Revenant's starting zone?

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


So do you think they will give Revenant their own unique starting zone due to lore reason being that Rytlock is the 1st revenant?

It would a interesting thing to see and I hope they may make the intro for a Revenant character relate to what happened in the Season 2 like having the introduction show a alternate version of a Season 2 event with when Rytlock going after his sword and our character followed him into the rift as well compared to the normal version of S2 event when only Rytlock jumped into the Rift.

or maybe a event close enough to explain how the commander of the pact ended up becoming a Revenant.

The Mist would be a interesting starting zone and can show Revenat unique Prologue story quests on how our character became connected to the Heroes of legends.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

No, I do not.

There’s no reason to, and it’s more work than worth.

Rytlock is the first Revenant in terms of gameplay. Not necessarily lore. After all: Who taught Rytlock how to be a Revenant?

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


Revenant is a profession. Professions don’t have starting areas.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

When people say Rytlock is the “first revenant” are we sure ANet has said this in a storyline way or just a “hey this is our iconic Revenant NPC character. Yay for new class reveal!” kind of way??

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

When people say Rytlock is the “first revenant” are we sure ANet has said this in a storyline way or just a “hey this is our iconic Revenant NPC character. Yay for new class reveal!” kind of way??

First Revenant, ever.

“And Rytlock is returning to the world as the First EVER Revenant"
-GW2 Livestream Pax South 2015, 35:44,

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Montablac.3041


When people say Rytlock is the “first revenant” are we sure ANet has said this in a storyline way or just a “hey this is our iconic Revenant NPC character. Yay for new class reveal!” kind of way??

First Revenant, ever.

“And Rytlock is returning to the world as the First EVER Revenant"
-GW2 Livestream Pax South 2015, 35:44,

key word is returning. there may be other revenants in the mists

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If Professions warranted starter zones, we would have 8 of them, rather than 5. Being Charr, albeit a Revenant, there is already a starter zone specifically created to serve that race.

Thus, I would not expect a new starter zone. In fact, I would bet there will not be one.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Novuake.2691


When people say Rytlock is the “first revenant” are we sure ANet has said this in a storyline way or just a “hey this is our iconic Revenant NPC character. Yay for new class reveal!” kind of way??

First Revenant, ever.

“And Rytlock is returning to the world as the First EVER Revenant"
-GW2 Livestream Pax South 2015, 35:44,

Sigh, first REVENANT> however the power of the mists and use thereof is NOTHING new to Guild Wars.
The story will be the same as any other class.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rognik.2579


Sure, Rytlock is the first revenant, but that doesn’t mean they will make a special exception for this class. It’s not like this is the Death Knight from Lich King. Besides, that would still mean a whole new storyline for the one profession, even if it doesn’t have options for the first 3 chapters or any branching at all. No, this will just become another plot hole in the ever changing living world. Don’t look at it too closely, and you won’t even see it there.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Prophet.6257


Revenant is a profession. Professions don’t have starting areas.

This is more likely than no to be the case.

With that said it sure would have been cool if the story would have been more connected to the professions than the races.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SnubdubLuskon.1795


Although I highly doubt it, they COULD make your first entrance into the game before it plops you into the rest of the game something unique to Revenant. Say, you load up and your dropped into a small instance that appears to be the mists and when you finish your task it drops you into the starter zone of your race.

It would be a neat addition, but there would be the problem of NPCs referring to you as the hero of Shaemor and what not, so although it would be an easy way to have it make sense I wouldn’t expect it.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Although I highly doubt it, they COULD make your first entrance into the game before it plops you into the rest of the game something unique to Revenant. Say, you load up and your dropped into a small instance that appears to be the mists and when you finish your task it drops you into the starter zone of your race.

It would be a neat addition, but there would be the problem of NPCs referring to you as the hero of Shaemor and what not, so although it would be an easy way to have it make sense I wouldn’t expect it.

IF the hero of sheamor can be a revenant, i would make one called “time traveller” or “time hipster” becouse he was already a revenent bofere the act of the character LS.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Invictus.1503


How many of these threads are going to be created?! It isn’t even like the threads are buried, they are on the first 1 and 2 pages. Hopefully a moderator will close a few of them or at least merge them.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Roy Cronacher

Roy Cronacher

Game Designer

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

He didn’t say they would have the personal story. He just said they would start in their race’s normal starting area

For all we know, the personal story is not part of the expansion since the expansion does start after Zhaitan is killed and Rytlock comes back from the mists.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SnubdubLuskon.1795


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

He didn’t say they would have the personal story. He just said they would start in their race’s normal starting area

For all we know, the personal story is not part of the expansion since the expansion does start after Zhaitan is killed and Rytlock comes back from the mists.

