Revenant the final nail in Ritualists coffin?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SolidGold.7958
(edited by SolidGold.7958)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SolidGold.7958
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
(edited by SolidGold.7958)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178
yeah, we had a “ritualist”, mechanically speaking, in the engineer, now we have a ritualist, lore-wise, in the revenant. rits as a profession are probably not coming. maybe as a necro specialization (Rt/N was a popular combo after all) or something.
i mean, assassins and paragons are definitely never ever happening, and the sin and para mains have long gotten over it because we have an equivalent :P
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zaklex.6308
Colin already said in one interview it takes some basis from the Dervish and Ritualist, so consider your dreams of there every being a Ritualist again dead and buried.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lazaar.9123
Ritualists are coming when Cantha does. Be prepared to wait thirty years.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089
i mean, assassins and paragons are definitely never ever happening, and the sin and para mains have long gotten over it because we have an equivalent :P
Three shouts in the utility bar does not a paragon equivalent makes. :P I’m 99% sure that someday, we’ll get a paragon-ish/ musical specialization for the current classes. Specifically, one for guardian, and/ or a more traditional bard theme for mesmer.
Assassin, however, IS the thief. Can’t do much about it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
Guardians are monks in plated armor
Revenants are Ritualist in plated armor
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tesla.9072
Maybe we’ll get a ‘Ritualist’ specialization for the Revenant?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178
i mean, assassins and paragons are definitely never ever happening, and the sin and para mains have long gotten over it because we have an equivalent :P
Three shouts in the utility bar does not a paragon equivalent makes. :P I’m 99% sure that someday, we’ll get a paragon-ish/ musical specialization for the current classes. Specifically, one for guardian, and/ or a more traditional bard theme for mesmer.
Assassin, however, IS the thief. Can’t do much about it.
come on, all guardians are missing are the ridiculously large wings while casting empower :P
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Getefix.9150
assassin could be a thief specialisation (maybe not in hot but later?)
ritualist or dervish could be revenant specialisations
paragon could be guardian
whats left? oh yes, dervish – that could also be revenant (in elona maybe)
and it looks like mesmers are getting chronomancer
if elementalists get sorcerers I’d be happy, I like using arcane skills
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kelthien.8593
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
Let’s see how it goes!
I doubt there’ll be a new profession down the road which summons spirits in the way the Ritualist did. I hope that between Revenant, Necro, or Engineer you can find the theme/playstyle you enjoy.
Once we see how the Rev’s mechanics are and how specializations work… anything may be possible 6-12 months from now!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
Will this work?
come on, all guardians are missing are the ridiculously large wings while casting empower :P
And I DO miss that .
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: draxynnic.3719
It may be the final nail in the coffin. In the context of a playable GW2 profession, though, the coffin has been firmly nailed shut since the beta weekends, if not sooner.
Pretty much as much as is practical, the ritualist has been converted into the engineer (which is what the ritualist was intended to be all along – it started out as a way to incorporate an engineeresque playstyle into what was then a low-tech fantasy world). Most of the signature elements have either been moved into the engineer (binding rituals = turrets, urns = kits) or is outside of GW2’s “no dedicated healer” philosophy (direct heals, weapon spells).
The revenant looks like it’s aiming to revive the ritualist theme with a new playstyle, much as the guardian did for the monk as previously observed.
So yeah, at this stage, your best hope is that ritualist will appear as a revenant specialisation. And in the meantime, the assassin may well show up for your brother as a rogue specialisation (most of the behaviour is the same, just remove some abilities and add others – seems like exactly the sort of thing that the idea of specialisations is intended to handle!)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Prophet.6257
I could see Ritualist as either a Necro or Revenant specialization.
So in essence you could still get them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nephziel.6053
I don’t think Revenant will summon any spirits like Ritualist did. From what I’ve gathered I think they will have more of a “possesion” once they are possesed by spirit 1 they have spirit one utilities, and when they change to spirit 2 they get spirit 2 utilities. But I could be wrong.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
come on, all guardians are missing are the ridiculously large wings while casting empower :P
And I DO miss that
if also human male characte will get same animation for it like female (the one that looks like what paragon did more like what rits used to do on ritual skills) then I’m fully supporting that idea ^^
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
You never know . . . ritualist could be the specialization.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086
Maybe we’ll get a ‘Ritualist’ specialization for the Revenant?
I think it’ll be a necromancer specialization.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
The Revenant specialization might be more magic focused and very Ritualist-esque. Probably won’t get stationary spirits, since that’s the Ranger’s thing.
On that note though, the Druid could VERY easily have a stronger focus on spirits.
An Assassin specialization is also possible, and even likely, for the Thief at some point.
Dervish definitely won’t be a thing though, since the Revenant basically IS a Dervish, just with spirits instead of gods.
