Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


Enjoyed the class a lot with both weapon sets available ( I hoped to try new weapons on each class but I can tell that wasn’t the focus of course), however I did find one thing that may be a little “over powered” in terms of the heal. If you’re in Demon and use your healing, you can swap to Dwarf and use your heal again instantly essentially giving yourself 2 heals right away, one healing per condition, then swapping to the other to cure the conditions off you seems a bit overkill. the heal should be on a timer regardless as to not be able to pull off two large heals right away. Otherwise it was fun!

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Electro.4173


The heals themselves seemed a bit weak, especially considering Celestial gear, probably to make up for this very thing. But I’m sure its something they’ll be watching and tweaking as release draws closer all the same.

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: borya.2964


It’s the first thing that truly bugged me.

Coffin Rehearsal X – Bunker Roaming Ranger
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: psizone.8437


I believe they mentioned somewhere that that was on purpose to give it a strength amongst the limitations of the class.

Extra heals to counter the lack of weapon swap and having to manage your energy constantly during a fight (more of an issue when it comes to WvW and PvP I’d imagine)

I didn’t feel like having 2 heals was overpowered during the fights in the stress test, but we didn’t have much time to be thorough.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JermyZ.3978


I mean, i definitely see the point during the stress testing as there were a lot of mobs around etc. But if you’re in pvp/wvw (what i mainly do) that might be a bit strong. Ele’s and Engi’s dont get weapon swapping (yet if at all), but they still only get 1 heal. Idk just an input on the build. If it stays that way its not going to ruin the class for me at all, I just think its a bit much for pvp type play

13+ lvl 80’s too many to list. Ella Grimm elementalist is usually main.
Everything Purple [EP]

Revenant Stress Test healing issue.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Ele and engi have other sources of healing. And healing turret is the by far the best heal in game. Both revenant healing skills has 30cd and their base health inst all that high – basically a healing signet. Thing about these is that they carry utility with them;

-Jalis removes 3 conditions and gains 2 sec of retal for 1 condi removal. For that reason his base is low

-Mallyx feeds on conditions, thus the more conditions you have stacked on yourself the better his healing is – reward system. Its actually a dangerous playstyle as you cant ignore conditions that actually hurts a lot. I doubt you can spam resistance boon endlessy and sooner or later a mallyx revenant will explode, this heal gives them a chance to recover larger amount of health that is lost to conditions but once used if they dont swap legend its game over for them.