Scribing upgrades
True, never really thought about interactions much. was nice you could turn Jack-o-lanterns on and off but when you left the guild hall they defaulted back to being on, which is a problem if you’re using those same pumpkins in the off-state to decorate for thanksgiving. And its real annoying to have to go around to everypumpkin and turn it around and/or place and object behind it to hide the face. But that’s small.
Like many want to see are other objects already ingame be available to craft. Go to Divinities reach and into any home and just look at all the cool furniture that’s there.
Or wall art for instance. Holbrek has vendors outside the main building selling paintings. Would be cool to make those merchants that actually sell them.
I agree though people had their hopes high up with the possibilities of decorating the guild hall and then when seeing how anet basically just favored large guilds and the burden it would put on small guilds to decorate beyond basic, basic things, alot of people lost interest. I like crafting but don’t want to have to sell my kids on the black market just to be able to dump gold into scribbing to make not even rare things. Slashing the prices in half or even 70% would bring back interest to decorate. I think the real problem of this kitten is that some people in smaller guilds don’t want to throw away their money on things that aren’t personally theirs or won’t have access/permissons to decorate. Seems like i dump 60-75% of the mats into the guild for scribbing which is not the intent of guild decorating. It’s not personal decorating its for the guild and i can be kicked out of it at anytime which is also a great concern when dumping in this kinda gold to something that isn’t mine. Granted, when i didn’t have permissions i didn’t want to contribute as much because it was cost sooo much if i didn’t have permissions myself. I can understand/ see why others might feel that way, which can be a problem part of the problem small guilds have that larger ones might not as much. I like scribbing but not at this expense, which leads me to not doing it. Which is sad because its one thing i really liked about HoT. Moving to a decorating guild i would then lose the respect i currently have and possibly lose permissions, which defeats the purpose.
So i guess i’ll just be waiting for the next xpac and hope they include semi-instanced “Village community personal housing”.
I could even currently see portals from the guild hall to a clone of say the salma district where guildmates could build and decorate their own homes. That would be fun End game content!
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
Oh and btw anyone have pictures of the new Wintersday scribbing objects. Sad Anet didn’t release any pics of what they look like in scale or is this some magical thing we are suppose to discover? because that’s not really fun when things are uber expensive and you think a “Pirate Flag” is gunna have a skull and crossed bones on it and turns out its some basic flag thing not at all like you had imagined.
Yes i crafted this before there were pics of it online. BIG MISTAKE!
Hence why i’m waiting now with these new Wintersday ones
Cause that “Large Hemisphere” no clue about the scale but 2 snowpiles? must be small seems like the base/bottom of a snow globe?
and that “Snowman Ice Sculpture” will it be comparable to the size of the Ice Reindeer or smaller like those snowmen on the piles of snow with the snowballs?
NO IDEA what they’ll look like?!?!? not on wiki yet, no pics on gw2 website that i can find Giving these things the ability to have a preview would be super nice
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
One upgrade that would really come in handy would be: being able to toggle on /off a scribbing design so the whole guild could see what mats are needed. Much like how upgrades worked!. Maybe add a new vendor or scribemaster? That shows A: what big projects the guild wants to do, B: the required mats for that object and C: what mats people have currently donated to that project (or like upgrades the scribe can choose where the mats go to complete what first. I know i’ve been asked by many guildies “what do you need?” and it would be so much easier if they could see what i see. Visuals similar to how the guild hall upgrades worked would make it much simpler and easy for people to donate if they knew what it was for quickly rather then having to go outside of the game to find out(might lead to afking and doing other things for 1 instead of playing and buying gems ) i know i afk alot when i have to go look something up and facebook grabs my attention =D
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
I have to agree with many of the things you bring up.
Guild Halls in general, im the guild leader of my guild but its a title that 3-5 of us have shared. We are level 60 but its been basically 5 of us upgrading the whole thing. We are running into the opposite problem.
Unlocked decorating for everyone and then when people see how much everything costs to decorate they dont want too. We asked a few and the responses are like ohh you guys put the old and effort into it. So its become a problem all the way around i think.
I just saw another thread on scribing complaining about the ice boxes we can make this year.
Im really just disappointed with scribing. I and my guild mates between the 5 of us probably put in 10k worth of mats and probably spent 5-7 k of personal gold to upgrade the guild hall.
Then I personally spent 800 gold on scribing not including the mats i used and saved up for.
I want what you said which like to create my own house/village.
Like i havent even thought about wall art but OMG that would be great. We have pictures of moto and princess moto hanging up and its funny.
But we need both, we need themed items and fun tiems for different areas to decorate.
When a big sales point of HOT was Guild Halls i just sit back and wonder sometimes. I mean wall art sounds amazing right now and i bet nothing in the near future will have it.
