Regarding the complaints about the expansion

Regarding the complaints about the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astartes.2380


I just wanted to say that people shouldn’t get worked up about the complaints regarding this expansion.
Firstly it was a band of 20+ people that started spamming negative comments and reviews, and it’s known by those who know some of them, that they were making duplicate accounts to increase the number of bad reviews on places like meta critic.

The level of mental infancy involved should be seen as comical.
Giving 1/10 for the game is so ‘try-hard’ it’s simply embarrassing.
The graphics, atmosphere and sheer ‘wow’ factor of the looks alone demonstrate that these people are just severely cognitively challenged and can be safely ignored with nothing more than a giggle.

Yes there are some valid concerns regarding some issues… but the majority of people have the ability to handle this with maturity and also with a ‘look and see’ attitude or posting some questions. Not like that little ‘gang’ who immediately start communicating in a series of clicks and grunts while running around the house dragging their knuckles behind them.
Those people did make a point. A very big one. Just it has nothing to do with GW2 at all.

As for the whining regarding the ‘grind’. Once again, one needs to look at the mentality behind this.
I’ve gathered that grind to most of these guys is actually having to do anything at all.
Heaven forbid you can’t go afk in Lion’s Arch and get rewards!!
There are some valid points regarding the hero points….but when you read the content of some of the babbling…‘I have to grind the same three of four events over and over to get levels up’.
All you can do is shrug and wonder how they manage to tie their shoe laces in the morning.
If you don’t know…then ask people who do. But don’t arrive at the Grand Canyon with plasters over your eyes and complain there’s nothing to see. Look around a bit. Explore. A linear, stunted approach is not going to help you anywhere in life.
Complaining and making a scene about things when you don’t even know the basics just highlights you as a…….

I’ve repeated maybe the same event three times at most….and managed to get lvl 15 in two days. As well as having fully maxed out all my hero points on one char…and half on another.
There are adventures, which are amazing and there are MANY events…all with different outcomes, structure and play. Let alone those beautiful legendary mob fights.
The mob models and their movements etc is just stunning. The look of the zones is also spectacular.

I just wanted to put it into context. Complaints and issues are normal. But this group of people banded together with the mental prowess of toast…did what they did and jumped the gun by being the first people to add the reviews…while everyone else was too busy playing and enjoying the game to even think of writing a review.

You’ll see that in no time at all, their idiocy will drown out in the flood of people who don’t need urgent therapy and CAT scans, and they’ll go back to doing whatever it is they do. (Stare at a blank wall perhaps?)

To the GW2 team. Thank you for a visually stunning expansion….with a lot of things to do to keep one occupied.
And whatever issues there may be…you’ve shown in the past that you do look into such issues.
Thank you once again.

Regarding the complaints about the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MrNumnut.2635


TL;DR People have a different opinion about things and that makes them mental.

Seems legit.

Regarding the complaints about the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


The spamming of 10/10 reviews concerns me more.

Two sides to the coin.

If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

Regarding the complaints about the expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Auralae.7482


I’m getting really tired of the threads on both sides that are nothing more than a way to insult someone with a differing opinion.