Revenant story = not chronological?
Seriously. Use your imagination and roleplay it a bit if you’re that bothered. We all know Rytlock “acquired” the ability to be a Revenant, so maybe your character can to. Pull a Rytlock. Maybe you’re character starts their life as a Warrior, does the personal/living stories, then when they get to HoT, some event happens, and they become a Revenant.
No story conflict, no need for ArenaNet to make new content for their special snowflake profession.
The Mists works in mysterious ways.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Retcon probably. Somewhat like how events in GW1 Prophesies/factions/nightfall could happen in any order depending which one you started your character in.
No one watches Doctor Who? Or played Legacy of Kain series?
In simple word: the mist have no linear time dimension which means you can enter from an year and come back 10 years before. When we do wvw pvp or fotm we access controlled instaces enabling us to come back in “our time”.
Rytlock IS the first revenant but he could easly have trained us before in a moment before he jumped into the mist thanks to that (entering eg year 1234 and exiting or help spirits trained in 1231), thus not creating lore holes: he just need to travel back before our personal story, which is perfectly possible (or we could train in the mist and be back as lvl1 before zaitan).
If you want to watch this “chicken before egg” situation look at “Blink” episode of doctor who (is quite independant so is easy to follow separately and probably one of the best episode ever)
Sorry for typos, i’m on mobile ;-)
Wat r u, casul?
(edited by Gaaroth.2567)
Easy Fix: Pretend that your Revenant became a Revenant post-Zhaitain, but was previously some other profession for the Zhaitan Campaign and S1-2 Living Story.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
I’m sure they’ll find some way to justify it. You might not like it, but, tough kitten, it’s just a frickin’ game.
Oh but, it’s easy to set, really.
Revenant existed before Rytlock jump into the mist. It was just that Rytlock and chaar in general have more cultural value for the “warrior” profession. Rytlock just follow what a good chaar would have done, he followed the path of warrior.
When Rytlock entered in the mist, he started to encounter some hardship, meet powerfull spirit and start to think on what would be the best way to overcome this hardship. The spirit entrusted him to the fact that they were already lending their hand to a group of people using a profession called revenant.
They entrusted him with the fact that the from old ritualists, using item spell to borrow the power of ancient spirits. A group start to act as medium with these ancient spirit and bit by bit, as their channeling ability grow, the revenant was born as a full profession.
Impressed by the possibility that this profession could grant him, Rytlcok chose to leave the path of the warrior and start to follow the path of the revenant.
Hope you enjoyed my little story
It’s just going to be really weird seeing Rytlock rapidly change between Revenant to Warrior (vice versa, back and fourth), depending on which order you do the HoT stuff.
Like if, on your Revenant (or any other character who hasn’t done the Season 2 stuff yet), you play the HoT stuff first and then play Living Story so he loses Sohothin and hops into the Mists AFTER all the HoT stuff went down.
Remnants of Hope [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast
2 words… chronomancer specialization. Also…. Flux Capacitor.
I just think that Revenants were always there, but are very rare.
Just for expansion sake Rytlock is the first.
When they were first talking about Rytlock and the rev class they said that time flows differently in the mist. More than likely they will pull a wibbley wobbley timey wimey card and say that when rytlock came back from the mist it sent an echo throughout time making the rev possible.
you can travel through time in the mists so this topic is irrelevant
you can travel through time in the mists so this topic is irrelevant
I think genuine concern/curiosity is ALWAYS relevant, just cos you might have an answer doesn’t mean they do, bookah.
(edited by Tyrannical.9348)
Rytlock when stepped out of the mists the mysterious power of the mists came with it and flood Kryta but only a selected few get posessed by the mists and your character awakens one day with this power thx to Rytlock and your Story starts.
Was this REALY that hard ?
Use your imagination PEOPLE !!!!!
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
i dont think rytlock was the first revenant storywise, same way there are probably still lore monks there could just as easily be lore revenants that existed prior to the player being able to create a character that was a revenant.
@ all the time travel junkies…
No thanks.
I love Dr Who, really, but time travel is just a massive can of wurms. Cos what you’re suggesting is Rytlock thought it worth going back in time to train a few people in how to channel legends, but not eg. warn anyone about all the bad kittens about to rain down on Tyria.
Not to mention the fact that he’d then no longer be the first revenant.
I think a more elegant solution would be one very minor story tweak – at some point an NPC tells revenant players that they’ll channel the powers of the mist to relive the events of the personal story line.
It never happened to revenant players. They just experience it mistically.
I’m sure that A-net will come up with something and even if they don’t, ehh I’m sure I can come up with some Lore reason for why, maybe I was a guardian and then became a revenant, also has it been “Officially” confirmed that Rytlock is the “First” Revenant? I know he is the showcase for the class and on POI episode 17 they said something to that effect, but lore-wise, this type of magic, or something very similar to it, has existed before, specifically in GW1 since Revenant seems to draw from multiple professions from GW1 i.e. Durvish (Dunno if I spelled that right XD) and Ritualist
i.e. Durvish (Dunno if I spelled that right XD)
Close – dervish.
