Revenant - Compassion as a way of life
Yay! Looks like we’ll be getting legend reveals in between the triple spec reveals, probably ending with Glint (who I assume is the elite spec legend). This is exciting!
Actually sounds pretty awesome
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]
Reminds me a lot of Orianna from LoL. That Tablet mechanic is definitely something new to this game.
Looking good, thoughts on the Ventari legend and melee staff?
Revenant - Compassion as a way of life
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169
Very cool that Revenants are receiving Ventari as a Legend, a Staff as a melee weapon, and to see how they are incorporating different ways to approach healing through more active forms of play.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Melee stafff!!! Yessss I can’t wait to try this!
- Melee Weapon
- Focused around damage prevention rather than offense
- Rejuvenating Assault – Cleaves foes. Final attack in chain scatters healing orbs that players can pick up to gain a bit of health.
- Surge of the Mists – Charge forward, knocking back foes in your path.
- Focused almost entirely on support.
- Core of the Legend is Ventari’s Tablet – skills modify the function of the tablet.
- Players need to position the tablet.
- Players start with one skill that summons the tablet. This then changes five of the skills to manipulate the tablet.
- Ventari’s Will – Command the tablet to go to a location, healing all allies it passes through.
- Protective Solace – Summon a protective barrier that destroys projectiles. This is an upkeep skill and can be kept active while moving the tablet around.
- Energy Expulsion – Knocks back foes and leaves healing fragments, similar to the staff skill Rejuvenating Assault.
- These skills will be available in a future beta.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
The question is can an enemy interact with the tablet (knock back, immobilize,launch,…)?
Turret revenant. I wonder how it play out. Theres no doubt that its going to be a strong thing on conquest tho paired with Jalis.
Looking more and more like Revenant will be the ultimate adaptable class.
Ventari supportive legend and Mlelee staff (as datamined some time ago).
Thoughts, opinions?
Melee staff – refreshing. Even though it’s defensive in nature, defense includes CC, which this seems to have. offers good potential for group survivability.
Ventari’s Tablet – this seems to work a lot like Orianna does in League. A commanded item on the battlefield will promote active play for defense and can probably result in some shenanigans if you can command it on top of walls and the sort. Revenant skills also don’t have cooldowns, they just use energy, so you could spam these tablet skills until you run out, which can mean very bursty defense.
Yes, can the tablet be crippled, chilled, immobilized, launched, destroyed… ? I hope it does ,seems like a play counter play situation.
Just a reminder. Skill 1 and 5 seems to fit with that what they said in article
Revenant - Compassion as a way of life
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
With melee staff coming into the game, I’m hoping to see some new staff skins that would fit that type of weapon. Most of the current ones would just look….odd, filling that roll.
“Surge of the Mists” made me chuckle. They essentially gave us the abomination charge with a different name, and (most likely) a heck of lot less power.
The tablet’s functionality is definitely different. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about not having skills in the second half of my bar unless/until I summon it. Looking forward to seeing some of this in the stream tomorrow (assuming they have one).
The tablet sounds… weird. Not sure if I’m going to like that.
Good for players who want to enjoy a healing/support spec.
I like the sound of the staff, but I would probably be more interested in other Legends instead of this one.
Needless to say, tablet cast time wil dictate when we would summon it, on the heat of battle or pre-battle
Orianna was what first popped in to my mind too, after reading that section of the blog. It seems like an interesting mechanic in GW2’s combat system
I still want to know which of the developers is a fan of League of Legends. more and more I am seeing HoT mechanics directly taken from/inspired by League. The wind wall on revenant (Yasuo), the displacement on Chronomancer (Leblanc, Ekko), and now the ventari tablet, clearly based on Orianna and her ball mechanic
(edited by rapthorne.7345)
Ummm I think I need to see this in action first to form a more proper opinion.
Ventari legend is Orianna mode for GW2.
I’m curious to see how many more League of Legends inspired mechanics we will see in the specs. We’ve seen wind wall (Yasuo), displacement (Leblanc, Ekko), and now an entire legend pretty much directly inspired by the champion Orianna and her play style.
