Revenant Race-Specific Skills

Revenant Race-Specific Skills

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Suniahk.7268


As anyone who has spent any time on GW2 knows, each race has their own specific utility skills that can be learned, independent of class skills. For Revenants, they switch their utility skills using heroic souls, so race-specific skills don’t really make a lot of sense. To that end, I’d like to propose the following theory for your consumption: Revenants will have race-specific heroic souls. Who, you might ask? GW1:EotN provides us with the answer. Humans get Gwen, Asurans get Vekk, Norn get Jora, Charr get Pyre, and Sylvari get Glint (spoilertag’d for people who haven’t finished the season 2 story yet, as it ties into that).

Obviously, this is completely off the wall, and I’m sure there are better candidates than the Heroes of GW1. That being said, they all brought something unique, story-wise, to the table. So I figure it’s a decent place to start. Like I said, thought, it’s a theory. Might not even happen. But really… What if?

Revenant Race-Specific Skills

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Actually that makes a lot of sense. You should be banned. Sense isn’t a respectable thing on the internet.

Revenant Race-Specific Skills

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chista.4750


I don’t think Sylvari would get Glint. They’re more likely to get Ventari, Ronan or, more far-fetched, one of the firstborn that is already “out of the running”. And then Ventari would be more likely… Since I distinctly remember Ronan as… unimpressive.

That is of course, assuming Rev’s don’t just get to skill swap for racials, which would be a lot easier to realize than essentially doubling/adding 33% to the amount of work they’d need to put in the class, due to having to balance all the skills, coming up with them, making assets etc. Thus more likely.

Also, it might make picking a certain race too important.

None the less, I do like the idea.

Revenant Race-Specific Skills

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FalconBeta.9185


I think they will still get the same racial skills, and no race-specific heroic souls.
I believe the existing racial skills will simply be altered based off what the revenant is currently channeling.
Sort of like how Racial skills will actually give engineers Tool belt versions for their f1-f4, I expect racials on revenants having multiple versions.