Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gav.1425


Let me be the first harbinger to warn you. I propose that this recipe will be removed upon the launch of HoT.

- Recipe: Ascended armor/weapon + exotic inscrption (desired stats) + Anthology of Heroes (MF NPC) + 5 globs of ectoplasm = new ascended item of the desired stat type

Why? “Because Anet.” Kidding aside, here’s the rationale.

The recipe itself was a knee-jerk reaction from the recent specialization overhaul patch. Stats were removed from trait lines and put into gear. This boosted stats on all tiers of gear. However, players flipped out and mobbed the forums due to ascended receiving its increase. Players claimed that this made ascended gear mandatory, and this mystic forge recipe was pulled out of the mists to silence the masses. Problem solved..?

The recipe has been out for months now and players have had their time to exploit it as much as possible. Considering the developers were reluctant to introduce the recipe in the first place, the launch of HoT would be an opportune time to revert back to the old ways. If ascended chest drops were intended to be stat-optional, it would already be that way.

With all the positive noise that comes along with a new launch, any cries for the stat swap recipe will be drowned out. With ascended salvage on the horizon (confirmed) the most anyone will tell you is to enjoy the salvage.

Most of you have used your chests, but if you’re stock pilling them, it might be time to reconsider. Each chest is a 80-120g value while the stat swap recipe cost is closer to 10-20g. I’d get crafting.

I benefited greatly from the recipe. I was too frugal to spend to gear each character so the recipe freed me from swapping armor around and was a great quality of life improvement. It will be pretty rough to see those of you with bank tabs full of chests get a nasty surprise at launch.

Good luck in prepping for HoT.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Can you find a dev post that says they were reluctant to do so? Time alone is not proof. That just shows that they did not assign it high priority until major changes occurred where people may wish to adjust builds.

And if they do actually succeed in making more builds meta for raids, this may be used often by players who wish to try out multiple roles. Certainly cheaper and quicker to stat swap and buy a new sigil/rune for the armor than it is to make a new one.

Not to mention, this makes any future major changes to skills and traits easier to get mass approval on. There won’t be players who will be angry that they now have to spend a month making new armor for each character they have.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ImTasty.2163


I see you are making a lot of bold claims with no proof to support them. I know this is the internet, but you still need to show at least some proof if you wished to be taken seriously.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xstein.2187


Forgive me, but I am a little confused why you think the recipes in the game are bad. I’m not disagreeing with you. I am just trying to understand why you are upset. Why the recipe was introduced doesn’t really matter. Even if it was introduced due to a complete accident, It may still be a good thing to do (not saying it isn’t necessarily a bad thing). Also, of course chests did not start out stat-optional. However, this does not mean they didn’t latter realize this was a bad idea and that you should get at least some value out of it with the input of some material costs.

You also said that players had time to exploit it. If they did, can you please explain what this exploit is and why it is bad, as I am not currently aware of it.

In my opinion, just based on what I currently know, I thought the introduction of the recipes was a great idea. Some people may have got chests with the exact stats they wanted while others may have not. Therefore, it became completely random weather you want the chest or not. This doesn’t make sense at all and is quite unfair. I believe this is the reason that gw2 is currently moving away from RNG. Don’t have good luck? You can craft your precursors now. Don’t have good luck? You can buy fractal weapons now if you have enough pristine fractal relics. Don’t have good luck? You can now potentially switch the stats of the ascended armor or weapon you got.

Lägertha Lothbrök: PvE Mesmer
Schrödingers Clone: PvP Mesmer

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zenith.7301


The recipes are fine. You can level up a craft and get your guaranteed ascended, or you can pray to the RNG gods that you get a chest of the part you actually need.

If anything, what needs changing is the ridiculous recipe for crafting ascended armor. Ascended armor, particularly bolts of damask, are so hideously expensive for the return of the upgrade.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ikereid.4637


With the RNG behind weapon crates, and the RARE RNG behind even getting an Armor Crate. We (The Players) need this transformation Recipe. I cannot count the number of Ascended drops that were NO GOOD for any of my builds on my characters that went to waste before they did the Mystic Forge combine change. Now that we can change the stats, for 19g~ on average mind you, all Ascended now has equal value in the game. And it gives greater reward for doing Teq and TT then before.

But let me guess OP, your just mad cause now Acended can change stats just like your Legendary weapons? Cause honestly, I see no other reason to even complain about this change….