Scribing is a joke. I’ve started not so long ago and just hit lvl 375. I’m not sure I will ever get to 400. Is just not worth the gold. I mean a hedge that will probably be smaller that my asura cost 12g in mats.
Anet advertise scribe as a “fun group activity”. It is not fun and most of all is not a group activity.
I usually don’t rant about anything in gw2 but this is just too much.
Scribing is a joke. I’ve started not so long ago and just hit lvl 375. I’m not sure I will ever get to 400. Is just not worth the gold. I mean a hedge that will probably be smaller that my asura cost 12g in mats.
Anet advertise scribe as a “fun group activity”. It is not fun and most of all is not a group activity.
I usually don’t rant about anything in gw2 but this is just too much.
Leveling your scribe through decoration crafting is terribly expensive….
Unlike any other crafting jobs i do recommend to use a guide for leveling your scribe. If you want to level your last 25 levels (or if anyone else reads this, all levels if needed), feel free to contact me in game (ingame mail works best) for a (temporary)guild invite so you can craft a few watch towers or pressence of the keep to get to lv 400 (those are WvW unlocked recipes which your guild needs to have unlocked in order for you to craft them). We have them all and offer this service to all who like to level his/her scribe since i made the first scribe guide and found out that its SO much more cheap to level up though them instead of full decoration crafting.
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
Yea, if your guild doesn’t have the scribe unlocks a pretty basic 101 to scribbing thing to do is go to another guild that has them unlocked and level your scribe there. Only down side is that everything you craft in another guild, will stay there in that guild. Your guild won’t get any of the stuff, which is why some i suppose say come to our guild and do it.(free items for them)
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Scribing is a joke. I’ve started not so long ago and just hit lvl 375. I’m not sure I will ever get to 400. Is just not worth the gold. I mean a hedge that will probably be smaller that my asura cost 12g in mats.
Anet advertise scribe as a “fun group activity”. It is not fun and most of all is not a group activity.
I usually don’t rant about anything in gw2 but this is just too much.
Those hedges used to cost several hundred gold -_-
But I don’t care if I level up to 400 or not. The whole thing is just nor worth it. I don’t think my guild will ever see a hedge in our guild hall. And lots of other decorations.
I leveled it just for fun. It cost me some gold, but nothing even close to “expensive”. I did it mostly with consumables and WvW stuff.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
make scribing an individual crafting profession. add a bunch of new things to solo craft. leave the rest as is for guild crafting. problem kinda solved.
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Like another thing i wanted for guild halls was mini games.
For instance some guildies have moved onto GTA5 and when they get frustrated with the game. They actually just play golf in the game. There is a group personal best score and other things. ( i dont play it i just hear them talk about in voice chat)
I really wished scribing would give me something. For instance the ability to give us actual mini games that we could craft for the guild hall.
Like someone else pointed out, to make a shrub for 12g is pretty insane and the idea for small guilds to enjoy the guild halls grows weaker and weaker.
Guild hall items to me need to have some type of interaction. I mean i had one guild member make the giant musical orchestra and he basically said well im done. He placed it off in the distance so you could hear the music but hasnt bothered.
This item needs to have multiple options for music like a boom box/ juke box.
You shouldnt spend hundreds of gold on a item that just sits there. (this item took the gift of magic or something and the gift of music)
The hologram dancers should have multiple dances to the music that can potentially be played.
Just so many things i wanted from guild halls but I personally just get frustrated after making a item.
Scribing goes hand in hand with guild upgrades, especially with the WvW tactics and improvements. If you do not use those for levelling you scribe, you will have to build either useless book covers, a lot of backpacks and expensive decorations, or you will hit a dead end. More options to gain crafting XP would have been nice.
The aspect of decorating is another thing.
Basic items seem to be missing, like flat panels that can be used for floors and ceilings. Super grass panel and the Solid Ocean panel can be used, but those are limited by SAB and people doing a lot of Fractals. The Super clouds, which are part of 95% of most staircases theses days just do not fit into the environment of the guild hall.
Building basic walls is insanely expensive, not to mention making a golden wall that fits the Gilded Hallows environment.
I don’t want to event start about the need to rotate a decoration before placement or the joy we would feel to have a scaffolding item for easier building. Sometimes you need to build those for 30 min before you can properly extent a bridge in width.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
Scribing goes hand in hand with guild upgrades, especially with the WvW tactics and improvements. If you do not use those for levelling you scribe, you will have to build either useless book covers, a lot of backpacks and expensive decorations, or you will hit a dead end. More options to gain crafting XP would have been nice.
The aspect of decorating is another thing.
Basic items seem to be missing, like flat panels that can be used for floors and ceilings. Super grass panel and the Solid Ocean panel can be used, but those are limited by SAB and people doing a lot of Fractals. The Super clouds, which are part of 95% of most staircases theses days just do not fit into the environment of the guild hall.