It won’t, for the same reasons they didn’t bother to add new races despite the majority wanting them.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Magoslich.6857


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

Because we totally know all the lore involved in the Revenant and how it is going to be handled. How about waiting until we have all the facts before decrying this as a horrible decision and saying Anet is wrecking the lore? But no, that would be entirely too sensible.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


Revenants will probably start at level seventy; Due to the storyline that is applicable to them being after zaitan’s death . So they will make it close to max rank, maybe make it at level sixty if they wanted to push the idea of the lore . This game is heavy on its story as well as its pvp; I cant see them bringing this is for the sole purpose of the expansion and then turn and make it start from one and work all the way up . Then you have to go through all the bullkitten which has ALREADY happened in the story with a class that was not there during that time frame. So to make the story interesting much like tera did their reaper; They might have a starting instanced mission (( much like when you make a new character)) only for the Revenant and they all start out in that mission despite their race. This mission could be them coming out of the mists with rytlock , and coming into the open world. Perhaps make it so if you really wanted , that your warrior could change and become a revenant (( Rytlock did it .))


Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SnubdubLuskon.1795


Revenants will probably start at level seventy; Due to the storyline that is applicable to them being after zaitan’s death . So they will make it close to max rank, maybe make it at level sixty if they wanted to push the idea of the lore . This game is heavy on its story as well as its pvp; I cant see them bringing this is for the sole purpose of the expansion and then turn and make it start from one and work all the way up . Then you have to go through all the bullkitten which has ALREADY happened in the story with a class that was not there during that time frame. So to make the story interesting much like tera did their reaper; They might have a starting instanced mission (( much like when you make a new character)) only for the Revenant and they all start out in that mission despite their race. This mission could be them coming out of the mists with rytlock , and coming into the open world. Perhaps make it so if you really wanted , that your warrior could change and become a revenant (( Rytlock did it .))

We’ve already seen a level 1 Revenant during POI.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

Because we totally know all the lore involved in the Revenant and how it is going to be handled. How about waiting until we have all the facts before decrying this as a horrible decision and saying Anet is wrecking the lore? But no, that would be entirely too sensible.

We know Rytlock is the first Revenant as stated by Colin in an interview. We also now have confirmation that the Revenant is starting in the same racial zones as every other class. It did occur to me that Mr. Cronacher did specifically say racial zone and not story instance So I suppose it is concievable that the Revenant could have a separate personal story leading Towards the Maguuma jungle instead of Orr.

I hope something like this is the case and my mini rant is totally off base.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Revenants will probably start at level seventy;

Roy Cronacher Source
Game Designer
“Just like on the current professions, you will start at level 1 when you create a new Revenant character. We want it to be easily accessible for anyone with Heart of Thorns which means not putting it behind unnecessary content gates.”

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


Revenants will probably start at level seventy;

Roy Cronacher Source
Game Designer
“Just like on the current professions, you will start at level 1 when you create a new Revenant character. We want it to be easily accessible for anyone with Heart of Thorns which means not putting it behind unnecessary content gates.”

If that’s the case you made beating the campaign , the point of paying attention to anything in the game completely pointless. So in reality it dosent even matter; So skip the cinematic’s and just move through considering the pve training for the pvp. And no im not coming at you; But you need to do something about this . The end of the game was lame; And you get nothing but an armor skin(( which is ugly)) and some tokens with that amazing song you made . The music of the end was the best part; But the rewards were horrid, The Revenant should be a class only available for people who have “Beaten” The original campaign ONE time . On one level 80 , Seriously make these people who are just pvping their way through the game actually do their personal story and pay attention to it so they know whats going on . And i will say this, if the lore and story have nothing to do with the game; You shouldn’t of bothered even doing it . Because i like the lore; I like the idea of the lore , I like the story to an extent i do have some issues here and there with the initial story of this game but i overlook it because this is a good game . But kitten ; looks like it in my opinion was a waste of time reading your novel’s paying attention in Gw1 and in Gw2. Plus

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

Because we totally know all the lore involved in the Revenant and how it is going to be handled. How about waiting until we have all the facts before decrying this as a horrible decision and saying Anet is wrecking the lore? But no, that would be entirely too sensible.

