Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: I See No Tomorrow.7302
I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, just here to say that they’re never going to add Gift of Exploration to the trading post. It’s one of those items that will never become tradeable due to its acquisition method.
Salvaging Gifts of Mastery couldn’t be terrible though, to get that Gift of Battle and Bloodstone Shard back for the newer legendaries.
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
I have 16 Gifts of Exploration, 20 after I finish map completion on my Revenant and a warrior. I have no plans to use any of them and I wish I could sell them on the trading post. (After all, if the precursors and completed weapons can be sold, why not components?)
ANet may give it to you.
You took a risk and you lost, now deal with it. All you had to do is wait for hot, and just keep materials in the bank, waiting.
Wait, so Gift of Fortune can be salvaged back, but for what purpose?
Are new legendaries require something different, yet still including all types of t6?
Wait, so Gift of Fortune can be salvaged back, but for what purpose?
Are new legendaries require something different, yet still including all types of t6?
They said the Gift is not compatible with the new legendaries but some or all of the mats are. They were not precise about it because they probably want to avoid market manipulation.
As for the Gift of Mastery, I was asking why we can’t trade the Gift Exploration because clearly in today’s stream the devs felt awkward telling us that if we saved on that gift it was just a wasted effort.
Yeah, I do not think this is likely and I do not think it should be.
I really disagree with exploration gifts being tradable, that takes away from the whole point of them although it is a shame for people speculating about the new legendaries, but with that always comes a certain amount of risk.
Personally I am glad that the new ones don’t need gift of exploration so I can use the old ones to make kamohaoli’i kotaki and frenzy (I was holding off from making those in case there were new aquatic legendaries) and also make the new axe with my maguuma exploration.
Even if you have no interest in the old legendaries, make a couple with your gifts of exploration anyway and then sell them on the TP, I believe there is a nice amount of profit in that for some legendaries.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
maybe you should have waited to see what was going to be involved….
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947
I currently have 22 Gifts of Exploration – I think selling in the Trading Post is not the right call, but to be able to use them towards Guild Hall stuff I would be happy with.
or simpler, make Gifts of Mastery/Fortune sellable …
Wait, so Gift of Fortune can be salvaged back, but for what purpose?
Are new legendaries require something different, yet still including all types of t6?
They said something about needing them for the Mystic of Fortune, I’m guessing its the HoT equivalent and will use many of the same mats with most likely a few HoT ones thrown in.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Or finish one of the old legendarys, sell it and move on.
Honestly, who truly expected for the expansion to come out and 2 days later to be decked out in new legendarys? 0_0
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
I currently have 22 Gifts of Exploration – I think selling in the Trading Post is not the right call, but to be able to use them towards Guild Hall stuff I would be happy with.
That would be good. Have some use for them instead of no use, since the chance that I’m going to make 20 Legendaries hovers around zero percent.
ANet may give it to you.
Gift of exploration should not be sold. If a person wants it, he/she should explore and earn it. Sorry that you feel you wasted your time doing so. No one forced you to do so. Your not at a loss anyways. Create a legendary and sell that. I swear some of these post should read, “cry baby crying about something that I feel I deserve because I said so.”
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Gift of exploration should not be sold. If a person wants it, he/she should explore and earn it. Sorry that you feel you wasted your time doing so. No one forced you to do so. Your not at a loss anyways. Create a legendary and sell that. I swear some of these post should read, “cry baby crying about something that I feel I deserve because I said so.”
I didn’t do map completion for the Gift of Exploration but to have all the maps completely unlocked and the gold star. However I now have 16 and soon to be 20 items in my inventory that I don’t need but others want. They sell precursors and the weapon itself (which has this item inside it) why not the item separately? Is there some special reason that it can’t be sold or given away separately when it can be sold or given away as part of something else?
ANet may give it to you.
You should have waited. It’s not like you needed to craft it. Your best choice would be to craft a legendary and sell it, but we don’t really know how the Legendary market will react at the xpac so.
Just posting here to say I told you so over 2 months ago.
…. i think, the old gift of exploration will not be needed in order to craft one of the new legendaries. I think its much more likely that you will need a new GoE, which is awarded for completing all the new zones….
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Selling Gift of Exploration in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947
Just posting here to say I told you so over 2 months ago.
…. i think, the old gift of exploration will not be needed in order to craft one of the new legendaries. I think its much more likely that you will need a new GoE, which is awarded for completing all the new zones….
You’re amazing!