I for one predict a lot of fun for me playing Ventari legend, as I absolutely love Orianna’s tactical positioning style of play in League of Legends.
That tablet can pretty much turn into a moveable shield to destroy projectiles around your zerg in wvw. It doesnt look easy to use but in the end it looks fun. Thats said now its the time..will they show 3 or 4 utility skills? Still waiting for Shiro And Glint tho.
Orianna was what first popped in to my mind too, after reading that section of the blog. It seems like an interesting mechanic in GW2’s combat system
I still want to know which of the developers is a fan of League of Legends. more and more I am seeing HoT mechanics directly taken from/inspired by League. The wind wall on revenant (Yasuo), the displacement on Chronomancer (Leblanc, Ekko), and now the ventari tablet, clearly based on Orianna and her ball mechanic
League is sort of in a league of its own in terms of variety. How many champions are they up to now? 124 I think? Each of them has unique mechanics with very little shared between them. There’s gotta be some overlap between games, but I wouldn’t be too surprised either if somebody thought it would be good to add it here because of LoL.
In regards to the staff, it seems like a great secondary weapon if we could weapon swap, but I just can’t see myself taking it into battle over other weapon sets except in very specific ways. The more I see the weapons, the more I see they basically lock you in to a specific style and don’t lend well to blending. At first I was completely on board with not having a weapon swap with Revenant, but the more they reveal the more I think that is extremely limiting.
As for Ventari legend, it seem a bit cumbersome, but then I’d like to see it in action first.
In regards to the staff, it seems like a great secondary weapon if we could weapon swap, but I just can’t see myself taking it into battle over other weapon sets except in very specific ways. The more I see the weapons, the more I see they basically lock you in to a specific style and don’t lend well to blending. At first I was completely on board with not having a weapon swap with Revenant, but the more they reveal the more I think that is extremely limiting.
As for Ventari legend, it seem a bit cumbersome, but then I’d like to see it in action first.
Staff seems neat – I’m not sold on the Legend though.
And it keeps looking more and more like they are building the Revenant to have extremely restricted decision points in their builds. One weapon set, two legends, done. There isn’t any nuance to builds, instead you pick from a handful of prebuilt options.
Thematically the Revenant is cool, but until ANet finally takes the time to clarify whether or not the profession’s Legend skills are locked in I’m not really excited about it.
(I.e. Does Jalis ALWAYS have the road, the taunt, and the spinning hammers or are there other Jalis themed utilities that be swapped in?)
How does having only 3 decision points (weapon set & 2 legends) make them adaptable? Most classes can choose two weapon sets and refined choices in their utilities (ie Mesmer Portal, Reflects, more or less condition removal, stability) whereas as far as we know the Revenant is stuck with whatever set of 5 skills is part of his legend.
Want to play a support Revenant and there aren’t many projectiles? Congrats – one of your utilities is useless and you’re stuck with it. At least, so far as ANet has told us.
Revenant - Compassion as a way of life
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947
It says part way through “and the revenant will be the first profession to use the staff as a melee weapon in Guild Wars 2.”
Please. Please. Please tell me there will be another profession that uses Melee staff! Preferably one that isn’t heavy armour class. Wink wink!
Orianna was what first popped in to my mind too, after reading that section of the blog. It seems like an interesting mechanic in GW2’s combat system
I still want to know which of the developers is a fan of League of Legends. more and more I am seeing HoT mechanics directly taken from/inspired by League. The wind wall on revenant (Yasuo), the displacement on Chronomancer (Leblanc, Ekko), and now the ventari tablet, clearly based on Orianna and her ball mechanic
Well I, for one, am not a fan of league of legends, but I wish I had been. Had I know Vayne was a chic, I’d have picked a different account name. lol
In regards to the staff, it seems like a great secondary weapon if we could weapon swap, but I just can’t see myself taking it into battle over other weapon sets except in very specific ways. The more I see the weapons, the more I see they basically lock you in to a specific style and don’t lend well to blending. At first I was completely on board with not having a weapon swap with Revenant, but the more they reveal the more I think that is extremely limiting.