We know Rytlock is the first Revenant as stated by Colin in an interview. We also now have confirmation that the Revenant is starting in the same racial zones as every other class. It did occur to me that Mr. Cronacher did specifically say racial zone and not story instance So I suppose it is concievable that the Revenant could have a separate personal story leading Towards the Maguuma jungle instead of Orr.

I hope something like this is the case and my mini rant is totally off base.

there have been other revenants , Razah was one(( technically)) as was Shiro ((technically)) both came back from the mists . So no its not the first time its happened; Rytlock is just the last one in a couple of centuries to have done it .

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

Because we totally know all the lore involved in the Revenant and how it is going to be handled. How about waiting until we have all the facts before decrying this as a horrible decision and saying Anet is wrecking the lore? But no, that would be entirely too sensible.

We know Rytlock is the first Revenant as stated by Colin in an interview. We also now have confirmation that the Revenant is starting in the same racial zones as every other class. It did occur to me that Mr. Cronacher did specifically say racial zone and not story instance So I suppose it is concievable that the Revenant could have a separate personal story leading Towards the Maguuma jungle instead of Orr.

I hope something like this is the case and my mini rant is totally off base.

there have been other revenants , Razah was one(( technically)) as was Shiro ((technically)) both came back from the mists . So no its not the first time its happened; Rytlock is just the last one in a couple of centuries to have done it .

Yes those examples are all Revenants by definition. As are any PC’s who enter the mist and return. But for Lore purposes Rytlock is the first Revenant, meaning he is the first to enter the mist and return completely changed by it.

But my previous brainstorming of how the Anet devs can write themselves out of the corner still stands. I do hope they have a plan beyond slapping a new class into the game simply because they can as that is just lazy and disrespectful to the lore.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


But for Lore purposes Rytlock is the first Revenant, meaning he is the first to enter the mist and return completely changed by it.

no he’s not. he’s just the first example of Revenant as a profession we’ve seen in GW2. rytlock isn’t the first of anything in lore, and the sooner people stop treating this like a retcon comparable to erasing the gods from canon, the better.

i’m just glad Roy came up and put an end to this ridiculous discussion. the people blowing it out of proportion and whining about how it “completely ruins continuity” will probably shut up about a week after release, which means we’ll have to endure them a while longer, but at least they can’t insist that revenant will be a special snowflake that works different from all the other professions.

i can already imagine how some of you would react to GW1, starting a character in nightfall, beating EotN, and then playing prophecies for the first time after that, with a dervish.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

He didn’t say they would have the personal story. He just said they would start in their race’s normal starting area

But it’s a safe assumption none the less.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

He didn’t say they would have the personal story. He just said they would start in their race’s normal starting area

For all we know, the personal story is not part of the expansion since the expansion does start after Zhaitan is killed and Rytlock comes back from the mists.

they didn’t want to add a race because “all it amounts to is a few chapters of personal story, 3 underpowered skills, and now some players look like birds/bears/whatever”. what makes you think they’d bother doing it to a single profession?

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: A OK.8276

A OK.8276

My time traveler idea for lore for the Revenant is looking better and better haha.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


My time traveler idea for lore for the Revenant is looking better and better haha.

Chronomancers are probably sending new revenants back in time to get training before a battle that they’re needed for.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

He didn’t say they would have the personal story. He just said they would start in their race’s normal starting area

But it’s a safe assumption none the less.

Maybe. The thing is, this expansion is a story line started after Zhaitan is killed and Rytlock goes to the Mists and returns. There are some logical inconsistencies with having Revenants do the personal story before there are Revenants. They can side step this by not having the Zhaitan story on these chars. They will start in their race’s starter maps, but the Revenant’s story line may begin with the start of Season 3.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MaXi.3642


from one point of view (lore) I agree with people saying it breaks the timeline of lore…

but why are everyone talking only about lore? it would be stupid to cut off the personal story from new characters just because they have new profession from the gameplay point of view…

why are you not complaining about whole personal story? or living story? things which happened in living story breaks the possibilities of personal story too… also how about Charr personal story including Rytlock? should they remove whole personal story from Chars after last episode of living story just because Rytlock is in the Mists and can’t be in their story now? or after he returns, should he be removed from personal story because he is now revenant and revenants didn’t exist in that time? you should stop taking it so seriously, some things are just gameplay based, not everything must be 100% lorewise, that happens when you add new content and move the main story line forward…

