Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trairan.3267


About three months ago I saw somewhere that GW2 was going to release and expansion, given that I’ve not played this game since 2013 I got somewhat excited. Later I found that it was going to be priced at about 50€ and it’s contents were basically unknown, so I just lost interest instantly and kept playing other games.

Now HoT is comming out this friday and even after reading forums and looking at the wiki it all looks really confusing, as far as I understand the expansion includes:

- Heart of Maguuma (Storilyne + new zones).
- New mastery system (the old trait system reworked).
- Specializations (no idea what is this, like unlocking radically different gameplay skills and mechanics for your class after level 80?).
- New class (revenant, just one?).
- New pvp and wvw maps.
- New guild stuff (after so much time without playing I don’t really carea bout this).

- Core game goes free, and veterans (ppl who bought the base game so understand I’m a veteran lol) get a character slot if prepurchase expansion, nothing more.

I’d be much appreciated if someone can comment this and tell me if I’m getting a moderately correct picture of what this expansion is about, also something that I can’t find anywhere is what happens if I don’t buy the expansion. What content is locked? new class? new maps? I’ll be using the trait system we had the last time I played or the new one? and what about the specializations, I’ll be stuck at level 80 while other people progresses further with specializations?

Thanks in advance and sorry if i wrote something hard to understand, english is not my main language.

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


Now HoT is comming out this friday and even after reading forums and looking at the wiki it all looks really confusing, as far as I understand the expansion includes:

- Heart of Maguuma (Storilyne + new zones).
- New mastery system (the old trait system reworked).
- Specializations (no idea what is this, like unlocking radically different gameplay skills and mechanics for your class after level 80?).
- New class (revenant, just one?).
- New pvp and wvw maps.
- New guild stuff (after so much time without playing I don’t really carea bout this).

For a complete list of features and content see here:

To correct you: Masteries have nothing to do with traits. In addition, the term specialization is the new name for ‘trait line’ and every profession is basically getting a new trait line (alongside a new weapon type and new utility skills).

- Core game goes free, and veterans (ppl who bought the base game so understand I’m a veteran lol) get a character slot if prepurchase expansion, nothing more.

The free version is not the same as the bought non-expansion version. You can see the differences here:

I’d be much appreciated if someone can comment this and tell me if I’m getting a moderately correct picture of what this expansion is about, also something that I can’t find anywhere is what happens if I don’t buy the expansion. What content is locked? new class? new maps? I’ll be using the trait system we had the last time I played or the new one? and what about the specializations, I’ll be stuck at level 80 while other people progresses further with specializations?

Things coming this friday for which you will need the expansion: New areas, new story, living story updates coming after HoT’s release, elite specializations, masteries, revenant, adventures, pvp leagues, raids, any new item skins that are coming, any new runes or sigils coming etc.

New things coming that all players get: The new pvp mode, the new wvw borderlands, the various wvw changes, cross-guild chat, guild leaderboards for pvp, updated fractals, the new map reward bonuses, the new camera options.

Things you get limited access to without the expansion: Guild halls. To unlock a guild hall, at least 5 members need to go to the guild hall to liberate it from modrem. Those players need to have HoT. After it is liberated, all players (even those without HoT) can go to the guild hall. However, I think the features you can use as a non-HoT player in the guild hall are limited.

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


1) The mastery system is an entirely new system separate from traits (akin to WvW masteries). This is where most of the new progression will be since they aren’t raising the level cap.

2) Elite specializations give each class 6 new skills, a new trait line, a new weapon and a new mechanic (except for thieves and arguably engineers).

3) You’ll get the new PvP and WvW maps even if you don’t buy HoT

And yeah, it kinda goes without saying that you won’t be able to access the new class/elite specs or the new maps without purchasing the expansion.

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Ok, first let’s go over some of the features you listed.

- Heart of Maguuma (Storilyne + new zones).

Correct, 4 new maps they and have 3 biomes. Essentially each biome (canopy, jungle floor and roots) represent a map on top of another, this gives each of the maps, a sense of verticality and aditional space on each. Also they come with events, map wide meta events, world bosses. We haven’t heard how long the storyline is, but I anticipate probably as long as Living Story Season 2, so about a third or half of the personal story. You will also get access to free Living Story updates in the future as they said those would require HoT.

- New mastery system (the old trait system reworked).