I know where you’re coming from, but staff actually seems to fit very well all legend so far. Its healing sustain is great to counter mallyx’s self damage and to make jalis tankyness even more tanky.
Outside of that, the whole revenant design is similar to elite specs. You have one legend, one trait line and one weapon that are thematically tied to each other, with plenty of synergy inbetween. And then you complement them with your other tools. Assuming that staff is going to be pidgeonholed to ventari’s legend, and assuming that the same will be the case for other weapon sets/ legends, you’ll still have to choose your second legend and your second and third trait lines. So it’s a lot like an elite spec in this regard. You chose a theme, and then add into it something more from other themes available.
(I.e. Does Jalis ALWAYS have the road, the taunt, and the spinning hammers or are there other Jalis themed utilities that be swapped in?)
I think, in the end, all legends will have, at least, a forth utility skill.
First, one anet dev already mentioned a jalis skill in an old interview that wasn’t shown in-game yet: a falling rune that damages, knockbacks and weakens foes in order to protect allies from them.
Second, that’s what would be the fairest option for elite spec expansion. If every elite spec gets 4 utilities, and assuming that every revenant’s elite spec will get a new legend, then the utility skill ratio between revs and other professions would be unbalanced.
Finally, there’s still racial skills and other non-profession skills to take into account. Anet will have to make them available some way or another, or else it’ll cause them (legal) problems when people get to complain that they can’t use the mistfire wolf elite they paid for because it is not supported by the profession they picked.
I do not think that staff fits mallyx by any means. Running condition legend without without condition gear looks silly to me. Its like running a condition gear on warrior with greatsword and axe. That doesnt make any sense. Thats apply here too, if you running staff with mallyx your condition application is next to 0, completely depending on enemy you face to copy them via embrance the darkness.
Mace is a must with mallyx, theres no other way around. I can imagine mace/shield tho for mentioned sustain. Jalis/Ventari combo with staff should be fine for some bunker builds assuming ventari provides condition removal. 2 condi cleans on 15cd from staff along with 3 on Jalis heal with 30cd doesnt seems enough to me to be a effective bunker. It may be unkillable in 1v1 by a power build but condi will walk over them.
It says part way through “and the revenant will be the first profession to use the staff as a melee weapon in Guild Wars 2.”
Please. Please. Please tell me there will be another profession that uses Melee staff!
Of course, it’ll be the warrior’s elite spec.
It says part way through “and the revenant will be the first profession to use the staff as a melee weapon in Guild Wars 2.”
Please. Please. Please tell me there will be another profession that uses Melee staff!
Of course, it’ll be the warrior’s elite spec.
Melee Staff Thief would be really interesting, eventually (definitely not this round of elites—I’m pretty sure Thief will get rifle). I can see a lot of Monk as martial artist in the Thief, given how acrobatic the thief is.
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
In regards to the staff, it seems like a great secondary weapon if we could weapon swap, but I just can’t see myself taking it into battle over other weapon sets except in very specific ways. The more I see the weapons, the more I see they basically lock you in to a specific style and don’t lend well to blending. At first I was completely on board with not having a weapon swap with Revenant, but the more they reveal the more I think that is extremely limiting.
I know where you’re coming from, but staff actually seems to fit very well all legend so far. Its healing sustain is great to counter mallyx’s self damage and to make jalis tankyness even more tanky.
Outside of that, the whole revenant design is similar to elite specs. You have one legend, one trait line and one weapon that are thematically tied to each other, with plenty of synergy inbetween. And then you complement them with your other tools. Assuming that staff is going to be pidgeonholed to ventari’s legend, and assuming that the same will be the case for other weapon sets/ legends, you’ll still have to choose your second legend and your second and third trait lines. So it’s a lot like an elite spec in this regard. You chose a theme, and then add into it something more from other themes available.
