Scribing 400 World First?
How much did it cost ya? and congrats
How much did it cost ya?
and congrats
Well… given that not many discovery recipes were known… quite alot…
Somewhere around 4500g personally. My guild WHO ARE AMAZING btw… threw in an additional 4-500g worth of materials so all told close to 5k lololol
Unless your this guy who hit 390 6 days ago
Unless your this guy who hit 390 6 days ago
Funny thing is I know that guy lol
5000ish gold….. 5 achievement points lol
congrats tho
wow.. congrats…. 5000g… gg anet.. gg…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
So seriously, was it worth it? You spent the gem equivalent of $500 on a craft to make silly guild hall decorations. (This is not a personal attack on you by the way, I applaud you for being the pioneer to get there, but that’s why I’m asking for the honest sentiment on your feelings about the feat.)
No it’s not worth it lOl.
5000ish gold….. 5 achievement points lol
congrats tho
it only cost 5,000g because folks were in a rush to max it out — it will cost a lot less to others down the road.
Any special items on Scribe ?
4k 5k gold…. oh my…..
Anet should add in much more things for us to craft…
Currently this one is incomplete and very unreasonable.
So seriously, was it worth it? You spent the gem equivalent of $500 on a craft to make silly guild hall decorations. (This is not a personal attack on you by the way, I applaud you for being the pioneer to get there, but that’s why I’m asking for the honest sentiment on your feelings about the feat.)
Ehh for me it’s a completionist thing. That and I LOVE helping my guild out so I’m excited to make tons of cool decorations for the guild hall. I think the creation of those needs to nerfed a bit though. The process is ridiculous especially given the effort to complete scribing.
Also we are WvW centric so ALOT of the main WvW things for guilds now require scribing.
Congratz on the 400 scribe.
I’m looking into the new guild armors atm and got stuck at the part that i need 5 “guild insignia” which i’m unable to craft. Is there perhaps a recipe or something that a high level scribe can/needs to craft for it? (could you have a look if you can craft something like this?)
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
The bigger problem comes when the person you chose to boost to 500 scribe decides to ‘take a break’ from GW2…
The bigger problem comes when the person you chose to boost to 500 scribe decides to ‘take a break’ from GW2…
Then the 5k gold invested take a break too xD
Which World? People say world first but never say what server they are on. oh yea. Mega server. so no one cares
Which World? People say world first but never say what server they are on. oh yea. Mega server. so no one cares
Most non WvW people don’t care about the server. But since OP is in a WvW guild, it might be interesting
5k, Someone somewhere in Anet headquarters are rubbing their hands with glee.
Congratz on the 400 scribe.
I’m looking into the new guild armors atm and got stuck at the part that i need 5 “guild insignia” which i’m unable to craft. Is there perhaps a recipe or something that a high level scribe can/needs to craft for it? (could you have a look if you can craft something like this?)
From what I can tell… the way it works is recipes won’t open for me unless the guild has unlocked them. So say for instance the armors. We’ve chosen not to pursue them yet as we have higher priorities. So as of yet I can see nothing for them
We have the armor recipes unlocked, however in order to craft the guild armor, one of the ingredients needes is called “guild insignnia”. (see image)
It looks like something we need to craft, but it does not show its ingredients. Since i tried to discover it already, my idea was that perhaps you need to scribe a recipe for it with scribe which you can then learn on your armor crafter, to make the insigna, so thats why i asked.
It could however also be that its just a bug that needs to be fixed…
see here for more info
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
(edited by Rin of Rivvinda.4971)
Which World? People say world first but never say what server they are on. oh yea. Mega server. so no one cares
World first means the whole world, every server.
Server firsts are just that server.
You can still have a server first even though we have mega servers.
5000ish gold….. 5 achievement points lol
congrats tho
It’s 40 achievement points, actually, 5 for every 50 levels. Just like the other crafting disciplines. Still, having to spend 5,000G for it is “kind of” ludicrous.
I understand that scribing is guild thing and that so it should cost more then regular crafting ,i think it is done wrong and it should be tied to guild hall as an upgrade,should that upgrade cost a lot probably but 5k gold is just ……..
But congratz =) (just laughing at how I ever thought I could be a scribe)
And to think many of us bought Hot assuming this would be a feature that would be reasonably accessible to us. I just wish they’d mentioned the ludicrous costs and time investment required for both the scribing and guild features.
More numbers anet pulls out their kitten to make people spend that much gold, gg