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you. May this be the nail in the coffin for this banal speculation.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


Simply put , when you make the class; You should get a special mission that is only for revenants . This is not special snowflake anything; This is saying " Yes this class is different . " Basically with them in the mist’s with Rytlock or even before rytlock went into the mists and have it so they fight their way to where they can come out again(( doing whatever it is that needs to be done before they can come to the living world again )) . Once completed they wake up within their racial area; Thus solving the issue of the race ordeal. And then your personal story takes off from there , since its only applicable to level 20 on your race it makes sense . Maybe give them three different options based upon them being a revenant ? Ya know when you choose your path in the beginning ? Or something like that, the concept is not hard; Its all about whether or not they care about their own lore . If not then screw it do whatever you want; Your story , muck it up as much as want. But if you wana be cool about it , there are ways around it without making it a big deal and making everyone feel all meh about it .

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Or how about when I create a Revenant of Race X, then I start out as a level 1 character of race X in their starting zone? Awesome.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Endo Kazuki.2086

Endo Kazuki.2086

Professions do not have their own starting zones. A character’s starting zone is determined by the race that was selected.

Thank you for finally bringing some clarity on this subject. I am however very disappointed in this decision as it completely wrecks lore continuity, I had hoped the devs had an interesting way to introduce a new class without breaking story. It makes no sense for a Revenant to do the same story steps that all other classes did as that class didn’t exist till Rytlock came back from the mist.

Really dropped the ball on this Anet, really wish you took a page out of the Blizzard playbook here because even though GW2 claims to be a Living World WoW handles their lore and story progression better.

I am however NOT very dissapointed, as I am happy we get a new class. I don’t think Arenanet dropped the ball, and I am glad that they are not taking any page out of blizzard’s playbook. I am here to play Arenanet’s game not blizzard’s.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


Or how about when I create a Revenant of Race X, then I start out as a level 1 character of race X in their starting zone? Awesome.

Some people care about the lore, unlike you i do . So if you wana make everyone happy; Just make an opening instance like you did with waking from the dream, and the other starting points and just have it go through a small instance which just introduces you to the class. Seriously; Its not that big of a thing , its just tells the story of how you got there . Sure other races would be there; But do you honestly think you would remember some random chaar who fought beside you ? Nah. I Think coming from the mists is better than just some generic beginning we have seen a crap ton .

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Carlin Sanders.3587

Carlin Sanders.3587

Or how about when I create a Revenant of Race X, then I start out as a level 1 character of race X in their starting zone? Awesome.

Some people care about the lore, unlike you i do . So if you wana make everyone happy; Just make an opening instance like you did with waking from the dream, and the other starting points and just have it go through a small instance which just introduces you to the class. Seriously; Its not that big of a thing , its just tells the story of how you got there . Sure other races would be there; But do you honestly think you would remember some random chaar who fought beside you ? Nah. I Think coming from the mists is better than just some generic beginning we have seen a crap ton .

so you’d want a change that also fits lore. in that case, i’d like to start with over 1K gold each time i make a human with a noble background.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Montablac.3041


Or how about when I create a Revenant of Race X, then I start out as a level 1 character of race X in their starting zone? Awesome.

Some people care about the lore, unlike you i do . So if you wana make everyone happy; Just make an opening instance like you did with waking from the dream, and the other starting points and just have it go through a small instance which just introduces you to the class. Seriously; Its not that big of a thing , its just tells the story of how you got there . Sure other races would be there; But do you honestly think you would remember some random chaar who fought beside you ? Nah. I Think coming from the mists is better than just some generic beginning we have seen a crap ton .

so you’d want a change that also fits lore. in that case, i’d like to start with over 1K gold each time i make a human with a noble background.

ive contacted emergency services, the burn unit will be here shortly

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


so you’d want a change that also fits lore. in that case, i’d like to start with over 1K gold each time i make a human with a noble background.

I’d like to point out, that Kasmeer is a human with a noble background. She’s also completely broke when we see her first.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


so you’d want a change that also fits lore. in that case, i’d like to start with over 1K gold each time i make a human with a noble background.

I’d like to point out, that Kasmeer is a human with a noble background. She’s also completely broke when we see her first.