I just brought this up in another thread here and think this hits the nail on the head. Each Revenant legend is like its own elite spec, and I honestly think that’s what the elite specs are based on. New weapon that synergizes with your new spec? New heal, utilities, and elite than you can only access in that spec? It’s all fitting into place.
As far as the staff goes, it has an AoE heal-on-AA chain, a charging knockback, and a 15 sec CD condition cleanse on a stick (literally). This weapon may find a lot of use in on-point sPvP fights because of its sustainability and CC. You could probably run a more offensive build and still be able to survive a good bit, so this has a good bit of potential.
For PvE? Probably not.
I think with regards to the differing use of a weapon, it’s a hint that some of the other specialisations may utilise weapons in a unique manner. we already see this with ele daggers, mesmer GS and Necro axe. Perhaps tempest will have ranged sword skills, or warrior could have ranged dagger skills (knife throwing anyone?).
Those are weak examples, but you get the point. I feel like we’ll see more “non-traditional” weapon uses with future specs
After reading the post, I really hope the Ventari’s tablet mechanic isn’t as gimmicky as it sounds…
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist
After reading the post, I really hope the Ventari’s tablet mechanic isn’t as gimmicky as it sounds…
This is important. It really needs to be seen in action before its effectiveness can be judged properly.
Running condition legend without without condition gear looks silly to me. Its like running a condition gear on warrior with greatsword and axe. That doesnt make any sense. Thats apply here too, if you running staff with mallyx your condition application is next to 0, completely depending on enemy you face to copy them via embrance the darkness.
Mace is a must with mallyx, theres no other way around. I can imagine mace/shield tho for mentioned sustain. Jalis/Ventari combo with staff should be fine for some bunker builds assuming ventari provides condition removal. 2 condi cleans on 15cd from staff along with 3 on Jalis heal with 30cd doesnt seems enough to me to be a effective bunker. It may be unkillable in 1v1 by a power build but condi will walk over them.
Tell me, is Mallyx focused on condition damage, or on condition tanking? It can go both ways.
Condition damage:
- Confusion
- Two sources of torment
Condition resistance, and general control and utility:
- Resistance
- Heal on conditions
- Boon removal
- Vulnerability, cripple, weak and blind spreading with elite; condition spreading in general
- Displacement
- Condition transfer from allies
You can easily go staff + mallyx/ jalis for a tank/ bunker build in pvp.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
Compassionately fighting, with a staff and magical powers?
My first thought was that someone at Arenanet has been reading the Eldarn Sequence (the main character uses a magic staff and decided it only works when he’s being compassionate).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Tell me, is Mallyx focused on condition damage, or on condition tanking? It can go both ways.
Condition damage:
- Confusion
- Two sources of tormentCondition resistance, and general control and utility:
- Resistance
- Heal on conditions
- Boon removal
- Vulnerability, cripple, weak and blind spreading with elite; condition spreading in general
- Displacement
- Condition transferYou can easily go staff + mallyx/ jalis or ventari for a tank/ bunker build in pvp.
To get resistance on mallyx skills you have to pick up condition line. There you have to choose between healing on condi taken or resistance by using demon stance skills. Vul, cripple, weakness, blind..they actually cost a lot of eergy and you also apply them to yourself and olny to yourself if you wont use elite skill.. Not to mention that weakness uptime is basically next to 0 as it is tied to your healing skill. Lets also not forget that you cant keep high uptime resistance, if you think going mallyx will grant you ability to tank conditions like a boss then you doing it wrong. Mallyx is about managing how much conditions you can take before you go down eventually.
And most important.. Mallyx doesnt transfer conditions. He copy condition from yourself to enemies. Whats the point of transfering all these bleeds, burn and what else is there if they wont do any damage?
Extra confusion and torment for having more conditions on yourself than on a enemy is there for a reason. During Mallyx channel you want to keep conditions on yourself which makes mallyx skills stronger, otherwise you wasting you energy. Lets look at anguyins description;
Leap toward the targeted area, tormenting foes and creating a demonic field that displaces enemies. Apply bonus torment if you have equal or more conditions than the threshold applied to you.