A Guardian is practically a Paragon already as well.
Something I always wanted in GW1 was an effective melee-focused Ritualist, and I was always trying to get that to work. So I’m VERY excited. I loved the hell out of the Dervish as well, so double win for me.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: gereden.6983
Maybe we’ll get a ‘Ritualist’ specialization for the Revenant?
I think it’ll be a necromancer specialization.
- Necromancers have already gone into the spectral realm of things, far more than in GW1.
- Marjory’s the first of the new necromancer specialization. She’s of Canthan descent. And she has a spirit-imbued weapon.
wouldn’t trehearne technically be the first of the specialisation due to him being a necro and wielding caladbolg and with him now in the jungle he could pick up the new specialisation as a means to survive.
Ritualists are coming when Cantha does. Be prepared to wait thirty years.
In GW8….
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rahkylus.8097
Maybe we’ll get a ‘Ritualist’ specialization for the Revenant?
I think it’ll be a necromancer specialization.
- Necromancers have already gone into the spectral realm of things, far more than in GW1.
- Marjory’s the first of the new necromancer specialization. She’s of Canthan descent. And she has a spirit-imbued weapon.
wouldn’t trehearne technically be the first of the specialisation due to him being a necro and wielding caladbolg and with him now in the jungle he could pick up the new specialisation as a means to survive.
Not exacly. I don’t know if you played a Sylvari, but on the personal story you get to wield Caladbolg and it has set skills, like picking up a fiery greatsword, and those are the exact same as Trehearne uses, so in other words Caladbolg’s skills do not come from a profession
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: draxynnic.3719
Dervish definitely won’t be a thing though, since the Revenant basically IS a Dervish, just with spirits instead of gods.
Depends on what you focus on. Not every dervish used avatars.
They generally had an elemental theme – in fact, if you browse through the unimplemented skills in the GW1 wiki, there was a point in which they had access to all of the elements just like an elementalist. So a ‘dervish’ as a specialisation of elementalist could be a way to bring back that elemental feel.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178
Dervish definitely won’t be a thing though, since the Revenant basically IS a Dervish, just with spirits instead of gods.
Depends on what you focus on. Not every dervish used avatars.
They generally had an elemental theme – in fact, if you browse through the unimplemented skills in the GW1 wiki, there was a point in which they had access to all of the elements just like an elementalist. So a ‘dervish’ as a specialisation of elementalist could be a way to bring back that elemental feel.
well the other main theme of dervish was burning enchantments to gain special bonuses, which to me always sounded exactly like guardian virtues.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eilis.6089
I’m hoping our Revenants can channel cool spirits, like Tybalt or Warmaster Forgal would be cool! Or even more so-your GW1 character of choice!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178
I’m hoping our Revenants can channel cool spirits, like Tybalt or Warmaster Forgal would be cool! Or even more so-your GW1 character of choice!
i wouldn’t count on the recently deceased making an appearance, as those would be spoilers. can you imagine a player that can channel tybalt going through the personal story and meeting him?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SolidGold.7958
In another thread someone was saying that they might use specs as a way to add some cultural flair to each expansion/region (e.g. Rangers going to the Maguuma Jungle become Druids). I think that’s a pretty cool theory, and if that’s the case, then perhaps when we go to Cantha (before I die), the Revenant might summon one of the Emperors, or maybe Shiro or something. Who knows?
But, no matter how I look at it, even with some themed specs, Necromancers and Revenants aren’t Ritualists. They’re Necromancers and Revenants. Their themes are just too different. I think it’s time I grow up a bit, and give up on reliving the Cantha days (at the very least until we actually go to Cantha).
Maybe it’s for the best I don’t pick up a new character. Besides, I really don’t want to 100% the world a third time…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879
revenants theme literally was inspired by ritualists. the playstyle of them was engi, here you have ritualist flair, ritualist themed skills. like, what more could you ask for without it being a copy paste ritualist?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
Hey everybody
The Land Spear is a Ritualist Spirit Weapon skill
/Anet Art Team Face
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gulesave.5073
There were more than enough nails in that coffin already.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Astralporing.1957
revenants theme literally was inspired by ritualists. the playstyle of them was engi, here you have ritualist flair, ritualist themed skills. like, what more could you ask for without it being a copy paste ritualist?
Considering that the Ritualist was the class that fit gw2 gameplay the most, i’d have been glad for a copypaste one. I know, that if i had to choose between having ritualists and engi in the game, i’d pick Rits without a second thought.
