Report to NCsoft
email as follow:
[emails redacted by mod]
(edited by Moderator)
One of the concerns is that NCsoft is actually the ones responsible for pushing for the money grab.
I’m not going to say it was them because we honestly do not know who exactly is at fault, but it would not surprise me to find out NCsoft was standing behind Anet pushing them forward.
as i know the other sub- MMOPRG company of ncsoft treat their players well. i am sure over thousands of complain Anet. NCsoft at least will Investigate
NCsoft is well known to have a vicious business mentality when it comes to money grabs, as Random said. So this idea is probably bad. They’d sooner congratulate Anet before they’d actually help you.
if Anet made the wrong decision or business plan. i am sure they will Involve. i dont need them to help me. i need them to know if how many player are complain for the pricing. if i think they will care if Anet Broke.
Can the person at fault come out and take the pie?
A lot of unhappy fans are waiting…
Can the person at fault come out and take the pie?
A lot of unhappy fans are waiting…
You’re supposed to leave out the last part and wait in the bushes….
Can the person at fault come out and take the pie?
A lot of unhappy fans are waiting…
That won’t happen, I’m sure it is safe to say it was not one individual, it could have been but I doubt it. It may also not have been intentional, it is entirely possible that the left hand forgot to tell the right hand. This does not excuse the silence or how it is NOT being handled. There should have been some form of communication the second all hell broke loose.
If they don’t know what happened by now, I’m sorry to say they have no business being in business.
I guess you don’t know how the relationship works.
Arena Net MAKES the content. NCSoft SELLS the content in A-nets name.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
as i know Anet is NCsoft sub -company. normally they wont involve their operation. as long as they have income from Anet they are happy.
however complain will effect players ---players effect Anet’s income—- Anet’s income will effect their income. one by one these all connect.
did they not think about it?
All I have to say is City of Heroes.
All I have to say is City of Heroes.
And that pretty much says it all.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
You know that NCsoft is the seller..
Stormbluff Isle
You Know NOTHING John Snow….
Home: Black Gate
Guild: We The Farmers [WTF]
what happen will city of heroes? i knew the game are dead but how?
All I have to say is City of Heroes.
what happen will city of heroes? i knew the game are dead but how?
NCsoft pulled the plug. The developers were excellent, the game itself was making small but steady profit for them, but they had bigger fish to fry and GW2’s not-so-successful launch to fund.
so look like NCsoft have the Key..
They also refused all offers to buy the game from them, instead burying it.
Thank you Jun yang, You have an excellent idea. We should report A-Net for doing an excellent job creating Heart of Thorns and still keeping it subscription free game.
Hey guys
i dont know what the decision Anet will made. but i already reported the situation to NCsoft. see if they can Investigate and get involved.
if you guys feel the same way please support.
You know ncsoft owns anet right….they acquired the studio back in like 2002…
If anything most of the decisions probably came from them in the first place…
I am Not a korean but i knew Korean treat their own people better then the others.
veteran is the own people. new player is the others
OP, you do realise that it was probably NCSoft that masterminded this, right?
I refuse to believe you’re this blissfully unaware of the ANet/NCSoft relationship
yes. but they dont participate their operation.
Hey guys
i dont know what the decision Anet will made. but i already reported the situation to NCsoft. see if they can Investigate and get involved.
if you guys feel the same way please support.
You know ncsoft owns anet right….they acquired the studio back in like 2002…
If anything most of the decisions probably came from them in the first place…
yes. but they dont participate their operation.
Hey guys
i dont know what the decision Anet will made. but i already reported the situation to NCsoft. see if they can Investigate and get involved.
if you guys feel the same way please support.
You know ncsoft owns anet right….they acquired the studio back in like 2002…
If anything most of the decisions probably came from them in the first place…
Uhhh yes they do. They are A-nets parent company. You don’t let a company you own do things without your approval.
That’s basic business 101
what happen will city of heroes? i knew the game are dead but how?
NCsoft pulled the plug. The developers were excellent, the game itself was making small but steady profit for them, but they had bigger fish to fry and GW2’s not-so-successful launch to fund.
I adore CoH and played it for years (And support the development of city of titans), but there can be no denying that it was not making good profit. Revenue? yes. Profit? No.
They even switched to a freemium model to try and boost earnings and they still didn’t meet the mark thus, despite the huge community support, they got shut down.
GW2 is arguably one of the top 5 most successful and stable MMORPG’s in the west right now, CoH was a niche game for a niche market that only in recent years has expanded to a far wider audience (ie, the Superhero fandom and it’s explosive growth in recent years)
i believe they dont want Anet to Screwed this.
given veteran little more extra. keep selling for $50
its a win win situation good for everyone. and everyone happy
what happen will city of heroes? i knew the game are dead but how?
NCsoft pulled the plug. The developers were excellent, the game itself was making small but steady profit for them, but they had bigger fish to fry and GW2’s not-so-successful launch to fund.
I adore CoH and played it for years (And support the development of city of titans), but there can be no denying that it was not making good profit. Revenue? yes. Profit? No.
They even switched to a freemium model to try and boost earnings and they still didn’t meet the mark thus, despite the huge community support, they got shut down.
GW2 is arguably one of the top 5 most successful and stable MMORPG’s in the west right now, CoH was a niche game for a niche market that only in recent years has expanded to a far wider audience (ie, the Superhero fandom and it’s explosive growth in recent years)
It’s more that all the attempts to sway NCSoft to spare or at least sell CoH were unsuccessful in the end. And if all those big attempts to save CoH failed, then what hope do the people upset about the HoT pricing have with NCSoft?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Yes, let’s report ANet’s decision to make more money to the direct beneficiary of ANet’s decision to make money who happens to have a history of snuffing a popular MMO because it wasn’t making enough money.
I don’t see a flaw in this plan at all.
By looking an Anet’s staff Attitude,
made Changed to FAQ Betray all those recently bought GW2’s players.
I dont mind they fall. :-(
either NCsoft set the price and we should raise awareness of our disquiet or Anet marketing set the price and we can complain to NCsoft that we’re not happy with Anet marketing’s decision to set the price at $50.
Theoretically if Anet needs NCsoft to sign off on any changes it would help if all involved corporate entities hear from the consumers (us) directly.
This is not a bad plan.
If even NCsoft won’t answer there is always the BBB
If even NCsoft won’t answer there is always the BBB
problem with that is BBB has a poor history with grading game/software companies.
I guess you don’t know how the relationship works.
Arena Net MAKES the content. NCSoft SELLS the content in A-nets name.
You honestly think their stakeholder has no say on the content? Might want to search for Divinity Reach Cantha. It’s right on this forum as the how and why. Do note from an Asian point of view NCsoft wasn’t entirely incorrect, but they certainly pushed their vision, not Arenanets on that matter.