We can even look at his healing skill;
Heal yourself. Heal more for each condition currently applied to you
Short story; Mallyx is focused on condition manipulation, he has nothing to do with condition tanking. Ability to trait for resistance on his skill is there to prevent him from melding within a seconds due to trying to absord too many conditions to boost yourself. Without ability to cleanse condition upon swapping to different legend youre asking for troubles. A reason why Jalis and Mallyx doesnt work well together.
(edited by skowcia.8257)
Hmm, this part makes me wonder:
So, how does it work? When you first invoke Legendary Centaur Stance, you’ll have only one available skill. This skill will summon the tablet to appear next to your character. After you bring the tablet into the world, your skill bar will fill with the five legend-based skills, all of which manipulate the tablet.
The “You will only have 1 skill until you activate tablet” was what I’m thinking is odd. What is the skill? Where is it placed? Is it our heal slot? Utility? What happens to the heal slot when you are in the stance but haven’t activated the tablet yet? If you don’t have a heal until you activate the tablet, it’ll make it extremely important not to camp the Ventari stance until you absolutely need it.
Just seems very odd to me.
Hmm, this part makes me wonder:
So, how does it work? When you first invoke Legendary Centaur Stance, you’ll have only one available skill. This skill will summon the tablet to appear next to your character. After you bring the tablet into the world, your skill bar will fill with the five legend-based skills, all of which manipulate the tablet.The “You will only have 1 skill until you activate tablet” was what I’m thinking is odd. What is the skill? Where is it placed? Is it our heal slot? Utility? What happens to the heal slot when you are in the stance but haven’t activated the tablet yet? If you don’t have a heal until you activate the tablet, it’ll make it extremely important not to camp the Ventari stance until you absolutely need it.
Just seems very odd to me.
my suspicion is that the summoning and repositioning of the tablet will be on skill 1 (ground targetted AoE), with 2-5 being the other weapon skills
Hmm, this part makes me wonder:
So, how does it work? When you first invoke Legendary Centaur Stance, you’ll have only one available skill. This skill will summon the tablet to appear next to your character. After you bring the tablet into the world, your skill bar will fill with the five legend-based skills, all of which manipulate the tablet.The “You will only have 1 skill until you activate tablet” was what I’m thinking is odd. What is the skill? Where is it placed? Is it our heal slot? Utility? What happens to the heal slot when you are in the stance but haven’t activated the tablet yet? If you don’t have a heal until you activate the tablet, it’ll make it extremely important not to camp the Ventari stance until you absolutely need it.
Just seems very odd to me.
my suspicion is that the summoning and repositioning of the tablet will be on skill 1 (ground targetted AoE), with 2-5 being the other weapon skills
And what if you swap skill 1 for something else? I think its will be placed on elite skill.
Lol, this class becomes more and more weirder..
Now they are crazy weirdos that do talks with their legends as ig they hear voices in their heads, that meake everyone outsaide believe, these people aren’t anymore clear in their heads and are in a dire need of a “I love myself jacket” to get right into the next madhouse
Why i asked myself first after reading the blog is more:
Cool, they get all this attention and features.. what do all the other classes get to make them more compelling in their profession nature?
Why can’t we for example see an Elementalist interactively play around more with the Elements?
Why can’t we see a Mesmer interactively play around more with Illusions?
Why can’t we see a Necromancer interactively play around more with Undeads and Souls?
Why can’t we see an Engineer interactively play around more with his Tools and Gadgets?
Why can’t we see a Thief interactively play around more with Stealth and Steals?
Why can’t we see a Ranger interactively play around more with his Pet?
Why can’t we see a Warrior interactively play around more with his Weapons?
Why can’t we see a Guardian interactively play around more with his Spiritual Weapons?
I think, what Anet tries here to make the Revenant look special can also work the same way for all other classes to provide this way more interestign and nice too loook at Voice Actions from our characters in all kinds of situations within the Living Story, while exploring in general and so on …
Don’t try so forcibly to make Revenants look like as if they are some kind of special snowflake please, yes Anet?!