So actually Mastery system is their version of L80+ progression system. In other games with an expansion you get higher level cap and a new tier of armor. In GW2 neither of those apply and as such what you get is a lot of passive and active new abilities that horizontally expand your character. You have things like gliding, ability to unlock merchants in the new maps, ability to use mushrooms to move around, ability to craft precursors, etc.

- Specializations (no idea what is this, like unlocking radically different gameplay skills and mechanics for your class after level 80?).

Specializations are what you listed for masteries, they are a new version of the trait system, this are already in game. Now you select 3 specs (previously trait lines) and out of those select one trait out of 3 possible on 3 tiers. However what is coming with HoT are elite specializations, where the elite replaces one of your core specs. Aditionally to being like a normal spec with traits, it unlocks a new weapon for your class and a new class mechanic. For example Necro is now a Reaper and can use now Reaper shrowd, Mesmer is now Chronomancer and can use time to rewind time by shattering his clones. The reason we are only getting one new class is because every other class is also getting a revamp by the use of elite specs, you can switch to the elite spec and back to the core profession out of combat anytime. I suspect no new classes will come into the game and only new elite specs will show up.

- New class (revenant, just one?).

see above

- New pvp and wvw maps.

WvW is getting new borderlands, but they are also getting a revamped commander system and a whole lot of upgrade revamp and new guild claiming mechanics. PvP is getting a new game mode called stronghold that comes with its own new map. There will also be new reward tracks and pvp leagues with it’s own armor and rewards, including a legendary backpiece.

- New guild stuff (after so much time without playing I don’t really carea bout this).

Guild Halls where you can build and decorate is actually quite a big deal, I understand you might not be interested yourself but it is quite a big thing for a lot of people. Most notably it has a brawling arena that is customizable with props and supports up to three teams and 40-50 people (maybe?)

- Raids and Fractals (added by me)

You will also get a revamp to fractals and increased fractal cap to 100. They are gonna add more fractals in the future. Also Raids are coming shortly after launch, the first wing (out of three) for the first raid has 4 bosses to defeat and is supposed to be really difficult content. Rewards are the pieces needed to craft legendary armor (which have the same stats are ascended but have cosmetic appeal and convenience by allowing you to change stats out of combat.

- Core game goes free, and veterans (ppl who bought the base game so understand I’m a veteran lol) get a character slot if prepurchase expansion, nothing more.

The expansion is the same price for everyone, you as a veteran get the perk of a free character slot.

As for what happens if you don’t buy the expansion, the answer is nothing. You can continue to play the game exactly as you do now. You will get access to PvP Stronghold (but cannot upgrade to new Heroes), PvP Leagues, new WvW borderlands and you can enter an already claimed guildhall. Everything else you need the expansion, new zones, elite specs, masteries, new class, story and future story updates. As for “getting stuck” at 80, guild wars 2 does not do vertical progression and as such there is no additional levels or gear. level 80 will always be level cap and ascended (legendary) will always be top tier gear.

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trairan.3267


Thanks everyone for answering my questions so nicely, got all my doubts solved

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


since others have answered better than i would i just wanted to add to a couple of points that people made,

Things you get limited access to without the expansion: Guild halls. To unlock a guild hall, at least 5 members need to go to the guild hall to liberate it from modrem. Those players need to have HoT. After it is liberated, all players (even those without HoT) can go to the guild hall. However, I think the features you can use as a non-HoT player in the guild hall are limited.

people without HoT will be able to access the guild hall after it has been claimed by HoT owners in the guild, they will however only have access to features that they already had before HoT such as guild bank, commendation vendor, and be able to participate in missions and such.

they will not have access to the new crafting discipline (scribe), Arenas, and will have to run around everywhere instead of being able to glide or use bouncing mushrooms to travers the terrain quickly.

You will get access to PvP Stronghold (but cannot upgrade to new Heroes), PvP Leagues,

To expand

Turai Ossa will be the default Mist Champion available to all players once Stronghold is released. Grymm Svaard will also be available to all players, though he will need to be earned by completing his reward track in PvP. You will need to own Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ to be able to access the reward track that unlocks Nika. Additional Mist Champions will become available in future live content releases and will also require Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns to unlock them for your account. We will be temporarily unlocking all of them during upcoming betas for pre-purchasers of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.


also please be aware that the veterans bonus slot is for pre-purchase only, so if its important to you that you get it then you will need to purchase HoT before launch