focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Revenant personal story
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Since personal story has always been about race and not about class/profession I would say that they won’t get special treatment, I don’t know if Rytlock is the 1st Revenant to have ever existed, I have only seen that he is the 1st to be shown in the story I would like a confirmation on that.
I don’t know if Rytlock is the 1st Revenant to have ever existed, I have only seen that he is the 1st to be shown in the story I would like a confirmation on that.
They did say in the Pax announcement that Rytlock is the first Revenant. That seems rather clear to me.
I think they’ve basically said “to hell” with trying to maintain any kind of timeline continuity in the personal story.
It already presents all kinds of problems with the living story.
Although… this presents a problem with both the personal story and the living story so far…
They’re seriously making a mess of the continuity.
Who knows, I doubt the class would have any special treatment. But on the subject of personal story I wish they would return the order for chapter 7 and 8 its already bit messy.
I think they’ve basically said “to hell” with trying to maintain any kind of timeline continuity in the personal story.
It already presents all kinds of problems with the living story.
Although… this presents a problem with both the personal story and the living story so far…
They’re seriously making a mess of the continuity.
Yeah. Simply because it is something complete new to the GW2 world, makes it hard.
Every other game is able to put them in as something that was always there.
Exactly. Ritualists were already a thing for hundreds of years in the game.
They created an unnecessary problem by claiming the class was something wholly new to the world.
I don’t know if Rytlock is the 1st Revenant to have ever existed, I have only seen that he is the 1st to be shown in the story I would like a confirmation on that.
They did say in the Pax announcement that Rytlock is the first Revenant. That seems rather clear to me.
That’s not clear enough for me, first to ever existed or the 1st we see? If he is the 1st to ever exist how can we play as a Revenant as soon as Rytlock leaves the mists? I’m sure he didn’t teach as how to be one.
I’m going to guess that if you create a character in HoT you’ll get a different personal story (regardless of profession chosen). I think they’ll do it similar to GW1 where you would choose which campaign you want to start in, then it will give you your choices (and Revenant won’t be an option for the core choice).
your profession has always been a purely mechanical aspect of the personal story. it will remain that way, i’m sure of it.
I’m going to guess that if you create a character in HoT you’ll get a different personal story (regardless of profession chosen). I think they’ll do it similar to GW1 where you would choose which campaign you want to start in, then it will give you your choices (and Revenant won’t be an option for the core choice).
In GW1 it was an option because Factions and Nightfall were not expansion, they were stand alone games, you could buy Factions alone and play it, you won’t be able to “create a character in HoT” because you need GW2 to play it, just like you couldn’t create an Eye of the North character in GW1.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I’m going to guess that if you create a character in HoT you’ll get a different personal story (regardless of profession chosen). I think they’ll do it similar to GW1 where you would choose which campaign you want to start in, then it will give you your choices (and Revenant won’t be an option for the core choice).
In GW1 it was an option because Factions and Nightfall were not expansion, they were stand alone games, you could buy Factions alone and play it, you won’t be able to “create a character in HoT” because you need GW2 to play it, just like you couldn’t create an Eye of the North character in GW1.
and most importantly, your character was still human. no retrofitting hundreds of thousands of armor pieces, no massive animation workload, no brand new character creation with functioning sliders and tons of options that are unique to that type of skeleton and model.
(edited by BrunoBRS.5178)
I don’t get why Rytlock has to be the first Revenant, but there should be a reason for it. I don’t believe ANet’s lore team would create such an obvious time loop.
It’s a weird conundrum. If you create a character of a class that has only recently been discovered then how could the character possibly have a history pre-dating that profession? Since Rytlock is the first we have to assume that a Revenants history must start from at least that day that Rytlock was declared a Revenant right?
I suppose there’s two simple answers: 1) Nothing in the personal story changes or 2) A few missions are added to the beginning of the personal story involving Rytlock and the Revenant.
So then it’s more likely that the Sylvari story will change somehow beyond HoT?
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Here’s a fun idea: maybe because Revenants are related to the Mists, which are related to the fabric of reality and by extension time as well, Rytlock returning to Tyria as our first Revenant retroactively rewrites the timeline backwards from that point a certain ways, so that Revenants become a thing that existed already before then.
Actually, something similar would be the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft. The new Death Knight class had a completely separate starting story unlike all of the other races. Perhaps the same will happen for the Revenant class, and the characters that start in the Revenant class would have a completely different story and not the race.