1. it makes world bosses that drop Ascended more rewarding – Win
2. Ascended boxes that drop with stats you do not want/need are no longer a wasted drop – Win
3. Economy stimulation for those that craft Inscriptions and Farm Globs – Win

Sorry, but OP you have nothing to really complain about here.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
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Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


It´s one thing to throw a bucket full of bloodstone dust or similar garbage in the garbage bin. Alhough I admit that I was hesitant at first to do even that, but the large quantities finally gave me no choice but to do it.

If you´re of a similar mindset like I am, you would never throw an ascended weapon or armor away or sell it for 1 Gold. Never ever.

So this was not only a much asked for comfort function for people like me, it also helps to close the gap between newer and older players who are not as jaded as us veterans but want equipment like we have and maybe even like it to play a little bit with their build instead of sitting on it like a mother hen.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NiBlack.3149


You want it to be changed or you predict it to be changed?

To be honest removing such receipe would make serious s_storm, and no amount of good feeling would be able to cover it.
Lets be honest the TRASH stat sets like Magi will still exist.
And there is enough ascended equipment for salvage. Especially if you run FoTM (most of my guild have way too much rings; and some have some armor parts that they simply have too much compared to other parts).

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Interesting post. It does sound like something Anet would do.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Let me be the first harbinger to warn you. I propose that this recipe will be removed upon the launch of HoT.

- Recipe: Ascended armor/weapon + exotic inscrption (desired stats) + Anthology of Heroes (MF NPC) + 5 globs of ectoplasm = new ascended item of the desired stat type

Why? “Because Anet.” Kidding aside, here’s the rationale.

The recipe itself was a knee-jerk reaction from the recent specialization overhaul patch. Stats were removed from trait lines and put into gear. This boosted stats on all tiers of gear. However, players flipped out and mobbed the forums due to ascended receiving its increase. Players claimed that this made ascended gear mandatory, and this mystic forge recipe was pulled out of the mists to silence the masses. Problem solved..?

The recipe has been out for months now and players have had their time to exploit it as much as possible. Considering the developers were reluctant to introduce the recipe in the first place, the launch of HoT would be an opportune time to revert back to the old ways. If ascended chest drops were intended to be stat-optional, it would already be that way.

With all the positive noise that comes along with a new launch, any cries for the stat swap recipe will be drowned out. With ascended salvage on the horizon (confirmed) the most anyone will tell you is to enjoy the salvage.

Most of you have used your chests, but if you’re stock pilling them, it might be time to reconsider. Each chest is a 80-120g value while the stat swap recipe cost is closer to 10-20g. I’d get crafting.

I benefited greatly from the recipe. I was too frugal to spend to gear each character so the recipe freed me from swapping armor around and was a great quality of life improvement. It will be pretty rough to see those of you with bank tabs full of chests get a nasty surprise at launch.

Good luck in prepping for HoT.

Every single thing you stated is based on your subjective opinion. Absolutely nothing is supported by facts.

Might this happen? Sure. But you have provided nothing in forum of fact that would support this besides a well disguised rant.

If they were so reluctant to introduce the recepie, how do you explain the shift from character to account bound ascended items?

The shift in stats from traits to gear might have been just that, a shift to allow easier balance of traits and not burden an already more streamlined trait system with mandatory trait line picks.

tl,dr: You provide 0 facts and just rant about a recepie which can be viewed as in-line with recent developements or not depending on ones subjective opinion of the game.

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gav.1425


Why to people quote an entire post? We know you’re responding to OP.

You can bet against my prediction (as I clearly implied it was but using the phrase “I propose..”) but you do so at your own risk.

Do the math. [# of ascended chests] * 80-120g depending -vs- [# ascended costs] * cost of recipe. Which way does the scale go for you?

Removal of Ascended Stat Swap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Artanis.4963


The recipe itself was a knee-jerk reaction from the recent specialization overhaul patch. Stats were removed from trait lines and put into gear. This boosted stats on all tiers of gear. However, players flipped out and mobbed the forums due to ascended receiving its increase. Players claimed that this made ascended gear mandatory, and this mystic forge recipe was pulled out of the mists to silence the masses. Problem solved..?

Players “flipped out” about ascended-tiers stat increase? Nope. Ascended is pegged to exotic+5% and got it’s share of that stat increase like every other item in the game. The complaints were that ascended items were going to be upgraded to 10% over exotic-tier, instead of the 5% over exotic that it was when it was both introduced and promised to remain at.