PS entry is based on race, not class. Further, in case they want to continue their Living World approach, it makes absolutely no sense to implement static new personal story content. The Zhaitan storyline is an anachronism in this regard which we can all accept due to suspension of disbelief.
2 words… chronomancer specialization. Also…. Flux Capacitor.
DeLorean mount confirmed for HoT!
@ all the time travel junkies…
No thanks.
I love Dr Who, really, but time travel is just a massive can of wurms. Cos what you’re suggesting is Rytlock thought it worth going back in time to train a few people in how to channel legends, but not eg. warn anyone about all the bad kittens about to rain down on Tyria.
Not to mention the fact that he’d then no longer be the first revenant.
I think a more elegant solution would be one very minor story tweak – at some point an NPC tells revenant players that they’ll channel the powers of the mist to relive the events of the personal story line.
It never happened to revenant players. They just experience it mistically.
And we we’ve yet to find out who E is. My best guess is it was Rytlock. Perhaps he couldn’t completely get involved and was only able to guide us through his letters.
Revenant story = not chronological?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180
Retcon probably. Somewhat like how events in GW1 Prophesies/factions/nightfall could happen in any order depending which one you started your character in.
While true for Prophecies and Factions, Nightfall explicitly took place after the other two, as both Shiro and Khilbron were in the Realm of Torment in the main storyline. Abbadon had manipulated both, and you have to defeat them before you can move on to Abbadon.
So, admittedly I haven’t watched the videos about the Revenant. Do they explicitly state that he is the first and that it never existed before him?
I’m not expecting a storyline for Revenant. The storylines are based on race from 1-20, not class. After that, the stories are the same for everyone.
Sorrow’s Furnace
At some point you just gotta step back and not really think about things too much. If you didn’t, you’d realize every person you see running around is the Chosen Pact Commander and the boss of the new Living Story Team.
Just let it gooooo…
In the cancelled fourth campaign of Guild Wars 1 there was a Chronomancer profession in the works. If there are any timeline plot-holes, blame it on a chronomancer playing little tricks.
Also your character’s personal story timeline is made so it takes place whenever you do it and it isn’t out of order with anything else.
If you redo personal story right now you’ll see that Lion’s Arch is destroyed and vines have destroyed Fort Trinity or whatever that one place is called. Living Story is a progression but Personal Story could take place any time.
Also your character’s personal story timeline is made so it takes place whenever you do it and it isn’t out of order with anything else.
If you redo personal story right now you’ll see that Lion’s Arch is destroyed and vines have destroyed Fort Trinity or whatever that one place is called. Living Story is a progression but Personal Story could take place any time.
That is not actually true.
The Personal Story takes place in the year 1325 AE while the current time in-game is 1328 AE.
The reason why we see a destroyed LA and such has more to do with technology rather than lore or timeline. They simply don’t have the technology to have multiple different versions of the same map up at the same time. Thus the Personal Story quest uses the existing maps.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Stop saying use your imagination. Just stop. This is an MMO, not some story driven single player RPG where actual roleplay takes place, and even THEN most devs try to avoid massive plotline gaps due to time travel.
MMOs are supposed to be consistent as much as possible. That’s why you can’t play season 2 of the LS until you’re level 80, and that level “assumes” that you’ve done the story dungeons, and watched all the drama between Logan and Rytlock, and have killed Zhaitan.
IF ANet isn’t going to bother with a Deathknight style starter area and condensed personal story, then they should at least add an NPC or some flavor text that describes the personal story as a dream or “Mists fueled reverie” similar to the Sylvari Dream.
Otherwise, its just lazy writing, storyboarding, and retcons out the wahzoo. And if they’re not willing to put in a little work for the flagship class of the first, and new expansion, then how does that bode for the future of the game?
the appearance of revenants in the past (begin of personal story) is pretty easy to handle because of his direct connection to the mists. but i wonder what they will do with another class not connected to the mists when people are so narrow minded with chronology. by the way a chronology where everybody is leader of the pact and killed zaithan multiple times is not worth the thinking about it.
but i wonder what they will do with another class not connected to the mists when people are so narrow minded with chronology. by the way a chronology where everybody is leader of the pact and killed zaithan multiple times is not worth the thinking about it.
The difference is we’re all really well accustomed to suspending disbelief on that score thanks to eg. WOW and so many other MMOs where we kill 10 rats, become the Grand Hero of Nowheresville then watch half a dozen players come up and do the exactly the same thing 5 seconds later.
Same goes for a little timeline wobbliness. They’ve become so normal that we don’t even think about them.
The distinguishing feature here is a new profession which explicitly only came into existence after these specific story events. That’s a bit outside the norm.
I agree with you that the simplest solution is to not have revenant players experience those story events directly but rather re-live them through the mists and made that same suggestion. Be such an easy way for ANet to address this.