Revenant: Designed by ANET Being Lazy? :)
It’s premature to make such claims.
It’s premature to make such claims.
I was basing my comment on the fact that I thought the design had been pretty much decided. Since then, I’ve found a post saying otherwise. I’d have deleted the thread if I’d gotten to it in time
Revenant: Designed by ANET Being Lazy? :)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DanteZero.9736
From what I understand, each legend will have their own small selection of different utility skills (7, 8, and 9) as well as a unique healing and elite associated with said legend. However, this is still being decided upon by the developers.
You can also slot and switch out legends similar to how you can slow and switchout current utility skills. The stance switching default button is F1, and there are trait lines the benefit you depending on what stance you are in. Also, the way these trait lines are worded makes it open enough that there will be multiple types of different stances. Example: One of the traits is worded like this “Using a legendary demon stance skill grants resistance for a short duration (2s).”