper translation as well, creating confusion and misinterpretation…
At the end of the day someone who wants to be properly informed, has to read the stuff in english, cause the spanish translators… fail from time to time.
(edited by Silicato.4603)
You have to understand that calling it “segador” in spanish is like calling it harvester or farmer in english.
This is exactly what it means in English though; the metaphor is the concept, not the words used to describe it.
The Grim Reaper AKA Death is symbolized by a farmer harvesting wheat with the scythe. Humans are the wheat and the Grim Reaper is the inevitability of death. He literally reaps the souls of the people and harvests them for the afterlife. The Grim Reaper isn’t some magician casting death spells and curses, though in fantasy he can often be depicted in such a way.
Segador comes from Soul Reaper, instead of just Reaper. It’s a compound name but they just forgot the rest. The poetical name for Death in spanish is “Segadora de Almas”, literally Soul Reaper.
The problem is they already had a soul reaper specialization line. Honestly having Reaper and Soul Reaper as lines is quite a poor choice of names since they’re literally referring to the same thing.
Incroyable, well at least necro will be good at something!
As a spanish speaking guy living on a spanish speaking country, I must say, “Segador” IS OK. We understand it’s methaphor and meaning, and in fact it sound less cheesy simply as “Segador” than as “Segador de Almas”. It also blends better with the common gender use ( 1 ) . I don’t know how is it in french, but in spanish, “Segador” works. It even has some epic ring to it ( 2 ).
That being said, WE WILL STILL MAKE JOKES, even if the word sounds correct. Because it is the way people are, specially more ignorant people that don’t see these “unusual words” very often.
As I said before, “Retornado” is NOT OK. It really sounds wrong, lenguage wise and political wise. Maybe it is a local thing, (I’m from chile, were the word is actually associated to political victimization, even in a legal level) but I asure you the problem with the word is real, not just a silly joke like in the case of the “Segador”.
( 1 )The grim reaper in the spanish tradition is a female. “La Parca” and “La Muerte” are both female names. AND spanish is a very “machista” language, were when you refer to broad classes of things, you usually pick the masculine word for it. For example, when you talk about “Cats”, you say “GatOs”(Male cats), never “GatAs” (Female cats), unless the group of cats you are talking abouts have only female cats in it. “La Muerte” y “La Parca” fail as names because making a huge amount of players of diverse gender take a profession that is “Femenine” in its definition sounds incredibly weird (Yeah, it is unfair to women, because it doesn’t sound weird in the other way. There are some iniciatives to change the language so it admits more neutral gender definitions for groups that include multiple genders in it, but overall spanish works like this today.)
( 2 )It makes me think of the “Destajador” word they used to translate “Hitokiri Battousai” (Human Slayer) for the Samurai X anime series.
- “Segador” is a very good word for the “Reaper” proffession in spanish.
- People will make jokes anyway.
- “Retornado” sounds bad and is politically problematic in some countries.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
(edited by Ardid.7203)
I keep reading this as [lang-wa-he], lol. Not sure if you’re doing it on purpose, but it’s “langua*g*e”
Yes, English is a dumb language. It’s one of those weird instances where g appears twice in the word and has a different pronunciation both times.
I keep reading this as [lang-wa-he], lol. Not sure if you’re doing it on purpose, but it’s “langua*g*e”
Yes, English is a dumb language. It’s one of those weird instances where g appears twice in the word and has a different pronunciation both times.
Sorry, my mistake. The word is too similar in spanish, so I mix them into some kind of hybrid. Edited to help people navegate the wall of text.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
(edited by Ardid.7203)
Reaper in French is moissonneuse..
Its a Farming Machine..
I am a Farming Machine!!.. I dont see what the problem is.
I think its a compliment!
Reaper in french is “faucheur”. It means exactly the same, has exactly the same connotation toward death (the Grim Reaper is “La Faucheuse”, ie a female reaper (1)), and is what they’ll use if M. Lo Presti is to be believed (and I see no reason not to).
“Moissonneuse” would translate as “harvester”. Which still makes some sense, both in french and english, in the context of soul harvest (“moisson des âmes”, again a 1:1 traduction for both litteral and conceptual meaning).
Sooo, basically, nothing to see here, everything is fine for the frog eaters
After reading through the thread multiple times, I realized that it is about: there is no word for reaper in french or spanish. That’s … interesting.
As stated above, there is a word for it in french. It is a nonexistent problem we’re discussing.
Except for the whole spanish hair dryer thing, that is
(1) yes, Death is female in french. It makes the reminders in Discworld all the more necessary :p