Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tyrannical.9348


In response to this post;

The developers don’t know whether the 6-0 skills on the hotbar will be locked depending on the current legend being channeled, or that they are free to swap around. After my last post asking what the deal with it was it was suggested to me that we use our voice to urge the developers to an agreed upon decision.

Personally, I’d like the last five skills to be a choice. I want it to feel like any other class, being able to swap out skills that suit me and have some degree of personal customization. Having the skills locked would kinda ruin this class for me, because they wouldn’t feel unique, in effect, there would be only three choices for this class, the weapon and two legends, that’s it… kinda harsh in my opinion.

I’d like a choice of what healing, utility and elite skills I have. And I know it means more work for the developers coming up with X amount of variations for them depending on the legend, but at least we can come up with some unique playstyles of our own.

Having the skill bar locked depending on the legend just feels like ‘rock, paper, scissors’, if you know what I mean? channeling just becomes a game of chance, no effort really needed, no need to think…

TL;DR you guys want 6-0 skills to be customizable or not? I’d prefer customizable myself…

(edited by Tyrannical.9348)

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I responded to the dev in the thread they said this on, but will repeat here. Personally I’d like the healing skill to be locked, the elite skill to be locked, and there to be a total of 5 utility skills of which you choose the three you wish to use. That would give some choice and customization without over doing it.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


^ I can agree with that. Heal and elite can be basic, but I do think there needs to be SOME sort of choice in the utilities. Otherwise there just simply isn’t enough uniqueness to building or exiting options and combos.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: The Darkened Reaper.2039

The Darkened Reaper.2039

I think that it would make sense to have your skills unlocked, especially because the Revenant does not have weapon swap. For such a diverse class, it would really take away from how much fun it is if you only ever have a choice on three things (your weapon, legend 1, and legend 2).

Locked skills would also be rough for PvP in the sense that you could look at a Revenant, see that he’s holding a hammer, and then see in the status effects what legend he’s currently running. There’s no mystery there. In one glance, you can tell his entire skillbar, and in 30 seconds when he swaps legends, you’ll know his entire build.

Even if it is just a limited choice as to which skills, I’m sure any sort of diversity would be welcomed. That being said, Anet knows what they’re doing and I’m super excited for the revenant.

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tyrannical.9348


I think that it would make sense to have your skills unlocked, especially because the Revenant does not have weapon swap. For such a diverse class, it would really take away from how much fun it is if you only ever have a choice on three things (your weapon, legend 1, and legend 2).

Locked skills would also be rough for PvP in the sense that you could look at a Revenant, see that he’s holding a hammer, and then see in the status effects what legend he’s currently running. There’s no mystery there. In one glance, you can tell his entire skillbar, and in 30 seconds when he swaps legends, you’ll know his entire build.

Even if it is just a limited choice as to which skills, I’m sure any sort of diversity would be welcomed. That being said, Anet knows what they’re doing and I’m super excited for the revenant.

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking, they would be so broke in PvP, so predictable… especially if they only have one weapon, it’s not like you can pull out a sword and dagger and surprise them…

As much as I love the idea of the 6-0 skills changing in an Elementalist style way, it’ll be a real handicap if they’re locked. It worked for Elementalist because weapon skills are static, there’s no swapping about save for channeling a different element, you lock the skills occupying 6-0 and your entire skill bar is just a preset… no diversity whatsoever.

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nephziel.6053


You talk about being predictable in pvp. High majority of pvp builds come from 1 site and you can see what they are using and predict… Also after you played few thousand games, every class becomes predictable.

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Argon.1563


I either want customisable skills, with few legends, or LOTS of legends, and locked skills. (I think 7-10 would be an acceptable number of legends if they locked the skill customisation.)

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wolfe.9850


Now like a lot of people I would prefer to have customization in my utility skills. It offers greater diversity in builds/play-style, and a greater sense that you’ve actually “done” something with your set up. That this character is you, and fights your way. Having read the various other posts though I can agree that healing end elite being “locked” to the legend would be acceptable, with 5 or so Utilities to pick from per legend, working in a way similar to how your skills change when you hit the water, only swapping with your legend.

I either want customisable skills, with few legends, or LOTS of legends, and locked skills. (I think 7-10 would be an acceptable number of legends if they locked the skill customisation.)

I can see the above point though. At the very least if it WAS locked we’d need a large legend pool, along with probably a fair number of weapons as well for the sake of diversity. (But really though the 5+ utilities per legend sounds like it’d probably be a bit easier/more worth it.)

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dastion.3106


In my opinion they more or less HAVE to allow some sort of limited skill swapping. Without it it will make the Revenant the most restrictive profession yet with only 15 skills available during combat and very little ability to customize those skills.

Also, keep in mind that there are racial and neutral skills (ie the Spirit Wolf Elite) that without swapping would be useless to the Rev. Once you accept that they need to allow these skills to be slotted then it is reasonable to expect some degree of customizability to the 6-0 skills. The videos even have the typical arrows while out of combat that indicate they’ve probably already considered this.

Without the ability to customize those skills then they really can’t support the decision the limit the Rev to no weapon swapping in combat.

(edited by Dastion.3106)

Revenant: Locked/Unlocked Skills?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


seem like bad game design to me. Anet spent a year making this class yet didnt consider this till now, makes no sense.