E.g. Revenant character may be a normal Tyrian citizen thrown into the Mists where they learn the Revenant class just like Rytlock did.
I agree with the people who said since your profession doesn’t affect your personal story for any of the current professions it’s unlikely to affect it for the revenant either.
Yes it will mess with continuity, but so does the ability to do the living story before your personal story, or missing Season 1 of the LS.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I thought they already stated a few months back there will be no alternate personal story for Revenants?
If I can find it, Ill post the dev comment on it
Could they say in the opening cinematif that the hero received a visitation from rylock when they were young and he taught them how to weild powers from the mists? It would be only future Rylock who would know this information. The only issue might be glints power being welded all the time. I really skipped all the cinimatics and didn’t pay much attention to the story much in living season two… does everyone know the story of glint or is it lost knowledge?
Ps I don’t watch the cinimatics because a lot of them were missing subs and I’m hearing impaired… might wanna fix that.
(edited by A OK.8276)
I don’t know if Rytlock is the 1st Revenant to have ever existed, I have only seen that he is the 1st to be shown in the story I would like a confirmation on that.
They did say in the Pax announcement that Rytlock is the first Revenant. That seems rather clear to me.
That’s not clear enough for me, first to ever existed or the 1st we see? If he is the 1st to ever exist how can we play as a Revenant as soon as Rytlock leaves the mists? I’m sure he didn’t teach as how to be one.
Correction: we play as revenant long BEFORE he leaves the mists, since revenant starts from the very beginning – and there’s the whole original personal story plus season 2 that even leads to the ‘birth of the class’. If I had to point at one single mistake, it would be to call him a ‘revenant’ at all, instead of something entirely different. The intention was probably to present a cool and compelling background to the class, but it really shoots the storyline in the head.
After watching some beta footage about revenant playing the beginning of HoT story arc
It seems clear to me that for the purposes of personal story, player revenant class is not the same as what Rytlock became after his trip through the mists. The reaction of the characters around the player is completely surprised about the skills/magic Rytlock is using, and treats it as something entirely new and formerly unknown – with no reaction whatsoever to player character and his revenant abilities.
To put it in other way: do not consider Rytlock a ‘revenant’ for the purposes of story.
Just assume the player class ‘revenant’ was always there. That’s really the only way to look at it if you want to keep a sense of continuum.
(edited by Kitsune.1902)
I thought they already stated a few months back there will be no alternate personal story for Revenants?
If I can find it, Ill post the dev comment on it
You are correct, that during one of Colin Johannsen’s interviews following one of the Pax events earlier this year he stated that the personal story is only based on race, and that they would rather spend their resources on developing Heart of Thorns, and the LW content of HoT. (sorry, I don’t recall just who the interviewer was) Yeah it messes with the space-time continuum, but so did doing a personal story instance in Lion’s Arch after it was demolished, since the PS supposedly takes place 2-3 years prior to Scarlet’s rampage. :/
First of all the revenant is a PROFESSION not a race, professions have never had their own “story” behind them, so I highly doubt A-net will bother with a story for Revenant, with that said though, if Rytlock is the “First” revenant and the storyline is “Rytlock is teaching people how to be a Revenant” it would be very strange and awkward if you are a player that is a Revenant (particularly a charr) and yet nobody bat’s an eye at you, but then Rytlock becomes a Revenant and it’s this big deal and “Woah where did you learn that Rytlock?” then suddenly your character is sort of like “Uhh guys you do know I’ve been using the exact same magic? I was fighting Zhaitan with you and using it?” with that said though I don’t think A-net will ignore such a gaping plot-hole so I will reserve judgement until I can play the expansion and get into the story
First of all the revenant is a PROFESSION not a race, professions have never had their own “story” behind them, so I highly doubt A-net will bother with a story for Revenant, with that said though, if Rytlock is the “First” revenant and the storyline is “Rytlock is teaching people how to be a Revenant” it would be very strange and awkward if you are a player that is a Revenant (particularly a charr) and yet nobody bat’s an eye at you, but then Rytlock becomes a Revenant and it’s this big deal and “Woah where did you learn that Rytlock?” then suddenly your character is sort of like “Uhh guys you do know I’ve been using the exact same magic? I was fighting Zhaitan with you and using it?” with that said though I don’t think A-net will ignore such a gaping plot-hole so I will reserve judgement until I can play the expansion and get into the story
Them going woah at Rytlock but not you may just that, they’ve only seen you do that kind of magic. Before Rytlock was a Revenant he was a warrior. Going from no magic to magic would likely cause some double takes.