Yeah but that’s because her Father got into massive debts and died in prison allowing all of the family assets to be seized by the Krytan equivalent of Bailiffs.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrettM.9062


there have been other revenants , Razah was one(( technically)) as was Shiro ((technically)) both came back from the mists . So no its not the first time its happened; Rytlock is just the last one in a couple of centuries to have done it .

What about the norn Havroun? Can’t they cross into the Mists and return?

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xukavi.4320


I don’t see what the issue is with a cinematic explaining how you became a revanent and ended up at the beginning of the story. Given that there’s speculation that the story will have ties to do with time manipulation (the new mesmer shield skill is what I’m referring to) and the fact we’re dealing with the Mists here I say anything can be possible. I honestly can see it as new player characters of the revanent class getting a question about how they ended up in the Mists or what was the last thing they remembered before awakening in the Mists. There they met a mysterious Charr (Rytlock) who helped them leave the Mists. Upon leaving the Mists they ended up at the start of any normal storyline. Your character can even get a personal discussion option with Rytlock later on when you catch up to the story and him revealing to the player character how it was him in the Mists.

Before anyone says anything about “omg retcon” I understand that but time in the Mists isn’t exactly something we all know details on.

I also thought about having it be some kind of time travel through the Mists and starting but it wouldn’t really make sense storywise either. Your character would already know about a lot of the things you shouldn’t. All the attacks that happened and how we end up being commanders of the pact and trahearn being who he is. How we defeat Zaihtan it would be crazy if we said we went back in time to just prepare for the fighta gainst Mordremoth.

Elyas Wolfbane – Ranger, Xukavi – Thief

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i don’t know why i keep reading these posts with convoluted ways to add a story to the revenant’s introduction. you guys will be so disappointed.

even after a dev outright tells you that their experience will be the same as any other profession, you keep thinking of ridiculous extra fluff that is completely unecessary. professions have always been a mechanical thing in the story.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: timmyf.1490


How does any existing class learn to use weapons and skills? There are no trainers or mentors in this story. You just pick up weapons and use them. You get skill points from tons of random crap to unlock new abilities.

There’s very little in the way of a lore explanation of how we learn to be Warriors or Mesmers or Engineers, so I don’t see why anybody would expect anything different for Revenant.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

How does any existing class learn to use weapons and skills? There are no trainers or mentors in this story. You just pick up weapons and use them. You get skill points from tons of random crap to unlock new abilities.

There’s very little in the way of a lore explanation of how we learn to be Warriors or Mesmers or Engineers, so I don’t see why anybody would expect anything different for Revenant.

Warriors and Mesmers have tons of GW1 lore and the GW2 is just a natural progression of those classes. Engineers are based on the progress in mechanical design so there isn’t a need for an explanation there.

But a Revenant stands apart from those classes because it is something new for Tyria, What did Rytlock encounter that changed him fundamentally like that? Plus Colin made a specific statement calling Rytlock the FIRST Revenant. Being called the first means that there was nothing before you, so to keep the timeline intact the devs would have to explain how the other Revenants came to be because it is something brand new for the game, and made to be important because an Iconic has switched classes to become one.

Anet wrote themselves into this corner, If they didn’t make a big deal of Rytlock becoming the first Revenant then i wouldn’t be pushing so hard for a lore answer, I could have accepted the idea that Revenants existed in the fight against Zaitan but weren’t recognized as such.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: khani.4786


Or I don’t know just have a disclaimer at the beginning of the story that you are experiencing events that occurred in the past much like we had in GW1. Just because we got Nightfall and you were a dervish, they didn’t change how the story progressed in the other campaigns and you could go back and do these things on your new class that was created much later in the timeline.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Ozgar Heavyhammer.6701

Or I don’t know just have a disclaimer at the beginning of the story that you are experiencing events that occurred in the past much like we had in GW1. Just because we got Nightfall and you were a dervish, they didn’t change how the story progressed in the other campaigns and you could go back and do these things on your new class that was created much later in the timeline.

I would be fine with that honestly, or even a starting instance where Rytlock awakens you in the mist and sends you to the past to help with the fight against Zaitan. Something is better than nothing.

Revenant's starting zone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So apparently revenants existed before Zhaitan died but simultaneously only came into being after he was killed, huh?

Sounds like Rytlock accidentally knocked over a bowl of wibbily wobbly, timey wimey stuff. That’ll be a pain to clean up.