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
my suspicion is that the summoning and repositioning of the tablet will be on skill 1 (ground targetted AoE), with 2-5 being the other weapon skills
It sounds like you are suggesting it takes over your 1-5 skills (weapon skills) instead of your support skills (6-10).
I can’t see that being likely. However if you mean that it takes our 6-10 with activation being in “skill 1” (aka skill6, aka our heal slot) is what I’m concerned about. I suppose passively the stance can just have a regen heal similar to warriors, then on activation you need to rely on the tablet to heal yourself.
Don’t try so forcibly to make Revenants look like as if they are some kind of special snowflake please, yes Anet?!
All professions have profession and race-specific dialogue. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.
So the ventari legend seems like it would need to be something that’s kept up, and not really that swappable with other legends through the use of ventari’s tablet.
It seems odd, considering how legend swapping is such a huge thing that swapping weapons was removed.
It also seems like something that is too powerful for it not to be something that can be destroyed but also something the revenant is too dependant on for it to be targetd and removed from play.
i like the idea, but i’m not sure that it can really work as is. If ventari’s tablet was a thing that was summoned on legend swap and was a backpack at first, it could work better. That way you start off on legend swap with the 5 skills, with the tablet moving skill being leap initially, and then have a skill that could drop the tablet, leaving it in place and setting all abilities as was revealed. having the tablet as an initial backpack could have an upkeep cost of maybe 1-2, with the cost removed if it’s placed on the ground. the ventari tablet could then also be destroyed at will, keeping the rest of the legend set in place.
though perhaps the healing abilities of the legend make it too powerful to do so, but having a reduced energy regen could make up for it being a backpack.
Jalis can cleanse conditions on heal, and one of the staff’s leaked skills is a condition cleanser. Investing on invocation as your third line further gives you more cleansing. It’s also quite easy to invest on the corruption trait line to get support or control traits instead of condition damage traits. You’ll simply gain a few minors that are less needed, but that has never stopped other professions’ meta builds before.
Mallyx can transfer conditions from allies. That’s what Pain Absorption does, a skill which also offers baseline resistance.
In the end, I can perfectly see a staff revenant with jalis using mallyx as a secondary legend to deal with conditions. The healing you’ll get from staff will off-set the self-torment from mallyx elite, so you won’t need to trait for incoming healing per condition. When you get to be pressured by conditions, you’ll simply switch to mallyx, use its elite, spread as many conditions as you can while gaining resistance, before swapping back to Jalis for a 3-4 cleanse from the heal and the legend swapping, plus the cleanse from staff.
I think you havent read the whole blog, or you didnt completely understood it.
I know very well ,that all classes have some kind of own doalogues, but what Anet plans here for the revs goes to another new level of class specific interactivity.
This time its some interactivity, thats based on the class specific class mechanic, which has its own dynamics. None of the current classes has something like this, like an interactive dynamc, thats based on their class mechanics.
Or do you see anywhere while running aroudn exploring with your Elementalist, for example in an idle animation, that your character plays around a bit with the Element, that you are attuned to at the moment.
Lets say, you are attuned to Fire, your character gets into indle stance, theres no animation for that moment, that shows you for example, how your Elementalist creates some kind of Fireball in his palm of one of his hands to play around with the fire and lettign of some kind of unique voice act fittign to that idle, while in the same moment, that idle revenant will talk with his legends, what is not some kind of generic idle thing like your generic female human char running around and screaming, that shes faster than a centaur, regardless of which class you play
None of the other classes of class specific animations, and thats what I just realized after reading the blog, that their animations ect. will be different, theirs will be linked to their class mechanic.
I personally have never seen yet my thief do somethign really thief unique and talk about it and thief is my main class like letting off some cool words or so after going into stealth or after having stolen from an enemy somethign ala “I think You have lost something!” …
Just think about it …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Orpheal, I’m betting it’s because all those classes have been out since the game’s beginning. It would be a good suggestion for aesthetic improvements though.