Building basic walls is insanely expensive, not to mention making a golden wall that fits the Gilded Hallows environment.I don’t want to event start about the need to rotate a decoration before placement or the joy we would feel to have a scaffolding item for easier building. Sometimes you need to build those for 30 min before you can properly extent a bridge in width.
See thats my issue, my guild mate when we were first scribing when HOT came out were like why cant we rotate these PvP trophies and armor stand?
Anet is working on a expansion but HOT left so much dead stuff behind them. I mean guild hall scribing is very cool but only if your in a big guild and only if they are active and only if they are all willing to put money into it.
WP said look at how cool our guild hall looks on his youtube video and he said it probably costed 10k gold not counting the actual mats that were put in.
Thats a serious issue for alot of people playing this game on top of the minor/medium issues of actually decorating, interacting and missing items to decorate halls with.
Just from a consumer point of view. I gave Anet $100 and they said come do guild halls, explore the HOT areas and try out our new raids.
Yet all of them have serious issues and for me scribing has been the biggest one since decorating was suppose to be a fun thing to do and if we are honest it just has been lack luster.
Yea, if your guild doesn’t have the scribe unlocks a pretty basic 101 to scribbing thing to do is go to another guild that has them unlocked and level your scribe there. Only down side is that everything you craft in another guild, will stay there in that guild. Your guild won’t get any of the stuff, which is why some i suppose say come to our guild and do it.(free items for them)
Yes stuff stays in the guild where you craft it (besides sigils those are yours) however if you are a PVE player, most of the stuff you craft is WvW items you likely do not want/need.
If you want to level up through crafting decorations, do that in your own guild but its just so much more expensive to do….
Yes we drown in the wvw upgrades but its not like we offer the service to get free stuff (to be honest most of them are not even used or even in the way.. looking at you guild banquets…. that 5 min cooldown on use is a big issue for us since we are capped at 250 nearly all the time which results in guest not being able to craft them at all)
We also have to process all the stuff just to make sure scribes can continue to craft in our hall which takes some of our mebers who help out more time that you might realize. We for sure do not offer the service to get “free stuff”.
Keep in mind that we also have downsides due to the service such as that we can not store any basic holliday decorations since those can get used by guesting scribes and usually get crafted in the things that we do not want/need (pumpkins was a huge problem there as those got crafted by guests into “Thorny Jack-o’-Lantern” that we had no need for (we wanted to craft some of the lv 400 decorations but had to buy pumpkins again first due to this… and thats just 1 example….. so we have to take care and place all decorations we want to keep in the hall to prevent them from being used in crafting).
We offer the service just so others can safe a lot of gold leveling their scribes, not for us to make provit or get free stuff. But you are ofcourse not required to use the service, thats up to you.
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
Keep in mind that we also have downsides due to the service such as that we can not store any basic holliday decorations since those can get used by guesting scribes and usually get crafted in the things that we do not want/need (pumpkins was a huge problem there as those got crafted by guests into “Thorny Jack-o’-Lantern” that we had no need for (we wanted to craft some of the lv 400 decorations but had to buy pumpkins again first due to this… and thats just 1 example….. so we have to take care and place all decorations we want to keep in the hall to prevent them from being used in crafting).
We offer the service just so others can safe a lot of gold leveling their scribes, not for us to make provit or get free stuff. But you are ofcourse not required to use the service, thats up to you.
Wow people who guest on your guild to level scribing and then steal all your supplies instead on being polite and buying it themselves? lots of JA players apparently, who only care about themselves if you ask me. I never did that i bought all basic decs i needed to make stuff. and then realized all those green balloons are now permabound in this other guilds storage. later realized how useless green balloons are, but they make good makers for things.
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
LOL that happened in a friend guild im in.
A small group came in and wrecked supply.
Like alot of people had made guild tables and bar stools among some other little things. They were planning on making like a banquet area. Its a smaller guild of around 50 players with maybe 20 active.
They got like 4-5 new people in the guild and used all of there pre-existing items. I was like whaaaaaa!! Yeah they werent to happy.
Side note to Anet it costs how much gold to make lighting poles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My god, i was attempting the ascalon light pole thing and it was gonna cost me around 80g since i didnt have the side mats.
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow people who guest on your guild to level scribing and then steal all your supplies instead on being polite and buying it themselves? lots of JA players apparently, who only care about themselves if you ask me. I never did that i bought all basic decs i needed to make stuff. and then realized all those green balloons are now permabound in this other guilds storage.
later realized how useless green balloons are, but they make good makers for things.
Yea it happens though some just don’t realize they are using stuff from the guild to craft. for basic deco’s i don’t mind too much we can just rebuild them but the holliday stuff is what really bothers me since thats only availeble a few weeks a year….
Keep in mind that the only way to keep items safe from crafting is by having them on display in the hall ( so we have a huge stack of pumpkins in our hall now …..)
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community