Revenants being loosely based on Rits, and thus making them far less likely to ever come back is a disappointment.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cyrael Pelingar.9650
I think what you all don’t understand is that over the course of 200 years, changes are made to both the world, and the way people do magic. It makes complete sense that some professions died out during that interval, and other ones that use some or more of the same skillsets take their place. It would be more seemless if these changes had happened while we were playing an interim game that spanned the 200 years between GW1 and GW2, but we didn’t. Even the changes to how some skills work show how different it is now, from GW1. If you want to play a Rit, GW1 is still available, by all means go play it.. I sometimes go back to do MQSC on my necro 4 man team, and occasional missions, for nostalgia sake.. but don’t think that a loss of class (and Rit was a really good one, there) is due to them not wanting to do it, when you can consider that over 200 years, professions shifted.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: draxynnic.3719
Dervish definitely won’t be a thing though, since the Revenant basically IS a Dervish, just with spirits instead of gods.
Depends on what you focus on. Not every dervish used avatars.
They generally had an elemental theme – in fact, if you browse through the unimplemented skills in the GW1 wiki, there was a point in which they had access to all of the elements just like an elementalist. So a ‘dervish’ as a specialisation of elementalist could be a way to bring back that elemental feel.
well the other main theme of dervish was burning enchantments to gain special bonuses, which to me always sounded exactly like guardian virtues.
Guardian virtues, and various chain skills like Zealot’s Flame/Fire, where activating the first skill provides an effect on you and pops up a second skill that you can use to discharge that effect for an attack. However, there aren’t enough of them to reproduce the dervish style, particularly since the effect from the chain skills in question are such short duration – they’re effectively more two skills in one than a case of enchantment sacrifice as the dervish had.
A mechanic similar to the Zealot’s Fire/Flame that lasts for 10-20 seconds may be a better transference of the idea.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cecilia.5179
On the contrary, Revenant may be the door to seeing a Ritualist specialization. However, there’s an almost equal chance of a Dervish specialization.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: myself.2143
With the addition of specializations, there’s a good chance that existing classes could become like old GW classes. I could see Assassin becoming a Thief spec.
Imagine say that “steal” turns into “Assassinate” and consumes your duration of poison on the target to do the full damage of the remaining duration at once. Just a thought.
(edited by myself.2143)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zaxares.5419
Yeah, Ritualists as we know them are definitely not coming, IMO. Their mechanics of ash pots + spirits was embodied in the Engineer’s bundles and turrets, while spirit weapons were, lorewise, given to the Guardian.
The Revenant appears to be a combination Ritualist+Dervish that wears heavy armor.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
You probably missed the memo, and it’s really sad but.. There’s never going to be a Cantha. We’re not going to Cantha in GW2, not now, not ever. (In the very least it won’t be the Cantha we all know and love if we DO get it.)
Edit: I’ll add in something more substantial than that to help you understand. The Crown Pavilion area was originally a Canthan District, which had to be scrapped during development, it was scrapped because it recieved a lot of bad feedback from the Chinese and Korean gaming markets. (China which, as you know, GW2 wanted to expand too, so their input was taken) Hit “listen now” and go to 1:44:17 then keep listening from there.
If we DID somehow get Cantha, it would not be the Cantha everyone knows and loves, it would have to be gutted and changed to fit one asian culture rather than being the conglomerate that it is today.
Many people want Cantha, a lot of the devs do too! But unfortunately the Koreans and the Chinese will disapprove of the Cantha we all know and love, so if we were to have it, it would have to be changed into a mono-cultured area.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gandalf.3516
There is no way to know, honestly. It is possible we could get a light weight class that is a Ritualist, or similar, if we ever go to Cantha. And even though Dervish is probably off the table we could eventually get to use a scythe again if we go to Elona. Same could be said of spears and Paragons, might come back.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: draxynnic.3719
Most of the playstyle (but obviously, not the theme) of the ritualist is already in the engineer. Any successor to the ritualist was going to be something that uses the same theme, but behaves sufficiently differently in practise that it would really be a whole new profession.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SolidGold.7958
here’s your hammer. go ahead and pound the last nail in. : 3
I hate you so much right now…
*(but seriously, I laughed my kitten off when I saw this, :P)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CalamityO.2890
Forget Cantha. By going with the LS, the next place to visit is the Crystal desert. As it points to it various times.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eilis.6089
While I do realize that Asia makes up a rather large portion of any gaming market, I do think it’s unfair that we won’t be able to get Cantha simply because they don’t want it.
I didn’t want the Charr to keep Ascalon, the amount of blood, sweat and tears my GW1 chars shed in the defense of Ascalon was astronomical. Yet I have had to live with my disappointment. If Asia doesn’t like Cantha then don’t buy the bloody expansion for it-and don’t prevent the rest of us from getting it!
I apologize if I offended anyone, this was just a rant.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745
This assumes we’re even going to Cantha. Considering that this is an expansion, and what we’re getting out of this expansion, you really should give up on the idea of EVER getting to another continent. They’re putting all this effort into exploring one new region of a continent we already have yet to fully explored.
It’s not going to happen.
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